Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate shows up

I post this mostly for entertainment value. It is probably bogus, but I have a suspicion that Obama was born in Kenya, whether this document is real or not.
American Thinker


  1. This should be entertaining and I did not do this one in Photoshop.

    I fell for the clown that said he smoked crack with Obama and gave him a blow job, so I post this with a little trepidation, but not that much.

    In Dan Rather style, I post it. Who knows?

  2. Use the link to have a closer look

  3. The poster of Obama as "The Joker" was a more believable graphic.

  4. To deliver their rebuttal, Republicans tapped Rep. Charles Boustany of Louisiana, a physician who once questioned the legitimacy of the Hawaii-born Obama’s birth certificate. In his health care rebuttal, Boustany said that Republicans were ready to work with the president on “common-sense” reforms but that “it’s time to start over on a common-sense, bipartisan plan” and that “replacing your family’s current health care with government-run health care is not the answer.

    In fact, it’ll make health care much more expensive.”

    Boustany said Republicans agreed with Obama in four areas: that all Americans should have access to coverage, regardless of pre-existing conditions; small businesses should be able to access coverage at prices comparable to large companies and labor unions; government should provide some form of assistance to those who cannot afford coverage; and insurers should offer incentives for preventive behavior. As for the overture on lawsuit limits, Boustany said, “we hope he’s serious.”

    Health Care Reform

  5. Wow. Dear host is a Birther. Who knew?

  6. Another sectarian nut job, doing the God of Abraham's bidding.
    This fellow must have earned a bunch of points, with the "big guy"

    Mexico Hijacking Ends After God-Inspired Suspect Is Detained

    Bloomberg - Thomas Black, Andres R. Martinez
    Sept. 10 (Bloomberg) --

    Mexican police stormed an airplane hijacked by a Bolivian man who claimed he was driven by “divine revelation,” ending a standoff more than an hour after the Aeromexico jet landed at Mexico ...

  7. I am probably more of a mirther than a birther.

  8. "Big Guy"...It's spelled "Big Guy", unless referencing Ron Jeremy (who isn't really a "big guy" at all, despite being worshipped by really "small guys").
