Friday, April 23, 2010

South Koreans to Turn the Other Cheek to North Korean Attack?

US sailors showing the North Koreans what they really think.

On January 23, 1968 the USS Pueblo, a US Navy intelligence ship, was boarded and captured by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The North Koreans held the ship and crew for almost a year.

The ship's captain, Commander Lloyd M. Bucher, Commanding Officer of the Pueblo, was tortured and put through a mock firing squad in an effort to make him confess to crimes against the North Koreans.

The Koreans threatened to execute Bucher's crew in front of him. Bucher decided to confess, however the Koreans did not know enough English to write the confession, so they had Bucher write it.

The Koreans verified the meaning of his words using a dictionary, but failed to catch the pun and nuance when Bucher wrote, "We paean the DPRK. We paean the Korean people. We paean their great leader Kim Il Sung". (The word "paean" sounds identical to the term pee on. It is rarely used and means to praise. It is hard to imagine that level of literacy today!).

The Koreans also took and published a photo of the ship's crewmen. It was published worldwide. The Koreans did not notice the crew members in the front row giving them the finger.

Today the Telegraph reports this:

South Korean ship sunk by crack squad of 'human torpedoes'

A South Korean warship was destroyed by an elite North Korean suicide squad of 'human torpedoes' on the express orders of the regime's leader, Kim Jong-il, according to military intelligence reports.

Julian Ryall in Tokyo Telegraph
Published: 7:12PM BST 22 Apr 2010

The attack on the 1,220-ton Cheonan, which sank on March 26 with the loss of 46 of its 104 crew, was carried out in retaliation for a skirmish between warships of the two nations' navies in November of last year, South Korea claims.

The South Korean government has refused to comment officially on the reports but Defence Minister Kim Tae Young told a parliamentary session that the military believed that the sinking was a deliberate act by North Korea.

Officials in military intelligence say they warned the government earlier this year that North Korea was preparing a suicide-squad submarine attack on a South Korean ship.

"Military intelligence made the report to the Blue House [the presidential office] and to the Defence Ministry immediately after the sinking of the Cheonan that it was clearly the work of North Korea's military," a military source said.

"North Korean submarines are all armed with heavy torpedoes with 200kg warheads," the source said.
Experts who examined the ship, which sank in the Yellow Sea, say that the blast happened outside the vessel's hull, ruling out the possibility of an accident.

North Korean officials who have defected to South Korea but still have contact with North Korean military sources say they have been told that the attack was carried out on the orders of Mr Kim and involved a unit of 13 specially trained commandos and modified midget submarines.

The submarines were manoeuvred close to their target before being detonated, probably along with their crews. Alternatively, the attackers may have used timed charges.

If North Korea was behind the attack, it would be the bloodiest single incident since an uneasy truce brought the Korean War to an end in 1953.

It also leaves Lee Myung Bak, the South Korean president, with a decision to make on retaliation or ignoring the provocation according to analysts.

"This puts Lee in a very difficult situation, but I do not think that an Israeli-style, targeted response is likely," said Aidan Foster-Carter, an expert on Korean affairs at Leeds University. "That is because the United States won't have it and there is the danger that any retaliation will descend into a horrible war."

Describing the attack as "calibrated and deniable," South Korea has little choice but to take its complaint to the United Nations, he said, although that is unlikely to have any impact on the North Korean regime and will not assuage public anger in the South.

The reports come a day after two North Korean agents posing as defectors were arrested for plotting to assassinate Hwang Jang-yop, the highest-ranking member of the North Korean Workers' Party to defect to the South.

Commenting on the sinking of the Cheonan, Mr Hwang said: "It's obvious that Kim Jong-il did it. We know that he has been preparing for this kind of incident."

The North has denied involvement in the sinking, saying the government in Seoul is using the incident to whip up support ahead of elections in June.

However, following the skirmish with South Korea in November, in which a North Korean ship was set on fire and three sailors killed, The National Defence Commission, North Korea's most powerful military body, threatened a "holy retaliatory war".


  1. Looks like my eighth grade class graduation photo.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Obama would get an order relayed behind the scenes, giving the men an order to bend over and spread their cheeks.
    ...not as an insult,
    but as an invitation.

  4. "This puts Lee in a very difficult situation, but I do not think that an Israeli-style, targeted response is likely," said Aidan Foster-Carter, an expert on Korean affairs at Leeds University. "That is because the United States won't have it and there is the danger that any retaliation will descend into a horrible war."


  5. The 60's was a tough decade for the US Navy.

    Shitty little countries, like North Vietnam, North Korea and Israel were attacking our ships at sea.

    With impunity.

    Except for the Vietnamese.
    They paid a price for their mischief in the Gulf of Tonkin.

    But then again, so did we.

    Perhaps the SouK Navy will issue a report, saying that the NorK believed that SouK ship to be Egyptian flagged.

    Then they'd be all good to go.

    Better to bullshit, they'll think, than pay the price the piper would require for retribution.

  6. I was on assignment in Greece or Cyprus at the time and remember the photo. At that time, not many people outside of the States knew what the
    'finger" meant.

    I am still amused that the Captain used the word "paean". He had to have studied Latin in high school.

  7. I should have looked before.

    Bucher was born in Pocatello, Idaho, where he was given up for adoption by his birth mother, and was orphaned at an early age (his adoptive mother dying of cancer when he was age 3).

    He was raised by his father, grandparents, various other family members, his father again, then drifted through a series of Catholic orphanages in Idaho until he read a magazine article about Father Flanagan's Boy's Town in Nebraska. He wrote to Father Flanagan and was surprised when he wrote back to Bucher.

    Bucher was accepted at Boy's Town in the Summer of 1941, and for the rest of his life considered it to be his home.

    Bucher flourished at Boy's Town, making honor roll the majority of his time there and playing football, basketball, track and baseball.

    Like most young men during World War II, he dropped out his senior year to enlist in the Navy, serving the last year of the war and for 2 years afterward (1945–1947).

    As an enlisted man, Bucher reached the rank of quartermaster second class and obtained a high school diploma. He then worked in construction and as a bartender before entering the University of Nebraska on a football scholarship in 1949.

    While attending university, he signed up for Naval ROTC. He graduated with a BS degree in 1953 and was commissioned an Ensign in the U.S. Naval Reserve.

  8. Lawmaker Calls GM Payment Misleading

    A top Republican senator said General Motors' announcement this week that it will repay its federal loans early is "nothing more than an elaborate TARP money shuffle."

    In a letter to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa said that the source of the funds for the $4.7 billion repayment is not GM earnings, but rather a Treasury escrow account. He chided GM and the White House for suggesting in recent statements that the money is from GM earnings.


    Rufus considers it paid in full, as are our kid's SS, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare accounts.

    It's all good.

  9. Bucher wrote, "We paean the DPRK. We paean the Korean people. We paean their great leader Kim Il Sung". (The word "paean" sounds identical to the term pee on.)

  10. I was in Korea @ the time, sure that Mr. Short would be extended.

    Managed to squeak back home, talked about it with my college bud, a Navy Officer on leave.

    Fear he got Swift Boated.
    For real.

  11. "Perhaps the SouK Navy will issue a report, saying that the NorK believed that SouK ship to be Egyptian flagged.

    Then they'd be all good to go.

    Better to bullshit, they'll think, than pay the price the piper would require for retribution."

    That is funny.

  12. I see Rat the Nazi is awake...

    to bad...

    He's like piss in the coffee...

  13. I never studied Latin but am familiar with paean. I think most people are. It's in common usage.

    You old folks and your dim views of everybody who's come after you. Hmph.

  14. Add some vinegar, and re-infuse via the Rodent's anal sphincter.

  15. What is dim about looking down our noses at those illiterate in the language for the ages?

  16. "Veni, vidi, vici"

    ...then we shared a cigarette.
    Despite my PE.

  17. Which "misdirection" drinks by the pot.

    It's better than Starbucks.

    Puro Italiano

  18. Wife is hiring for a new Starbucks @ the hotel!

    In the midst of the misery, a new outlet is born.

  19. Put your money on the bar Red, hold back on the grocery and rent, and I'll give you ten to one, on those one in ten under thirty knowing paean!

  20. That RoboShuttle Rules! doubt headed for BHO's chopping block.

  21. Hell, I'll give her 5 to 1 on peein.

  22. Those Panama prices I linked were ridiculous, 'Rat:

    How far away from the city do you have to go to find something affordable?

  23. They did have a group discussion on MTV. The show opened with this:

    The most famous paeans are those of Bacchylides and Pindar. Paeans were sung at the festivals of Apollo (especially the Hyacinthia), at banquets, and later even at public funerals. In later times they were addressed not only to the gods, but to human beings. In this manner the Rhodians celebrated Ptolemy I of Egypt, the Samians Lysander of Sparta, the Athenians Demetrius, the Delphians Craterus of Macedon.

  24. My mother just unformed me it is a favorite for those writing crossword puzzles.

  25. Ten U.S. Cities In Free Fall

    Economic indicators in these metros have gone from bad to worse, with no sign of recovery.

    Grim News for the Golden State
    California cities are struggling too. Riverside, Los Angeles and Sacramento are suffering because of the knocks they took after their inflated housing markets began to plummet. Unemployment in the City of Angels has nearly tripled in three years, to 12%. Riverside's unemployment has also ballooned, to 15%. Meanwhile Sacramento saw a 75% drop in new building permits. These are troubling signs for Cali metros, but not surprising. The end of the state's home-price climb triggered more than just a housing slump.

    "In California, so many jobs were concentrated in construction," says Michael Fratantoni, vice president of research at the Mortgage Bankers Association, the professional association for real estate financiers. "Jobs building single family homes wound up not being sustainable, and there were a lot of job losses."

    The long-term consequences of the housing crash in these cities are still playing out, and new factors that complicate a recovery keep cropping up.

    "Places like Phoenix and Riverside may take even longer to recover because people might just pick up and leave to go to places doing better," says Fratantoni. "It may make more sense to leave, rather than wait for jobs to return."

  26. "...the language for the ages?"

    You mean American English? THAT I studied. At some point discovering Roget's and thereafter taking it upon myself to make my teachers' eyes water.

    A bad, bad Buckley.

    Then there was the German because we were fightin' the Commie Krauts. My service to my nation.

    Latin? The Latins are all dead, man.

    You're on, Blue. I assume I get to pick those ten of my personal acquaintance?

  27. As opposed to having you poll the young of some Philly neighborhood where people only do word search puzzles.

  28. You can stay in the city, doug, just have to off the whirled wide web.

    There is a spread, you see, 'tween off shore and local.

    Even for off shore money, Rent Prices Falling in Panama City, Panama

  29. For Some reason your link didn't work first time around.

  30. Puro Italiano

    oh boy do you make italians look bad.

    but i'm sure mussolini thought he was good for the italian image.

  31. Prices yet to fall, seems inevitable, given the rent collapse.

  32. Ya just turn that image upside down, al-Anon.

  33. Creation of Fascism

    By the time Mussolini returned from Allied service in World War I, he had decided that socialism as a doctrine had largely been a failure...

    Step 2 for a disillusioned Comrade Rufus?

  34. actually there should be a way of excommunicating embarrasments like rat from the italian gene pool.

  35. Wolcott:

    Happy Earth Day, earth-dwellers and ectoplasmic drifters!

    It's a beautiful afternoon in New York, abundant with beneficent Obama sunshine beneath the crown of a Tiffany-blue sky.

    Consider this day a springboard to prepare to honor and celebrate another green anniversary, the 2nd Annual Save the Frogs! Day on April 30th.

    I missed last year's inaugural event, the brainchild of Save the Frogs! founder and director, Dr. Kerry Kriger, an American Hero, probably because I wasn't paying attention.

    But I am now ready/eager to help however I can to preserve the well-being and survival of our amphibian planet-mates.

    Why frogs? you ask, and the Save the Frogs! site has a pageful of answers...

    Go forth and receive enlightenment.

  36. Torn between northern Panama and northern Mexico, doug.

    San Carlos (Guaymas), Mexico is eight hours drive or an hour flight from Phx. and has whirled class diving, good fishing, poor surf.

    Does get hot in the summer, though.
    So there I'm looking at maintaining and expanding the mountain camp for full time living in the summer.

    Or Puerto Armuellas in Panama. Lots of whirled class diving, fishing and surf, near there.

    The old school plantation houses are still available, at low cost. When last I looked.

    Doubt I'd commute to AZ, from there.

  37. Anyone that wants, come on out and try to eliminate my gene pool, bring it on.

    You won't be the first, nor the last, to try and fail at that task.

  38. Creation of Fascism

    "By the time Mussolini returned from Allied service in World War I, he had decided that socialism as a doctrine had largely been a failure...

    Step 2 for a disillusioned Comrade Rufus?"

    absolutely. you can bet when rats like rat start claiming our allies are islamic jihadists that this metamorphisis has occurred (unless rat was always a fascist).

  39. Bring lawyers, guns and money.

    You'll need lots of each.

    A Grave digger, too.

  40. rat, no one said eliminate just separate and labeled as something else. its that embarrassing.

  41. As to the allies of the United States, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia lead the list.

    Describe them, religiously, any way you like The Sauds are the financiers of Wahabbism, the cult that attacked US in that 2001 cross border raid against NYCity and DC.

    Deny reality, if you wish, but the facts are on the table, In Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    Follow the money, honey.

  42. desert rat said...
    Anyone that wants, come on out and try to eliminate my gene pool, bring it on.

    You won't be the first, nor the last, to try and fail at that task.

    I leave that to old age...

    I hope Rat the Nazi lives on for decades, his mind gone and paranoia everywhere. He will be some 80 something year old living in under a bridge grumbling about Israel and Jews

  43. Rat is our little Pez dispenser of worldly wisdom, insight, and uncomfortable truths.

    Not to mention the endlessly inventive originator of catchy catchphrases.

    He is a fixture at Birch Society spaghetti dinners.

    He DOES NOT APPROVE OF VULGARITY. Finding other ways to be implacably disagreeable.

  44. trish wrote:

    "Jerusalem is, for all intents and purposes, a dead issue. It WILL belong to Israel in its entirety. Let the UN weep. Nobody gives a shit, as long as Israel extends all of its residents the rights of Israeli citizens."

    That's a pretty high hurdle your "as long as". Do you think it likely they'll give them all those rights? And then there is the problem of not being Jewish in Israel:

    "The greatest discrimination, regarded as an ideological duty, is practiced with regard to land. Before explaining the legal niceties, let me summarize the ideology involved. It still is inculcated in Jewish schools in Israel, as well as in the diaspora, although increasingly resented because of the increasing competition of Western ideologies and fashions. The key concept of this ideology, established in Zionism from its beginning and much stronger on its "left" than its right wing, is "redeeming the land."

    It is supposed that landed property, whether urban or agricultural, in the Land of Israel (whatever its borders are) which does not belong to Jews, privately or collectively, is "unredeemed." When the ownership changes and it becomes owned by Jews, either privately or collectively, the land undergoes magical transformation and becomes "redeemed." (Let me add that these two terms have been taken from the Jewish religious law.)

    According to Zionism the most important Jew ish duty is to accomplish this magical change. Even some Zionists have recognized that this duty, as often happens with quasi-religious concepts, is unlimited in every respect.

    For example, land owned by a Jewish gangster is "redeemed" land, but land owned by a non-Jew who helps Israel to the utmost is "unredeemed." There is also no limitation. All the land which is "unredeemed" should become "redeemed."

    Dr. Irving Moskowitz, the American Jew who buys Arab-owned land in East Jerusalem for occupation by Jewish settlers, is quite right when he says that he acts in the spirit and according to the intentions of the Founding Fathers of Zionism.

    Naturally, when Israel was ruled by the true believers in the Zionist faith, its laws and regulations were shaped accordingly, but also with due regard to the needs of Israeli propaganda. The key law is "Israeli Land Law," which set up a government-appointed body called the "Israel Land Authority" (ILA), controlled by a board partly appointed by the government and partly by the World Zionist Organization through its subsidiary branch, the "Jewish National Fund" (JNF), to control all the land owned by the state. A key paragraph in the law states that ILA will administer its land according to the regulations of JNF. The regulations of the latter strictly prohibit all non-Jews from benefiting in any way from JNF land and by this simple trick the Israeli state lands (92 percent of the area of Israel) were removed from the use of non-Jews. "

    The other problem is will the Zionists actually give up the dream of Eretz Israel? They would have to do this in order to just draw the borders as you envision doing? Ariel Sharon gave up that Zionist dream it appears but the rest?

  45. not sure how wise it would be to negotiate until the iranian problem is fixed. its kinda like starting to build a tree house while a hurricane is on its way.

  46. "They would have to do this in order to just draw the borders..."

    Yes. They would.

    I'm really waiting for What Is to weigh in on - wade into? - my speculations.

    Which are not really mine, because I don't pay much attention to the general issue.

    My part last night was essentially one of transcription and, given what I had to work with, my way through any questions.

  47. "...not sure how wise it would be to negotiate until the iranian problem is fixed."

    You fix what you can.

    Israel cannot fix the larger Iranian problem. Which is not to say that she's idle or powerless wrt it.

    As I said, these are shitty circumstances for Israel (and granted, for many Palestinians). At the same time, Israel CAN take concrete steps now to "solve" its territorial problem. Assuming responsibility and authority in the matter. Letting go forever of the political tar baby that is the territories.

  48. And any real hopes OUR administration continues to hatch or harbor wrt a US-brokered peace pony are going to fall apart this summer.

  49. But, I suspect, that "peace pony" is exactly what you are talking about - Israel definitively drawing its borders a task they are unlikely to do given the influence of Zionism in the country.

  50. ...unless the administration can lean heavily enough upon them.

  51. "But, I suspect, that 'peace pony' is exactly what you are talking about..."

    : )

    I guess it's matter of seeing opportunities. In a slightly different light, from a slightly different vantage. And my observers will be surprised if Israel does not seize upon them.

    Windows open. Windows close.

    Don't let that window close.

  52. And they don't fool themselves.

    This is not going to make that neighborhood a warm and fuzzy place.

    What's new.

  53. I think they would be well advised to seize that opportunity but I am unsure if they will given the depth of Zionism and the historical record of the ever expanding borders of Israel. In other words 'why stop now?'

  54. as my dentist says: "beware of partial fixes".

    as the dr. says: "take all your antibiotics or you'll be much harder to cure"

  55. It is, anon, an interesting question: How will such a move affect the larger, strategic issue?

    A wash, perhaps?

    Beats me. I'll have to ask.

  56. presently, a wash may be optimistic.

  57. They will, if alive, still be fighting each other 1,000 years from now. It's never-ending. And, we're financing it. On both sides. That makes us batshit-crazier than they are.

  58. I wholly approve of a little optimism on Fridays.

  59. i get the feeling trish is a Candyland champ.

  60. I LOVED that game!

    All the vivid, happy colors and characters!

    Really. Don't knock Candyland.

  61. as long as you dont mess with my Pick up Sticks.

  62. Comedy Central Folds Like a Cheap Suit

    Takes a few second for the video to start.


  63. How funny will any comedy channel be if its programmming is dictated by radical muslims?

    More on the Sensitive Channel

    Look out Jesus here comes Muhammad (although you can't see him).


  64. Ash said...
    I think they would be well advised to seize that opportunity but I am unsure if they will given the depth of Zionism and the historical record of the ever expanding borders of Israel. In other words 'why stop now?'

    The ever expanding borders of Israel...

    I guess giving up the Sinai, Lebanon and Gaza proves your point...

    Ash, go fuck yourself

  65. if you value your life only critisize those that wont kill you for it. main reason why country **** gets so much sh*t

    (**** bashers, what bravehearts)

  66. ash says:
    Dr. Irving Moskowitz, the American Jew who buys Arab-owned land in East Jerusalem for occupation by Jewish settlers, is quite right when he says that he acts in the spirit and according to the intentions of the Founding Fathers of Zionism.

    How can you OCCUPY something you PURCHASE LEGALLY?

    Ash you're a fucktard racist

  67. Here is a dirty little secret about israel..

    20% of Israelis are not Jews and are allowed to OWN LAND!!!!!

    Arabs in Israel BUILD settlements, Legally according to Israel and ILLEGALLY according to the world.

    Now the arab world which threw out more Jews in 1948 than arabs were displaced in Israel? IT's a capital crime to sell land to a Jew...

    Let's review..

    Israel 1/650th of the middle east, has 20% arabs as citizens that are allowed to vote, own land and businesses and be in the government..

    The collective arab world sits on 649/650th of the middle east, has 1/2 the world's oil, has driven out 700,000 jews and stole all of their homes and businesses, some dating back BEFORE arab ever crawled out of arabia in the 640's ce.... And now in the arab world, it is jew free and soon, with allah's help, christians will also be either exterminated or driven out...

    Yep the case is clear, the arab world, now migrating to a USA city at your expense, is expanding to Europe and the USA and destroying as it goes...

    I hope Canada enjoys its radical islamic menace it's importing, hopefully Ash's family will get a nice Jihadist embrace soon...

  68. Another dirty secret of Israel...

    Moslems have control and access to their "holy" sites..

    If the zionist dream is as absolute as Ash claims, why did the Israeli government GIVE the Temple Mount BACK after it LIBERATED it in 1967?

    Well ash, it's called the status quo law...

    Now, for the 1st time in thousands of years, all faiths can use their holy sites

    Now let's look at the history of Islamic tolerance in the Arab world...

    keep scrolling it's going to be good...

    keep going....

    oh right there is none..

  69. So, WiO, do I read you right - you agree that Israel should simply draw the borders as they exist now leaving the Gaza strip and the West Bank for the Palestinians? Do you think the majority in Israel feel the same way?

  70. Ash said...
    So, WiO, do I read you right - you agree that Israel should simply draw the borders as they exist now leaving the Gaza strip and the West Bank for the Palestinians? Do you think the majority in Israel feel the same way?

    No, I believe that all arabs should be deported to Arabia.

    As for a real solution?

    I believe that Israel should draw borders, that exclude major arab population centers WITHIN Israel (giving those centers to fend for themselves with their brother arabs)

    I believe that Israel should control any and all areas of the west bank it has major population centers and are for strategic importance

    So in the end, Israel should draw borders as it feels it needs, there needs to be adjustments for populations...

    I cant wait for the Israeli ARABS to start screaming they dont want to live in palestine....

    to which i answer..

    to bad...

  71. ash: Do you think the majority in Israel feel the same way?

    The Majority in Israel do not trust Obama 96% +/- 3 %

    The Majority in Israel trust America

    The Majority in Israel do not trust the arabs to live in peace no matter what land is given them

    The majority of Israel do not trust peace treaties signed by arab nations

    Ash there is ONLY one way for peace to breakout in the middle east...

    The destruction of oil as a valuable commodity.

  72. well there you go trish - it appears that Zionism does indeed run deep.

  73. assuming, of course, that WiO's opinion is representing something more than a racist genocidal individual.

  74. You shit kickers blab on and on. Get out and do something! I took my friend Dale down to the VA Hospital in Walla Walla again, he was sick as a dog, so sick, they didn't do the throat examine we went for, so, it's next week again. There is Life, and death, after the EB. Coming home, I thought, and it is a beautiful drive, what do I do if he heart attacks, I know CRP, but not CPR. Next time I take the wife with me, she knows CPR. Dale's had a bypass operation, the doc said, he's got heart failure coming up now. You think you shit kickers got problems.

  75. Big Balls Castrated

    ST. LOUIS -- A popular kickball league just got the boot from Tower Grove Park.

    Park Director John Karel said members of the BigBalls Kickball League drew frequent complaints of public urination, drinking and nudity. The league has played at the park since 2007 and has 2,500 participants.

    Things came to a head this past weekend when one BigBalls member cursed out a park ranger and another drove a dune buggy-type vehicle onto the fields, Karel said.

    "It's a drinking club," Karel said. "It's not a kickball league."

    The league allows drinking during games and many of the teams have sexually suggestive names and logos.

  76. But I did buy some great asparagus at a buck 59 a pound, great stuff, it's that time of year. Walla Walla, home of the onion, has now turned mostly to grapes and wine, but the asparagus is still great. Walla Walla sweets (famous onions) nowhere to be found nowadays.

  77. Just gotta break the rules, Bob?!


    Trish said:


    Fri Apr 23, 09:21:00 AM EDT


    Civility takes it in the shorts.

  78. Can't recall details of trip right now, but Guaymas is one of our most pleasant memories.

  79. "The overall condition of very loud, raucous behavior, lewd profane language, disrespect for rangers, public nudity, and public intoxication continue unabated," Karel wrote in the letter.

    Disrespect for Rangers???

    Merits a healthy fine, at the very least.

    Sua Sponte!

    (Just taking the opportunity to add to the Bar's meager store of Latin.)

  80. (great subjects, abysmal scans!)

  81. "...well there you go trish..."

    He likes my plan. He just doesn't wanna break character.

    Thanks, Doug.

    I think you have to be a glutton for punishment simply to go through the training and qualification. (NOT the only school to which that applies, by any means). The whole thing remains something of a man mystery to me.

    But they do good work. And God bless 'em for it.

  82. My husband STILL characterizes Ranger school thus: Like castaways in an old Warner Brothers cartoon, looking at your buddy and seeing him as giant pork chop.

  83. From comments today at Balloon Juice:

    On a happier note, I am thrilled to say that the influx of veterans we’ve had on campus since the implementation of the Post-9/11 GI Bill has been a wonderful and positive thing for every aspect of the campus. The faculty looooooooove them because they are, in general, smart and disciplined and excellent examples to other students. The staff and administration love them because we never have to badger them to get things done on time. The student life people love them because they are excellent examples to the other, younger students. The business office loves them because their bills get paid, on time and with a minimum of hassle.

  84. Ash said...
    assuming, of course, that WiO's opinion is representing something more than a racist genocidal individual.

    Where did I advocate the genocide of arabs?

    Giving them their freedom FROM our rule by setting their towns free aint genocidal...

  85. Ash said...
    assuming, of course, that WiO's opinion is representing something more than a racist genocidal individual.

    What part of what I said is racist?

    Deporting all arabs to their homeland Arabia is not racist....

    And again...

    Your usage of the term "genocidal" is odd...

    Since it's the islamists that call for my genocide...

    I call for their DIVORCE....

  86. I guess I should have said your are a racist advocating ethnic cleansing.

  87. rat, or anyone for that matter, this new law in Arizona - how does the necessity to carry immigration papers work? Can anybody be stopped and arrested if they don't produce these papers? What documents are valid? If you are walking down the street with empty pockets can some cop drag you off? It seems pretty fascist and there must be some constitutional problem with requiring people to carry documents with them at all times.

  88. Ash said...
    I guess I should have said your are a racist advocating ethnic cleansing.


    I WAS ethnically CLEANSED...

    How is GIVING Arabs their FREEDOM and making their towns a part of Palestine racist or ethnic cleansing?


    After all, in the greater middle east, that 649/650th I am NOT allowed to LIVE, OWN LAND or VOTE?

    How am I a racist?

    If Arabs in Israel want to live in Israel, let them sign a loyality oath to the Jewish state...

    Those major concentrations of Israeli arabs are going to be free and keep their property, land and businesses...

    You are a hypocrite ash...

  89. so ash admits that the term GENOCIDE doesnt fit and now calls me a racist ethnic cleanser..

    I guess that's quite the historic retreat...

    Now to get ash to admit he's full of crap about "racist ethnic cleanser"

    Deporting arabs BACK to their home of Arabia is not ethnic cleansing, it's sending them home...

    If ash is not happy about that, where do you stand of deporting Jews from the west bank and jerusalem?

    now that's ethnic cleansing

  90. All aliens are required by Federal Law to carry their identification documents at all times.

    American citizens are not.

    What does a cop to when he says, "let's see your papers," and the suspicious character says, "I don't have any, I'm an American citizen.?"

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. WiO you wrote, more than once:

    "No, I believe that all arabs should be deported to Arabia."

    That is ethnic cleansing.

  93. WiO asked:

    "How am I a racist?"

    Because your criteria for, among other things, deportation is based upon race.

  94. WiO asked:

    "where do you stand of deporting Jews from the west bank and jerusalem?"

    I don't advocate deporting Jews from the West Bank and Jerusalem I do think the illegal settlements should be dismantled.

  95. oops, s/b

    Hey Whit,

    Qua in anyssus est john?

    "...the Bar's meager store of Latin.")


  96. Oops, where's the john?

    Quirk, what have you done now?

  97. I don't want to talk about it.

    Just pour me another drink.


  98. boob has figured out there is more to life than writing about death.

    Gotta love it.

  99. Ash: "No, I believe that all arabs should be deported to Arabia."

    That is ethnic cleansing.

    Advocating that my cousins be returned to their original place of origin, after dealing with my cousin's rape, murder and looting for 1300 years doesnt make me a racist, it makes me an honest RELATIVE that knows what shit my cousins have and had caused..

  100. "How am I a racist?"

    ash says: Because your criteria for, among other things, deportation is based upon race.

    arabs are the bastard offspring of my great great great great grand daddy... arabs have tortured and raped my group for centuries...

    My advocation for deportation is based on the fact that arabs are infact invaders and occupiers of the middle east...
