Friday, April 30, 2010

The US Dept of Interior Has SWAT Teams Going to Oil Rigs?

Why is Obama Sending SWAT teams to inspect oil rigs?

Has that oil rig been attacked by terrorists? Is there information that other rigs are at risk?

President Obama: All available resources will be used to respond to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill
April 29, 7:08 PMFirst Families ExaminerMarilyn Crain

Today, President Barack Obama promised to use every available government resource to respond to the oil spill from the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion, fire and subsequent sinking.

As 5,000 barrels of oil (more than five times earlier estimates) flow each day from three ruptures, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that this is an incident of national significance.

The Department of Interior is sending SWAT teams to the gulf to inspect all oil drilling platforms and rigs.

Meanwhile, the potentially catastrophic spill moves closer to the environmentally fragile coastline of the Gulf. With winds blowing from the southeast, landfall is possible within hours.

The Deepwater Horizon Response Unified Command says, "On April 28 at approximately 4:45 p.m. (CDT), the response team conducted a successful controlled burn and is evaluating conducting additional burns."

With wildlife refuges such as Pass-a-Loutre Wildlife Management Area and national park sites like Gulf Islands National Seashore strung out along the coast from Louisiana to Florida, this oil spill has a the potential to be an environmental disaster. Residents and officials of the coastal areas of Texas are also keeping a watchful eye on the developing situation.


BY THE WAY. How has President Barrack Obama been reacting to this enviornmental disaster off the coast of Louisiana?

The well blew out of control April 20, when an explosion rocked the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig, killing 11 workers and eventually sinking in 5,000 feet of water.

April 21 President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama met members of the U.S. Olympic Women's Ice Hockey team in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House.

April 22 "Take Your Child To Work Day" event in the East Room of the White House.

April 23 President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama hiked along a trail off the Blue Ridge Parkway outside of Asheville, N.C.

April 24 President Barack Obama golfed on his weekend break in Asheville, N.C.

April 25 President Barack Obama attended a memorial service in Beckley, W.V.

April 26 President welcomed the World Series Champion New York Yankees to the White House to honor their 2009 season.

April 27 President Barack Obama went to Jerry's Family Restaurant, a diner in Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

April 28 President Barack Obama toured a farm with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Marcia Schachtsiek in Palmyra, Mo.

April 29 President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi attended the funeral for Dr. Dorothy Height at Washington National Cathedral in Washington. Dorothy who?


  1. Preliminary Democratic Immigration Bill

    Democrat's Plan


  2. I don't think SWAT means what we think it means, but I'll be damned if I can find an explanation anywhere.

  3. The Democratic immigration proposal I posted has a pdf file at the end you can click on. It's about 26 pages long and it's too late for me to read it but I did skim through it.

    It appears to have some good ideas in it.


  4. Anything about completing the fence? I didn't think so. :(

    Look like we might get most, if not all of our money back on GM

  5. That oil slick has the traffic slowed down at the mouth of the Mississippi. If they have to shut it down, that means no oil from anywhere going to the La refineries.

  6. It must be over a week since the rig blew up.

    It was reported that the leak was 50,000 gallons a day, That is the size of one suburban swimming pool 25' x 50' x 5' deep.

    Now we hear that the Coast Guard is trying to burn it off the coast. The rig is 50 miles off the coast.

    Where has Obama been for the last week?

    What has he been talking about and focused on?

    Did someone make an analogy to:

    Obama :: Gulf Oil Spill
    Bush :: Gulf Hurricane

    How many days for Bush to react vs. days for Obama to react?

    Wasn't Obama flying around talking about people making too much money?

    Worried about getting out the black and Hispanic vote?

    Playing golf?


    Too busy to notice and respond to an environmental disaster?

    Too preoccupied to know the real extent of the leak?

    Too busy in his 747, which burns about one gallon of fuel per second or 3600 gallons per hour to notice a leaking oil rig that was reported to be leaking at the rate of 2083 gallons per hour.

    Maybe Obama took comfort that the well was leaking less oil per hour than he was burning per hour in his 747 limousine.

    Where are the morons o MSNBC on this?

  7. The well blew out of control April 20, when an explosion rocked the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig, killing 11 workers and eventually sinking in 5,000 feet of water.

    April 21 President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama greet members of the U.S. Olympic Women's Ice Hockey team in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House, April 21, 2010.

    April 22 "Take Your Child To Work Day" event in the East Room of the White House

    April 23 President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have a chance encounter with other hikers while walking along a trail off the Blue Ridge Parkway outside of Asheville, N.C.,

    April 24 President Barack Obama golfed on his weekend break in Asheville, N.C.,

    April 25 President Barack Obama attends a memorial service in Beckley, W.V

    April 26 President welcomed the World Series Champion New York Yankees to the White House to honor their 2009 season

    April 27 President Barack Obama at Jerry's Family Restaurant, a diner in Mount Pleasant, Iowa

    April 28 President Barack Obama tours a farm with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Marcia Schachtsiek in Palmyra, Mo.

    April 29 President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi attend the funeral for Dr. Dorothy Height at Washington National Cathedral in Washington.

    I am going to add this to the post

  8. April 29 President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi attended the funeral for Dr. Dorothy Height at Washington National Cathedral in Washington. Dorothy who?

    Curious as to why the entire ruling elite of our Democratic masters went to the memorial service, I just checked on who Dorothy Height was.

    She was an activist and the long time head of Negro Woman.

  9. BP is also planning to cap the well and capture the leaking oil, but this will take four weeks to put in place, by which stage more than 150,000 barrels could have been spilt. If the steel cap does not work, BP will have to try drilling a relief well, which would take three months.

    By then, the spill could be more than 300,000 barrels (47 million litres), which is larger than the 258,000 leaked by the Exxon Valdez.

    The Wall Street Journal reported that the oil well lacked a remote-control shutoff switch required by some other major producers, including Norway and Brazil. BP was at the forefront of recent lobbying of the US government against stronger safety controls for offshore drilling.

    Hayward said: "The scale of the surface response is truly unprecedented, both for BP and for the oil industry."

    However, a BP spokesman said the environmental damage from and cost of tackling the leak would not be in the same range as the Exxon Valdez tragedy, which happened close to shore in the narrow Prince William Sound in Alaska. Exxon spent $3.5bn cleaning up the Valdez spill and had hundreds of millions of dollars in damages awarded against it.

    Fund managers and analysts in the City said they were deeply worried about the financial cost to BP of the kind of legal action that could be taken in the US by those damaged by the accident.

    Over £13bn has so far been knocked off the oil company's stock market value since the Deepwater Horizon rig caught fire. The City of London was alive with rumours that the spill could even be 10,000 barrels, according to one oil analyst who asked not to be named: "We have also heard that the state of Louisiana is threatening to sue the company," he added.

  10. Wait till we start getting the pikturs, tomorrow. BP's gonna "wish" they were Exxon.

    Unless they get Real lucky, this thing could "devastate" a large part of the Gulf Coast. The fishermen, I think it was, filed suit, today.

  11. Oil just popped above $86.00/bbl. I kinda expect it to blow past $90.00 next week. I think we just "locked in" our $3.00 gasoline.

  12. We got plenty of extra refining capacity, Rufus, you know that.

    We've been thinking about building some new ones for decades.

  13. Seems like they should not have put out the fire at the source.

    That inferno was keepin lots of oil from drifting off.

  14. I've been sensing a little animosity in your tone these days Mr Deuce. I think your swat team will consist of top environmentalist and defense officials.

    Maybe you should find something a little less overwhelming to post for for tonight.

  15. And the next two days will be in the 80's. I will be in complete heaven and hope that it's a sign to an end of the misfortunes my family and friends have gone through the past couple of months.

    I think that warrants a trip to the state store.

  16. Drill, Baby, Drill!

    Except near the beaches and wildlife refuges.

    Oil and water, fellas, don't you know, the don't mix.

  17. As for the President, I don't think he's told anyone that "Brownie" has it covered!

  18. It's also the last day of Confederate History Month. Here in the happy hamlet of McLean, we'll be bidding it adieu with a lively reenactment of the Battle For Parking Space At The Giant Supermarket.

    Also, it's Organization Day - nay, polo shirt day - at the HQ of our favorite national agency. All calls will be rerouted to an automated answering service after 2 PM.

  19. Re Northrop Grumman, Sam:

    It was only a matter of time. Maryland fought the good fight in this matter, but NoVa has the more plentiful and attractive office space between the two.

    My dad is a recently retired exec of same - hence Simon and Garfunkel's Keep the Customer Satisfied, his theme of preference - finding himself there after a series of acquisitions of smaller concerns.

    They're already so thick on the ground here that I cannot help but wonder what took them so long.

  20. Blogger Deuce said...

    Ash said...
    "That nasty oil accident in the Gulf could be unhelpful to the DRILL BABY DRILL crowd:"

    I hate to pick on what you say Ash but let's put this in perspective.

    50,000 gallons is the size of a suburban swimming pool 25' x 50' with an average depth of five feet.

    The oil rig is 50 miles off shore.

    Oil is a natural product. Everywhere on the planet where this natural product of nature exists, it leaks. That is how oil was found. You looked for the leaks.

    Mon Apr 26, 02:39:00 PM EDT

  21. And I got an earful yesterday on ethanol and renewables from my daughter - partly in response to the disaster in the Gulf.

    Send a child away on the Hippie Dippy Cruise of the Century and this is what you get: Lectures on our shortsightedness and stupidity as a culture. (I don't know what rufus's excuse might be.)

    Shameless proselytizer, she is.

  22. "Who is John Galt."

    Said daughter also got a huge laugh out of John Cole's dog-in-the-bucket "I IZ WITHOLDIN' MY PRODUCTIVITEE!"

  23. Ash,

    I did not pick the amount reported as the leak. I analyzed the data.

    That data analysis, like all analysis is based on the input of facts.

    If it seemed to not support the observed facts, then it could be assumed that the base data was incorrect and incongruent with the observed event.

    It is not the job of an analyst to change facts but to analyze those offered.

    I am not on the scene.

    As gleeful and chuffed as you appear to be about it, enjoy.

  24. Nor was Obama on the scene but you still seem to want to hang the response failure upon him.

  25. "It is not the job of an analyst to change facts but to analyze those offered."

    Heck, Deuce you sound kinda like to CBO.

    But don't try to explain that to Rufus.


  26. BP is, and always has been, a pack of lying thieves. They, as usual, lied about the seriousness of the situation from the start.

    Deep water (this well is a mile down to the seafloor) is a whole new ball game. It's not working out so hot in many places. Thunderhorse has shut down half of their production to try to repair some metallurgical cracks. None of the "Deep" water wells are producing up to expectations.

    I don't really "fault" anyone here. We might just be reaching the limits of our present technology.

  27. What was that gratuitous shot about Q? All I ever said about the CBO is that they have to play by the rules that they are given, and that those rules are very constrictive.

  28. "Underscoring how acute the situation has become, BP is soliciting ideas and techniques from four other major oil companies — Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Shell and Anadarko. BP officials have also requested help from the Defense Department in efforts to activate the blowout preventer, a stack of hydraulically activated valves at the top of the well that is designed to seal it off in the event of a sudden pressure release.

    Doug Suttles, the chief operating officer for exploration and production for BP, said the company had asked the military for better imaging technology and more advanced remotely operated vehicles. As of now, there are six such vehicles monitoring or trying to fix the blowout preventer, which sits on the sea floor. "

    but Deuce seems to think "Sending in the Swat team" is an astute criticism.

  29. Obama shelves New Offshore Drilling

    This is where the "undiscovered, unproduced" oil is located.

    This is really, really important.

  30. my understanding of the "shelving" rufus is that it is pending review of safety procedures.

  31. The GM Loan Payback is a Fraud

    "The way that payment is going to be made. is by drawing down on an equity facility of other TARP money.

    Simply, GM will pay off one debt by borrowing against federally escrowed funds for that purpose in order to borrow additional funds from another federally funded credit facility.

  32. That's going to take a long time, Ash. And, the final answer "might" be that "we just don't have the knowledge, or Equipment" to work at that depth.

    The "Best" case will be a lengthy hiatus in development. That's important because these projects have very long lead-times. Thunderhorse took almost 20 years from start to production (and, they're still working on trying to get it right.

  33. Deuce seems to think "Sending in the Swat team" is an astute criticism.

    Why a SWAT team?

    Look at Obama's itinerary. Does he administrate anything? If so what is his priority?

    BUSH KATRINA ring a bell?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I see the route you are trying to go Deuce but it appears disingenuous and to be grasping at straws. I don't see much similarity in the two responses. While I have no problem with criticism of Obama and his policies your recent attacks sound desperate and fabricated.


    I know little about drilling especially offshore but one approach to making it more safe may be the required drilling of the relief wells at the same time the main one is created. I remember reading something about this being debated and the oil companies lobbying against such a measure. Waiting months for those relief wells to be drilled in this case doesn't sound seem like a very palatable option.

  36. Ash, I'm sure I don't know a bit more about drilling than you do. In fact my knowledge is so minimal that anyone who knows "anything" would, almost by default, know more than I. I just read some stuff, and parrot it back. I try to, if at all possible, apply a minimal "smell test" (For instance, if BP is doing something they're stealing something, and "if the Saudis are talking they're lying") - that type test.

  37. To me, the important thing about all this is, we're not doing too well in the "Deep" Water, and that's exactly where all the cornucopians point when they start talking about "All" that untapped oil.

  38. Ash, I will consider your criticism as you mean them, which I believe to be be sincere.

  39. The Big Alienation

    Uncontrolled borders and Washington's lack of self-control.

  40. "Ash, I'm sure I don't know a bit more about drilling than you do. In fact my knowledge is so minimal that anyone who knows "anything" would, almost by default, know more than I. "

    Where is Buddy Larsen when we need him?

  41. For those who might have missed this gem of a story:

    Buddy was spending some off time @ the platform floating around in an inner tube.

    All well and good.

    But, he went to sleep...

    and when he awoke found himself in serious danger of never making it back to the platform!

  42. You think the 56 states are going to be up a creek soon wrt petroleum, Rufus, consider this:

    Hawaii (the 57th) not only is 100 percent dependent on it for transportation, but for virtually ALL of it's energy needs.

    Little bit of wind, solar water heat, a garbage burner in Honolulu, and that's it.

    When Hawaii is the perfect spot for virtually unlimited cheap geothermal.
    ...and of course, your beloved ethanol.

    The Hippies stopped Geo because they did not like the smell.

    Should buy them all out and git her done.

    Or build a Nuke on Oahu.

    We shall see what the effect of $6/gal equivalent energy cost has on the economy here in parodise.

    Never should have given away our Chevette Diesel.
    (50 plus mpg!)

  43. Rush predicts The Regieme will be blaming Halliburton soon.

    ...they poured the concrete where the blowout preventer is situated.

  44. "Rush predicts..."

    Does anybody actually listen to that clown anymore?

  45. Right on Time.

    From Drudge:

    TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - Florida Gov. Charlie Crist has declared a state of emergency in several Panhandle coastal counties because of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
    Friday's executive order covers Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Bay and Gulf Counties.

    The order says "The resulting oil slick is generally moving in a northerly direction and threatens Florida's coast."

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  47. 2019.11.06八大行業酒店上班即時新聞:隨著近年知名網紅跨國賣淫,讓酒店工作市場發展酒店小姐接S(性交易)崛起,然而有特別性服務文化仍為消費者的青睞,如:顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易專業精緻化,也大大提昇上班族願意酒店兼職提高薪資水平,尋找優秀人員的意願。本次大學生酒店兼差有為1節最高可達$200元,對於找兼職求職者可以說是敞開大門,彈性排班的多元酒店上班就業機會,釋出兼差兼職酒店打工最高可達$100K。本週還邀請「知名酒店經紀有限公司」,以[翻轉低薪、搶救年輕人]為軸心,致力於推動八大行業酒店上班為目標。歡迎就業、轉職、兼職需求的民眾把握難得八大行業徵才酒店小姐的機會,著正式服裝至現場與徵才直接面試,找到合適的酒店工作。

  48. 2019.11.13台北知名酒店經紀11日發布薪資統計指出,受飯局陪睡、跨國援交業等行業經常性薪資成長趨緩影響,9月酒店工作的酒店小姐常性薪資年增率跌破2%、僅1.72%,創下近28個月最低。知名酒店經紀表示,市場八大行業經常性薪資年增率,近兩年酒店打工大都保持在2%以上,9月大學生兼差酒店上班跌破3%,主因為部分八大行業按月發放的績效獎金減少所致,包括制服店、便服店、禮服店、鋼琴酒吧、日式酒店、飯局、傳播,經常性薪資增幅都較低。酒店經紀統計上班族酒店兼職薪資年增率,近兩年除了兩個月(2017年11月、2019年2月)不到4%之外,其餘各月皆在3%以上,今年9月年增率2.33%,是2017年6月以來最低。

  49. 2020.03.03八大行業酒店工作就業博覽會今(3號)開跑!因應武漢肺炎(COVID-19、新冠肺炎)疫情,知名酒店經紀公司暫緩原訂於4、5、6月份的酒店上班就業博覽會,先於線上辦理,自3月20日起至3月26日於梁曉尊/梁小尊酒店打工網站開跑,有包括制服店、便服店、禮服店、鋼琴酒吧、日式酒店、飯局、傳播等八大行業者,提供9千個酒店兼差酒店兼職的機會。

  50. 2020.04.09中央流行疫情指揮中心陸續公布武漢肺炎(COVID-19)確診個案,今晚驚傳其中一名案例為台北酒店工作某知名酒店公關,且疑似在出現症狀前後還有去酒店上班,衛生局稍早上前稽查要確認感染源,酒店當時仍有不少客人,聽聞疑似女公關是武漢肺炎病患,嚇得紛紛走避。

  51. 2020.06.03酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容八大行業陸續解封,其中台中市已經有75家酒店在昨(1)我在酒店上班的日子日正式復工,不過業者不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因還是得落實防疫規定,所有工作人員都必須戴口罩、保持社交距離,違反規定者最重可處歇業處分。鞭炮聲響起,台中市酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金酒店在停業1個半月後重新開張,原本酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?用來宣傳店內的佳麗跑馬燈,改成為第一線醫護人員加油打氣,防疫依舊不能鬆懈。首日復工全面備戰,員警到場臨檢,職場須知 【酒店PT 】一個一個得接受體溫測量才能進到店內查核,確保場內所有人都有戴口罩、保持社交距離,落實實名登記制。但疫情過後,驚傳酒店女不回去了。前酒店小姐:「今天才第一天開業而已,然後大家都趕快叫小姐回去,有的人轉正業,可能沒辦法馬上離職,缺小姐一定有。」酒店公關黃先生:「如果沒有(小姐)的話我們可以再應徵啊,沒有其他薪水比酒店高的啦,所以她們也是不得不回來。」很多人想找酒店上班,卻沒有良好的管道,媽咪的部落格算是管道之一!但媽咪要請妳問一下自己確定要來酒店上班了嗎?在酒店上班,必須承受許多許多的不公平與,這表示我還不夠好,而且不誨言的,我也希望收入可以增加!) 雖說酒店上班一個星期的收入等於一個上班族一個月二至三萬的薪水,八大行業絕不是輕鬆的工作很多沒在酒店上班過的都認為酒店上班是個輕鬆的工作、薪水也很多,其實薪水是有比一般工作要來的多沒錯。這陣子酒店休業損失慘重,貼出營業公告中多了一行「應徵酒店女」。受疫情衝擊的還有計程車司機。計程車司機:「差很多啦,以前都有(一天)2、3千,現在1千不到,(這陣子都去做什麼工作?)做鐵工啊。」酒店首日復工,業者全力衝刺拚業績,疫情趨緩之際,酒店開業防疫還是得擺第一。Q:未成年為什麼不能到酒店打工? A:法務部有規定未成年不得進出酒家、特種咖啡茶室、電子遊戲場...等等違反的話最嚴重的罰責是"歇業"或"停業究竟要如何在第一天就上手酒店的工作呢?許多人都認為酒店是個複雜的環境,不過與現實社會的壓力相較,酒店上班家人、男友會知道嗎?酒店兼職懶人包,酒店應徵必須懂的事,閃酒秘訣大公開,面對奧客一次就上手,酒店工作前應該注意的幾件事,這裡沒有天花亂墜的酒店應徵,都會問說到酒店上班要不要簽約。 事實上一般都是不需要簽約。
