Thursday, April 29, 2010

Obama Raw and Articulate, "Heads They Tail You Lose."

Say What?

April 27, 2010 7:15 PM
Obama Again Hits Arizona Immigration Bill

President Obama said at an Iowa town hall meeting today that the controversial immigration legislation signed into law Friday could lead to racial profiling.

"You know, you can try to make it really tough on people who look like they, quote, might be illegal immigrants," he said.

The president added that a Hispanic American whose family had been in the United States for generations faced a situation in which "now suddenly if you don't have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you can be harassed, that's something that could potentially happen."

"That's not the right way to go," the president said, calling the law "poorly conceived."

The president had previously criticized the law as "misguided."

At the town hall meeting, Mr. Obama said that Republicans must join Democrats in working to pass comprehensive immigration reform. He said the fact that the issue was so fraught meant that a bipartisan approach was essential.

"The only way it's going to happen if Democrats and Republicans come together and do this because this is such a volatile issue," he said. "I will bring the majority of Democrats to the table, but we have to have help from the other side."

Republican Jeb Bush, who supports reform at the national level, became the first from his party to speak out against the Arizona law Tuesday. In an interview with Politico, the former Florida governor said the state has the wrong approach.

"It's difficult for me to imagine how you're going to enforce this law. It places a significant burden on local law enforcement and you have civil liberties issues that are significant as well," he said in the interview.

He said his administration had already made progress on securing the borders and that more should be done, and that that there should be more punishment for employers who hire illegal workers.

The president added that he supported a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, but that they should be made to learn English, pay a fine and "get in the back of the line" when it comes to attaining legal status.

The Arizona law, which would go into effect in July, includes in its provisions a requirement for law enforcement officers to question a person about his or her immigration status if there is "reasonable suspicion" that person may be illegally in the country.

Attorney General Eric Holder indicated today that he believes "the law is an unfortunate one that will be subject to potential abuse" and said that the Justice Department is "considering a court challenge."


  1. If you listen to some of what comes out of Obama's mouth, when he goes off script, you get a better understanding of what the man really believes and thinks.

    Imagine if George Bush came out with some of this stuff.

  2. Obama's values are simply not the American values we expect in a US president.

  3. Obama's values are simply not the American values we expect in a US president.

    That's exactly what my wife thinks. She doesn't follow politics all that much, but she's got the definite feeling "he's not one of us".

    The LA Times is still sitting on that story where he mouthed off in praise of the Palestinians, by the way.

    I'm glad Arizona has taken a little action.

  4. I have always expected these values and behavior, from Mr Obama.

    How anyone that posted hundreds of threads concerning his background, his church, his pastor, his ghost written books and his mother's beliefs would not ...

    Beyond comprehension.

    What is being delivered, exactly what was promised.

    That he won the Presidency, in an Electoral College landslide, an indication of just where those that cannot even belief it are. They are far from the "Mainstream" of the electorate. Those US citizens that even bothered to vote, where they live and breed. They "knew" Obama. They knew he was not GW Bush and they knew he was not a Republican.

    It is why he was elected, his values were far and away different from those of the previous Administration's.

    Those values are why he was elected, apart form the support and sustenance Mr Obama received from Lester Crown. Who published those books, that told anyone that cared, Obama's tale.

    It was all there, hiding in plain sight.

  5. His tale, his background, his core beliefs, as I told you fellas, time and again, no one cared about that stuff, then.

    Fewer do today, with the Dow at 11,000.

  6. The fact that GW Bush would never have said the things that Obama does, the reason Obama is President, now.

  7. I mean, really, here is the Bush position, the stalwart inheritor of the Republican political mantle.

    Republican Jeb Bush, who supports reform at the national level, became the first from his party to speak out against the Arizona law Tuesday. In an interview with Politico, the former Florida governor said the state has the wrong approach.

    "It's difficult for me to imagine how you're going to enforce this law. It places a significant burden on local law enforcement and you have civil liberties issues that are significant as well,"

    There will be boycotts of the downtown convention center and hotels, business, here, will suffer. The State and its' legal residents will lose hundreds of millions USD in revenue opportunities.

    While no good news, with regards stopping the flow of contraband, will follow the enforcement of this law, at traffic stops.

    The border haas to be secured, for positive change to ensue, and that will not happen. It did not when GW Bush was President, it will not now.

    It is not Federal policy to secure US borders, that reality is plain as day.

  8. F-22 (non-Wiki)

    "Program acquisition unit cost has doubled, from $149 million in $345 million in 2005."

    F-22 Raptor Cost

    "Do the arithmetic: $64.540/184 = $350.1. Total program unit price for one F-22, what approximates the "sticker price," is $350 million per copy."

    What Does an F-22 Cost?

    " Ergo, the total program unit cost is not $350 million each, it's $394 million, assuming Young is correct."

    Real cost of an F-22?

  9. "Those US citizens that even bothered to vote, where they live and breed. They "knew" Obama. They knew he was not GW Bush and they knew he was not a Republican.

    It is why he was elected, his values were far and away different from those of the previous Administration's.

    Those values are why he was elected, apart form the support and sustenance Mr Obama received from Lester Crown. Who published those books, that told anyone that cared, Obama's tale.

    It was all there, hiding in plain sight.

    Indeed, but he campaigned as a centrist, and many (even Republican Intellectuals) believed him.
    Fat Chance.

  10. MALKIN: How Mexico Treats Illegal Immigrants

    Mexican president Felipe Calderón has accused Arizona of opening the door “to intolerance, hate, discrimination, and abuse in law enforcement.” But Arizona has nothing on Mexico when it comes to cracking down on illegal aliens. While open-borders activists decry the new enforcement measures signed into law in “Nazi-zona” last week, they remain deaf, dumb, or willfully blind to the unapologetically restrictionist policies of our neighbors to the south.

    The Arizona law bans sanctuary cities that refuse to enforce immigration laws, stiffens penalties against illegal-alien day laborers and their employers, makes it a misdemeanor for immigrants to fail to complete and carry an alien-registration document, and allows the police to arrest immigrants unable to show documents proving they are in the U.S. legally. If those rules constitute the racist, fascist, xenophobic, inhumane regime that the National Council of La Raza, Al Sharpton, Catholic bishops, and their grievance-mongering followers claim, then what about these regulations and restrictions imposed on foreigners in Mexico?

  11. Here’s the arithmetic: $2.907 + $.327 + $.607 + $.427 = $4.268 billion for 20 aircraft. That’s $213 million each.

    Please do not think these data represent an exceptional year. If you check any of the last few annual buys of F-22s, you will find the same pattern: in addition to the annual "procurement" amount, there is additional "modification," "operational system development," and advance procurement.

    F-22s are costing these days a little over $200 million each. Period.

  12. Please God, save us. Not another Fucking Bush.

  13. I swear to God, I'll vote for Barack Obama; I'll vote for John F'n Kerry, I'll vote for Kermit the Frog before I'll vote for another Bush.

  14. Barack's "Ice cream daddy" would surely have his driver's license on him if he was taking the kiddies out for ice cream.

    Any one piece of qualified ID (eg drivers licesnse, non-drivers ID, passport, etc) is all that is needed to stop any investigation in its tracks.

  15. Brings US one step closer to a Federal ID that you must have on your person, at all times.

    Maybe a chip, implanted in your rectum, at birth or at registration as a Federal citizen will do.

    Maybe it'll just be an internal passport kind of a ting.

  16. A scanable bar code, tattooed on the back of your hand, that'd do it, too.

  17. The cost of any individual F22 had no impact on the cancellation of that program.

    It was unimportant, to Lester Crown.

    And therefore, unimportant to Barack Obama

  18. Why do these idiotic claims go unchallenged?

    Mike Bloomberg says the United States, with at least half the world's great universities, the richest country in the world with 300 million people needs immigrants to survive and without them we will not have a future.

    Bloomberg long has been a supporter of immigration reform, saying current law deters international companies from sending employees through border hassles to work in the U.S. - and freezes out the highly skilled immigrants America needs.

    "We don't have doctors, and we're not allowing people who want to come here and be doctors to come here," the mayor said. "This is just craziness."

    "People are developing new drugs in India, rather than here. They're going to win the next Nobel Prize in China or in Europe, not here. If we want to have a future, we need to have more immigrants here."

  19. US doctors are in charge of training US doctors.

    They have created a chronic shortage, to maintain their high wages.

    We should break the doctors monopoly on medical training.

    Importing foreign doctors is one way to do that.

  20. There is, I think, a "They." And, "They" are one-worlders ("their" worlders.") Lester Crown is probably a wanna-be "they" (if he isn't one.) Obama, I think, was chosen (as was Bill and Hillary) by "They."

    American "exceptionalism" definitely goes against the aims of "Them." An open border with Mexico is, no doubt, high on their agenda. Missile Defense, the F22, and a solid affordable "local" ethanol program are definitely things that they would oppose.

    They're probably not too thrilled with the internet, nor with people like Deuce.

  21. "One Worlders" would want to destroy "American Exceptionalism." They would want to flood the U.S. with the poor, and uneducated, and make it difficult to immigrate the highly talented, and productive.

  22. Exactly, rufus, there is a "Them", they are on the Forbes 400 list, as is Mr Crown.

    It is the Rockefeller "Plan".
    It is bi-partisan.

    It is Federal Socialism.

    They own the Government, lock, stock and barrel.

    We should have listened to Ike, the was never a missile gap.
    Kennedy lied.

    We are still paying the price.

  23. Why do these stupid platitudes go unchallenged.
    Is it just a case of "Heads they tail you lose?"

  24. Is it just my computer? None of your videos have shown up on my screen for several days.

    I just get a box with a little red X.

  25. It's you, rufus, I see 'em just fine.

  26. I don't like the idea of a national id card anymore than anyone else, but it isn't really much different than a drivers license. Which I have on my person every time I back out of the driveway. If it would help with the illegal problem maybe it's a good idea. The idea of the police being able to ask you for id just as you walk down the street goes against the grain too but so does the idea of people sneaking into the country and sooner or later having their kids in the public schools and voting and everything else. What to do, what to do?

  27. I would guess there are about Seven of them. Their names would be found toward the top of the Forbes list (very unlikely to be at the very top.) You wouldn't, for instance, find the Sam Waltons, Warren Buffets, Bill Gates in such a group. Think, "Old" money - Banking, and Industrial. Mostly European.

  28. They might groom a Bill Gates. Take a look at him, anyway. His penchant for wanting to "give away" his money might be worrisome. Of course, it's all in how the documents are worded, isn't it?

  29. Oops, that 40,000 gallons/day has turned into 200,000 gal/day.

    A Fine Fucking Mess

    Thunderhorse, and Neptune is producing about half of what was expected, Jack will, probably, never show a profit, and, now, This. That "Deep-Water" isn't working out so well.

  30. I wonder what's wrong with my computer? I'm not getting any video, or avatars, anywhere.

  31. I agree on the ID. Everyone has to show a driver's licencse and a social security number. What is the big deal?

  32. "I wonder what's wrong with my computer? I'm not getting any video, or avatars, anywhere."

    We fixed it so you won't be able to watch more child porn videos.

    It's for your own good, and common decency.

  33. rufus said...

    ""One Worlders" would want to destroy "American Exceptionalism." They would want to flood the U.S. with the poor, and uneducated, and make it difficult to immigrate the highly talented, and productive.

    'Rat says we should all hug and embrace as many illiterate, welfare sucking, unpatriotic newcomers as possible.

    Peace and love, baby!

  34. 2020.04.10台北市知名酒店工作酒店小姐潔西(花名)驚傳酒店上班確診新冠肺炎,為境內確診第379案例,有知情人士透露,「潔西」上周酒店打工3天班,行跡跨足3家不同酒店上班,有警員一聽直呼「好危險」,擔憂上周臨檢過該3家酒店。酒店業者透露,近期將朝「個體化」方向經營,盼度過歇業寒冬。

  35. 2020.05.06新冠肺炎疫情肆虐,由於先前有台北某知名酒店工作酒店女公關酒店S確診,因此指揮中心下令全台酒店上班暫時停業,連帶造成許多小姐生計出現困難。不過也正因為如此,大家開始討論八大行業酒店內秘辛、玩法、價位等等,一些不為人知的事情,浮上檯面;一名酒店小姐就分享,曾遇到狐臭味超重的客人。根據【酒店PT】鍵盤大檸檬網站真人真事,一名酒店打工酒店小姐因為經濟困難到酒店上班,卻遇上「超級狐仙」客人,對方味道濃醇不香,期間不斷手舉高、腋下對著她;回家洗澡完,她發現身上仍有客人的狐臭味,因此再次坐檯時,請求對方不要再點她檯了,結果男客居然犯賤,每回來都點她。隨著酒店停業,想必該位小姐暫時不會再被男客的狐臭味侵犯了。回顧先前本刊記者調查,台北市合法登記的酒吧及視聽歌唱等特種行業約30家,以每家平均40個包廂(桌數),單店每日營收60萬元至240萬元為計,停業一個月,損失最高飆破20億元,若計入不合法的地下酒店,損失將逾30億元。而有業者為了求生存,因此轉為「地下化」,更有酒店女公關轉戰應召市場,宜蘭甚至出現付1500元就能獲得全套服務亂象。目前台灣疫情逐漸趨緩,對於酒店何時解禁,中央流行疫情指揮中心指揮官陳時中表示,解禁沒有時間表,但只要大家願意好好配合,那開放的時間就越快。

  36. 2020.10.04【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因其實很多人~對酒店有些不了解與誤會~以為酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容會去酒店上班的女生是愛慕虛榮,其實就我們多年經驗,會入行真的都是有旁大的經濟壓力。酒店小姐酒店公關酒店上班到底都在做麼?酒店也許不是最佳的選擇 卻是賺錢最快的方式之一 (有頭髮誰願意當禿子!!)為什麼呢!!!
    每個人的生長背景環境不同所選擇的生活方式也有不同 沒有什麼對錯~
    當別人批評妳的工作時,除了批評以外真的對妳沒有任何實質幫助 妳還是得面對自己的困難和人生啊!!

  37. 2020.11.22女大學生酒店打工的故事: 酒店工作-台北酒店專業經紀人總編輯:俄羅斯小說家托爾斯泰的文學作品《安娜.卡列尼娜》在開場即說到,「幸福的家庭無不相似,不幸的家庭各有不幸」,而進入八大行業酒店上班【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】,涉身其中的理由或有各自的不幸,而小惠則是「三緣皆無」。所謂的「三緣」,照小惠的說法是家緣、地緣與人緣。小惠大學念的是平面設計,出社會後進入設計公司上班,後來因故被開除,隻身一人與一隻寵物貓在台北,無任何地緣連結也無任何朋友人緣。唯一的經濟收入被切斷,卻得面臨房租、生活費與貓咪的開銷。「臉皮薄」以及與家庭關係疏離,讓小惠更是難以開口向家裡求援。無緣社會中三緣盡失的小惠,麻煩還不只如此。已屆研究所畢業年限的小惠,論文進度卻不前不進,她說她需要一個可以讓她一邊上班一邊寫論文的工作,但求職網看來看去就是那些,直到前男友丟來一個她從未看過的求職網站,上面卻出現一個讓她從來也沒想過的工作職缺:對不喝酒的小惠來說,這工作首先便通過了門檻,高時薪、工時也看似能讓她有餘裕完成論文,於是她加了一個據她說像是「假網美」頭貼的帳號後,對方向她要了全身照後隨後便約她「酒店兼差面試」。面試一切比想像中奇異,進展也比想像中來得順利。「小惠」這個名字其實是個「藝名」,經紀人給小惠的人設是「鄰家女孩」般的氣質,二十出頭的大學生、需要賺取學費所以來做酒店。
