Friday, December 25, 2009

A fifth of European Union will be Muslim by 2050

Britain, Spain and Holland will have an even higher proportion of Muslims in a shorter amount of time, an investigation by The Telegraph shows.

Last year, five per cent of the total population of the 27 EU countries was Muslim. But rising levels of immigration from Muslim countries and low birth rates among Europe's indigenous population mean that, by 2050, the figure will be 20 per cent, according to forecasts.

Data gathered from various sources indicate that Britain, Spain and Holland will have an even higher proportion of Muslims in a shorter amount of time.

The findings have led to allegations that policy-makers are failing to confront the widespread challenges of the "demographic time bomb".

Experts say that there has been a lack of debate on how the population changes will affect areas of life from education and housing to foreign policy and pensions.

Although some polls have pointed to a lack of radicalisation in the Muslim community, little attention is being given to the integration of migrants, it is claimed, with fears of social unrest in years to come.

("Social unrest" being the code word for blowing up subways and airplanes from London to Madrid)


  1. Europe did this to themselves...

    If only they hadn't murdered their Jews...

    Yep ethnically cleansed and murdered the Jews...

    Those pesky Tailors, Cooks, Retailers, Bakers, Designers, Doctors, Actors & such...

    To be replaced by whom?

    Arabs, Turks, North Africans Moslems....

    I guess karma is a kick in the ass....

    Merry Christmas EUROPE....

    Enjoy your future.... You created it....

  2. Praise to you WiO, I've noticed that you do actually make your contributions more or less on-topic. I wanted to give you a place to land today besides one about a Christmas song.

  3. "Merry Christmas EUROPE...."

    I detect snark.

    ; )

  4. Sucks to be former colonizers, doesn't it?

    And to have no reasonable way of assimilating your former colonizees.

    Europeans look at us and seriously ask, "How do you do it?"

    We escaped your fucking mindset, that's how we do it.

  5. thanks for the landing pad...

    The Christmas song thread opens up many a topic actually...

    From the anti-semites angry that the Joos wrote some of the most popular Christmas songs to the "how much diversity shall we have in holiday programs and as far as the topic "Why do Jews eat Chinese food on Christmas eve?" ( I did, GREAT Peking Duck)

    The world is a changing place in motion...

    Europe now funds most of the NGO's committed to Israel's destruction and at the same time America subsidies this by our defense umbrella ocering same....

    Europe has a 5th column of rot called islam. Colonialism is part of the issue (read France/Algeria) however much of the issue is the vacuum created by the liquidation of it's Jews. Other factors are of of import. It's interesting to watch as Europe slices it's own throat in the public square concerning Islam as it's real wealth is shrinking....

    As America becomes more Obamaized and socialist dont look for any real world leadership from the USA....

    America is on the decline as per Obama and now that we are out of money we cant afford to confront the issues of the day, from north korea or iran to helping keep the world's shipping lanes open...

    Obama is pulling a reverse Reagan on ourselves... We bankrupted the USSR with Starwars, thus causing the collapse of it's economy... Obama is bankrupting us so that we will HAVE to pull back from being world leaders in many theaters and become what he wishes... 4% of the world, un-extraordinary....

    As for Europe? I expect the white Europeans, the most successful mass murderers on the planet will wake from their self inducted Tryptophan coma and see newly created ghettos of burka clad zombies fastly taking over every single city, village and town in some sort of plague like growth and then the shit will hit the fan...

    The night of the broken glass will repeat it'sself, but not just in germany, but across europe...

    Look for more and more violence in europe, so far the DAILY car burnings, rapes, torture, theft, kidnappings BY THE MOSLEMS are virtually ignored by the press, but soon you will be reading about the VIOLENCE (in response and because of lack of protection by the state) by the original EUROPEANS towards the Moslems. Of course the moslems shall play the holocaust card, comparing themselves to the jews, but the comparsion shall be empty. The Jews were productive members of civil society whereas the moslems of europe are parasitic in all ways... Soon the straw will break the camel's back and all hell will erupt... The rats will flee europe and there will be ugly, ugly violence....

    Congrats Europe you have reaped what you have sowed....

  6. Jimmy Carter Apologizes To Jews

    Just when his grandson Jason is going to be running for Congress from a district with many Jewish voters.

    I hope those Jewish voters don't vote for Jason Carter.

    I thought there was a Carter running for something in Las Vegas, but maybe I'm wrong.

  7. Dear Jimmy Carter,

    I wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you for your heart felt apology.

    It's with great sadness that I cannot accept your wishes since word do not heal the blind jew hating zeal that you have lived, pushed and promoted for decades. Not one actual action you have done in the past 30 years would convince me that you are infact repentant of your evil, jew hating, israel hating ways..

    too numerous are your sins against me and my people "israel" and now that your relative is running for an elected seat in a highly jewish area you find the words for a blanket apology for anything you have said or done over the last 30 years...

    Dear jimmy....

    If your faith is true I hope that someday your Lord in Heaven will shove your puckered ass so far into hell that eternity is to short for you....

    You are an evil person... You break bread with child murderers and genocidal fanatics and at the same time paint Jews with blood libels that are false.

    Make you rot in Hell you old sack of crap, may your family tree feel the pain you have inflicted for 10 generations.... Make your offspring come to learn the extent of your evilness by changing their names and removing your headstone to "anonymous"

    Jimmy, you are a pus filled pimple on the ass of the worst....

    Enjoy the holiday schmuck...

  8. WiO: Soon the straw will break the camel's back and all hell will erupt... The rats will flee europe and there will be ugly, ugly violence....

    And go where? Here? This country was founded by people who fled Europe centuries ago, but Obama is turning us into a carbon copy of Europe, complete with work-free drugplaces.

  9. The moslems of Europe will FLEE for safety back to Turkey, the Arab world and northern Africa...

    Deportation stations are already being set up in Holland for legal deportation...

    remember going from italy to North Africa aint a sea voyage, it's a hop across a pond...

    Turks certainly migrate back to Turkey and the arab world is a pita's throw as well...

    All it will take is enough Euro hatred and crassness..

    I have high hopes on how rudely europeans can behave when actual destruction of their "society" happens..

    The euro's certainly have proven themselves over the centuries by pograms, expulsions and genocide to have the ability to burn out a ghetto threat, this time however the target will not be tailors, bakers and jewelry store owners....

  10. Well, I'm certainly glad we got our obligatory 12 hrs of "Muzzies/Jews" bulshit in. I was afraid, it being Christmas, and all, we might come up short.

  11. Naw, WiO, they're going to embrace Sharia Law because there's no absolute right or wrong, who's to say Sharia is a worse system than the Western Tradition. And the day will come when a famous sexy blond thing who won the Eurovision Song Contest gets 100 lashes for being at a disco without her burqua and a male escort.

  12. rufus said...
    Well, I'm certainly glad we got our obligatory 12 hrs of "Muzzies/Jews" bulshit in. I was afraid, it being Christmas, and all, we might come up short.

    not to worry ruf... Christmas is ALL about the Jews

    No Jews? No Jesus, No Christmas, No Eggnog, No Candycanes, No Hot Crossed Buns et al....

    Nothing like a holiday for the supposed Jewish Messiah, just dont ask the Jews

  13. Everything is All About the JEWS. Right, WIO?

    Why not spend the second 12 hrs on the Tutsis, and the Hutus? I mean, we're all "Out of Africa," originally, right?

  14. rufus said...
    Everything is All About the JEWS. Right, WIO?

    Why not spend the second 12 hrs on the Tutsis, and the Hutus? I mean, we're all "Out of Africa," originally, right?

    No but Christmas is....

  15. That is fucking deranged.

  16. ruf says: Why not spend the second 12 hrs on the Tutsis, and the Hutus? I mean, we're all "Out of Africa," originally, right?

    ruf, dont ya get it?

    the world dont care about moslem on moslem murder, african on african murder, arab on african murder, russian on moslem murder etc...

    all the world cares about is whether Jews are building illegally in Jerusalem... all the world cares about is how the Jews screwed the arab world... all the world cares about is how the Jews screwed the romans, the greeks, iraqis, the soviets, the chinese, the brit, french and the people of the guam...

    why else do you really think that Israel is in the news something like 11,000% more than 90% of the rest of the world?

    why do you think the UN passes automatically resolution after resolution against israel while ignoring North korea, russia, china, sudan, somolia, rwanda, zimbabwe and more?

    the Jews and Israel want the rest of the world to piss off....

    but no, the vatican sends out a new message... we again state we should take the message of the gospel to the JEWS....

    The moslems say, the jews fucked it all up and we rescued it from them...

    Dont want to hear about the jews? Try a different planet...

  17. rufus said...
    That is fucking deranged. (christmas being about the jews ia ssume)

    Yeah the story of the supposed Jewish messiah for the Jewish people, born to a family of Jews, supposedly from the Jewish House of David, who christians claims was a Jewish King (not) whose life and times were spent as a Rabbi is not about the jews...

  18. while ignoring North korea, russia, china, sudan, somolia, rwanda, zimbabwe and more?

    Because those people are more likeable?

    I'm beginning to see why the Palestinians are "batshit crazy."

  19. Rufus: I'm beginning to see why the Palestinians are "batshit crazy."

    That's because they bred with their 1st cousins...

  20. Yep being an annoying, arrogant jew justifies why palestinians murder jewish children on purpose...

    look rufus there are plenty of people in the world who are full of themselves that do not worry that their kids will be decapitated simply for being a jew...

    So if you can understand why palestinians are a bunch of murderous, inbred bastards who get off on sawing off the heads of their enemies, sending their kids to die JUST for the chance to murder some jews you need medical help

  21. They've been breeding with their cousins for a long time; but they didn't seem to go over the edge until they had to put up with a bunch of Zionists seven days a week.

    Just messing with 2 over the internet has made ME nuttier than a fruitcake.

    I'm starting to have a little sympathy for Their situation.

  22. Maybe if the Zionists would quit building settlements in their lands they wouldn't be quite so crazy.

  23. rufus said...
    They've been breeding with their cousins for a long time; but they didn't seem to go over the edge until they had to put up with a bunch of Zionists seven days a week.

    Just messing with 2 over the internet has made ME nuttier than a fruitcake.

    I'm starting to have a little sympathy for Their situation.

    Spoken like someone who know absolutely nothing about the actual situation...

    The arabs have been sawing the heads of the Jews since they invaded in 640 ce... Nooone gave a shit until the Jews fought back...

  24. I don't understand why the female muslim in Europe don't embrace European woman's rights more than they seem to do. I'd think a lot would marry some Euroman or other. Maybe they live in more fear than I would think they do.

    Hasn't France banned the burqa, at least in schools,etc?

    Just wondering. It would seem to be a way out of a bad situation for them.

  25. rufus said...
    Maybe if the Zionists would quit building settlements in their lands they wouldn't be quite so crazy.

    again spoken like a true nitwit...

    really get a clue asshole..... there has not been a NEW settlement on liberated JEWISH lands in 15 years...

    but dont let facts confuse your mind...

    even hear of GAZA?

    not a jew for 5 years....

    jews PULLED out of their homes...

    to what extent?

    more violence than ever before...

  26. Langley:

    This might be off topic.

    I woke up this Christmas morning to find that my neighbourhood was an armed camp. Obama has come to Kailua.
    He has rented out three mansions down the road from me.

    I can NOT go to the beach in front of my home.
    There are four navy gun boats in the canal.
    No one can paddle or sail in the canal. The sub-division in which he has decided to stay is now closed with concrete blocks.

    If you do not happen to live in Kailua you get to see the rock star/lifestyles of the rich and egocentric version of the invasion:

  27. Doug:


    Maui is No Ka Oi!
    Evacuate, we’ll care for you!

  28. They shouldn't have been in Gaza in the first place.

    And, there is no such place as "liberated" Jewish lands. The Canaanites were there a long time before the "Jews," and there was probably someone there before them.

    But, if there was I wouldn't give a shit, anyway. The Apache has as much claim to Arizona, and the Cherokee to N. Carolina as the Jew does to the Levant.

    We're not getting the Carolinas, and Georgia back, and the Jews aren't getting the West Bank back.

    Unless they "take" it back. If they do that, fine. No one, really, cares. We just get tired of being subjected to the bickering. It's wearisome, and it's distracting.

    It's like having to listen to a never-ending fight between your brother's two kids, neither of which you are the least bit fond. You just want to drown them both.

  29. "This might be off topic"

    Please, Lord.

  30. rufus wrote:

    "Well, I'm certainly glad we got our obligatory 12 hrs of "Muzzies/Jews" bulshit in. I was afraid, it being Christmas, and all, we might come up short."

    Send all complaints to the propriators via pigeon. Delivery may take 6-8 weeks.

    By the way, Merry Christmas, despite your alleged disinterest.

  31. rufus said...
    They shouldn't have been in Gaza in the first place.

    And, there is no such place as "liberated" Jewish lands. The Canaanites were there a long time before the "Jews," and there was probably someone there before them.

    spoken like a retard.....

    go ask a canaanite what they think...

    oh that's right they stopped being 3000 years ago...

  32. I distinctly recall a group of regulars taking the pledge to post only one XXXXXXXX comment each per day.

    Fat chance ;-)

    When you have a belly full of bile, it has to go somewhere. Why not the EB.

    I do think it inappropriate to discuss doctrinal matters with/about Christians on their holiday. Most here had respect for mine, something really appreciated. For that reason I will resist the temptation to respond to you in kind.

    Again, Merry Christmas to you, for whatever that may be worth.

  33. Why don't the muslim women in Europe marry more European men? I believe that's what I'd do, in their shoes.

    The Canaanites were big into child sacrifice. Saw an article about their burial urns the other day. In some old ruins, I think it was, in some old cemetary.

  34. Dallas experiences first White Christmas in more than 80 years...
    Nearly 2/3rds of Continental US has White Christmas...

  35. Bob, that's Drudge, you know what a denialist he is.

    The climate data was fake but it was precisely what what we need to get the public to take action on global warming before it's too late. Science had to take a back seat to saving the world.

  36. Jesus' blood only washes away the sins of Gentiles. When the Jewish Sanhedrin said "Let his blood be upon our head" the Jews became cursed as a group, and eventually were punished with the Holocaust. No wonder there's only a handful of "Jews for Jesus"

  37. I always wondered where that Holocaust thing came from.

  38. ...others here no doubt disagree.

  39. Teresita said...
    Jesus' blood only washes away the sins of Gentiles.

    ok, if it works for you

    T: When the Jewish Sanhedrin said "Let his blood be upon our head" the Jews became cursed as a group, and eventually were punished with the Holocaust

    total 100% fiction....

  40. rufus said...
    They shouldn't have been in Gaza in the first place.

    And, there is no such place as "liberated" Jewish lands.

    rufus said...
    Maybe if the Zionists would quit building settlements in their lands they wouldn't be quite so crazy

    So rufus believes that only arabs have the rights to land?

    Jews have been there just as long and the arabs have 649/650th of the middle east...

    But Rufus doesnt believe jews have any rights to liberated Israeli lands...

    sounds like a double standard

  41. T: No wonder there's only a handful of "Jews for Jesus"

    Not much to wonder able...

    according to christian gospels...

    There is neither Jew nor Gentile in the body of Christ.

    jews for jesus is a christian front group... using jewish rituals masking christian beliefs...

    Not a Jewish group in any way, shape or form..

  42. ...maybe Rufus and 'Rat are representing an Arab Real Estate Outfit?

  43. WiO, perhaps you didn't detect my snark in that story about the curse and blood and all that.

  44. Some of those ancient Canaanites inhabited a city called Paelesta. They were known as "Paelestini." I imagine a few are still around.

    No, you have no more "Right" to Palestine than the Cherokee does to the Carolinas. If you can take it back, more power to you. If you can't, tough titties. The world moves on.

    All I know is I'm not interested in getting "My" pocketbook involved in your cause, the "Turkish/Armenian, "Sino/Japanese, or Cherokee/North Carolina "Causes."

    And, I surely to hell get tired hearing about it. It's tiresome.

  45. Teresita said...
    WiO, perhaps you didn't detect my snark in that story about the curse and blood and all that.

    sorry i missed it...

  46. rufus said...
    Some of those ancient Canaanites inhabited a city called Paelesta. They were known as "Paelestini." I imagine a few are still around.

    sure and I got some swamp land to sell ya....

    R: No, you have no more "Right" to Palestine than the Cherokee does to the Carolinas. If you can take it back, more power to you. If you can't, tough titties. The world moves on.

    Israel can and taken it's land back, sadly others such as the UN and the USA have demanded Israel return land for peace...

    R: All I know is I'm not interested in getting "My" pocketbook involved in your cause, the "Turkish/Armenian, "Sino/Japanese, or Cherokee/North Carolina "Causes."

    Rufus, keep your coins, Israel dont want them but keep giving your cash to the arabs they sure do want your shekels

    Ruf: And, I surely to hell get tired hearing about it. It's tiresome.

    THEN WHY DO YOU POST? Go hide in a cave, dont like the topic? say nothing... go away...

  47. It wasn't just the Germans. The Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Coatians, and others joined in the slaughter with rapacity as soon as they were able.

    Just another reason I don't like, or trust, Europeans, and especially, "East" Europeans (along with New Yorkers, Swedes, Puerto Ricans, or anyone from Laguna Beach.)

    This goes along with my distaste for Dallas Cowboys fans, Rostafaerians, Methodists, and Laotian Monks.

    I'm, also, starting to have second thoughts about mainlanders living in Hawaii.

  48. Because I, at least, get OIL from the Arabs. The most I get from the Zionists is a sharp pain in the ass.

  49. You mean the Cave "I" would be living in wasn't for those "Givers of the gift of Christmas" Jews?

  50. Look, I can't keep you and the Taotian Lesbian from posting on "Jews, and Muzzies" 24/7, but, since I was here before either of you, I suppose I'll just stay and bitch.

  51. Rufus, number 1, I came over in about Sept 2006 from the Belmont Club exactly when Wretchard was dinking around with his blog and we needed a place to go to chat. I've been here since the gitgo.

    Number 2, I have NOT been a big part of the Jew/Muslim crap posted on this blog.

  52. The neo-con liberals, rufus, they have to have their hate.

    They just can't get through the day without delivering a dose.

  53. China keeps Rocking

    Grows 9.6% in 2008. Over 8% in 09'.

  54. I just have to stand with the United States on the Israeli violations of the Geneva Accords.

    The Israeli are WAR CRIMINALS.

    I have to stand with the Anti Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, whose purpose is "to secure justice and fair treatment to all.""

    While the neo-con haters, here at the EB continue to ridicule over 1 billion Islamoids.
    Not very civilized of them.

    They are behaving quite anti-Semiticly, actually.

  55. Me too. I HATE Weak Coffee. And, little yappy dogs. And, all manner of snakes. And, Anyone from Dallas.

  56. I'm still thinking about Hawayuns.

  57. rufus said...
    Because I, at least, get OIL from the Arabs. The most I get from the Zionists is a sharp pain in the ass.

    Right rufus you dont get anything from the zionists...

    cell phones, computers, medicine, science and so much more that I wont waste my time trying to convince you that Israel and the Jews give much to improve the world...

    You are incapable of understanding.

  58. T: When the Jewish Sanhedrin said "Let his blood be upon our head"

    total 100% fiction....

    Even if the Sanhedrin met, they wouldn'c call anything down on their own heads.

    according to christian gospels...

    There is neither Jew nor Gentile in the body of Christ.


    The French writer Simone Weil had a different take on this and said the idea of being a part of the Body of Christ was what kept her from joining the Catholic Church. She wanted Christ to be all in all in each individual, not for the individual to be a part.

    Her early political opinions give me pause, but I like that idea.

  59. No, Ms T, you may have been here at the beginning, but you have not been here "... since the gitgo. ..."

    As that would indicate uninterrupted participation.

    Which is not the case, in your situation. In fact your comings and goings were often cause of great mirth, amongst the "regulars", many of whom have, be here "since the gitgo."

  60. And, don't get me started on anyone responsible for "poetry."

  61. desert rat said...
    I just have to stand with the United States on the Israeli violations of the Geneva Accords.

    The Israeli are WAR CRIMINALS.

    Congrats to the rat for spelling Israel correctly..

    As for the Geneva Accords?

    Please show me any legal authority the Geneva Accords have over stateless lands and terrorists that are disputed?

    Oh that's right the Geneva Accords do say that un-uniformed combatants have no rights and that terrorists that set up military positions from within civilian areas are in fact guilty of any harm that happens to the civilians...

  62. "Congrats to the rat for spelling Israel correctly.."
    Everyone's entitled to a mistake now and then.

  63. I weren't no mainlander, I came from California.

  64. Now that their equivalency has been established, we may spell Israel that way, don't want those war crime indictments going to the wrong place.

  65. What I was thinking, Doug, WiO. Maybe some kind of Freudian slip?

    Say, we've got to get the EPA under control. Think I just heard on the radio some of these folks who are shivering by their woods stoves have been told to switch to another form of heat.

    And some federal judge rules that ACORN must be funded, cause it's an 'organization' not an individual.

    Our whole country is going nuts.

  66. I do like pigs. And, horses, and all "normal" dogs. I like Everybody from Alabam.

    I like Apachees. Great guys. Can run all day (as I could in my prime:) Mexicans are alright. Good to work with. Enjoy life pretty much.

    Cajuns are a "hoot." (not the dandified N. Orleaners that babble on about "cuisine," and street cars.)

    Oh, and S. Carolinians. The definition of "web-footed."

    But, Nombre Uno. Retired Chief Petty Officers. A Marine will get drunk with you; An Old Salt will keep you rolling on the floor laughing for the rest of your life.

  67. The Accords do not apply to the Stateless, but to the Israeli, who signed the Treaty.

    It applies to them, unilaterally.

    Whether the Gazans apply it does not matter. They are Stateless.

  68. If the Palis had a State, then it could matter, if they signed on, too.

    But the Israeli did sign, it does apply to them, unilaterally.

    For them to even deny it does, confirms their WAR CRIMINAL status.

    By mounting a defense, they accept the responsibility for the actions.

  69. Attempted act of terrorism on NW flight in Detroit. Nigerian linked to Osama tries to blow up plane after it lands.

    Better to be stateless for the Gazans by that outlook. Then they can fire rockets at will, which they were surely doing not so long ago.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Passenger tries to blow up US Delta jet airliner in Detroit
    Dec. 26, 2009
    Associated Press , THE JERUSALEM POST
    A Northwest Airlines passenger from Nigeria, who said he was acting on Al-Qaida's instructions, tried to blow up the plane Friday as it was landing in Detroit, law enforcement and national security officials said.

    Passengers subdued the man and may have prevented him from detonating the explosives, the officials said.

    "We believe this was an attempted act of terrorism," a White House official said.

    Federal officials imposed stricter screening measures after the incident.

    Rep. Peter King of New York, the ranking Republican member of the House Homeland Security Committee, identified the suspect as Abdul Mudallad, a Nigerian. King said the flight began in Nigeria and went through Amsterdam en route to Detroit. There were 278 passengers aboard the Airbus 330.

  72. Individual criminals, bob, inside Israeli occupied territory.

    To mass punish the civilian population in an occupied area, for the crimes of individuals, another WAR CRIME committed by the Israelis.

    Continued violations of a Treaty that the Israeli willingly and freely entered into

  73. Federal officials and police are interviewing a Nigerian man, who allegedly tried to "explode" a powdery substance aboard a Northwest flight from Amsterdam to Detroit, injuring himself and two other passengers, law enforcement officials said.

    The man said he was directed by al Qaeda to explode a small device in flight, over U.S. soil, ABC News has learned. Authorities have no corroboration of that information, and the credibility of the suspect's statements are being questioned, officials said.

    The suspect was identified as Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, who according to federal documents is an engineering student at University College of London.

    He was flying from Nigeria to the United States for a religious ceremony, according to his entry visa, which was issued June 16, 2008 and was good until June 12, 2010.

    The government had no immediate plans after the incident to raise the threat level, a federal government source said.

    The suspect had been in a law enforcement-intelligence database but was not on the government's no-fly list, according to a law enforcement official said.

  74. Good thing these cross border raiders are so inept.

    Obviously security sucks on the Europeon end of our air traffic relationship.

  75. And the Gaza remains Israeli occupied, as long as the naval blockade continues, under the Rules.

    Rules that were mutually agreed to, by the Israeli and US when they signed the Accords.

  76. So let's say rat is correct and that israel leaders/solders are war criminals...

    I'd say that would give permission for those same people to finally kill all the "unwanted" peoples

    really, what more will the world do if israel kills 1,000,000 bloodsucking palestinians? rather than the pitiful 5,000 ?

    So thanks rat, I will pass on the message, dont waste energy trying to protect civilians in a war zone, you are already criminals... just go in live fire and wipe them all out already. they can only hang you once....

  77. The Ballad of East and West

    Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936)

    OH, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
    Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat;
    But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
    When two strong men stand face to face, tho’ they come from the ends of the earth!

  78. Israel should fully embrace it's war criminal status (as per rat) and just use it's nukes asap...

    I suggest the nuking of the aswan dam, damascus, selected places in gaza, southern lebanon, iran, the oil fields of arabia and any and all major population centers in the arab and islamic worlds...

    since the israelis are already convicted of being war criminals there is nothing to lose and once the arabs, persians and moslems around the globe are vaporized who will really give a shit?

    thanks to rat for the inspiration!

  79. Rat teaches us a great lesson...

    Since we are already condemned as criminals no matter what we do, do it all when given an opportunity...

    It's the Rodent ethos...

  80. Hamas's 1988 charter calls for the replacement of Israel and the Palestinian Territories with an Islamic Palestinian state.

    Gaza has a government of sorts, Hamas, one of whose aims is to push the Israelis into the sea.Say it's their duty from allah.

  81. They lack the balls to do that, "misdirection".

    Or they'd have done it, already.

    Nope, the Israeli are on a demographic cul-de-sac. Low birth rates and not another million Russians coming.

    Surrounded by a sea of animosity.

  82. Panic sets in, when confronted with reasonable argument, amongst our neo-con liberals.

    Notice the hyperbolic response, above.

    That's entertainment!

  83. desert rat said...
    Panic sets in, when confronted with reasonable argument, amongst our neo-con liberals.

    Notice the hyperbolic response, above.

    Reasonable arguments? Hardly...

  84. If you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;
    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
    Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
    And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

    If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
    If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
    If you can meet with triumph and disaster
    And treat those two imposters just the same;
    If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
    Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
    And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

    If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
    And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breath a word about your loss;
    If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,
    And so hold on when there is nothing in you
    Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
    Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
    If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
    If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
    Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
    And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

  85. rodents read kipling?


    who would think it

  86. Johnny Cash. A Boy named Sue

    written by a man named Shel. (Shel Silverstein.. sorry ruf and DP)
