Monday, May 24, 2010

Is There Any Problem That Gets Better With More People?

Take your pick: medical care, food production, forest reserves, farmland, fossil fuels, automobile traffic, military conflict, education, air travel, water, fish population or good old quality of life. Greater populations stress just about everything.

There are the Panglossian dreams that more workers will produce more taxes for more government services, but the demand for services will always outsrip the supply of revenue.

The same applies to everything else. The more a human being has, the more they want. As there is no infinite resource, by logic there is a cap and a diminishing curve of supply of just about everything. At some point the demand curve will always rise above the supply curve.


  1. I want 24,000 elk running in the Lolo, and wolves too, running free.

  2. NY Times:

    For Sestak Matter, a ‘Trust Us’ Response From White House

    Whatever the White House did in regard to offering a job to Representative Joe Sestak, it challenges President Obama’s attempts to present himself as someone who will rid the town of dirty politics.

  3. More money for the Chi-Coms Defense Industry is good for us.

    More illiterate, un-assimilated, hispanic welfare seekers is good for us. Sending their children to Government Monopoly Schools to learn why they should hate Amerika is good for us.

    A secure border would be bad for "free trade" and would eliminate the need for Federal funding of the
    "War on Drugs"

  4. Monday, May 24, 2010
    Is There Any Problem That Gets Better With More People? ----There isn't. I've seen Idaho go to hell, just in my lifetime, and it breaks my heart. CdAlene, McCall. I feel about the newcomers, just as the Nez Perce felt about us, just go, and stay, away, will you please. It's why I'm so in favor of the national forests. Keeps people like rat sweating in Arizona. And Las Vegas, that big vacuum cleaner, sucks 'em up. And, like our late great Helen Chenowith used to say, you got to be pure white, nordic, to put up with this snow. The southern europeans can't make it here. We are not know for Italians, Sicilians, that ilk. We haave a few Basques, but few and far between, and they came from the mountainous regions of Spain. You got to be tough, and be able to handle loneliness, a tough thing to handle. There are no year round beachs, here.

  5. At this point, a comment from Trish on how hard GWB worked to cater to the Hispanic Vote is needed.

    My favorite GWB act was his refusal to follow the law and build a fence.

    Closely followed by his support of his same-sex lover's mission to imprison two patriotic Hispanic Border Enforcement Agents.

  6. There you have it, doug-o, in a nutshell.

    Plus those unaccounted for tax revenues, from those documented to work with false or misappropriated papers.

  7. The golf course at McCall, Idaho is open maybe three months. Beautiful course, big trees, but you better play it fast.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What we have is FEDERAL policy, it is bi-partisan.

    It is, well, just what it is.

    Motivations, oh those ...
    who really cares?

    The undocumented still are that, undocumented and there's 15 to 20 million of them living here in the US now.

    It seems reasonable, for a variety of reasons, that we'd be better off if they were documented than not to be, documented.
    But hey, either way, those folk are not leaving.

    That's FEDERAL policy,
    better believe it, amigos.

  10. On the other hand, the rivers are beautiful here, too, if you know them, and above the hills, are the high blue windless skies. I hope to be a part of them, someday, forever. Leaves floating on the trout streams, leaves yellow from the cottenwoods......

  11. Following passage of health care, enthusiasm for the president among Democrats soared. Today, however, just 49% of Democrats Strongly Approve of Obama’s performance. That’s down from a high of 65%. It remains to be seen whether this is a temporary aberration or the beginning of a lasting change.

    Sixty-three percent (63%) of voters nationwide favor repeal of the health care law. That’s the highest level of support for repeal yet measured.

  12. Fifty-five percent (55%) say the plan will make the quality of health care in the country worse. Twenty percent (20%) expect it to improve the quality of health care, and 18% think quality will stay about the same.

    Fifty-five percent (55%) also expect the health care plan to drive up the cost of health care rather than achieve its stated goal of causing those costs to go down. Only 18% believe health care costs will indeed go down because of the plan’s passage. Another 16% expect costs to stay about the same.
    Luckily, the EB is blessed by having a spokesperson for the enlightened 20%.

    That would be Insurance Expert (Emeritus) Rufus.

  13. I want 24,000 elk running in the Lolo, and wolves too, running free.----But it ain't going to happen.

  14. With twice the population, we have more trees, and cleaner air and water in North America than we had in 1900.

    I don't buy the overpopulation arguments and the means to control population are unacceptable.

    The size of the population is less a factor in the quality of life than others such as poverty, illiteracy, ignorance and the form of government.

  15. The Human condition is a constant.

    Resources are finite.

    More humans equals less cheap resources per capita.

    Without China and India, we would have time for an orderly switch to ethanol/methanol.

    Instead, we are headed for meltdown.

  16. Once upon a time, they feared that the horse manure in the streets would be beyond their ability to control.

  17. Whit, nay. Cleland Bay, my friend, and Coeur d Alene Lake, and McCall, Idaho, and you will know what I mean, my friend. You are used to Florida.

  18. What are we going to do when the whales are all dead? What will we burn in our lamps?

  19. "At this point, a comment from Trish on..."

    ...her daughter's high hopes for a summer-long job as secretary for the local Jewish Community Center, citing her commitment to "culture, community, and the vibrant spirit of volunteerism" or some such. Also, it will help support her Friday-night bar hopping and sudden fondness for Whole Foods, which are 'spensive.

  20. Is that paid volunteerism?

  21. The Community Center coordinates local volunteer programs and I'll hand this to her: she's not being disingenuous when she remarks her own enthusiasm for volunteer work. She's done plenty of it and enjoyed it.

    But the position itself IS a paid one. And she's eager to supplement her father's dole.

  22. Good for her and good luck.

    I'm sure her employer's will get a bargain.

  23. "I'm sure her employer's will get a bargain."

    Oh, hell, yes.

  24. For another interesting video, run Deuce's video to the end then click on the green swastika screen at the bottom.

    I have no idea if what it states about the Chinese and carbon credits is true; but if they are, it just goes to show how many screwballs are floating around.

    Kind of reminded me of the video Sam put up of Lou Dobbs enumerating components of the immigration bill proposal.


  25. Does anyone have a link for Deuce's video?

  26. I grew up in a township in a Pennslyvania county that had one hundred farms and a thousand people. The memory is sweet and painful.

    It is all gone. The people who live there now believe that they live in the country. They have no idea.

    The streams are barren, but the people do not know what it was like two generations ago, when you could fish alone. I do not know what it was like two generations before me and what it was likes for thousands of generations before then, but it was nothing like it is today and it is not better.

    You cannot love nature and love what it has become. Generations by the thousand came and left and hardly disturbed what it was.

    Two generations of corporate developers and NY listed builders have taken all that away from all the generations that will follow.

    At best they will live in an avatar.

    There are over one hundred thousand people there now. The hills have been graded, fields, forests and streams corrupted. It is not a better place.

    It is a wrecked relic.

    It takes a thousand years and 5-10 major fires to create a forest to create the natural eastern forest enjoyed by at least two thousand generations of mankind .Three generations destroyed them so thoroughly that none existed within 50 miles of any major city.

    The existing stands of contemporary trees, more numerous in numbers are nothing compared to the 100 meter high white pines, the vanished chestnut, the diseased hemlocks, the vanished elms and the understory of laurels all destroyed.

  27. I agree with you, it is a damned bitch. bob

  28. What was that? Eliminate 350,000/day?


  29. "...the Jew baiting here..."

    Goddamn, whit. Bob's posting to his heart's content om NIGGERS.

    Any other sickening content, just par for the course.

  30. Some of Mr. Rumsfeld’s initiatives were controversial, and met with resistance by some at the State Department and C.I.A. who saw the troops as a backdoor attempt by the Pentagon to assert influence outside of war zones. In 2004, one of the first groups sent overseas was pulled out of Paraguay after killing a pistol-waving robber who had attacked them as they stepped out of a taxi.

    A Pentagon order that year gave the military authority for offensive strikes in more than a dozen countries, and Special Operations troops carried them out in Syria, Pakistan and Somalia.

    In contrast, General Petraeus’s September order is focused on intelligence gathering — by American troops, foreign businesspeople, academics or others — to identify militants and provide “persistent situational awareness,” while forging ties to local indigenous groups.

    Mideast and Beyond

  31. I didn't see the "Jew-baiting" comment. It must have been one that Blogger ate.

    I haven't seen any Jew-baiting comments. I've seen a plethora of Anti-Israel comments, and made quite a few myself. The two, however, aren't the same.

    The only Racist comments I've seen have been from the "Anti-Black, Pro-Israel" lobby.

  32. And what of the Gulf Coast?
    The tarpon and permit?

    Should we give all that up, as well as the forests, to fuel that new SUV?

    Did you chose fabric or leather, for the seats?

    The wetlands, more fragile than the forest.

    Go Green, Baby, Go Green!

  33. Jew-baiting, where?

    Even large numbers of the Jewish Americans do not conflate Judaism and Israel, any more.

    Thank you, Frank Luntz and Peter Beinart.
    True blue, red blooded Americans.

  34. It's on the last blog stream Ruf. I asked Whit for a little clarification.


  35. Seems like those guys that want "population control" never voluneer themselves, or theirs, to go first. Funny that.

  36. Rufus, Rat's constant, extremely obnoxious poking of What Is, is fairly regarded as Jew-baiting.

  37. Well, what about Doug poking at me? What about "Hillbilly-baitin?"

    We got feelins too, ya know?

  38. And, Q, he's always pickin on me too. What about that?

    What about "Me" gettin ganged up on?

  39. No, you haven't.

    You're too dumb for feelings, and we all know that.

  40. No, trish, that is "o" baiting.

    Nothing to do with Jews, just irritable Americans from Ohio that wish they weren't.

    He fires first, invariably.
    But does not persevere.
    No bottom, less top.

  41. Ruf,"they" are not the problem. It's always "those others" that are populating like rabbits. Ruining it for us old guys.


  42. And, Ash; He's always disagreein with everything I say? What about him.

    What about their treatment of "hillbilly-Americans?"

    It's a Cabal, I tell you. It's gang-rape. What about that?

  43. "And, Q, he's always pickin on me too. What about that?"

    Stuff it Rufus. You're the one who started it.


  44. Bet he never police his trash on that last thread, either.

    Just sayin'

    Because it's true.

  45. Bet he never policed his trash on that last thread, as requested either by management.

    Just sayin'

    Because it's true.

  46. You're doing again.


  47. They's "Hillbilly-batin."

  48. All my comments right now are centered on that socialist running dog Rufus.

    But remember, HE started it.


  49. And, Q's sayin hateful things 'bout my sexuality.

    Sayin I should "stuff it," and all.

  50. I think they're sayin these things cause they know I'm part Injun.

    They wouldn't say sech things about a "white" man.

  51. I've been down on the muzzies, it's true, I can't stand them, I always stand up for the Jews, I love them, as to the blacks, I'm neutral, though I think Zimbabwe is gone to hell, and South Africa is following, as to the Swedes, I'm always thumbs up. Simple as that. As to the Italians, I take them on a person to person basis. As to the English, I've always loved Churchill.

  52. Us Cherokees have allus been given the shaft. I guess, next, they want to make me walk the "Trail of Tears." To Oklafreak'inhoma fer Crissakes.

  53. If I had my choice, I'd be third Swede, third Jew, third Native American. But I don't know how you pull that off, genetically.

  54. I'm kind of partial to Lithiuanians myself bob.


  55. Any man that ain't had a Czechoslavakian girlfriend (at least, for a week) ain't had no education.

  56. You dumb shit Rufus. I was born in Tennessee. That makes me a Polish/Hillbilly.

    Give me a break.

    You bitch and bitch and bitch and bitch.

    Did you ever try to screw in a light bulb?


  57. Italian women can be real mean.

  58. If us Cherokee had just had a little Czech blood we'd a stole the country back, and sent those whiteface mf's back across the big water where they belonged.

  59. You had "light bulbs?"

  60. "If I had my choice, I'd be third Swede, third Jew, third Native American. But I don't know how you pull that off, genetically."

    You could convert.


  61. "You had "light bulbs?"

    Now you're really ticking me off.


  62. See? Seeee? Racism, right there!

    Braggin about having LIGHT BULBS!

    knowin I never had no "light" bulbs


  63. I give up.

    You can take this friggen blog and shove it up your you know what.

    I'm out of here.

    Or, we could do what most ethnic groups would do. Go down to the VFW and throw down a few brewski's.


  64. Besides, even if I did have a light bulb once, I could never get it to work.


  65. I think I'll take my hillbilly ass to bed before the "counter-strike."


  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Oh, so you're starting it up again!

    You gloating punk.


  68. But, 'fore I go, just one thing about that video. That chart that went straight Vertical on the right? It could have been "Quality of Life," or "Length of Lifespan," or "Technological Development," or a whole host of things that are "Positive."

    Half of ALL the Scientists that have "Ever Lived" are "Working Today."

    There's probably some benefit to that.

  69. "Of all the assaults that prompted a bus operator to take paid leave in 2009, a third of them, 51 in total, “involved a spat upon,” according to statistics the Metropolitan Transportation Authority released on Monday.

    "No weapon was involved in these episodes. “Strictly spitting,” said Charles Seaton, a New York City Transit spokesman.

    "And the encounters, while distressing, appeared to take a surprisingly severe toll: the 51 drivers who went on paid leave after a spitting incident took, on average, 64 days off work — the equivalent of three months with pay. One driver, who was not identified by the authority, spent 191 days on paid leave.

    "Transit officials, facing a budget shortfall of $400 million, called the numbers troubling..."

    I could just spit


  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. "The secret directive, signed in September by Gen. David H. Petraeus, authorizes the sending of American Special Operations troops to both friendly and hostile nations in the Middle East, Central Asia and the Horn of Africa to gather intelligence and build ties with local forces. Officials said the order also permits reconnaissance that could pave the way for possible military strikes in Iran if tensions over its nuclear ambitions escalate...

    The Operations are Secret. It Says so In This 'Secret Directive'. Here, Read It For Yourself


  72. Ford invests $135 million in 2 Michigan plants

    Facilities in Sterling Heights, Ypsilanti Twp. to produce hybrid, electric parts.

    Ford Motor Co. said Monday it will invest $135 million in two Michigan parts plants as part of a broader effort to bring production of key electric vehicle technology in-house.

    The move is good news for employees at both factories, where work has declined dramatically over the past decade, and it brings the Dearborn automaker one step closer to hanging out the "Help Wanted" sign again in southeastern Michigan.

    Beginning in 2012, Ford's Rawsonville Plant in Ypsilanti Township will take over assembly of battery packs from a supplier in Mexico, and the company's Van Dyke Transmission Plant in Sterling Heights will begin producing hybrid transmissions that Ford now imports from Japan...

    Ford Brings Back Jobs From Mexico and Japan


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