Friday, May 14, 2010

Ignore Immigration Reform- Nail the Employers

As usual we are doing it all wrong. We are debating the absurdity that illegal immigrants are illegal. Think about that, better yet, stop thinking about it.

We often hear that the illegals are here because they want a better life. No they are not.

Illegals are here because their US employers want a better life. From landscape firms to meat processors to construction companies the same game is played; they all are fighting for a competitive advantage by forcing down wages and associated taxes and operating costs.

This is easily fixed. Go after the US employers.

Go after all of them: be they three man landscaping firms, cleaning services or large processing firms. Fine them, sanction them, prosecute them. You will be amazed at how quickly the problem is resolved.

The fine should be twice the annual wage of a domestic worker. Get caught hiring a worker, who if US would be making $40,000, fine the employer $80,000 and do it per worker. One worker, an $80,000 fine, ten workers $800,000. Problem solved.

Customs commissioner neglected to file forms on household employees

By Ed O'Keefe
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, May 14, 2010

Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Alan D. Bersin said Thursday he didn't know he's required by law to file paperwork verifying that his household employees were authorized to work in the United States.

Bersin told senators that he and his wife tracked the immigration status of a nanny, house cleaners and babysitters "on a piece of paper that was on file in our home."

"No employee ineligible to work in the United States has ever worked in our household," Bersin said. "No employee who has worked in our household has not had taxes paid for."

According to a memo by the Senate Finance Committee, Bersin has employed 10 household employees since 1993 and failed to complete I-9 forms for all of them. The I-9 form is issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, which shares immigration enforcement responsibilities with CBP and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

President Obama nominated Bersin in September and issued a recess appointment for him and 14 other nominees in March. Obama said all of the nominees would remain in the Senate for confirmation.

The Finance Committee considered Bersin's nomination Thursday, but Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) told Bersin that his failure to file the paperwork was "unacceptable."

"Part of the agency's responsibilities is to secure our borders. To credibly enforce the law, you must first follow the law," Baucus said, adding later that Bersin's term "will expire at the end of the next session." Nominees installed during a congressional recess serve until the end of the next congressional session, meaning Bersin's term will expire in late 2011 if the Senate does not confirm him.

Bersin previously served as Obama's U.S.-Mexico border czar, advising Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on border security matters. The former California education secretary, San Diego schools superintendent and private-practice lawyer also served as a U.S. attorney during the Clinton administration. He maintains the full support of the White House.

"Mr. Bersin has responded honestly and candidly to all questions from Committee staff," White House spokesman Nicholas Shapiro said in an e-mail. "He has displayed the integrity and forthrightness that have been hallmarks of his career in government, academia, and the private sector."


  1. Miss Fely works for Marriott, and she used to have lots of Mexican co-workers. Nowadays they get hired and leave within a week when their background check falls through (fake SS numbers). All it took was a recession to get the government serious about enforcing existing immigration law, but you don't hear about it except in anecdotes.

  2. Arizona, well over a year ago, passed the toughest employer sanctions law, in the country.

    There have been NO prosecutions.

    Even Sheriff Joe will not go there.

    You will be amazed at how quickly the problem is resolved.

    Still waiting, unamazed.

    The Ranch Markets, with 300 illegals employed in a workforce of 1,500, E-verified each of them.

    They all had documentation that satisfied the E-verify system. The employer complied, explicitly, with the law.

    In the real world, employer sanctions will not work.

  3. I-9 Audit Procedure

    [Note: This procedure is based on a paper based I-9 system; however, a parallel process could be followed for those using fiche or electronic based I-9 document retrieval and systems]

    Before commencing the audit, print updated employee roster(s) of active, inactive and terminated employees for use in the audit. Then pull the binders which house active, inactive and terminated employee I-9 documents, the re-verification tickler file, and purged document roster.

    For active and inactive* employee I-9s,

    Step 1: Match employee I-9’s to rosters. (Remember that all employees who were hired on or after 11/6/86 must have a completed I-9. Thus, for all employees hired or re-hired prior to this date, there will be no I-9 form. All employees hired or rehired after 11/6/86 must have a completed I-9.

    If no I-9 is located for an employee, note this on the roster as a corrective action item.

    For corrective action to cure the deficiency, an I-9 must be completed. In completing the I-9, do so using the date of the audit or the date supporting documents are reviewed, do not back date the I-9.

    Step 2: Inspect Sections 1 and 2 to ensure that they are completed properly. Note: Section 3 should only be completed for changes, employment re-verifications and re-hires.

    If deficiencies are noted or if information is incomplete in Section 1, have the employee insert correct information as appropriate and date and initial the I-9 using the date corrected. If Section 2 has deficiencies or missing information, correct or add information as appropriate and then date and initial the form using the date corrected.

    Step 3: Ensure that information is current and that employment authorizations are still valid. Review roster names against I-9’s for any names changes and that employment authorizations provided, i.e., visa authorization dates, remain valid (using the re-verification tickler file).

    If deficiencies are noted or re-verification is required, enter updated data in Section 3 of the form using the date changes or re-verifications have been conducted. Remember that documents supporting the change or re-verification must always be viewed when Section 3 is completed.

    For terminated employee I-9’s

    Begin purging of I-9’s by using USCIS guidance, remove only I-9’s which are beyond three years from date of hire or one year from date of termination, whichever is later.

    I-9’s purged should be noted on the I-9 purged roster with the date of purging and purged I-9’s should be moved to the shred destruction area. Add names and dates purged to the purged roster prior to shredding documents and re-file the updated roster.

    *Inactive employees are those on approved leave of absences and laid off employees with recall/service bridging rights.

  4. First, the Feds need to get control of the borders and immigration.

  5. While there has been no prosecutions, the Employer Sanction Law, first passed in 2007, there has been ONE successful "settlement agreement"

    Danny's Subway has agreed to close its doors for two days and will be placed on probation for three years for violating the employer-sanctions law, the County Attorney's Office announced today.

    So, in three years, in the toughest anti-immigration law State, with Sheriff Joe and Andrew Thomas, the then prosecutor, Law Enforcement found ONE illegal employer, in all of Maricopa County where they could use the law successfully.

    In an AZ county, with 4 million residents, the geographic size of Israel.

  6. Even if the Federals took control of the border, which they show, on a bi-partisan basis, no inclination to do, there would still be around 20 million undocumented folks, already living here, to deal with.

    8% of the population.

  7. Out of those 4 million residents, which one would suppose harbors at least 200,000 undocumented folks, the Law Enforcers of Maricopa County, Sheriff Joe, found one business to "shut down" in three years.

    There is something amiss, no?

  8. That 2007 Employer Sanctions Law was touted as the "solution".

    It was nothing but eyewash.

  9. Rat says:
    In an AZ county, with 4 million residents, the geographic size of Israel.

    Fri May 14, 06:02:00 AM EDT

    desert rat said...
    Even if the Federals took control of the border, which they show, on a bi-partisan basis, no inclination to do, there would still be around 20 million undocumented folks, already living here, to deal with.

    8% of the population.

    1. I guess Israel is on Rat's mind more than a typical Jew....

    2. Israel has 20% arab population, America has 8% illegal... What will America look like with 20% illegals and if the illegals become as radical as Rat's people, the palestinians what will the effect be?

    At least Israel doesnt liquidate it's own citizens (including arabs) for dissent.

    We all know that Rat has no problem hiring hit men to "take out" those that do his family wrong...

  10. Jerusalem has been named one of the world's top 10 travel destinations for culture and sightseeing.

    The TripAdvisor Travelers' Choice award for Jerusalem, the only city in the Middle East and Africa to receive the honor, was announced Wednesday.

    TripAdvisor lists several sites in Jerusalem as must-see for travelers, including the Western Wall, Temple Mount, Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial and the City of David.

    About 317,000 visitors entered Israel in April, a 26 percent increase over the same month last year.

    TripAdvisor features more than 30 million traveler reviews and opinions on vacation destinations around the world. It attracts more than 9 million viewers per month.

    Other destinations on the top 10 list include London, New York City, Paris, Rome and Washington, D.C. Also, Florence and Venice, in Italy; Istanbul, Turkey; and Siem Reap, Cambodia.

  11. Guessed wrong, misdirection.

    Just giving our readers some perspective.

    Since you are a supporter of La Raza, I wanted to reference your pais, as part of the international migration story.

  12. Israel, where millions of residents were displaced and not allowed to return.

    A fate worse than death, living under foreign occupation, in the refugee camp squalor of Gaza.

  13. Israel, a vacation resort, on the Eastern Med.

    Good to see that wio verifies my description, of Israel.

    A vacation resort, not a country under siege.

  14. NEWSFLAH...

    Eric Holder ADMITS he never read the AZ immigration law..

    a 10 page law....

  15. Rat lies: Since you are a supporter of La Raza, I wanted to reference your pais, as part of the international migration story.

    I do not support La Raza....

    I support the deportation of all Rats from AZ....

  16. desert rat said...
    Israel, where millions of residents were displaced and not allowed to return.

    A fate worse than death, living under foreign occupation, in the refugee camp squalor of Gaza.

    lol, too funny...

    Where do you get your facts?


    Are you serious?

    Gaza? Occupied?


    Rat you are so funny...

    Your med's MUST be working this AM...

    GAZA a fate worse than death?



  17. desert rat said...
    Israel, where millions of residents were displaced and not allowed to return.

    Same could be said for Germany, America, the 21 arab nations, China, Tibet, Cuba and even Mexico

    Rat seeks to stop the movement of humans...

    Millions of people sought and seek refuge if Israel and America...

    650,000 Jews were expelled from the Arab world in 1948 and at the same time 400,00 arabs were displaced from Israel...

    Today, more ARABS live in Israel than ever existed in the area 60 years ago, and Arab world? Jew free...

    Israel's record on accepting refugee's is outstanding, from Bosnian Moslem orphans to Sudianese and Africans (some being shot to death by Egypt) trying to make to Israel, Israel stands as a beacon of freedom and liberty in the MIddle East, even the arabs that sneak into Israel make it clear they do not want to live under Arab rule..

    Israel is blessed with people from almost every country in the world becoming citizens.. It's quite the mosaic... WHen one walks down a street in tel aviv, you will see russian, ethiopian, french, iraqi, and persian eating establishments.

    Israel is a magnet for enlightened arabs and africans seeking to escape their own home countries that regularly kill gays, mutilate women and stone to death those they oppose...

    Thanks Rat for reminding me of Israel amazing human right's record and it's programs to rescue Jews and NON-jews from around the globe..

  18. We already know what happens when a law is not enforced. That is how we got here.

    My point is fixing the problem at the source. It makes the politics easier. You shift the impetus of sending the illegals home to the employers.

  19. Rat's concern for Gaza brings tears to my eyes...

    WHat aid has Egypt given Gaza in the last year, since Egypt, the historic ruler of Gaza shares the language, culture and ethnic make up of Gaza and it's people live on both sides of the border it shares with gaza...

    nothing you say? yep..

    he's a brief list of aid Israel provides to the strip...

    Increased humanitarian aid to Gaza after IDF operation
    8 May 2010

    Since the end of the IDF operation in Gaza (18 Jan 2009), 917,222 tons of aid and 132,213,300 liters of fuel have been delivered to the Gaza Strip.

    At the Cabinet meeting of 22 March 2009, the Government of Israel instructed the bodies dealing with the matter, to enable the entry - without restriction - of foodstuffs to the residents of Gaza from all relevant sources, after it has been verified that they are indeed foodstuffs, and this in the framework of the humanitarian efforts. The Government directed that the foregoing be scrupulously implemented.

    Essential food products including meat, chicken and fish, grains and legumes, oil, flour, oil, salt and sugar, fresh vegetables and dairy products, in addition to agricultural produce, animal feed, hygiene products, clothing and medicals supplies are among the goods that are regularly delivered to Gaza.

    Note: Gas for domestic use (cooking and heating) is supplied according to Palestinian demand and is not subject to any limitation by Israel. After the fuel depot at Nahal Oz was repeatedly attacked by Palestinian terrorists from the Gaza Strip, it was forced to limit its operations. The Kerem Shalom crossing has since been adapted to the transfer of fuel. In addition, a new gas line with double the capacity to transfer gas was built .

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 2 -8 May 2010
    - 714 truckloads (17,060 tons) of goods were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
    - 1,535,777 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 293,796 liters for transportation, and 917 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
    - 370 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 93 entered Israel for other reasons via the Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 25 Apr -1 May 2010
    - 619 truckloads (13,593 tons) of goods were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
    - 1,461,000 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 293,796 liters for transportation, as well as 44,704 liters of gasoline and 919 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
    - 378 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 111 entered Israel for other reasons via the Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 17-24 Apr 2010
    - 439 truckloads (10,983 tons) of goods were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
    - 1,046,214 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 99,500 liters for transportation, as well as 19,980 liters of gasoline and 502 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
    - 228 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 50 entered Israel for other humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 11-17 Apr 2010
    - 700 truckloads (17,412 tons) of goods were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
    - 4 truckloads of carnations and medical equipment were exported from the Gaza Strip.
    - 1,784,561 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 956 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
    - 488 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 115 entered Israel for other humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.

  20. Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 4-10 Apr 2010
    (The crossings were closed on 5 April due to the Passover holiday.)
    - 479 truckloads (11,882 tons) of goods were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
    - 3 truckloads of carnations were exported from the Gaza Strip to Europe.
    - 730,000 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 699 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
    - 257 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 68 entered Israel for other humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2010
    (The crossings were closed on March 29-30 due to the Passover holiday.)
    - 477 truckloads (12,772 tons) of goods were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
    - 2 truckloads of carnations were exported from the Gaza Strip to Europe.
    - 720,823 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 583 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
    - 72 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 24 entered Israel for other humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 21-27 Mar 2010
    - 607 truckloads (15,382 tons) of goods were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
    - 4 truckloads of carnations were exported from the Gaza Strip to Europe.
    - 1,459,496 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 986 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
    - 726 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 84 entered Israel for other humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 14-20 Mar 2010
    - 519 truckloads (12,422 tons) of goods were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
    - 8 truckloads of carnations were exported from the Gaza Strip to Europe.
    - 1,079,310 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 837 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
    - 483 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 67 entered Israel for other humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.
    Essential food products including wheat and flour, meat, chicken, fish and legumes in addition to agricultural produce, animal feed, hygiene products and medicals supplies were among the goods that crossed into Gaza.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 7-13 Mar 2010
    - 550 truckloads (13,144 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
    - 9 truckloads of carnations were exported from the Gaza Strip to Europe.
    - 1,215,602 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 883 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
    - 470 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 93 entered Israel for other humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 28 Feb - 6 Mar 2010
    - 533 truckloads (13,919 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
    - 8 truckloads of carnations were exported from the Gaza Strip to Europe.
    - 1,308,260 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 832 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
    - 190 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 70 entered Israel for other humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.

  21. COGAT Announcement - 25 February 2010
    Among the medical supplies regularly transferred to the Gaza Strip were a CT scanner--the first of its kind in Gaza Red Crescent hospitals-- brought to the Al-Quds hospital; elevator maintenance supplies which will allow for greater patient mobility at the Shiffa hospital; and spare parts for a mammography scanner that provides for the early identification of breast cancer.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 21-27 Feb 2010
    - 595 truckloads (13,976 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
    - 10 truckloads of carnations were exported from the Gaza Strip to Europe.
    - 1,216,297 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 992 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
    - 255 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 59 entered Israel for other humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.

    COGAT Announcement - 16 February 2010
    An elevator was transferred for use in the Al-Awda Maternity Hospital. The three-story hospital is located in Jabaliya and is used by all women giving birth in the Gaza Strip.

    The transfer of the elevator was funded by the World Health Organization (WHO) following a formal request from the Quartet. COGAT coordinated the transfer of the elevator as part of the humanitarian efforts that are carried out on a daily basis, with an emphasis on matters of health, for the benefit of the citizens of Gaza.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 14-20 Feb 2010
    - 584 truckloads (14,521 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 8 truckloads of carnations were exported via the Kerem Shalom crossing.
    - 1,881,586 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, 557 tons of cooking gas and 38,004 liters of gasoline were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing.
    - 398 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 106 Palestinians entered via the Erez Crossing as part of the humanitarian effort.

  22. Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 7-13 Feb 2010
    - 456 truckloads (10,775 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 5 truckloads of strawberries and carnations were exported via the Kerem Shalom crossing.
    - 1,691,028 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, 628 tons of cooking gas and 74,610 liters of gasoline were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing.
    - 301 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 78 Palestinians entered via the Erez Crossing as part of the humanitarian effort.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 31 Jan - 6 Feb 2010
    - 573 truckloads (12,856 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 8 truckloads of strawberries and carnations were exported via the Kerem Shalom crossing.
    - 1,696,312 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 563 tons of cooking gas were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing.
    - 285 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 83 Palestinians entered via the Erez Crossing as part of the humanitarian effort.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 24-30 Jan. 2010
    - 468 truckloads (10,414 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 5 truckloads of carnations were exported via the Kerem Shalom crossing.
    - 981,000 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 441 tons of cooking gas were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing.
    - 378 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 118 humanitarian cases crossed via the Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 17-23 Jan. 2010
    - 402 truckloads (7,898 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 7 truckloads, mostly of strawberries and carnations, were exported via the Kerem Shalom crossing.
    - 1,801,077 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 766 tons of cooking gas were delivered via the Kerem Shalom and Nahal Oz crossings.
    - 351 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 107 humanitarian cases crossed via the Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 10-16 Jan. 2010
    - 547 truckloads (11,450 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 14 truckloads of strawberries and carnations were exported via the Kerem Shalom crossing.
    - 2,128,858 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 570 tons of cooking gas were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing.
    - 365 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 96 humanitarian cases crossed via the Erez Crossing.

  23. Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 3-9 Jan. 2010
    On January 7, the Kerem Shalom crossing was closed due to terrorist missile attacks.
    - 431 truckloads (10,251 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2,011,581 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 424 tons of cooking gas were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing. The Nahal Oz fuel depot is closed indefinitely.
    - 359 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 53 humanitarian cases crossed via the Erez Crossing.

    December summary

    * Six more water desalination systems were transferred to the Gaza Strip;
    * 15 truckloads of cellular communications equipment were delivered to the Palestinian mobile phone carrier, Jawal;
    * Strawberries and flowers were exported;
    * Renovations at Erez crossing were completed;
    * Work continued at the Kerem Shalom crossing to improve the capacity of the fuel transfer facility.
    * 1713 medical permits were issued along with 519 permits to celebrate Christmas in Bethlehem.
    * 2654 Gaza residents crossed to Israel, the West Bank and the Allenby Bridge Crossing, and 169 Israelis crossed into the Gaza Strip for humanitarian reasons.
    * Glass was brought in for home repairs and renovations in preparation for the winter;
    * 750 tons of aggregate were transferred for maintenance of the North Gaza Wastewater Treatment plant.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 27-31 Dec 2009
    - 553 truckloads (10,900 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 664,800 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 561 tons of cooking gas were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing and the Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 353 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 61 humanitarian cases crossed via the Erez Crossing.

  24. COGAT announces the successful transfer of six water desalination systems to the Gaza Strip: On Dec. 21, 2009, six advanced water desalination systems were transferred to the Gaza Strip. The transfer was coordinated by the Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA) in accordance with the civil state policy toward the Gaza Strip, which aims to give a continuous response to the humanitarian needs of the Gazan civilian population.

    The systems are planned to supply good quality drinking water to 40,000 citizens, and were installed as part of a sewage water treatment project in the northern Gaza Strip, which is coordinated by the Gaza CLA in collaboration with the international bodies working in the Gaza Strip and the relevant Palestinian authorities.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 20-26 Dec 2009
    - 459 truckloads (10,344 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2,265,020 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 344 tons of cooking gas were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing and the Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 466 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 56 humanitarian cases crossed via the Erez Crossing.
    - 94,000 flowers were exported from the Gaza Strip

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 13-19 Dec 2009
    - 553 truckloads (13,587 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2,024,628 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 604 tons of cooking gas were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing and the Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 298 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 135 humanitarian cases crossed via the Erez Crossing.
    - 50,000 carnations were exported from the Gaza Strip, and 200 liters of pesticides were imported in preparation for the planting season.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 6-12 Dec 2009
    - 614 truckloads (13,406 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2,219,020 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 767 tons of cooking gas were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing and the Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 284 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 71 humanitarian cases crossed via the Erez Crossing.

  25. November summary:

    Contrary to persistent reports of a "siege" on the Gaza Strip, there is considerable movement of goods and people between Israel and Gaza. In November:

    * The amount of merchandise entering the Gaza Strip increased - over 64,000 tons (89% from the private sector and only 11% from the international community) of food, medicines, hygiene products, clothing, agricultural supplies, and cement.
    * Fuel: Almost 10 million liters of diesel fuel for the power station and over 1,100 tons of cooking gas were delivered to the Gaza Strip.
    * 7,000 heads of cattle were imported for the Eid al-Adha holiday.
    * 1,862 Palestinians crossed from the Gaza Strip into Israel, the West Bank and the Allenby Bridge crossing.
    * 848 International staff members entered the Gaza Strip.
    * 83 Israelis entered the G.S for humanitarian reasons.
    * The Erez Terminal renovations are almost complete on the Palestinian side. All that is needed is the installation of the electrical wiring in order to complete the project. This should be accomplished in December.
    * The Power Plant in Gaza received 12 new transformers as well as other electrical equipment.
    * The North Gaza Wastewater facility was discussed at several meetings between World Bank officials and members of the Palestinian and Israeli infrastructure teams.
    * Communications equipment was delivered to the Palestinian Water Authority.
    * The IDF permitted the transfer of building materials to the Gaza Strip to facilitate the construction of a covered corridor (which opened the first week of November) to shelter Palestinians walking from the outskirts of Gaza City to the Erez Crossing.

    Since the beginning of 2009, the IDF has allowed over 4,000 Palestinians from Gaza, together with 3,600 escorts, to enter Israel (or via Israel to the West Bank) for medical treatment.The IDF has also issued over 18,500 permits for Palestinians to leave Gaza and enter Israel or travel overseas (statistics as of November 16, 2009).

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 29 Nov-5 Dec 2009
    - 405 truckloads (9096 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2,220,054 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 493 tons of cooking gas were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing and the Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 191 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 40 humanitarian cases crossed via the Erez Crossing.

  26. Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 22-28 Nov. 2009
    - 691 truckloads (15,960 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2,656,230 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 354 tons of cooking gas were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing and the Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 276 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 143 humanitarian cases crossed via the Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 15-21 Nov. 2009
    - 609 truckloads (14,248 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2.019 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, 400,000 liters of diesel fuel for UNRWA, 40,000 liters of gasoline (also for UNRWA) and 316 tons of cooking gas were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing and the Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - More than 264 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons via the Erez Crossing (this does not include November 17, when no data was received due to technical reasons).

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 8-14 November 2009
    - 673 truckloads (16,533 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2,831,850 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, 123,000 liters of diesel fuel for transportation, and 30,000 liters of gasoline were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing and the Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 262 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and 100 for humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 1-7 November 2009
    - 586 truckloads (13,719 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 1,505,020 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 390 tons of cooking gas for domestic use were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing and the Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 290 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and 82 for humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 25-31 October 2009
    - 629 truckloads (15,014 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2,247,000 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 579 tons of cooking gas for domestic use were delivered via the Kerem Shalom crossing and the Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 339 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and 145 for humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 18-24 October 2009
    - 444 truckloads (9,610 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 1,520,000 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, 475 tons of gas for domestic use, and 36,500 liters of gasoline were delivered via the Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 317 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and 87 for humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.

    In addition, work is progressing on the building of the Northern Wastewater Treatment Plant, aimed at alleviating the status in the Beit Lahia sewage pond, for which materials were transfered to the Palestinian Water Authority.

  27. Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 11-17 October 2009
    - 442 truckloads (9,168 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2,229,410 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 500 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via the Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 342 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and 62 for humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 4-10 October 2009
    - 577 truckloads (14,433 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - The Nahal Oz fuel depot was closed due to the Succot holiday.
    - 208 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via the Erez Crossing.

    Summary for the month of September 2009:
    - 2,145 truckloads (53,266 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt. In September, as in the previous month of August, 87% of the goods belonged to the private sector and 13% to the international organizations.
    - 10,770,096 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 2,787 tons of gas for domestic use; 300,000 liters of diesel for transportation and 30,000 liters of gasoline (UNRWA) were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 788 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and 317 for humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing; 134 people crossed from Israel into the Gaza Strip for humanitarian reasons.
    - Construction work was carried out on the Palestinian side of the Erez Crossing and an electricity malfunction was repaired on the Palestinian side of the Nahal Oz Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 20-26 Sept. 2009
    - 304 truckloads (8,084 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2,210,016 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 612 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 172 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 13-19 Sept. 2009
    - 589 truckloads (14,079 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2.176 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 550 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 310 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

  28. Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 6-12 Sept. 2009
    - 584 truckloads (14,951 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2.908 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 800 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 324 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 30 August - 5 Sept. 2009
    - 563 truckloads (14,562 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2.179 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 775 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 245 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 23-29 August 2009
    - 516 truckloads (11,809 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2.202 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 675 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 325 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 16-22 August 2009
    - 608 truckloads (15,669 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2.206 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 900 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 332 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 9-15 August 2009
    - 529 truckloads (13,068 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2.375 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 1050 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 398 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 2-8 August 2009
    - 463 truckloads (10,455 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2.116 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, 200,000 liters of fuel for transportation, 75,000 liters of gasoline, and 925 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot. In addition, 300,000 liters of diesel fuel for transportation and 30,000 liters of gasoline were transferred to UNRWA.
    - 224 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

  29. Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 26 July - 1 August 2009
    - 469 truckloads (11,178 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2.225 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, 20,000 liters of fuel for transportation, 40,000 liters of gasoline, and 1050 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 329 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 19-25 July 2009
    - 417 truckloads (9342 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt. On 24 July, the terminal at Kerem Shalom was closed due to lack of demand for goods.
    - 2.109 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 1075 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot. On 23 July, no fuel was delivered because the power station had already received its fuel quota.
    - 343 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 12-17 July 2009
    - 470 truckloads (9839 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2.077 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, 250,000 liters of fuel for transportation, 20,000 liters of gasoline, and 1136 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 347 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 5-10 July 2009
    - 422 truckloads (9592 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt (on 10 July, Kerem Shalom was closed due to the fact that no request was received from the Palestinians).
    - 2.192 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 1275 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 214 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and 180 for humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 28 June - 4 July 2009
    - 550 truckloads (12.435 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt. One truckload of export goods left the Gaza Strip.
    - 2.287 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, 300,000 liters for transportation, 30,000 liters of gasoline, and 925 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 275 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 21-26 June 2009
    - 436 truckloads (9866 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2.185 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 600 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 182 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

  30. Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 14-19 June 2009
    - 674 truckloads (16,323 tons) of humanitarian aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt. In addition to food, medicine and hygiene products, the following were delivered under the auspices of international organizations such as UNRWA: games, basketballs and balloons, trampolines and swimming pools, generators, air-conditioning accessories, clothing, shoes and hats, chairs, mattresses and styrofoam cups; and raw materials for paper production.

    - 1.780 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 680 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 226 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 7-13 June 2009
    - 431 truckloads (10,756 tons) of food, medicines, hygiene products, tools and raw materials for essential infrastructures, blankets and mattresses, and grains - wheat, barley, corn, chickpeas, soy beans, carob, sesame seeds, and animal feed - were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.

    - The Kerem Shalom terminal was closed June 9-11 for construction work on the new fuel pipeline from Israel to the Gaza Strip.
    - 1.699 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 475 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 305 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    31 May-3 June 2009
    - 392 truckloads (10,216 tons) of food, medicines, hygiene products, tools and raw materials, toys, blankets, paper, crayons and coloring books, clothing and shoes were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 1.710 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 1,015 tons of gas for domestic use, 30,000 liters of gasoline, and 300,000 liters of diesel fuel for transportation were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 149 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    24-30 May 2009 (week of Shavuot holiday)
    - 490 truckloads (12,434 tons) of food, medicines, hygiene products, tools and raw materials for essential infrastructures were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2.116 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 1,375 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 207 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 17-23 May 2009
    - 711 truckloads (18,546 tons) of food, medicines and hygiene products were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2.203 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, 100,000 liters of transportation fuel for WHO, and 1,360 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 268 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

  31. Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 10-16 May 2009
    -675 truckloads (16,930 tons) of food, medicines and other commodities were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt. Two truckloads of flowers destined for Europe exited via Kerem Shalom.
    - 2.215 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 1,408 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 243 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings - 3-9 May 2009
    -760 truckloads (est. 17,139 tons) of food, medicines and other commodities were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt. Two truckloads of flowers destined for Europe exited via Kerem Shalom.
    - 2.011 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 750 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    -176 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 26 April - 2 May
    - 438 truckloads (10,130 tons) of food, medicines and other commodities were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt. One truckload of flowers destined for Europe exited via Kerem Shalom.
    - 2.206 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 937 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 55 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings - 19-25 April 2009
    - 746 truckloads (18,185 tons) of food, medicines and other commodities were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt. One truckload of flowers destined for Europe exited via Kerem Shalom.
    - 2.217 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, 330,000 liters of fuel for transportation for UNRWA, and 1,149 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 80 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    16-17 April 2009
    -253 truckloads (6429 tons) of food and medicines were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 829,000 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 275 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 15 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings - Passover: 8-15 April 2009
    - During the Passover holiday, 389 truckloads (9946 tons) of food and medicines were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt. One truckload of flowers destined for Europe exited via Kerem Shalom.
    - 1.394 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 380 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 25 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing.

    5-6 April 2009
    -278 truckloads (6334 tons) of food and medicines were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 1.415 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 175 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot.
    - 28 medical evacuations (patients and their escorts) were facilitated via Erez Crossing.

  32. Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings - March 29 - April 4, 2009
    - 513 truckloads (12,617 tons) of food, medicines and medical supplies and various comodities were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt (29/3-1/4).
    - 2.009 million liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 793 tons of gas for domestic use were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot (29/3-2/4).
    - 119 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons via Erez Crossing (29/3-1/4).

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings - March 22-28, 2009
    - Throughout the week a total of 17,385 tons of humanitarian aid, food commodities, medical supplies and medication, supplies for the private and public sectors were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom cargo terminal and the Karni conveyor belt.
    - 2,172,000 liters of heavy-duty diesel, for the Gaza power station were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot. 1,170 tons of gas for domestic uses was transferred to the Gaza Strip. The ongoing supply of gas for domestic use is reliant on Palestinian demand and is not subject to any limitation by Israel.
    - Kerem Shalom operated on 6 scheduled days, Karni conveyor belt operated 3 scheduled days and Nahal Oz operated 5 scheduled days. Erez crossing operated 6 scheduled days and facilitated medical movements beyond regular operating hours.

    Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings - March 15-22, 2009
    - Throughout the week a total of 16,436 tons of aid were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom crossing (581 truckloads) and the Karni conveyor belt (135 truckloads).
    - 2,178,410 liters of heavy-duty diesel, for the Gaza power station were delivered via Nahal Oz fuel depot. 1,017 tons of gas for domestic uses was transferred to the Gaza Strip. The ongoing supply of gas for domestic use is reliant on Palestinian demand and is not subject to any limitation by Israel.
    - Kerem Shalom operated on 6 scheduled days, Karni conveyor belt operated 3 scheduled days and Nahal Oz operated 5 scheduled days. Erez crossing operated 6 scheduled days and facilitated medical movements beyond regular operating hours.
    - This week 113 Medical evacuations from Gaza to Israel took place (including escorts), via Erez crossing. Hamas continues to reduce and restrict the number of referrals to Israel from the Gaza Strip of the chronically ill.

  33. and on and on...

    Some siege...

    Some fate worse than death....

  34. That goddamned rat is a self confessed criminal, you can count on him, to rifle you. But, I got shit to do today. I have enjoyed reading your commentary the last few days, WiO.

  35. Israel invited to join OECD; FM Liberman welcomes decision

    Today (10 May 2010), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) invited Israel to become a member of the organization. The unanimous decision, taken by the 31 member-states, recognizes Israel's achievements, economic strength and ability to contribute to the organization and to the world's economy.

    The accession negotiations were led by the Foreign Ministry. An additional team for professional subjects was headed by the Ministry of Finance.

    In order to maximalize Israel's connections with the organization, the Foreign Ministry is currently establishing Israel's Delegation to the OECD. The Delegation will operate out of the Embassy in Paris, and the Ambassador to UNESCO will be Israel’s Ambassador to the OECD, in addition to his other duties.

    During the three year review process that checked compliance with OECD standards and benchmarks, OECD experts closely examined the policy and functioning of government offices, governmental authorities and the public sector and also met with representatives of economic and social organizations, universities and NGOs. Following this review process, recommendations on improvements and efficiencies were made.

    Becoming a member state of the OECD will lead to economic advances and enhance Israel's image, as well as improving the functioning of various sectors in Israel's society and economy, including in the fields of environment, education and employment. The improvement and upgrading process will continue even after Israel joins the OECD as part of the government’s commitment to ongoing peer review by the organization and to adjust its regulation policy to the standards held by member-states.

  36. Bookmark and Share
    The Recovery of Palestinian Employment in Israel
    31 Mar 2010
    The number of Palestinians working in Israel increased markedly in the years 2002–08, yieldingan income of $649 million in 2008, more than 10 percent of the Palestinian GDP.

    In the last few years, with the waning of the intifada, the number of Palestinian residents of Judea and Samaria working in the Israeli economy (in Israel and the settlements in Judea and Samaria) increased.

    An analysis of the data of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics shows that the number of Palestinian workers from Judea and Samaria in the Israeli economy reached about 44,000, in addition to about 32,000 residents of East Jerusalem covered by the publications of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.

    The workers from Judea and Samaria (excluding East Jerusalem) constitute about 2 percent of the total number of employees in Israel's business sector. From the Palestinian point of view, employment in Israel is highly important: Palestinians working in Israel constitute more than 14 percent of the total number of Palestinian employees in Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem, and their total wage bill in 2008 was estimated at $649 million, more than 10 percent of the Palestinian GDP.

    A report of the Palestinian Ministry of Finance notes that an increase of more than 20 percent in the number of Palestinians employed in Israel's economy in 2007–08 resulted in a significant increase in income and demand in the Palestinian economy.

  37. Well, this is Day 4 of this bullshit.

  38. Try reading the amount and type of aid Israel gives to gaza and then respond to rat's "

    desert rat said...
    A fate worse than death, living under foreign occupation, in the refugee camp squalor of Gaza.

    Go ahead, BE A MAN, disagree with rat's lie...

    OR support it...

    Be honest...

    Is Gaza "A fate worse than death, living under foreign occupation, in the refugee camp squalor of Gaza."

  39. I don't care if every sonofabitch over there starves to death, you included. I'm just tired to the bone of hearing about it.

  40. Deuce said...
    I think we got your point.

    I am sure there are those that "got my point"

    For the most part, there has been very little said to support that,

    So, taking Allen's advise, I am not responding to the vile lies about jews, israel, zionists and myself with vulgar and crude words...

    I will expose the lies with facts, lot's of fact...

    Unless others, step up and SPEAK up, to set the record correct against vile, destructive & bigoted comments directed at (not me, who cares) Jews, Israel and Zionism.

    To be critical of Israel is not a crime nor is it out of bounds... To be not a fan of Jews, Zionism, Israel is not out of bounds.... To even dislike or hate Jews, Zionism or Israel is not out of bounds....

    To advocate genocide, to distort, incite and bait I object to.... A little less silence is a good thing...

  41. rufus said...
    I don't care if every sonofabitch over there starves to death, you included. I'm just tired to the bone of hearing about it.

    You actual non-response tells a lot..

    You are given a chance, to use your mind and soul...

    Respond to the question,

    desert rat said...
    A fate worse than death, living under foreign occupation, in the refugee camp squalor of Gaza.

    Go ahead, BE A MAN, disagree with rat's lie...

    We are still waiting..

  42. Go ahead Rufus...

    take a stand...

    be a man...

    agree or disagree with Rat..

    as for you not caring?

    nonsense, your vile words about Israel say a lot..

    so step up, grow up, examine the ISSUE and post a comment...

    have an actual IDEA or THOUGHT...

    Take a stand...

    Have a back bone

  43. WiO,

    Re: WiO vs. thugs

    While I do appreciate your effort to use this as a teaching moment, do you really think the haters, ignorant and/or paranoiacs care? They hearken to the words of wisdom of Groucho Marx, "Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes."

    If every Muslim in the ME bathed in a gold Jaccuzi and drove a bomb laden Lamborghini, your opponents would still hate. It's NOT about the Arabs they don't hate, it is about the Jews they do. WiO, Shakespeare wrote an entire play to show the evil ways of Jews - this despite the fact that he had not met one. Pathologies of this sort cannot be remedied with research and facts. No, my friend, they will care only the next trip to Wal-Mart becomes an adventure.

    Look, my friend, these guys and gals spend entire days doing nothing other than blogging. One wonders from which government account they are paid.

    Since I must now return to work, I may not get back with you today. In the event, Shabbat Shalom and Shavuot.

  44. The Euro is at $1.24 and change. Remember when it was going to $2.00?

    The strengthening Dollar is causing the Stock Market to plunge. (A strenthening dollar is very bad for "exporters," and thus Jobs.)

    A Silver lining for "consumers" is: the strong dollar brings down the cost of imported oil.

    AND, right on time, Sarkozy is making noises about pulling "out of the Euro." Everyone was wondering how long the Germans could stand it, but, as I pointed out a week ago, the French are . . . . . . . . French.

  45. Rufus: AND, right on time, Sarkozy is making noises about pulling "out of the Euro." Everyone was wondering how long the Germans could stand it, but, as I pointed out a week ago, the French are . . . . . . . . French.

    Still no opinion on Gaza being Hell...

    Just opinions on France & Germany, Oil and the Dollar..

    I'd think, someone as smart as you could actually have an answer to a simple question...

    Unless you answer makes you look in the mirror?

    Don't like what you see?

    Grow a part....

    Tell the truth...

    Is Gaza as Rat described?

    Yes or No?

  46. WIO, I Told you. I don't give a damn. I just wish they'd have a hell of a war, and get it over with. And, NO, I Don't Care who wins.

    I wouldn't want to live in EITHER SHITHOLE. Both sides are controlled by Religious Crazies.

    There are immensely Interesting, and IMPORTANT things going on in the World that affect the U.S. mightily. That mess over there is just an irritation.

    In short, I don't care.

  47. I wasn't being sarcastic WIO. I think as a group we cover the spectrum of opinion. You are always free to express whatever you deem necessary.

  48. The World Financial System is in Turmoil, and you posted a Book on something, or other, being transported into Gaza.

    This is Day 4 of this nonsense.

  49. rufus said...
    WIO, I Told you. I don't give a damn. I just wish they'd have a hell of a war, and get it over with. And, NO, I Don't Care who wins.

    I wouldn't want to live in EITHER SHITHOLE. Both sides are controlle

    Amazing lack of ability to make a response...

    Israel is the center of the world rufus.

    You can ignore it or not...

    Israel is the center...

    Obama, Rat, the French, Germans, Russians agree...

    You can ignore it but it the truth be told, Iran and it's nukes?

    An Israel issue...

    World oil suppy?

    An Israel issue...

    if you cannot see any difference between Gaza and Israel?

    tsk tsk

  50. rufus said...
    The World Financial System is in Turmoil, and you posted a Book on something, or other, being transported into Gaza.

    This is Day 4 of this nonsense.

    The world is in conflict PERIOD

    Russia, China, North Korea, Syria, Iran and more..

    if you lack the moral clarity to understand gaza verses israel?


  51. Israel is the "Center of the World?"

    My Dick has a better claim to being "The Center of the World."

    You're delusional.

  52. Israel is the "Center of the World?"

    My Dick has a better claim to being "The Center of the World----Well Rufus, your dick may not be the center of the world, but in a lot of mythology, Jerusalem is. Thank goodness, it would be a hell of a world, if your dick was the center of it. Although you may feel otherwise.

  53. WiO, what was you point again?

  54. The Federal government certainly had no problem going after this employer of illegals.

    If the prosecution gets its way, the chief culprit will get something like a sentence of 230 years.

    Yes, it all depends.

    Iowa kosher slaughterhouse to hire local workers
