Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tis the Season

This being Christmas Eve, let Santa know what you want to get right here. This is a picture of what I want for Christmas.


  1. You keep putting up new posts just as I start for the door.

    I want Melody, of course.

  2. All I want for Christmas? Is for Jesus's people to be legal to live in the historic lands of Jesus's life...

    The Galilee, Bethlehem, Hebron, Jerusalem to name a few...

  3. You have good taste there, T. I would prefer a short black trench coat and a pair of riding boots.

  4. Tried to get it for you T but they were sold out.


  5. Oh good, I don't have to drive to CdA after all. I walk out the door, and my daughter's car is there, in the driveway. She's asleep downstairs. She must have gotten the mechanical problem fixed. She should call, though. Kids.

    And my other appointment has been cancelled.

    That black belt, should it be a litle higher, or little lower, or is it just right?

    I'm not sure how it can be much higher.

    So I'd say, just a little lower. Maybe.

    I don't think it wrong to ask a question like this.

  6. Melody: You have good taste there, T. I would prefer a short black trench coat and a pair of riding boots.

    If I get you a trench coat, what's in it for me? ;-)

    Oops, sorry Bob!

  7. MIss T, you may not have read my statement in an earlier post--

    "Anyone gets too near my Melody I gun them down I'm that jealous."


    She's a wonderful Lady I can tell you that.

    I'm thinking about that black belt.

    Maybe it should be removed, altogether?

  8. WiO, Galilee is inside the 1949 Armistice Line but Bethlehem and Hebron are firmly in the Oslo Zone A, under Pallie control, and Jerusalem is a divided city.

    Our Lord and Savior said it would be so.

    Luke 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

  9. Bob, if I flirt with Melody it's purely tongue-in-cheek (heh!). I already got my good things and she's got hers.

  10. Well of course in Hemingway old St. Nick always had a wink* in his eye, if you know what I mean. His main character earlier on was Nick* Adams, twinking the American culture of the time, a little.

    If I were to rearrange the garments on our Christmas Eve lady there, I'd remove the boots, and head a little higher, slowly.

  11. Bob: If I were to rearrange the garments on our Christmas Eve lady there, I'd remove the boots, and head a little higher, slowly.

    There are men's magazines which look like gynecology textbooks (like Hustler), they leave nothing to the imagination. This image is far more provocative.

  12. No, no, no, I haven't looked at a nudie magazine since I was a teenager, all lanky and and without poise.

    It's the idea of removing the boots that sends me shyward, and then following through with a little elevation.

  13. ...and of course a little flirt back doesn't hurt, either.

  14. Well I knew that you had the coat, Melody, since this is a picture of you. But Bob doesn't want the boots and he thinks your belt is positioned too high.

  15. I, actually, want Melody, nude, naked, and well spread.

    But I'm not supposed to say that of course.

    But the day before Christmas is a good day to say it.

    She is a wonderful Lady, and I'm her Knight, long as she wants me.

  16. Melody is my Christmas spirit.

    "Love has pitched his tent in the place of excrement."

  17. Senator Dodd got $100 million for Christmas, and he's bragging about it.
