Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Night at the Elephant Bar


  1. Robinson Crusoe was the only one who got everything done by Friday!

  2. Robinson Crusoe was the only one who got everything done by Friday (in bed)

  3. A belly button is for salt when you drink Tequila (in bed)

  4. You want swimmin wid wimmin you gotta go with Pussycat Dolls

  5. A Friday thread
    That gives one dread--

    Thoughts of that filly
    Especially in bed

  6. When you swim in the sea & an eel bites your knee that's a moray! (in bed)

  7. HEY!!! How'd you get that picture of ME??

  8. Norwegian eurodweebs giving the Obamessiah a Nobel Prize was like an NFL cheerleader squad giving Bubba Clintoon a megadose of Viagra (in bed)

  9. They had you firmly in view Ash, right behind the stone tub.


    Best of Friday night to you. I mean that. But in some other bed.

  10. There could be a fate worse than to be that horse, specially if ridden without the saddle, in or out of bed.

  11. Cell Phone Use Linked To Brain Tumours

    Was pretty sure that was coming. Just makes sense.

    Keep your phone use down. Cell phone towers are a big question, too.

    The lawsuits have already begun.

  12. I must say, my evening was scrumptious. I don't think it could have been any better and ending it with Eliza Dushku just tops it off. I think, I'm going to be Michel Jackson for Halloween since all the vampire costumes are sold out.

  13. So a little cool down in the Elephant Bar with us old geezers, huh MLD?

  14. Now you should know me better than that. I don't cool things down, I heat them up.

  15. Actually I don't know very much about you MLD, but I'm glad you found the Elephant Bar. We were the blue collar "chatty" ones on the Belmont Club when Wretchard decided to get anal and up the snob factor there.

  16. Actually, I've been reading this blog for over two years.

  17. HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) -- Registered sex offenders in a northern Alabama city won't have a hard time making Halloween plans. They're expected to attend a mandatory meeting hosted by state and federal probation officers next Saturday from 5:30 to 9 p.m.

  18. I friggin' love that painting.

    Last time you fellers posted it I printed it and taped it on the fridge.

    Since the wife has three horses, she appreciated the thought.

    She still won't cool off in the nasty horse trough though. :(

  19. Bookmarked your blog brother d-day, I'll create a link list on my own blog tomorrow and add you.

  20. I thought about getting a horse once, daughter always seemed to want one, looked into the costs, which can add up fast if something goes wrong, kinda put if off, now she's forgotten about it.

    Out this way it's the Appaloosa that's a big deal. Good sturdy horse I quess descended from the breed the New Perce had, who were good horse breeders. They have created some other type now too, just a little different.

  21. Out on the place of some family friends, they had an old pony. No corral. She'd come look in the front window, stamd there, wanting a little attention. No place to go really, no corral needed, she knew where the feed was put out. Daughter rode her a few times, around the back yard.

    There doesn't seem to be much relationship between horse and human any more, not in the developed world, an old bond broken.

    The native americans never had them, until they got some escaped from the Spanish. Didn't take them long to saddle up.

  22. My father had a pony, way before my time, though. He had pictures. Her name was Cindy. I'm not sure where he kept her.

    I visited a close friend, I grew up with, last year. I think she had a pretty good relationship with her horse. There was definitely good communication between the two and he was very sensitive towards strangers. He knew when, I climbed on his back he wasn't moving...anywhere. I looked good, though.

  23. Did, I mention what an amazing night, I had last night?
