Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Philadelphia Black Youth Flash Mobs


  1. Sure that is not footage from Tehran?

    Both groups use "twitter" to organize their demonstrations of violence against the 'Man'.

    More tactical similarities than differences.

  2. Youths in both locales are the perpetrators of violent demonstrations against authority.

    Using modern communications tech to organize themselves.

  3. Same techniques used by the rampaging Car-B-Quers, in Paris.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  6. chillin
    on de streets
    on de streets

  7. No, this footage would have more in common with Paris than Tehran.

  8. Oh, I see your carbecue thoughts. Yes, that's the similarity.

    I saw the same mob phenomena several years back in a local mall during the Homecoming for the local historically black university. Flash mob gathered, mini riot ensued sweeping through department store like a tsunami and carried with it racks of expensive leather goods and other merchandise. It was a very smooth operation but in successive years, the mall simply closed early on certain nights during the HBC homecoming.

  9. Phylis Schafly:
    Many people look upon Massachusetts as the model for Obamacare. That state imposed individual and employer mandates in 2006, and it's time to look at the results.

    By 2010, one-third of the uninsured still don't have coverage, and it's become harder to see a doctor. Health insurance is 40 percent more expensive than in the rest of the country, and Massachusetts is expecting a $2 billion to $4 billion shortfall over the next decade.

    Obama says repeatedly that under his plan you can keep your present health insurance. But Massachusetts told 20 percent of its already insured citizens they had to buy more expensive health insurance because their existing coverage wasn't "good enough."

    Remember, if the government can force us to buy health insurance, it can define what that insurance must cover. It's estimated that a federal mandate would force 100 million Americans to drop their existing plans and buy more expensive health insurance to meet Obamacare requirements.

  10. How does the thought of 16,000 new IRS agents strike you?

  11. Ok is anyone going to say it...blacks attacking whites...this is what "civil rights" gave us!
