Friday, February 12, 2010

Worst Kiss Ever?


  1. Maybe, but it's not the girl's fault, entirely. Neither know what they are doing.

    My girl back in high school, Jacqueline, said I was a hell of a good kisser.

    She was a great kisser, and else besides.

    And she must have known, having kissed all the other boys, and done a lot else too, behind my back.

    But that was a long time ago, and I'd forgotten her, till just now.

  2. Bob,

    From the previous thread. You may have been thinking of The Naked Maja; although, the artist was Spanish not French and the lady doesn't have her finger in her mouth.

    Goya's "The Naked Maja"


  3. I don't think kissing is the thing.

    I think a very light touch, just here and there, and a smile, just right, and some good words, does wonders.

    But, I'm just a farmer, what do I know?

  4. La maja desnuda

    By God, I think you're right, Quirk.

    That woman sure rings a bell.

    I like Goya, he's great.

  5. Goddammit, Deuce! You gotta quit doing that. That ain't no way to wake up.

  6. Christ, just a little movement of them legs, you're in.

  7. Short answer? yes

    I will get roasted for this by all the PC folks, but I think it looks....simian...

  8. Gag: I will get roasted for this by all the PC folks, but I think it looks....simian...

    I was thinking "siblings"

  9. You said it first.

    It's always in the kiss

    No wonder politician run around.

  10. And who knows with that big mouth she might not be a good kisser but she might be good at other things. Just sayin'

  11. MeLoDy said...
    And who knows with that big mouth she might not be a good kisser but she might be good at other things. Just sayin'

    I think she is good at not being proud of America until SHE and HE got to be incharge...

  12. The last time I was at Disney's Animal Kingdom the apes were going at it. The didn't seem to want to kiss but they love getting from behind. It was actually quite funny the girl was teasing the guy, literally, and the guy was chasing her around the pen.

  13. MeLoDy said...
    The last time I was at Disney's Animal Kingdom the apes were going at it.

    Funny, last time i was there the HUMANS were more of show than the animals

  14. That's how people kiss when they have morning breath.

  15. And who knows with that big mouth she might not be a good kisser but she might be good at other things. Just sayin'

    oooohhh, quote of the day

    lord lady and in public too

  16. Talk about sex and embarrassment, one time Jacque and I went to the fair here, for something to do, we were both about age seventeen, at the time, and the ape in the cage got a hard on, right in front of us.

    I didn't know what to say.

    So I kinda mumbbled and shuffled my feet a bit.

    She kinda smiled, but didn't look away.

  17. And who knows with that big mouth she might not be a good kisser but she might be good at other things. Just sayin'

    You and your friends are missing a lot, Teresita.

  18. What do they do Melody?

  19. I'll let you figure that one out on your own.

  20. I've got an active imagination, but I'm not sure just what some of these girls do.

    I like the desert, an open car, and a ripping woman.

  21. WOW! The Airborne Laser just Shot Down a Missile.

    Accordingly, that line item will be cut from the 2011 Defense Budget Appropriations.

  22. Snow, snow , snow.

    I was planning to head south but have to wait another week. Must reschedule.

    Is Monday a holiday?

  23. Bob, some girls just like to let down their hair.

  24. Some girls just have to let down their hair.

  25. Who was that masked man last night?

  26. It's Red and Even for me, Deuce, we are heading south in a couple of days.

    It's the Golden Nugget for me, when I get to Vegas.

  27. I don't know bout you, but I like them kind of girls.

  28. I'm just plain discombobulated.

    Them super-smart librals said it would never work. They said Ronnie Raygun was a Dunce.

    They said Dubya was just a hick, ex-drunken shrub.

    John F'n Kerry, and Obambi said so.

  29. Bobal, I guess you've lived a sheltered life. Here's a good educational video, especially around the two-and-a-half minute mark. Share and enjoy!

  30. I'll go to Vegas, and gamble, for Melody.

  31. That's bob, by the way.

  32. oh my gosh, hmmm.

  33. Fatwa # 72220

    Ruling on kissing one’s wife in the street in front of people

    written: I am in alot of trouble. I can not ask local Iman because he is not good in his knowledge and i am embarassed to ask friends or family. You see, the problem is I got married recently and I think i might of committed zina with my wife. This is how, we were driving my sisters car and me and wife stopped the car in a quiet place and we kissed alot, quite alot. a man walked passed and he saw us, but we did not stop. i feel i have committed open zina. do we need to pay kafarah, or confess to our elders. my second very very important question is after kissing, i let out (we were both wearing clothes all the time mufti saab) sperm in my underwear. Now i feel very bad because this is my sisters car and she has been driving it after me. i can not wash the car seat as she will get suspicious and confront me. i do not want to lie, now she sits in the car sits on the floor to eat dinner, sits on the sofa, her and her children and i feel very very bad as to what to do. is the car and sofa and place were we sit not clean anymore, and my wife and i are arguing she blames me for worrying. i think she is a bad muslim, because she does not fear Allah, becuase she made me stop the car and kiss, i hate her for that. dear sir, i await your reply as i am disturbed by what has happened, i like to keep paak and clean at all times to please Allah.

  34. Just tell me, Teresita, all this signing up stuff, I can't handle.

  35. Oh, that's a shame Bob, it's a scene from the movie "Bound". Oh well, if your wife saw you watching that there'd be some hard...questions.

  36. Michael Jackson is rolling over in his grave right now. I waited weeks to see the rendition of, We are the world, and man did they fuck that up. Jenifer Hudson stole the show and Janet Jackson did nothing but shame her brother.

  37. I wouldn't donate a dollar after seeing that show.

  38. And what was that rap shit they put in there? They took a beautiful song that meant the world and made it into something that...wasn't the world to me. I was very disappointed. I expected tears in the eyes and all I got was a look of disgust.

  39. And what about that Olympian person dying today? That was just horrible.

  40. I'm not into the Olympics, I could care less. Another thing that really doesn't interest me. Some of it I like to watch. It's been on for two fucking hours and I haven't seen a damn competition yet.

  41. Mel, a profile and avatar!

    Have you been house bound too long?

    Looking at your picture made me curios about the size of those stilettos. Fortunately, I remember the picture you once posted.

    You're too funny!

  42. What is this world coming to?

    HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – A woman opened fire during a biology faculty meeting at the University of Alabama's Huntsville campus Friday, killing three people and injuring three others, officials said.

    BTW - I watched T's video and was wondering; is it just me or is it hot in here?

  43. The thing is Whit, I'm a very private person. So, yesterday when I wanted to share a photo this was the only way I could do it without revealing everything about me. I wasn't sure if I showed my profile that it would hide my blog but it did.

  44. Honey, men or women, if that video didn't turn someone on then they better run to doctors because there's something wrong with them.

  45. ...and I have been house bound too long, you don't even know.

  46. And Whit said, "Mel, a profile and avatar!"

    Yes Whit, I'm moving up in the world.

  47. When you been house bound too long you must be burning down the house

  48. Nice profile Melody, now we gotta get Bob's name to turn blue.

  49. They shoot horses, don't they?

  50. I don't what Deuce has been putting in the drinks but this place has been crazy lately.

  51. Seriously, I think you northerners have been shut-in too long. I suggest you layer up and just get the heck outdoors. Maybe have a block party with your fellow sufferers.

    My condolences.

    The weather has been cold and rainy here but compared to what you guys are going through, it's heavenly.

  52. The true pursuit
    Only ends
    On the savanna
    When the lion mounts
    The lioness
    And bites her neck

  53. I think that's to get her to shut up, Bob, because the lion has a barbed...thingamajig.

  54. Put that one in your file, Melody, sometimes I can do pretty good.

  55. Whit, sometimes we need a little crazy. It makes the world balanced. If there was no happy there would be no sad. If there was no good there would be no evil. That's just how the world goes around So, if we didn't have crazy we wouldn't have reason.

  56. Melody, that's damn good thought.

    I mean it.

    That is damn good.

  57. If we didn't have bob we wouldn't have Melody, and bob going to the damned Golden Nugget, and gambling his money away, for a girl he doesn't even know.

    What would life be like?

  58. Bob, think about this in light of what Melody just said:

    The specter of death is what gives life its vitality. The very brevity of life, and the fact that you only get this one shot, it what makes it meaningful.

    Suppose you lived to be four hundred. Would you hop on a motorcycle with your honey and tour the Rockies? Hell no, you might get in a wreck and die.

  59. Nah, hell, I'd still be hung up on Melody.

    That's what we farmers do.

    The specter of death is what gives life its vitality. The very brevity of life, and the fact that you only get this one shot, it what makes it meaningful.

    Nah, we've just read Weiss, and there is always something more.

    Which is what Campbell says too.

    Maybe in another life I'll finally have Melody.

  60. The gods are our own creation, Teresita.

  61. Jesus knew that, and tried to tell the people, but they got him, but the truth shines through, n the New Testiment.

    The gods are our creation.

  62. Melody is my creation, Bob. There's a gal with the initials MLD, and I filled in the blanks, and you filled in more.

  63. By the way, Bob, if you're talking about the Bible, I'm blogging the whole Bible, start to finish. I'm up to Genesis 34

  64. You don't know shit about the Bible.

    I know more than you, and
    Allen and WiO know more that the both of us put together.

  65. Okey doke Bob! See you around Revelation 22 in about two years.

  66. You don't know shit about the Bible.

    I know more than you, and
    Allen and WiO know more than the both of us put together.

    See you then sweetie. In two years.

    It's all myth, darling little baby, and I know, and you don't.

  67. But myth is true too, which you simply don't get.

  68. Myth is true for sufficiently false values of true.

    2 + 2 = 5 for sufficiently large values of 2.

  69. Quirk they get this government-in-a-box from Acme Corporation, where Wiley Coyote got his giant slingshot and roller skates thing.

  70. You are crazy, Terisista, absolutely nuts.

  71. Terisita, you are crazy.

  72. Sure Bob. You're just jealous because Melody was turned on by my Lesbian Sex You Tube Video.

  73. Terisita, you are crazy.

  74. And I am not interested in adolescent whimpering about removing comments that should be embarrassing to the writer.

  75. Those comments were totally out of order by any standard other than scrawlings on a high school toilet wall.
