Friday, January 08, 2010

American Cycles of Despair and Hope


  1. A must go
    His own way
    Not the country will save you
    You must save yourself
    There comes a time
    For decision in the mind
    That's what it is about

  2. Rather--

    A man must go
    His own way
    Not the country will save you
    You must save yourself
    There comes a time
    For decision in the mind
    That's what it is about

  3. Yep, time to work on saving myself. my family and my friends...

    the rest of the country? the world?

    be damned...

    Time for the plumbed in natural gas generator...

    I've been cutting back on all "social justice" issues, they say that 5% do and give 95% and I've always been part of the 5%, no more...

    I have decided to go Galt

    I am creating my own virtual Galt's Gutch

  4. Well, I may have gone a little overboard, there, on that.

    You can't live without community.

    I tried it once, it didn't work.

    But you can't live with community either.

    So, I don't know what the answer is.

    A good riping woman, and lots of luck, I quess.

  5. Okay, before I go there was a wildly funny comment at Balloon Juice:

    Progressives are bitching about Rahm Emmanuel and how everything would be better without him.

    "Show me where on the doll Rahm touched you," quipped someone.

    Endless uses. Endless.

  6. THAT is why we have the blogosphere.

  7. I just want Melody.

    I'm tryin' but so far no success.

    She'll be pissed at me for this, but will forgive me in end, I hope.

  8. bob...

    I have it on good authority that "Melody" is really a 260 pound, fat, bald, stubby dicked guy named "ted"...

    Never trust an internet "fantasy"

    She is always a he

    She is always a whale, with a pecker

    and if SHE is a SHE? Then she is either psyco, after your wallet or a felon...

  9. Thanks, WiO, for looking out for me.

    While I'm aware of the dangers you sugguest, I'm not there, quite yet.

    I think she is just what she seems to be.

    If I pay for it, I'll pay for it, emotionally.

    But thanks, for looking out for me.

  10. If I pay for it, I'll pay for it, emotionally.

    I'll chip in a quarter if you'll do it in private.


  11. Our dear "occupation" has exemplified for US just how high tax rates stimulate the economy.

    Not through the collection of increased revenue to the government, but through increased personal and business spending, to avoid paying taxes on net earnings.

    Rather than taking earnings as taxable income by the owners, they are retained and reinvested in the business.

    The hidden hand of unheralded but intended consequence.

  12. desert rat said...
    Our dear "occupation" has exemplified for US just how high tax rates stimulate the economy.

    Not through the collection of increased revenue to the government, but through increased personal and business spending, to avoid paying taxes on net earnings.

    Rather than taking earnings as taxable income by the owners, they are retained and reinvested in the business.

    The hidden hand of unheralded but intended consequence.

    Dam straight rodent-boy...

    I am supporting employees at Glock, Blazer, Mossberg, Kohler & more...

    I bet a lot of what I spend goes to China (sadly) but before i fork it over to be redistributed to the unworthy lazy and poor, i'll reinvest it in myself and deduct it...

  13. I'll chip in a quarter if you'll do it in private

    That's what I'm trying to do, dammit, but she doesn't agree.

    She has very little to do with me, public or private.

    She has put me on stick quarters, I must obey.

    I kinda love her, she or he.

    You stay away.

  14. strick quarters, that is

    very strick

  15. had a very nice dinner tonight..

    prime rib...

    wrapped in cheese cloth for 8 days in the frig, for a little dry aging...

    very very yummy

  16. tomorrow I teach my 10 year old how to use a snow blower and a leaf blower on the powder

    should be funnier than shit...

  17. You bastards are all a bunch of shits, I'll run off with my Melody, and leave you in the dust.

    I have my lance, you can all go to hell.

    There are some things, I just can't tell.

    Between she and me.

    Or he, and me.

    But, I don't think that's the truth.

    You can all go to hell, I've promised her, I'll defend her to the end.

    And, I will.

  18. Bob...

    that's one good thing about a big ole fat boy pretending to be a women.. hugh man tits...


    as for his pecker and nuts? hopefully he'll have a gut of fat sack to dunlap over anything wormy lookin...

    just saying...

  19. Personally?

    I cant stand a woman whose breath is worse than mine

    whose beard is stubbier than mine

    whose farts are worse than mine

    whose tits are smaller than mine

    whose dick is bigger than mine..

    nope not my kind of woman...

  20. You're all just jealous, and that's the naked human truth.

  21. Personally?

    I cant stand a woman whose breath is worse than mine

    whose beard is stubbier than mine

    whose farts are worse than mine

    whose tits are smaller than mine

    whose dick is bigger than mine..

    nope not my kind of woman...

    Christ, who could.

    Not me and Melody.

  22. but you dont KNOW that...

    Melody is a cyber wraith...

    Nothing real...

    Could have a dick, could be a walrus

    You really dont know...

    hell she could have tattoos of all the men she boinked self inked on her thighs...

    you just dont know...

  23. I can't go into it any further.

    She likes the way I write.

    She has said that.

    I can't say anything further.


  24. I picture Melody...

    5 10, 320 lbs

    dirty brown hair, shoulder length with an ever growing bald spot...

    lives in a single wide with 11 cats, 3 rats and a ferret

    works at the local rendering plant....

    hobbies? self tattooing with homemade kit...

    loves to cut herself, used to be a man, but now calls herself a woman, but is pre-op

    she collects 1990's burger king happy meal toys and was turned down by "clean house" for having to much crap in her trailer...

    I picture her wearing a flowered mumu, sorta like a roseanne barr but heavier and uglier...

  25. I can't say anything further.

    If only it were true.

  26. You bastards are all a bunch of shits, I'll run off with my Melody, and leave you in the dust.

    Go, Bob.

    Enjoy yourselves.

    Go far away.

    Where there's no internet.

  27. I think he's poly-amorous.

    Or wants to be.



    send some cash to this guy..

    he's running to fill ted kennedy's seat

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  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Well, boob, after all the years, all the stories and all the hysterics, one thing I can testify to, without fear of perjury...

    I, for one, am not jealous of you, your farm, your wife or your romantic infatuations with total strangers on the whirled wide web.

    Your antics are purely entertainment, without covet or envy on my part.

  32. I am Glad i discovered this site.Added to my bookmark!
