Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Health Care is Dead. Cap and Trade is Dead. Brown Wins Mass 53-46%

Thank You Mass, you lovely bastards!


  1. Thank You Mass you lovely bastards!

  2. Ted Kennedy's seat DESTROYED...

    ha ha ha hah ah ah ah ah ah ah a

  3. Drudge reports the concession, AP calls it, it's all over. Welcome Senator-elect Brown, our 41st Republican. This was a race with national implications. It was fun live-blogging it, and good practice for November 2.

  4. Shot heard around the world...

    Boston Tea Party Part II

    BHO, Lame Duck Potus

  5. Deuce said...
    Whoda thunk it?

    me, you and a hugh portion of the country...

    So GLAD my 35 bucks went to brown early!!!!

  6. I've been to three county fairs, a goat roping, a foreign war, and a Shriners' Convention, but

    people never cease to amaze me.

  7. $100,000,000.00 was the magic number last month. What will it be now?

  8. After tonight's results I peredict that after a decent interval, Joe Lieberman, Senator of neighboring Connecticut, will convert to Republicanism #tcot

  9. Lil,

    Your prediction has been entered in the ship's log.

  10. I agree with L that healthcare is not dead.

    The Dems will push something through. However, it will likely be through reconciliation which means Its going to look a lot different than what they have got right now.

    Hopefully, those things that most people agree on (like doing away with pre-existing conditions for denying insurance) will make the cut.

    I suspect regardless of what comes out though that there will still be constitutional challenges to the legislation.


  11. Perhaps we could agree, Health Care as we knew it is dead.

  12. Why is asshole Kerry on crutches?

  13. WiO,

    Last month it took about $100,000,000.00 in pork to buy the vote of a US Senator to support the national health care bill. With the election of Mr. Brown, the arithmatic has changed; i.e. the cost of a prostitute will increase.

  14. Quirk: I suspect regardless of what comes out though that there will still be constitutional challenges to the legislation.

    The big one will be whether the Federal government is empowered to compel citizens to purchase a product (health insurance) from a private entity. I think it could be challenged on 4th Amendment grounds, that a person's insurance policy papers are safe from unreasonable search.

  15. There is a "slim" chance that the Dems in the House will swallow the Senate Bill, whole, and thus avoid another vote in the Senate.

  16. Patty Murray (D-WA), she who says the US needs to build day care centers in Afghanistan to compete with Obama's day care centers, is next.

  17. Obama, Osama, same difference.

  18. First, the Dems are politicians before they are Democrats.

    Second, they are power control freaks.

    Third, they are survivors.

    Thus, enough will jump ship and not go down with Rev. Jimbobama.

  19. "the arithmatic has changed; i.e. the cost of a prostitute will increase."

    Wrong again.

    Even Ben Nelson sees the writing on the wall and the political backlash across the country (and in his own state) and is trying to back out of that deal.

    I doubt you will see deals of that magnitude cut again.

    At least on healthcare.


  20. Deuce: Why is asshole Kerry on crutches?

    He was wearing a snorkel, mask, and flippers to Mass and slipped when he went up to the altar to take the Blessed Sacrament.

  21. "There is a "slim" chance that the Dems in the House will swallow the Senate Bill,whole..."

    I thought the same until I started hearing recent statement from some of the house Dems. Guys like Stupak are saying it won't happen.

    With Brown's victory, it's hard to imagine it happening.


  22. Yeah, 80 - 20 says,

    "It's Dead, Jim."

  23. Quirk said...

    "Wrong again."

    Time will tell, Quirk.

    Happily, you made a cogent argument. I respect that.

  24. Mr. Obama appears to be the best thing that has happened for the Republicans since the Mr. Clinton of 1992.


  25. I wonder if he will drop the "R," and adopt the "I."

  26. Scott Brown is looped.

  27. Just think we will never have to talk about chappaquiddick ever again...

  28. "Mr. Obama appears to be the best thing that has happened for the Republicans since the Mr. Clinton of 1992."

    Unfortunately, if the GOP wins this year, they will only be doing so passively. The country doesn't like either party. The only way the GOP actually moves ahead is if they learn something from the anger out there.

    I'm not optimistic about that happening until they get rid of the current guys leading the party.


  29. Quirk: The only way the GOP actually moves ahead is if they learn something from the anger out there.

    They can start by taking a clue from the folks who really elected Scott Brown, the Teapartygoers.

  30. Political Parties rankings in Popularity -

    1) Tea Party

    2) Undecided

    3) Democratic

    4) Republican

    Palin called him an "Independent," and He hasn't used the R word, tonight.

  31. Voters considered national issues including health care and the federal budget deficits.

    Fears about spending drove Karla Bunch, 49, to vote for Brown. "It's time for the country, for the taxpayers, to take back their money," she said.

    And Elizabeth Reddin, 65, voted for Brown because she said she was turned off by the Democrat's negative advertisements, saying: "The Coakley stuff was disgusting."

    Senate Race

  32. In another attack, a Katyusha rocket landed close to Baghdad's green zone, though no casualties were reported, according to a police officer who spoke on condition of anonymity.

    He said Iraqi soldiers who were near the place where the rocket was believed to have been fired raided the area and arrested three people who were moving in an open field with a small rocket launcher with them.

    The U.S. military said it was investigating the incident but had no further details.

    Another Attack

  33. Breaking News

    It was all Bush's fault!

    Days before the polls closed, Democrats were fingerpointing and laying blame.

    Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, head of the House Democrats' campaign effort, said Coakley's loss won't deter his colleagues from continuing to blame the previous administration

    Life imitates art.


  34. I may be too cynical. I read the story a couple of times to see what was in it for Glaxo. But it still looks like a good move on their part.

    Glaxo Puts Patents for 13000 Malaria Drugs into the Public Domain

    Kudos Glaxo.


  35. From Scott Brown's remarks at his victory rally:

    It all started with me, my truck, and a few dedicated volunteers. It ended with Air Force One making an emergency run to Logan. I didn't mind when President Obama came here and criticized me - that happens in campaigns. But when he criticized my truck, that's where I draw the line.

    You should read the whole thing at American Digest.

    Yes, Rufus. He does sound like an Independent. That's a good thing from where I'm at.

  36. Mr. Brown may be an independent. He could be a TeaParty follower.

    Whatever he may be or other candidates may be on election day 2010, most state ballots will show only Republicans and Democrats.

    It will take much more than anger to organize an alternative to the current party system.

  37. You're welcome, it was a pleasure. I haven't voted for many winners here in the last 35 years.

    Kerry had a hip replacement recently.

  38. My pleasure Chachy, stay in touch!
