Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cheney Hammers Obama on National Security


  1. Did I mention that we're going home?

    We're Going Home!

    We're Going Home!

    Oh my God, we're going Home!

  2. (Counting to herself.)

    About three months.

  3. To bad Cheney has no credibility. He should just slip slide away.

    Like the snake he is.

  4. Bless you Trish.

    Home is the best place to be.

  5. Cheney's MESSAGE is dead on...

    regardless of anyone's opinion about the messenger...

  6. If Dick's lips are moving, he's lying.

    His Team had the helm for eight years and left US less secure than when they signed on to the watch.

    That's the bottom line.

  7. I think Cheney and Obama need to stop bickering and make up.

    Maybe they could go duck hunting.

  8. Dick Cheney does no good speaking out at this time. Those who are receptive to his message don't need to hear it, they are already convinced. Those who are opposed to it, use it as an example to promulgate Obama's "I inherited all this from Bush" theme.

    When Bush put together his initial cabinet, he was universally praised on both sides of the aisle. The team (Rumsfeld, Cheney, Powell, etc.) were recognized as intelligent and experianced. Unfortunately, the one thing they could't do is to play together well. As agroup they turned out to be disfunctional and Bush's "gut instincts" weren't sufficient to force them into working as an effective team.
