Thursday, January 07, 2010

Is the US Waking Up to the Real Obama?

Remember these thigh tingling words?

So, is the American Public beginning to to see the real Obama? Maybe not yet, but little by little this fraud will be exposed. Some of the press, and in greater numbers, are beginning to get the message.


  1. The "REAL" Obama?

    How funny.

    As if a different President would obtain different outcomes.

    As if who we elected is not EXACTLY what the majority of the electorate wanted.

    The first rule of Alinsky, dehumanize the opposition, While the reality is that the DNA of Israelis and Palis, match.
    Both are out of Africa.
    50,000 years ago.

    Twin sons of different mothers.
    Abraham would be so proud.

  2. wi"o" has spent YEARS telling us that there are no Palestinians, that they are a fraud of a 'people'.

    Now, he tells us, that even the Jordanian triple agent was a Palestinian.

    A member of a group that wi"o" has told us, time and again, does not really exist.

    Constant misdirection.

  3. Yeah, they voted for Obama even tho he promised transparency via C-Span, cause they knew he was lying and what they really wanted was for Harry and Nancy to forge a backroom deal free of any input or awareness by the public.

  4. Enough consistent misdirection to make his kinsman, Saul Alinsky, proud.

  5. Abdulmutallab should have been debriefed, which would have saved the passengers on 253 from being terrorized by
    Fruit of the Boom.

  6. No one, doug, gives a turd in a bucket, about C-Span.

    The Federals read the entire Health Insurance Reform Bill on the floor of the Senate.

    Anyone that does not know what is in it, does not really care to know.

  7. He should, and could, have been debriefed in Holland, which is outside the United States, doug.

    Not a part of Obamamerica

  8. “Second you have, something we’ve never before seen, a Chicago machine in the White House. The ruthlessness, the willingness to bribe senators, the fundamental dishonesty of the system… This is a ruthless machine that doesn’t care what it says, it cares what it can get away with.“

    Newt is now up to speed with where John Kass has been all along.

  9. Two Attacks Highlight Counterterrorism's Bureaucratic Bog
    - David Ignatius, Washington Post.

    The Central Intelligence Agency should be asking some painful questions this week about its performance: How could a suicide bomber have flown to Detroit despite a strong warning to a CIA station that he might be a terrorist? How could a Jordanian double agent have penetrated a CIA base in Afghanistan and killed seven agency employees? Talking to veteran counterterrorism officers, I hear a common theme that unites these two disastrous lapses: The CIA has adopted bureaucratic procedures that, while intended to avoid mistakes, may actually heighten the risks. In the words of one CIA veteran, "You have a system that is overwhelmed."

    The two cases are very different. Yet they both illustrate what can happen when intelligence managers are eager for results but worried about risks. The consequence is a breakdown in tradecraft that can have fatal consequences. Meanwhile, an intelligence reorganization that was supposed to improve efficiency has made the bureaucracy problem worse...

    Thank you, Mr Bush and Mr Cheney for the job you two did, on the CIA!

  10. Chicago, not Mr Wright, was always the the Obama "weakness".

    To bad that folks that focused upon religion did not understand just how meaningless it is to the great majority of US.

    The premier target of opportunity was missed, because of the perceptions of the attackers as to the real importance of the target they chose.

    They attacked what was important, to them, not to the supporters of their political opposition.

  11. FOXNews - ‎4 hours ago‎

    James Jones, a retired four-star Marine general, says Americans will feel "a certain shock" when a report is released today detailing the intelligence failures that could have prevented the Christmas Day attack.

  12. - Alex Spillius - ‎4 hours ago‎

    US border officials were aware that an alleged extremist was on a Detroit-bound flight on Christmas Day and were ready to question him on landing, according to a report in the the Los Angeles Times.

  13. Oh hi rat! I thought you were dead...

    too bad...

    Still peddling bullshit I see?


    well here's hoping for your heart attack soon...

  14. Not a chance, of that, misdirection.

    Healthy as can be.

    Give up the hate, you'll live longer, yourself.

  15. rat: The first rule of Alinsky, dehumanize the opposition, While the reality is that the DNA of Israelis and Palis, match.
    Both are out of Africa.
    50,000 years ago.

    50,000 years ago? lol....

    So that makes me an african american?


    rat you are too funny..


  16. Liberal Jews, hoping ill upon others, how typical of that ilk.

    Alinsky as the cultural norm, how depressing a life choice is that?

  17. I reject the concept of hyphenated Americans, misdirection.

    That you embrace it, another indication of the liberal thought patterns that map your mind.

  18. desert rat said...
    wi"o" has spent YEARS telling us that there are no Palestinians, that they are a fraud of a 'people'.
    Now, he tells us, that even the Jordanian triple agent was a Palestinian.
    A member of a group that wi"o" has told us, time and again, does not really exist.
    Constant misdirection.

    They are not a "real" nationalistic people, they are a cult, tribe, gang of inbred arabs and yes MOST of them squat in what is today called "jordan"

    Give them a state, give them that other false nation called Jordan...

    democratic rule baby...

    but as those things that make up a nationhood? palestinians have no unique customs (aside from being a death cult), speech than any of the other southern syrian through egypt squatting arab group..

    in fact MOST of the arabs that call themselves "palestinians" the syrians (if they liked them) would claim as they claim lebanon and israel as part of historic syria...

    no misdirection from me, calling a palestinian a jordanian is misdirection on the part of the PC world...

  19. DR: wi"o" has spent YEARS telling us that there are no Palestinians, that they are a fraud of a 'people'.

    Suppose it had been a Jewish company that discovered oil in the Persian Gulf under modern day Abu Dhabi and Israel had helped defend and populate the vicinity, winning several wars against the Arabs who sought to drive them off their "sacred" land. What would we have today?

    Hundreds of thousands of "Abu Dhabians" in refugee camps clamoring for their own state.

    "Abu Dhabians" firing rockets at Israeli schools inside their perimeter, with Europe and the Democrats holding Israel to account for the slightest effort to defend themselves.

    "Abu Dhabians" totally dependent on jobs, water, and power from inside the very Israeli perimeter they attack daily.

    Saudi Arabia erecting a wall to keep the "Abu Dhabians" in their prison.

    Jimmy Carter and Desert Rat calling for a "two state solution" as the only way to "end the cycle of violence".

  20. Rat's right. The American "Voter" doesn't give a rat's ass about "Religion." They, also, assume all politicians are crooks.

    They DO care about JOBS, and prices at Walmart, and the Gas Station.

  21. desert rat said...
    Enough consistent misdirection to make his kinsman, Saul Alinsky, proud.

    There's that all xxxx's that we ll come to expect from the rodent..

    Yep Alinsky was a xxxx's by birth, as was Howard Stern & Jesus...

    We get all the blame and none of the credit...

    Next thing you know we will be connected with Jerry Springer, Harry Reams and AL Goldstein

    All xxxx, all the time....

    Yep, rat you are the one we've been waiting for...

    Are those chest pains shooting up your left arm yet? One can only hope....

  22. Not, me. "misdirection".

    Though Mr Bush did call for a "Two State Solution" as US policy, I think that it would be an error to pursue that course.

    The Levant should be a single entity.

    TransJordan reestablished to include what is now Israel an the Lebanon.
    One man, one vote, under UN occupation for a couple generations of Piecekeeping.

    That is what I support, today.
    There is no chance for a "Two State Solution" to succeed.

  23. desert rat said...
    I reject the concept of hyphenated Americans, misdirection.

    really, I always thought of you as a "retarded american"

  24. Again, "misdirection" your thought process betrays you.

    It illuminates your black hearted soul.

  25. rodent says: The Levant should be a single entity.

    Sure, just as soon as the arabs are returned to arabia...

    then we can have a single state...

  26. desert rat said...
    Again, "misdirection" your thought process betrays you.

    It illuminates your black hearted soul.

    My heart is fine, your just a prick...

  27. oh...

    have a great day rat!

    enjoy that stick up your ass....

  28. to rat...

    i said:

    My heart is fine, your just a prick...

    I meant to say:

    My heart is fine, you're just a prick...

  29. I said to rat: really, I always thought of you as a "retarded american"

    I meant to say:

    really, I always thought of you as a "retarded American"

  30. I may be a prick, but I am right.

    Whih is why you avoid the issues.
    Per your kinsman, Saul Alinsky and his "Rules for Radicals".

    The light of truth does, eventually, shine through.

  31. That's good. Thank you.

    Meanwhile, going into the election gasoline prices were $4.00/gal +, and jobs were disappearing by the Millions.

    The voters elected a Black, Smart-assed, Communist Muslim rather than voting in another Republican.

    And, make no mistake, folks, the "Voters" are Still Pissed.

  32. desert rat said...
    I may be a prick, but I am right.

    You are right, you are a prick...

    But when it comes to Israel, Zionism and Jews?

    You are a retarded jackass...


    And I still hope for your black hearted, ignorant soul will someday wake up and realize what a piece of anti-semitic garbage you are...

    but I sincerely doubt you will ever change...

    That is why you are not worthy of any real debate on any issue that concerns Israel, Zionism and Jews

    You are not worthy....

  33. Rasmussen has polled this, and, as far as the "Voters" are concerned, this recession still belongs to Bush, and the Republicans.

  34. rufus...

    bush may still get blame, but there is anger out there that is beyond measure..

    and i wouldnt want to be a democrat congressman in the next election...

    voters will lash out...

  35. Is DR correct and it makes no difference who is President? That would imply that any President would have gone down the same path as Bush.

  36. It makes a difference. Voting has consequences. When it ceases to have consequences, it will be time for a second republic, which today would be worse than first.

  37. Deuce said...
    Is DR correct and it makes no difference who is President? That would imply that any President would have gone down the same path as Bush.

    Who and what is the President does make a difference..

    I certainly didnt agree with everything any President has said or done, but the current President and his policies concerning Iran, Russia and China are dangerous...

    Nor did I like Bush's spending, but again how could I like Obama's spending 4x as much?

  38. NCTC director Michael Leiter remained on ski slopes after Christmas Day airline bombing attempt


    Michael Leiter, head of the NCTC, set up after 9/11 to battle terror attacks, could be in hot water after remaining on ski slopes following Christmas Day jetliner bombing try.

    WASHINGTON - The top official in charge of analyzing terror threats did not cut short his ski vacation after the underwear bomber nearly blew up an airliner on Christmas Day, the Daily News has learned.

    Michael Leiter, director of the National Counterterrorism Center since 2007, decided not to return to his agency's "bat cave" nerve center in McLean, Va., until several days after Christmas, two U.S. officials said.

    "People have been grumbling that he didn't let a little terrorism interrupt his vacation," said one of the sources.

  39. Rat says: The first rule of Alinsky, dehumanize the opposition

    Actually it is: Rule 1: Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do.

    rat is full of shit...

  40. Alinsky provides a collection of rules to guide the process. But he emphasizes these rules must be translated into real-life tactics that are fluid and responsive to the situation at hand.

    Rule 1: Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do.

    Rule 2: Never go outside the experience of your people.
    The result is confusion, fear, and retreat.

    Rule 3: Whenever possible, go outside the experience of an opponent. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat.

    Rule 4: Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. “You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”

    Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

    Rule 6: A good tactic is one your people enjoy. “If your people aren’t having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic.”

    Rule 7: A tactic that drags on for too long becomes a drag. Commitment may become ritualistic as people turn to other issues.

    Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for your purpose. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this that will cause the opposition to react to your advantage.”

    Rule 9: The threat is more terrifying than the thing itself. When Alinsky leaked word that large numbers of poor people were going to tie up the washrooms of O’Hare Airport, Chicago city authorities quickly agreed to act on a longstanding commitment to a ghetto organization. They imagined the mayhem as thousands of passengers poured off airplanes to discover every washroom occupied. Then they imagined the international embarrassment and the damage to the city’s reputation.

    Rule 10: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Avoid being trapped by an opponent or an interviewer who says, “Okay, what would you do?”

    Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.

    According to Alinsky, the main job of the organizer is to bait an opponent into reacting. “The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.”

  41. Judging the fact that rat uses the rules whenever he posts suggest he infact is the man of misdirection

  42. Good Grief!

    While XXXXXXX takes the heat for poor relations with its Palestinian Authority neighbors, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia (to name four) have all driven Palestinians from their territories, sometimes with great violence and indiscriminate loss of life. It seems that Egypt is going to go the same route once a barrier is in place. In each case, self-preservation was the cause for this Arab v Arab segregation of the Palestinians.

    DR, you are entitled to your opinions as the "World's Foremost Authority". You are not entitled to your own facts. Had you bothered to get beyond your prejudices and study readily available material, you would have discovered that several populations are much more closely related to XXXXX than are the Palestinians.

    You started this tempest at 6:10AM this morning with your "out of Africa" drivel and followed up with two instant further racially charged comments.

    The usual suspects have failed to criticize your unnecessary diversion into bigotry and XXX bashing. You are responsible for causing the conflict that high jacked this thread. I point this out to keep the record clear.

  43. I think there's a reasonable chance that we might be looking at $3.25 - $3.50 gasoline by July 4. If so, that could effect the elections in Nov.

    Without that, though, I don't think this year will be as quite as "good" as some right-wing blowhards think.

  44. I've quit responding to the entire Joos/Zionist/Arab/Palestinian thing. All heat - No light.

    Having said that: We're ALL "out of Africa." The only question is the "timing."

  45. A doctor who was punished after 10 of his patients fatally overdosed on drugs he prescribed sought revenge by bombing the chairman of the state medical board, leaving him severely burned and without an eye, a federal prosecutor said Wednesday in announcing new charges in the case.

    A grand jury indicted Dr. Randeep Mann on three charges in connection with the February 2009 attack on Dr. Trent Pierce outside of Pierce's home in West Memphis. The most serious charge — using a weapon of mass destruction against a person or property — could land Mann in prison for life if he's convicted.

    So, just maybe, importing doctors from India is not all that great of an idea.

    But then again, perhaps we should not categorize all Indians based upon the behavior of one bomb wielding terrorist operating in the United States.


  46. Prosecutor: Doctor bombed head of Ark. state medical board to exact revenge over board ruling

    By JILL ZEMAN BLEED Associated Press Writer

  47. Rufus: We're ALL "out of Africa." The only question is the "timing

    So does that get us a discount on a home loan?

  48. Ten mortar shells fired from Gaza
    Jan. 7, 2010 Staff , THE JERUSALEM POST
    At least ten mortar shells launched from the Gaza Strip on Thursday hit open areas in Israel's South.

    Early Thursday, two shells hit open areas near Kerem Shalom, in the western Negev.

    Later in the morning, two additional rockets were fired at the area, and three other shells landed in open fields in the Eshkol region.

    Three more shells hit empty fields later on Thursday afternoon.

    No one was wounded and no damage was reported.

    The Popular Resistance Committee claimed responsibility for firing the mortar shells, saying the barrage was fired in revenge for an IAF strike several days ago that killed two of the group's men.

    Following the attacks, the Defense Ministry closed the Kerem Shalom border crossing until further notice. Dozens of aid-carrying trucks were waiting on the Israeli side to enter the Gaza Strip.

    Also on Thursday, the Israel Air Force dropped several thousand leaflets over the Gaza Strip in several locations, warning residents of the Strip not to come within 300 meters of the border fence between Gaza and Israel and to avoid cooperating with terror operatives.

    Another leaflet called on Gaza residents not to sit idly by while operatives digging tunnels under the Gaza Strip's southern border were putting their lives in peril.

    The leaflets contained a phone number and email address for Gazans to report those involved in digging the smuggling tunnels.

    Notice there was no call from the UN for war crimes against the Gazans....

    Notice the Zionist entity showered leaflets warning the citizens of Gaza?

  49. rufus: I think there's a reasonable chance that we might be looking at $3.25 - $3.50 gasoline by July 4. If so, that could effect the elections in Nov.

    No way, Rufus, the Iraqi fields are really coming on line in a big way. In 2010 there will be 3.66 million barrels per day of new supply. You are reacting to a spike in demand due to a cold snap east of the Rockies that will be over in a week.

  50. t No way, Rufus, the Iraqi fields are really coming on line in a big way. In 2010 there will be 3.66 million barrels per day of new supply. You are reacting to a spike in demand due to a cold snap east of the Rockies that will be over in a week.

    Just in time for Iran's oil to go off line...

  51. Outrage! Arrrrrrgh!

    I'm not feelin' it.

    But my sympathies, to the extent that I still possess any at all, have ceased for some time to be with those whose lot it now is to play the part of howler monkey.

    Republicans, as a party, are permanently discredited in my mind. Permanently. And I ain't got no truck for no teabaggers neether.

    If the Democrats, too, are abysmally incompetent and politically bankrupt, it just goes to show that Party don't mean dick.

    To the extent that we have an Establishment, that Establishment is apolitical and the noise on either side is a lot of hoodoo on the parts of those who are either blind to this reality or lying through their teeth.

    And that's my own mood, too: Comfortably apolitical. Pairs well with either wine or beer.

  52. Re: Arkansas bombing

    No, DR, one rose does not make a spring.

    Now, if we observe clustering, say the next one-thousand suicide bombers come from a particular geographic local, then, we would certainly have cause for concern.

    As bad as it hurts you to hear ill of your brothers in arms, nearly every Arab country in western Aisa (and some points beyond) have driven the Palestinians from their territories. Take the example set by Jordan in 1970 as illustrative.

    You are forever citing the UN. Let's bring things closer to home, where a vote really matters. In a vote in the US Congress in 1970, 70 Senators and 280 Representatives rejected Secretary of State Rogers' peace plan as being too one-sided against Israel.

    As you ought to know as the WFA, Congress has been kind to XXXXXX on any number of occasions, the UN consideration notwithstanding.

  53. T, that particular Wiki page is way outdated. (it was updated Nov. 2008.) Quite a bit of that anticipated 2010 production was brought forward to 2009.

    BTW, you piss me off. I've been posting for a month about the rapidity that "Offshore" inventories are being drawn down. Also, I've posted about the million barrels/day of "Product" inventories that the OECD is drawing down.

    Add it up, and you see that we're using 2 million barrels/day MORE than the world is producing.

    And, this is before people in the U.S., and Europe go back to work. This is Before the Semis start running, again.

    My outlook on oil prices in July has exactly Nothing to do with a "cold snap" in Jan.

    And, btw, the Flow from "existing" fields is Declining by a little over 4 Million bpd, annually. If you really did get 3.6 mbpd new production this year you'd go in the hole by a half a million bpd, or so.

    And, Iraqi production is Dropping, not going up. They're going to have more production in a year, or two; but you couldn't put a gun to my head and get me to bet on over 1 million bpd more in 2012.

  54. If it is true that rats abandon a sinking ship, what does yesterday's news from the Democrats say?

    I would not want to be serving in either house of Congress during the next decade. You ain't seen nothin' yet.

    Would it be fair to say that the most salient difference between Bush and Obama is Bush's timidity?

  55. Greetings All. Please permit me to de-lurk OT long enough to state old Japanese proverb - "Never interpose self between predator and his prey".

  56. It's a shame. That "Earthrace" was a nice boat.

  57. De-lurk more often, Stoutfellow. A good link, or thought, is always appreciated.

  58. StoutFellow,

    It has been too long.

    Thanks for the link (and a topic that does not lend itself to the usual devolution ;)

    Have the Japanese taken a page from the French in their dealings with harassment at sea?


  59. boy, you can whine all you want about right of way rules but the ultimate rule of the sea seems to always prevail - "the law of gross tonnage".

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Rufus It's a shame. That "Earthrace" was a nice boat.

    Aye. But her captain was an ass. Thanks to you and Allen for the kind words.

  62. "the law of gross tonnage".


    First chuckle of the day - Thanks.

  63. The Ultimate Jew

  64. That is one os ash's most witty! Well done.

  65. ah, gee, thanks guys!

    Experience born of having the right of way (sailboat) but a desire to survive the outing.

  66. Ash said...

    "Experience born of having the right of way (sailboat) but a desire to survive the outing."

    kewl...and applicable to a host of other situations :)

  67. Our resident expert, Rufus
    S - Mississippi
    Knows better than the people of Massachusetts about healthcare in, you guessed it, Massachusetts!

    36 percent of Massachusetts voters think Romneycare is worse than was the status quo.

    30 percent think it is better.

    Will Teddy's seat go to the GOP on the 19th, leaving the Dems w/o a supermajority?

  68. California govt spending up 80 Percent in 10 years!

    Obama on course to outstrip CA in the race to the bottom/bankruptcy.

  69. Rufus

    I have no idea where fuel prices are going, but T's comments about oil field activity in Iraq are seem to be accurate. Check out and

    I'm just sayin'

  70. How is the weather down there in Hilton Head allen?

  71. These are the people Rat expects the Israelis to live with in the same state...

    Palestinian Muslim yelling "I want to kill all the Jews" taken off Miami flight
    Feel the love. "Fla. police: Man threatening Jews taken off flight," by Curt Anderson for AP, January 7 :

    An airline passenger who yelled "I want to kill all the Jews" on a Detroit-bound plane was arrested on disorderly conduct and other charges, but authorities said Thursday the incident didn't appear terrorism-related.
    Mansor Mohammad Asad, 43, of Toledo, Ohio, was arrested Wednesday night after a taxiing Northwest Airlines flight returned to a gate at Miami International Airport, Miami-Dade police said. After a confrontation with officers, Asad was charged with threats against a public servant, disorderly conduct and resisting an officer without violence.

    FBI spokeswoman Judy Orihuela said there were no indications the incident was connected to terrorism. The bureau was initially brought in to look into the disturbance but is no longer involved in the investigation and is treating the case as a local matter.

    The disturbance came the same day as military jets escorted a commercial jetliner bound for Hawaii back to the Portland, Ore., airport because of a disruptive passenger. The FBI said there was no known terrorism link in that case. The passenger, identified only as a 56-year-old man from Salem, Ore., was released.

  72. More "one man, one vote, one time people" that rat thinks should be equal citizens

    “Justifiable indignation”: Thief allowed to destroy police car

    What happens to a presumed thief, carrying a wallet that doe not belong to him, who is held by police? Correct. He is allowed to keep the money and smash the police car, as happened at the Praterstern (Vienna). Why was there no arrest?

    Reason: The “indignation” was justified.

    The story seems complicated, yet it is simply absurd. A Tunisian man (22) is unable to pay his bill at a kebap stand. Police search him and find a wallet not belonging to him with 60 euros and credit cards not issued to the suspect, who says, “I found the wallet.” Adding:” But the 60 euros are mine!”

    Now the story gets bizarre: Because the policemen do not want to return the bills, the man goes berserk, demolishes the police car, slashes the seat covers ans smashes the windows. Surprising reaction from the public prosecutor's office: “Justifiable indignation.” The 60 euros are returned to the Tunisian, and he is a free man.

    Reaction from David Lasar, FPÖ security spokesman: “The Tunisian man destroyed the police car, smashed the windows, slashed the seats. And then he is let go – with the money! As long as the prosecutor's office makes these kinds of decisions, the hard work of the police force resembles that of Sisyphus.”

  73. More love hellos from the people Rat thinks Israel should join in statehood with:

    Katyusha lands near Ashkelon for 1st time since Cast Lead

    so, 10 mortars earlier, one anti-tank rocket and now a nice Katyusha, all in 24 hours...

  74. DNA identical to the occupying overlords.

  75. ...And, Iraqi production is Dropping, not going up. They're going to have more production in a year, or two; but you couldn't put a gun to my head and get me to bet on over 1 million bpd more in 2012.

    Thu Jan 07, 09:58:00 AM EST

    Archived in "Rufus predicts:"

    We'll see what's what in '12, Ruf.


  76. Doug said...
    DNA identical to the occupying overlords.

    DNA between a baboon and a human is 99.99% the same...

    DNA aint the issue...

    I admit the inbred jack ass of a people, the arabs are infact close DNA wise, that is what happens when your grand daddy fucks the maid...

    the arab people are closely related to the Jews via DNA, unless you are saying the Jews and the Arabs should share the land?

    that sounds fair...

    let's see, Israel sits on 1/650th of the middle east.

    Arabs sit on 649/650th....

    20% of the population of Israel are Arabs, 0% of the Arab world are Jews (they were driven out)

    SO let's see the offer for peace...

    How about 40% of all Arab lands should be given to the Jews...

    How about we just stick the lands in the arab world that the Jews settled BEFORE the Arabs...



  77. Doug said...
    DNA identical to the occupying overlords.

    If they both ave the dam DNA then one cannot be an OCCUPIER since he has equal rights to the lands...

    Sounds like the arabs called "palestinians" and the Israelis have as much right to the lands as they can hold...

    I think Israel should conquer some more land and push the arabs back to 19 states from the 22 they seek..

  78. "We all agree that the signing of the (reconciliation) will take place in Cairo," he said.

    Meshaal's visit with Saudi foreign minister Prince Saud al-Faisal was designed to help reconciliation of the feud, Saudi officials said.

    "We still hope that the kingdom plays a special role alongside Egypt and Arab countries to help us first succeed in sponsoring the Palestinian reconciliation and unify the Palestinian position and also to prompt Arabs to confront the stubborn Israeli administration," Meshaal said.

    Fatah Reconciliation

  79. If you guys would just go out and find a girlfriend, you wouldn't be blabbing on the blog all the day long. You wouldn't be talking about Obama, terrorism, and such like, endlessly. Frankly, I find a tree, and the wind, and the sea, and the stars, and a human face, much more interesting.

  80. bob said...
    If you guys would just go out and find a girlfriend, you wouldn't be blabbing on the blog all the day long.

    Yeah if i did that I'd have no penis and no wife..

  81. Particularily, a human face, but that's just the way I think about things.

  82. It's dangerous, I admit.

  83. Everywhere I turn there seems to be a dearth of common sense:
    Jordanian intelligence officials have said they believed the devout 32-year-old doctor had been persuaded to support U.S. efforts against al-Qaida in Afghanistan. They say al-Balawi was recruited to help capture or kill Ayman al-Zawahri, a doctor from Egypt who is bin Laden's right-hand man, according to a counterterrorism official based in the Middle East.

    Bayrak said her husband was detained in jail for three days by Jordanian intelligence in January.

    "They were about 20 men from the Jordanian intelligence, they raided our home late at night on Jan. 19," she said. "They only searched our house randomly, they did not search it in detail. They took away my husband and seized his computer because my husband was writing on Jihad forums."

  84. Kickoff approaches, Rufus.

    I'll take the Longhorns, even if they lost to Nebraska and then had to rely on an illegal review to restore the 1 second at the end of the game.

    I just don't know anything about Alabama except the PR


    Let the best team win.

  85. I've got $20 on a pick 3 this weekend.

    Cincinnati/Dallas/Green Bay

    Returns $86.60.

  86. Obama's first knee-jerk impulse is to blame the intelligence. This is no different from the incident with Robert Gates when his first knee-jerk impulse was to side with Gates' accusations of racism and say the responding officer acted stupidly. The blame lies squarely with the Obama State Department:

    We now know that the initial message had been changed to only saying that the father of a young Nigerian named Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, had contacted the embassy in Nigeria and that he was "concerned about his son that was traveling to the United States". There apparently was no information about being "on a one-way ticket" or regarding the "radicalization" from extreme Muslims in Yemen. In addition, there was no information about the father being a prominent Nigerian business man nor any mention that he was a credible source of information.

    Needles to say, this "filtered" information fell short of the normal requirements for a Visas Viper cable by not having the detailed information on the son or about the father's background and credibility. When asked "Why was the additional information not added to the communication to the State Department?", the answer was: "This was as much of the information we felt comfortable providing in an unclassified cable".

  87. Whit: Wife says CIA bomber hated the United States

    Then Obama probably emailed the CIA station and said, "Relax, this guy is a friend of mine."

  88. Bob: If you guys would just go out and find a girlfriend, you wouldn't be blabbing on the blog all the day long.

    I got a girlfriend, plus I got MLD on my blog and that's more than you can say BOB.

  89. WiO: An airline passenger who yelled "I want to kill all the Jews" on a Detroit-bound plane was arrested on disorderly conduct and other charges, but authorities said Thursday the incident didn't appear terrorism-related.

    Don't be silly, WiO, how can saying "I want to kill all the Jews" be terrorism when actually killing Jews is not terrorism but merely "militant activism" by "Palestinian youths" ?

  90. Early in the game, Texas 6-0 over Alabama. Texas defense is dominating, Alabama looks almost inept but McCoy has been knocked out the game. Don't know if he will be back.

  91. Good series for Alabama defense as they man up and Texas goes three and out. 2:52 left in first.

  92. Alabama has marched to a first and goal on the power running of Ingraham. About to start second quarter.

    Interesting McElroy is Al QB and Muckelroy is Texas LB.

  93. Ingraham strolls into the endzone; Touchdown, AL.

  94. Ash,

    I am in Atlanta this evening. It is snowing!

  95. Idaho beat, that team from Kentucky.

    We showed them that, you must be, on your best behavior here, when we go to the mat.

    We beat them by one point, we've had a wonderful college year here.

  96. got a girlfriend, plus I got MLD on my blog and that's more than you can say BOB.

    Screw you, she ain't no lesbo, this I know, she knows about sex, truly.

    Besides, she's my girl, not yours.

  97. Besides, she's been married a long long time, she knows what it's really all about, you stay away, you stitch.

    We ain't got no Camus, no exit here.

    You just stay away.

    Love you thou I do.

    You stay away.

  98. Alabama receivers could not get open and their QB was sacked four times, then Al's Richardson broke about a 45 yard TD run. Texas struggled behind a freshman QB who threw a shuttle pass which was intercepted by a 300 lb, sophomore, defensive lineman who ran it into the endzone.

    At the half, Alabama 24, Texas 6.

  99. Ingraham, or is it Ingram, Ingrahm?

    Impressive. You shouldn't build a team around one star, which Texas appears to have done with McCoy. If Alabama'd lost whats-his-name, No. 22, early, instead of Texas losing McCoy, it's arguable they'd still be ahead.

    Longhorns better cinch it up and stop screwing around. What the hell was that last play of theirs?

    Your bet's probably safe, Rufus.

  100. Huh,

    Just got back from lunch after stopping at the bookies to place my pick 3.

    Odds have gone up. Return is now $95.88. Make that quintuple my money.

  101. Shit! I got busy and forgot about the game. Probably missed the best part.

  102. Just last week, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) claimed responsibility for firing two Russian-made Grad missiles from Gaza at southern Israel.

    The Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) also claimed responsibility for firing four mortar shells at Israeli army vehicles near the border the week before.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened following those strikes that Israel would respond to every single rocket by Gaza militants.

    Rocket Attack

  103. You are actually, Teresita, kinda of a bitch

    It's always lick lick this
    And lick lick that
    And most of us
    Don't even care

    Take your licking, and go to hell
    Most of us don't eved care

    Most of us are grown up married men and women, and have children and other concerns, very much worried, about out children and stuff, and we might be very much worried, about the future and stuff, and not so much worried about licking cunt.
    Which seems all on your mind. Grow up.

  104. bob: Screw you, she ain't no lesbo, this I know, she knows about sex, truly.

    No, screw you Bob, not by word or deed did I imply MLD is a lesbian.

    Besides, she's my girl, not yours.

    She's nobodies' girl she's her husband's woman

    Besides, she's been married a long long time, she knows what it's really all about, you stay away, you stitch.

    I sampled many pleasures in my youth.

  105. Bob: You are actually, Teresita, kinda of a bitch

    You get the Trish treatment. No further comment. Never forgive, never forget. And lady MLD will be incredibly disillusioned by this.

  106. It was Sartre wtote "No

    My mistake.

    Camus was the better of the two.

  107. Texans playin' from the Nebraska book. Stop em with defense and make position on punts. Hard to win when you're 18 down and only a little over a quarter to play, though.

  108. Sorry, Bob; But, I, for one, am much more interested in reading about T's cunt-licking than some silly old man's paeons of love to his "internet" fantasy-lover.

    When does that vacation start, Bob-O?

  109. Sam: Just last week, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) claimed responsibility for firing two Russian-made Grad missiles from Gaza at southern Israel.

    Reg: Right. You're in. Listen. The only people we hate more than the Romans are the fucking Judean People's Front.
    PFJ: Yeah
    Judith: Splitters.
    Francis And the Judean Popular Peoples Front.
    PFJ: Oh yeah. Splitters.
    Loretta And the peoples Front of Judea.
    PFJ: Splitters.
    Reg: What?
    Loretta The Peoples front of Judea. Splitters.
    Reg: We're the Peoples front of Judea.
    Loretta Oh. I thought we were the Popular Front.
    Reg: Peoples Front.
    Francis Whatever happened to the Popular Front, Reg?
    Reg: He's over there.
    --------[A single old man sits on a lower seat.]
    --------{Some POPULAR front, eh?}
    PFJ: [To the old man.] SPLITTER!

  110. Gambling is fun.

    Pussy licking is fun, also. Chicks love that shit.

  111. Rufus: I, for one, am much more interested in reading about T's cunt-licking than some silly old man's paeons of love to his "internet" fantasy-lover.

    I don't believe I ever spoke of such things on the Elephant Bar. What's to tell? You guys already know everything about it.

    Bob is probably drunk now, but if he knew that he actually drove MLD off from the EB for a while I think that alcoholic haze would rush out of him like air from a balloon. MLD will probably come back to him in a few days, but Bob has lost me for good.

  112. Well, if you DID write about it it would be better than Bob's "poetry." :)

  113. BTW, is it just me, or is the whole idea of forming emotional attachments to someone as a result of a handful of blog comments


  114. Whiskey: I don’t think a thing will change until we lose several cities, and I think likely four cities.

    We lost three planes, two buildings, one side of the Pentagon, and 2,973 Americans. It was billed as an "existential" threat to the US. It resulting in regime change in Afghanistan and Iraq, permanent warfare against Islamists, the creation of a Department of Homeland Security, a Patriot Act, and a whole slew of other changes. If we lose one (1) city even after all the measures put in place post-911, especially if it occurs well into Obama's watch so Bush cannot be plausibly blamed, then the measures we need to win will be authorized, even by Obumbler.

    What we need is for someone in authority to say, "Yes profiling is racist, but so what?"

    The alternative would be the (admittedly enjoyable) spectacle of seeing Obumbler impeached by his own party to avoid a total debacle in the election.

  115. I’ve stayed away for a few days thinking that maybe my abrupt ludicrous interruptions were the cause of the chaos that have been going on, here at the bar. But, I don’t think that’s the case. Everyone is dotting their i’s, and crossing their T’s, like Mother Theresa is in the room, but actually, it’s been quite boring. The host is back on his Obama hating crusade and no matter how many posts he puts up, The Man in the spot light, will be here for the next three years. So get use to it. Let’s just hope things don’t get fucked up more than they are now. Bob is now defending me against innocent people for no reason at all and is pushing away one of the few allies he has in this place. WiO, is still talking to Rat about the same thing for like two months now and Rat just keeps retaliating…And I’m the one with nothing of value to say. Ha! Not that what you’re saying isn’t of value but how many times do you have to repeat yourselves? There can’t be a normal conversation without someone popping in a link to some tragedy reminding us of how bad this world has become. I just can’t fathom, no matter what kind of blog this represents, that a group of people can’t be civil and take the night off and bullshit about things of no matter. Things that if any two of you were sitting at a bar having a drink would talk about. And don’t tell me that if you were out this would be what you would be talking about. Oh, and there’s nothing wrong with a little pussy talk. Grow the fuck up.

  116. Rufus: Well, if you DID write about it it would be better than Bob's "poetry." :)

    Melody: "The sea
    Is too cold for diving." T:
    "Not that kind of dive."

    Bobal the farmer
    Listens in the night. The gals
    Both wear thigh ear muffs.

    Teresita licks
    Melody's hot sticky thighs
    Her soft moans echo

    So soft her skin feels
    As Miss T rubs her love's back
    Time stops as they breathe

    "As wind gently sighs
    And shadows dapple the ground
    I savor your scent"

  117. Rufus, you may be the sanest one here, I not sayin' you're not.

    I like Melody, that's the truth.

    I also may need a psychiatrist.

    That for her to say.

  118. Oh, hi MLD, welcome back, I was just off to bed.

    Tell it, sister!

    I've been so bored by the EB lately I've even gone back to posting on the Belmont Club, if you can imagine such a thing.

  119. MLD, where I come from we go to bars to "fight, fuck, or get drunk."

    I have no idea what you're talking about with the "having a drink, and civil conversation," schtick.

  120. Bobal the farmer
    Listens in the night.

    That was good, the rest of it a bunch of shit.

    Just more licken, and licken and licken for ever more.....

  121. Sorry, Rufus I was just being polite. I'm not a fighter but gettting drunk and fucking is a good thing.

  122. Rufus, you must live in Colorado. Juat sayin'.

  123. Bob is now defending me against innocent people for no reason at all

    Christ, woman, you told me to be your Knight, woman, what do you expect?

    And I like pussy talk too, but just between you and me, please.

    The hell with it, lets go off and get married, that's what I'm for.

  124. Thanks,T, for missing me. I won't be back to often but after being out, drinking and having a good time, I feel it appropriate to rant.

    Tomorrow night is my niece's sweet sixteen. My sister is not serving any alcohol not even for the adults. So, I'll be getting my pre-game on around 3 and by 7, I'll be ready for the party. So expect some ranting tomorrow night. If I'm up to it.

    Good night.

  125. Can you take your own booze?

  126. No, you attacked, T, for no reason. Go back and read what was said. If you can't tonight then do it tomorrow. T, said nothing out of context.

    I'm going to bed, I had an awesome and tiring night and I have to prepare for tomorrow. Since, I'll be helping from 12 on prepare for this party.

  127. Oh Sam, it's already prepared. I told you pregaming at 3 while I do my niece's hair and continue on through the night. Vodka and cranberry punch no one will know what I'm drinking...cause I'm not sharing.

  128. Well. Gilbert, McCoy's replacement, played a helluva 2nd half. Texas did cinch it up, and played hard...they just started their recovery about 10 minutes too late.

    It was a great game and I'm glad I got a chance to see Alabama play.

    Congratulations, Rufus, Whit (I'm guessing), and anyone else who picked Alabama.


    Doesn't look like I missed anything by watching football.


  129. I'll be dancing with a bunch a 16 year olds and they will have no clue. And if they do they better not steel my stash. I hit.

  130. Nope you didn't miss anything...and we didn't miss you.

  131. O Melody, you drive me nuts, and I'm just trying to be your fellow, really.

    There's a basketball game on here, or something, something about the Warriors, whoever they are.....

  132. Wow, that was some game! Imagine being a freshman QB and being thrown into the fire like that. He did well and Texas can be proud of themselves.

    Now, we can look forward to the Pros playoff and that will be the end of football for another year.

  133. Colorado, isn't that that pussy state where grown men tie pieces of wood to their feet, and go slide down hills in the snow?

    Nah, that wouldn't be me.

  134. Whit, Idaho smacked 'em, down in Boise, we won by one point, Humanitarian Bowl. Big deal, here. We got 'em, in the last forty seconds. Big, big deal here.

  135. There's a really really good program on tonight on Coast to Coast, with Ray Moody, and another guy.

    About life after death.

    Might mean something to all of us.

    Check it out.

  136. MeLoDy said...
    I’ve stayed away for a few days

    Yep, thanks...

    MeLoDy said...The host is back on his Obama hating crusade and no matter how many posts he puts up, The Man in the spot light, will be here for the next three years.

    Maybe, maybe not...

    MeLoDy said... Let’s just hope things don’t get fucked up more than they are now.

    If Obama aint impeached? it will be worse...

    MeLoDy said.. WiO, is still talking to Rat about the same thing

    No actually I dont debate rat, i just poke fun at him...

    MeLoDy said... Rat just keeps retaliating…

    No rat has his zionist, israel and jew rants, and I ridicule him....

    MeLoDy said...And I’m the one with nothing of value to say.

    actually that's one correct statement you made...

    MeLoDy said... but how many times do you have to repeat yourselves?

    Til the message gets thru, I am a stiffnecked people

    MeLoDy said...There can’t be a normal conversation without someone popping in a link to some tragedy reminding us of how bad this world has become.

    No, not really...

    MeLoDy said...I just can’t fathom, no matter what kind of blog this represents, that a group of people can’t be civil and take the night off and bullshit about things of no matter.

    I dont come to the bar to talk nonsense, that's what I have employees for...

    MeLoDy said...Things that if any two of you were sitting at a bar having a drink would talk about. And don’t tell me that if you were out this would be what you would be talking about.

    Actually, what I post here IS WHAT I TALK ABOUT, I am boring...

    MeLoDy said...Oh, and there’s nothing wrong with a little pussy talk. Grow the fuck up.

    I dont talk "pussy" talk with women, strangers or on blogs, I dont write poetry to cyber lush/sluts... I dont have cyber fantasies about faceless beings...

    I do have a mission...

    point out the failings of the current temporary administration love of all things islamic/socialist

    keep abreast of current islamic terror around the globe..

    if you find me boring or lame, ignore me..

    by the way, if you cannot understand why I might be pissed about Obama here is a point of interest.

    US Middle East envoy George Mitchell heaped praise on Fayyad and Abbas Wednesday night during a US television interview.

    "Twice during the interview, on the Charlie Rose show, Mitchell called Fayyad an "impressive leader" and said that he and Abbas represented "strong and effective leadership for the Palestinian people."

    The complaint against Abbas had to do with his sponsorship in late December of a ceremony celebrating the 50th birthday of Dalal Mughrabi, the terrorist who directed the 1978 Coastal Road Massacre, the worst terrorist attack in the country's history, where gunmen hijacked a bus and murdered 37 people, including 10 children. Mughrabi was killed during the attack.

    On her recent birthday, the governor of Ramallah named a town square after her. A huge banner at the ceremony read, "Under the auspices of President Mahmoud Abbas, The Political and National Education Authority Ceremony on the anniversary of the birth of the bride of the cosmos, the shahida [martyr] Dalal Mughrabi."

    Bottom line? Our nation give a billion a year to people who honor terrorists... child murderers...

    and you're bored by me?

  137. Here's some good news...

    A 16-year-old youth from the Arab village of Jadida in the western Galilee was seriously injured when an improvised pipe bomb he was trying to assemble exploded in his hands overnight Thursday.

    He was evacuated to hospital in Nahariya.

    Another youth who was with him apparently fled the scene.

    Let's all hope he loses his hands....

  138. More good news!!!

    Accused DC Holocaust museum shooter dies in hospital
    Jan. 7, 2010
    Associated Press

    The 89-year-old white supremacist charged in a deadly shooting at Washington's Holocaust museum died Wednesday in North Carolina, where he'd been held while awaiting trial, authorities said.

    James von Brunn died at a local hospital in Butner, North Carolina, said Denise Simmons, the spokeswoman for the federal prison where von Brunn had been held. He had been suffering from chronic congestive heart failure, sepsis and other health problems, she said.


  139. Stupid Moslem Update:

    Four Malaysian churches attacked with firebombs in 'Allah' dispute
    Jan. 8, 2010
    Associated Press

    Four Malaysian churches were attacked with firebombs, causing extensive damage to one, as Muslims pledged Friday to prevent Christians from using the word "Allah," escalating religious tensions in the multiracial country.

    Many Malay Muslims, who make up 60 percent of the population, are incensed by a recent High Court decision to overturn a ban on Roman Catholics using "Allah" as a translation for God in the Malay-language edition of their main newspaper, the Herald.

    The government says Allah, an Arabic word that predates Islam, is exclusive to the faith and by extension to Malays. It refuses to make an exception, even though the Herald's Malay edition is read only by Christian indigenous tribes in the remote states of Sabah and Sarawak.

    At Friday prayers at two main mosques in downtown Kuala Lumpur, young worshippers carried banners and gave fiery speeches, vowing to defend Islam.

  140. What do moslems, explosives, anuses and nuts have in common?

    In practice, Abdulmutallab's attempt to secret the explosives on his body was an almost exact replica of two previous terror acts. A few months ago, a Yemenite terrorist hid explosives in his anus and set them off when he approached the Saudi Arabian deputy interior minister. In November 2001, the Briton Richard Reid (known as "the shoe bomber") boarded a plane for Miami in Paris. Reid, and Abdulmutallab eight years later, carried the same substances on their bodies: TATP and PETN, which are easy to prepare, and especially sensitive to changes in weather, and to shaking or friction - qualities which made them especially beloved by Hamas and Islamic Jihad suicide bombers as far back as the 1990s. Each one of the two substances by itself is not dangerous, but when combined (no need for a detonator), they are deadly. They ignite and explode. Reid hid them in his shoes and tried to set them off with matches hidden in his socks, but which did not ignite because they were damp. Abdulmutallab tried to mix them using a syringe.

    Let's all hope islamic terrorists hide explosives in their anuses and or granny panties...
