Saturday, December 12, 2009

Obamamerica Year One

An Elephant Bar Roundup of The One's Accomplishments in 2009:

1. A $787 billion dollar stimulus bill sold as a job creator that made unemployment go to double digits, which he duly blamed on "Eight years of failed policies of the Bush Administration", except that including interest, the estimated trillion dollar cost of the stimulus bill all by itself will exceed the deficits of Bush's first three years combined.

2. Three months later when unemployment went from 10.2% to just 10.0 % Obama took all the credit for that. Whoop de do.

3. A Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing, or worse than nothing, considering that he took actual possession of the prize money right after jacking up US troop levels in Afghanistan by 30,000.

4. An end to the ban on federal funding of stem cell research, which is kind of moot since the federal government is broke.

5. Cash for clunkers, and a temporary blip in car sales as people took advantage of getting free money.

6. Ditto the first time home buyer incentive. Subsidize anything and you get more of it for a while, until your currency printing press breaks.

7. Enough czars to pack a tsardine can, among them a "Compensation Czar" that sounds like something right out of Atlas Shrugged.

8. General Motors was nationalized to shield the United Auto Workers union from the consequences of demanding a Cadillac of a compensation package. The government is now in the business of making cars, and they are competing directly with Ford which escaped having the workers seize the means of production. Expect future regulations such as mileage standards to punish Ford at the expense of Government Motors.

9. ????

10. ???? (Nothing else? That might be a good thing)

What is "Occupation" adds:

11. additional obama moments from his 1st year...

12. green job czar a marxist

13. safe school czar a friend of nambla and fisting for kids

14. no jews in jerusalem

15. bowing to royalty

16. apologizing for America

17. claiming to stop torture

18. elevating a social secretary to a social status

19. bankrupting business with cap and trade

20. bankrupting health care

21. hiring his own lobbyists after promising no lobbyists

22. photo op of air force one dive bombing NYC

23. date night

24. chicago olympics

25. embracing ex-pres of honduras (siding with castro and chavez)

26. letting a year go by with northing to show for it with north korea

27. appeasing iran for 25% of his presidency

28. refunding of acorn

29. calling palestinian violence understandable when jews build homes

30. his cairo speech full of distortions and lies

31. his turkey speech full of distortions and lies

32. professor gates snafu...

33. making co2 a pollutant

34. destroying investor wealth at GM and Crysler


  1. 2. Three months later when unemployment went from 10.2% to just 10.0 % Obama took all the credit for that.

    Come on now. You know he can take credit for manipulating some numbers downward.

  2. We have a softer gentler EB with T and MeLoDy, don't you agree Whit?

  3. Chuckle, chuckle.

    Yes, I do and yes, she is doing a good job.

  4. What about Trish, don't you think she brings a softer, gentler side to the bar?

  5. I'm mad at you. The EB had an office party last night and I had to find out about on a thread the night before.

  6. Damn, sometimes the most important person misses the party!

  7. Trish is a real marshmellow for sure. Tough babe, but I am sure the man in her life is well compensated, just thinkin.

  8. That's what happens when you're taking out the trash and not paying attention to the good stuff.

  9. You know how it is Whit, timing baby , all is timing.

  10. All work and no play makes whit a dull boy.

  11. MeLoDy, the belle of the ball... was just commenting about how you and T are putting on a nice touch to the old bar. Good to see some serviettes and curtains for a change.

  12. Yeah...Yeah...Yeah...All you men are alike and just like to see two women flirting with each other.

  13. 2164th said..
    Your doing a good job T.

    Thanks Deuce. I don't want to step on your posts, but if I see the comments get up over about 150 I'll whip something out to keep it from hitting 200. I hate that thing with multiple pages of comments.

  14. T, in general, If something pops , I walk over my own posts. I agree on the double page. Sometimes I switch posts if one seems more interesting. The customer is always right.

  15. Melody: Yeah...Yeah...Yeah...All you men are alike and just like to see two women flirting with each other.

    I'll get you a rainbow tie-dy tshirt that says, "Yes I am, no you can't watch"

  16. Melody: And, T, doesn't think I should experience pussy and stick to what really wags my tail.

    Gosh, MLD, whatever works, but if you do make the conversion, you get the traditional toaster oven for joining the team. Also some discount coupons for U-haul, Indigo Girls concerts, a labrys tattoo, and flannel shirts at Target, which you wear over your tank tops.

  17. Oh T, earlier, I was thinking that this proposed $1.1 Trillion is Obama's first budget.

  18. Don't forget the double cherries tattoo. That seems to be obligatory.

  19. Oh man, I need a toaster, too.

  20. Well, would you rather have a toaster or some free booze?

  21. Whit, too bad there's no federal constitutional requirement to balance the budget like we have in WA, where even Queen Gregoire has to make cuts to obey the law.

  22. additional obama moments from his 1st year...

    green job czar a marxist

    safe school czar a friend of nambla and fisting for kids

    no jews in jerusalem

    bowing to royalty

    apologizing for America

    claiming to stop torture

    elevating a social secretary to a social status

    bankrupting business with cap and trade

    bankrupting health care

    hiring his own lobbyists after promising no lobbyists

    photo op of air force one dive bombing NYC

    date night

    chicago olympics

    embracing ex-pres of honduras (siding with castro and chavez)

    letting a year go by with northing to show for it with north korea

    appeasing iran for 25% of his presidency

    refunding of acorn

    calling palestinian violence understandable when jews build homes

    his cairo speech full of distortions and lies

    his turkey speech full of distortions and lies

    professor gates snafu...

    making co2 a pollutant

    destroying investor wealth at GM and Crysler

  23. Well, since the least favorite thing, I like to do is cook there's no choice there. I'll take the free booze.

  24. Great list, Whit, I added yours to the original post.

  25. Uh, T, that's WiO's list...:O

  26. I think that is a very good choice MLD.

  27. C'mon, give the guy his due credit. His administration delisted the wolves.

  28. giving his speeches to the queen of england

    returning the bust of winston churchill

    blowing off the dali lama in order to appease china

    never mentioning islam in the wake of the fort hood murders

    gitmo closed?

    stopping the military tribunal of KSM and moving it to NYC after complaining about bush's lack of swift justice

    screwing poland about missile defense

    stopping coal plants & nuke power from being built

    the russian reset button

  29. The pathological egotist has used the small word I more times already than the last two Presidents combined.

  30. Dang, WiO beat me to a couple of those.

    Turning a recption of the dead into a giant photo op.

  31. Kick starting the gun and ammo industry.

    I've had an order in at Cabelas's for a case of .38 Super for months, can't get it. Seems the manufacturers are concentrating on more popular brands.

  32. Great Freakin' Photoshop! I broke out laughing.

  33. let's not forget...

    calling fox news a non-news channel

    still fighting the birth certificate

    prosecuting navy seals for punching a high ranking murderous terrorist

  34. T, I just realized this is Your Post. Great Job.

    Who did the Photoshop?

  35. Increased membership in the NRA.

  36. Let the Black Panther voter intimidaters walk.

  37. Giving the Medal of Freedom award to Mary Robinson

    Funding 1 billion dollars in weapons to Lebanon (of which 30% is officially Hezbollah)

    Signing an executive order to resettle hamas family members into the usa

    Resettling palestinians from iraq into the usa

    promising 978 million dollars to rebuild gaza

  38. T, I just realized the Russian Missile post was yours, also. Good job. We appreciate it.

  39. Has succeeded in having tent cities named "Obamavilles".

  40. Yeah, T, you've been doin' good stuff.

  41. Prognosis, miserable

    The top of my head tingles
    Like I got the shingles
    My eyes are orbs aflame
    Teary and bloodshot
    My nose drips gallons
    Red as Rudolph
    My mustache is slicked
    With dripping snot
    My mouth is cotton dry
    My throat raw and sandy
    My heart labors apace
    My skin crawls, sweats
    And itches
    My gut is all in a knot
    My balls are retracted
    My pecker shriveled
    And a cry come from my bones
    Pleading out for cortizones
    My knees knock and shake
    My feet and toes are purple
    I'm told to drink plenty of water
    I try to get some sleep
    By counting sheep
    O'er leap they do the gate
    I drift to escaping sleep
    Then torturous, rise to urinate
    In short, Melody,
    I ain't doin' great
    I need some T L C
    From M L D

  42. Apologies to WiO for attributing his hard work to Whit, I was rushed for bed. Rufus, bob, thanks for liking my posts. The bigger compliment is in the fact that you took them as Deuce/Whit posts!
