Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Ever thought about hunting a moose with a bow? Did the Moose Get Away?

This guy was one lucky bastard. It appears he hit the moose to high on the neck and is luck he survived that charge.


  1. Bet the moose bled out, not to hard to track, what with the blood trail it'd leave.

  2. The Democrat's Jim Bunning. What a beaut.

    Fortney Hillman Stark Jr.

    Charlie Rangel's Replacement?

    This circus only gets better and better.


  3. The Dems have the same problem as the GOP. Committee heads are determined by seniority. Over time, the Peter Principle affects them all.

    Dems Stymied in Succession Vote


  4. Hunting moose is like shooting fish in a barrel.
