Thursday, September 17, 2009

Obama to capitulate to the Russians? If true, why would anyone trust the US?

Community organizer, KGB to the core, getting his way with the shallow-rooted American President. ( and as DR noted with men of his ilk, wearing a funky hat.)

Barack Obama surrenders to Russia on Missile Defence

By Nile Gardiner World Last updated: September 17th, 2009
Telegraph Hattip Rufus

I blogged a couple of weeks ago that the Obama administration was about to abandon its plans for Third Site missile defence installations in Poland and the Czech Republic. I wrote then that “if enacted, this would represent a huge turnaround in American strategic thinking on a global missile defence system, and a massive betrayal of two key US allies in eastern and central Europe. Such a move would significantly weaken America’s ability to combat the growing threat posed by Iran’s ballistic missile program, and would hand a major propaganda victory to the Russians.”

It now looks as though the president has surrendered to Russian demands to kill off Third Site. Michael Goldfarb at The Weekly Standard is reporting that:
“According to reliable sources, Obama administration officials are on their way to Poland and the Czech Republic to deliver very bad news. The administration intends to cancel completely the missile defense sites that had been promised to these governments by the previous administration.”

Goldfarb also links to a post by leading defence expert Gary Schmitt, who writes:
“Guess who’s coming to dinner (in Warsaw)? Four senior Obama officials, including Under Secretary of State for Arms Control Ellen Tauscher and Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security “Sandy” Vershbow, are apparently in the air right now on their way to Poland. Why? If the Washington hot rumor mill is right, to deliver the news to the Poles and then the Czechs that the administration has decided not to go forward with a missile defense system for Europe and the United States against the budding missile threat from Iran.”

This is bad news for all who care about the US commitment to the transatlantic alliance and the defence of Europe as well as the United States. It represents the appalling appeasement of Russian aggression and a willingness to sacrifice American allies on the altar of political expediency. A deal with the Russians to cancel missile defence installations sends a clear message that even Washington can be intimidated by the Russian bear.

What signal does this send to Ukraine, Georgia and a host of other former Soviet satellites who look to America and NATO for protection from their powerful neighbour? The impending cancellation of Third Site is a shameful abandonment of America’s friends in eastern and central Europe, and a slap in the face for those who actually believed a key agreement with Washington was worth the paper it was written on.


  1. Surrender anything to the Russians? What a disaster. What a betrayal. Obama has no historical understanding whatsoever.

    The US, through 45 years of incredible expense, a military commitment and bipartisan political cooperation, rolled back the Russians from Eastern Europe. At the peak of the Cold War, the US had 550,000 men in Europe. We won that conflict and liberated Eastern Europe from their communist oppressors.

    Igor Sergeyevich Gouzenko, Russian GRU defector to the Canadians, said that the only thing a communist understands is a cocked gun to his head. Nothing has changed.

    If true, his is a shameful betrayal and a weak and pathetic grovel to Putin, KGB man for life.

    I will save how I really feel til I see if it is really true

  2. President Barack Obama faces the dilemma of either setting back the gradual progress toward repairing relations with Russia or disappointing two key NATO allies that agreed to host components of the planned missile defense system.

    Administration officials were expected to brief lawmakers and government officials in Poland and the Czech Republic on results of the seven-month review Thursday. That’s the word from an administration official and a congressional aide.

    Both spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the record.

    Defense Plan

  3. Repairing relations with Russia.

    Or disappointing allies.

    Such a difficult decision..


    Or allies?

    Good Lord, what to do?


    Or Russia?

    What a fucking idiot.

  4. It looks like a sell-out.

    US 'to cut missile defence plan'BBC

    The US will abandon its plan to develop a missile defence system in Poland and the Czech Republic, according to the Wall Street Journal.

    The newspaper said the controversial plan would be dropped because Iran's long-range missile programme was less advanced than predicted.

    President Barack Obama ordered a review of the defence system, introduced by his predecessor George W Bush.

    The plan antagonised Russia, who saw it as a direct threat.

    In August 2008 the US signed a deal with Poland to site interceptors in the Baltic Sea, and with the Czech Republic to build a radar station in its territory.

    European protection
    It was expected to be fully operational by 2012.

    It said the European sites were needed to protect European allies or US forces in Europe from Iran or another country.

  5. We surrendered Isreal to the Russians, but there was no moaning of betrayal.

    There is no need, for US security, to defend the Europeons from nonexistent Iranian rockets. Rockets that would be loaded with nuclear warheads that are figments of Zionist imagination.

    About time we start rolling back, instead of forging forward without a plan. That there is no "Plan" is evident in that the US government is bankrupt, it's military over extended in two tar baby conflicts.

    There is no need to borrow money from Charlie Chi-com to defend Europeons from fanciful Iranian missiles. If the Euros need defending, let them develop and fund it, themselves.

    Maybe the Europeons should hire the Isrealis to handle their defense needs.

  6. What a fool. Think about the logic to this:

    The newspaper said the controversial plan would be dropped because Iran's long-range missile programme was less advanced than predicted.

    Israel is going to have to handle this by themselves.It will only get worse from this administration. A missile system in itself is a trip wire. Any adversary would have to disable it first.

    Obama just put the Middle East on a hair trigger and has rendered the US defenseless against a missile launched by a rogue player, which is the most likely scenario in today's world.

    How the American people entrusted their national defense to such an unqualified naive foolish man is beyond my understanding.

  7. here are primary Russian missile launch sites ;
    Kapustin Yar (KY), Tyuratam, (TT) or Baikonur, (BK), and Plesetsk(PK). I monitored hundreds of missile launches from all three of these sites.

    Putin will be pleased

  8. The missile defense, in Europe, would have no effect in an attack upon Isreal, by Iran.

    So there is NO correlation between a US missile defense in Europe and the defense of Isreal against Iranian tactical missiles.

    The idea that Isreal would have to "go it alone" another spin of hubris imagination. The US is already providing Patriot missile defense systems, to the Isrealis.

    The Iranians do not pose a viable threat which needs to be addressed, by US. If the Euros need to be defended, they are capable of self-defense.
    Fully capable.
    They have no need for US taxpayer subsidy.

  9. There is absolutely no reason for US troops to deploy to Poland, as would be required in the missile defense program moved forward, to there.

  10. What ever happened to murray?

    Thought he'd have donated another thought, by now.

  11. Any missile defense system is a continuos work-in-process. They are never done. It will be tweaked and upgraded continuously. It is based on an ability to track, hunt and kill. It needs a target rich environment of realtime launches to continuously develop the electronics and data rich systems.

    Russian test launches would be a perfect location. Lessons learned there would be used on systems worldwide. That's how it works.

  12. The missile crews would be nominally manned by military and heavy on engineers. They would not be given prior warnings of impending launches but would monitor and detect events, report them and depending on the event would advance their systems short of deployment, all under the watchful eye and ultimate control of command center in the US.

  13. That's what irritated the living shit out of Putin.

  14. Obama just threw away a developing and critical part of US defense.

  15. Bottom line, the US is not further forward deployed into Eastern Europe, and that is a "good thing".

    If we need to monitor missile launches to improve our systems, Edwards Air Force base has plenty of capability to replicate any launch scenario you please.

  16. As to trusting the US, there is an entire host of international players that could attest to the non-trust worthiness of the US government.

    From President Diem of the Republic of Vietnam, to the Shah of Iran. Along with a whole host of Central American strongmen and the little people in those many and various countries.

    President Obama creates no new precedent, in fact his decision not to further forward deploy combat elements of the US military should not topple any of the regimes of the prospective host countries.

  17. 2164th: e. We won that conflict and liberated Eastern Europe from their communist oppressors.

    Well now the Marxists run the White House. This is just follow-through from this year's 9-11 National Day of Apology.

  18. A Marxist, Muslim in the White House. Man, we've "screwed the pooch" this time.

    I guess the "Mehdi in the Well" is packing his bags about now. Getting ready for a road trip.

  19. ...But some of us would entrust this man and this Congress with national health care delivery...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

  20. Bachus plan not even good enough for Oly Snowe!
    Oly Smokes!

  21. Baucus’s Take
    The Baucus health-care reform plan isn’t the worst, but it’s still a federal takeover of healthcare.

    Senator Baucus says he wants bipartisan support for his proposal, and his is marginally less awful that the bills produced by the other committees. But it is really a difference of degree, not of kind.

    The Baucus plan is in its essentials another version of Obamacare, built on central planning and governmental control, not consumer choice and markets. And it therefore should face principled and unyielding opposition.
    Governments do not create non-government programs, Rufus!

  22. I guess those people that are dying, or are in constant pain due to NO healthcare would trust "Anybody" that offers to help.

  23. DR,

    Your ignorance is encyclopedic!

    Using a fire hose to spray large volumes of crap against the wall does not a seer make.

    Thankfully, you have one vote and an audience of one.

  24. rufus,

    They might, but why would you?

  25. The Man of Checkers, the Rat Squeaks…

    There is no need, for US security, to defend the Europeons from nonexistent Iranian rockets. Rockets that would be loaded with nuclear warheads that are figments of Zionist imagination.

    The idea that Isreal would have to "go it alone" another spin of hubris imagination. The US is already providing Patriot missile defense systems, to the Isrealis.

    The Iranians do not pose a viable threat which needs to be addressed, by US.

    Do you actually believe the crap that you spew? Or you just really like to see you words typed in a blog in a sad attempt to increase your self esteem?

    Man of Checkers, please, please, please, try to concentrate, think HARD... North Korea, Iran, Syria, Russia, Venezuela, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, China, influences in CENTRAL AMERICA, EUROPE, Middle East, OIL...


    It's CHESS....

  26. States have Medicaid.
    Hospitals frequently treat the uninsured for no charge.
    People suffer and die in Britain due to "free" healthcare.

    Britain's Medical System is the
    Obama's Army will dwarf it.

  27. Allen, look to the bottom of the last thread.

    Doug, that stuff about Medicaid, and emergency rooms is not true.

  28. That would be the "Acorn" thread.

  29. missle defense: was it really meant to defend europe or just a chess piece? assume a scenario where it was used, then what?

  30. It is not chess, man of "misdirection", the Game we play is "Go".

    Go may be the oldest board game in the world. The Chinese played it 18 centuries before chess first appeared.

    It is not the cultural game the Zorro Masters raised you on, I know. But it is the "Game" we play, now.

    Making the least do the most, opposite of chess, more subtle and refined.

  31. U.S. to shelve Europe missile shield plans

    Reports said an announcement would be made Thursday, the 70th anniversary of the 1939 Soviet invasion of Poland.

    "This is very saddening that it happens on September 17. I hope this is just a coincidence," said Witold Waszczykowski, deputy head of Poland's National Security Bureau, which advises to the president, told Reuters.

    "This is very bad -- without the shield we are de facto loosing a strategic alliance with Washington. Let's hope the Patriots will arrive, but who knows,"
    Waszczykowski said.

    And it's one, two, three,
    what are we fightin' for?

    "I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag"
    Country Joe McDonald


  32. rufus said...
    Allen, look to the bottom of the last thread.
    "I want to be surrounded by Strong, Productive People.
    I think it makes me Safer.

    Socialism makes people weaker, not stronger:
    Look at Europe.

    The Spawn are the Doves that make them less safe.

  33. has anyone heard from the rest of our government on this issue or are they all "mesmerized".

  34. Bipartisan Silence is Golden,

  35. Well, I sure misread the tea leaves on the "Gang of Six."

    I'm afraid that by not trying to be part of the solution, the Pubs are going to get the most egregious of all possible results crammed down our throats.

  36. "Something" will pass, that is fer sure.

    Because, now, more than ever before the crisis demands ...

    We must do Something!

  37. A signal that the European Parliament can govern from the right

    And now for a little bit of European news on a day that may he packed with it due to President Obama abandoning our allies in Eastern Europe for the Russians.

    Yesterday, the European Parliament re-elected Manuel Barroso as President of the European Commission.
    Not a big deal right?
    Not exactly.
    You see, this is the first time that the leadership of the European Union has been elected without a “Grand Coalition” of the right and left. Instead, the center-right European Peoples’ Party joined forces with the right-leaning (aka econmic) Liberals and Euro-skeptics.

  38. Indeed.
    A Crisis is a
    Terrible thing to Waste!

  39. Zeke and Rahm are aboard.
    What could go wrong, Rahm?

  40. desert rat said...
    It is not chess, man of "misdirection", the Game we play is "Go".

    The game the Iranians play is CHESS...

    So play with your simple stones....

    Not to say that Go aint a fun game when looking to waste and afternoon...

    But Man of Checkers, the WORLD aint a GO board, it's a 3-d chess match with 20 different players...

  41. Meaning the Persian Zoro Masters really are the "Masters of the Universe"?

    The Chinese led by Mongols ate their lunch, "misdirection".

  42. Spooning defined:

    Sunshine Girl,
    no no sex is involved...though it can lead to just means that ..usually the guy...curls up behind the girl lying down..and their bodies are like two spoons..if you can imagine the two heads as the top of the spoons and the legs are the spoon handles..mmmm feels very comforting...I'll warn you though...usually you end up feeling an er ehm 'stick' behind you....

  43. WiO: But Man of Checkers, the WORLD aint a GO board, it's a 3-d chess match with 20 different players...

    It's a game of Risk, rather. And that's exactly what you do when you cut off the missile defense option.

  44. What do lesbos feel behind them?

  45. ...the missing stick.
    Oh, the humanity!

  46. The Case of the Missing Missile.

  47. Obama really does want to distance himself from ACORN. There's just the matter of that pesky umbilical cord.

  48. Teresita said...
    WiO: But Man of Checkers, the WORLD aint a GO board, it's a 3-d chess match with 20 different players...

    It's a game of Risk, rather. And that's exactly what you do when you cut off the missile defense option.


    I like the comparison...

  49. desert rat said...
    Meaning the Persian Zoro Masters really are the "Masters of the Universe"?

    The Chinese led by Mongols ate their lunch, "misdirection".

    And the BRITS using OPIUM at the Chinese's lunch...

    So What?

  50. University President Wanted:
    Bootlicking PC Idiot Required.
    All others need not reply.
    Chief Lewis would not provide a motive beyond saying: "It is important to note that this is not about urban crime, university crime, domestic crime but an issue of workplace violence, which is becoming a growing concern around the country.”

    Richard C. Levin, the president of Yale, released a statement that echoed Chief Lewis’ comment describing the killing as work-place related. “This incident could have happened in any city, in any university, or in any workplace,” he said. “It says more about the dark side of the human soul than it does about the extent of security measures.”

    He implored members of the Yale community to trust one another, referring at one point to those who work in laboratory settings, as Ms. Le and Mr. Clark did. “It is frightening that a member of our own community might have committed this terrible crime. But we must not let this incident shatter our trust in one another,” Mr. Levin said. “The work of the University requires us to engage with each other in the classroom, to collaborate in the laboratory, and to trust one another in workplaces across the campus.”

    Looking forward, he said: “In the days and weeks ahead, we will redouble our efforts to educate the community about Yale’s zero tolerance policy for violent, threatening, and abusive behavior.”

  51. That'll git her done,
    your presidency!

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Once a liar-Bernanke lied to Congress & scamming America with a shell game

    HE LIED, there is proof that the FED is buying Treasuries by having a Private Sector firm to purchase them from the Treasury then Bernanke turns around a buys them back from the Private Company. Glenn Beck point this out on yesterday’s television program. Can you believe anything this man says? NO!

    "The Federal Reserve will not monetize the debt,"
    he said.
    "Either cuts in spending or increases in taxes will be necessary to stabilize the fiscal situation."

    Proof that Bernanke lied to congress--again--he is monetizing the debt

  54. "Chief Lewis refused to discuss a police report from 2003, when Mr. Clark was a senior at Branford High School and the police were called about a dispute with his girlfriend at the time.

    According to the police document, reported Wednesday in The New Haven Independent, a news Web site, she wanted to break up but he did not, and he tried to confront her.
    She complained to the school authorities, who called the police, but she did not press charges, according to the Web site.
    " Mommy, don't leave me!"

  55. Blogger trish said...


    Let us together chant the State Department (Long May It Live and Prosper) Ohm:


    And then you get your knickers in a knot 'cause you think I'm being smarmy? Lordy!

  56. "Clark has wounds on his chest, arms and back, sources told ABC News, suggesting a violent struggle. A bead from Le's necklace was found on the floor of the basement lab where Le's body and blood spots were found on a laundry cart there.

    Sources told the Hartford Courant that Clark's Yale swipe card indicated he was the last person to see Le alive. The electronic trail left by his card indicated he had entered the same lab where Le was last seen. Clark also reportedly swiped his identification card at least 10 times in the hours surrounding Le's disappearance, the paper reported.

    The deep scratches on Clark's body came to light as the Connecticut medical examiner released Le's cause of death as strangulation, or as it was officially described, "traumatic asphyxia due to neck compression."

    Police also found a pair of bloody surgical gloves.

    ABC News has also learned that Clark sent a text message to Le early Tuesday, Sept. 8, requesting a meeting to discuss the cleanliness of the cages of the research mice.

    Le, a 24-year-old Ph.D. candidate, used the mice for her research. Clark, also 24-years-old, is not a student at the university and had more of a custodial role in the lab."
    Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
    Don't you forget!

  57. You're just a brain-dead pre-programed moron, A_h,
    Deal with it.

  58. And where are the Brits, now, Mr "Misdirection".

    Which economic or power projection measure would you like to use to judge their performance?

  59. How about how they are dealing with their sailors being captured by Iranians in open, but disputed, waters?

  60. wow Doug, you are reaaaal good at debate. You go boy, keep dazzling us with your brilliance.

  61. Is that what we should emulate?
    Is that the course you'd set for US?

    Holding up the Brits as an example of "good management".

    Their record of foreign policy sucks, judged by the final, current outcome.

    In the end, their genocide against the Boer was only a temporary solution.
    Not a final one.

    And look to who rules their disparate parts of their now sunless "Empire". Rhodesia has move from a breadbasket exporter into the position of hell on earth, guided by British genius.

  62. The current challenges in Levant, directly accountable to the British mismanagement of their Mandate, there.

  63. The Brits exemplified, in a word, by Hong Kong and the millions of souls yearning to breathe free, abandoned there by the Brits

  64. Commies Good,
    Democracy, bad.
    You go, A_h!

  65. So that's your argument Doug - All's fair if you agree with the guys politics?

  66. On the Asian sub-continent the British left two nuclear outlaws in gestation, while birthing a mass slaughter and sectarian war upon their departure from that colonial outpost of exploitation.

    Look to their work in Sri Lanka, where they imported the Tamil onto that idyllic island, back in the day. Causing future generations untold drama and trauma.

  67. desert rat said...
    Is that what we should emulate?
    Is that the course you'd set for US?

    No I was responding your YOUR point:

    Meaning the Persian Zoro Masters really are the "Masters of the Universe"?

    The Chinese led by Mongols ate their lunch, "misdirection".

    I think your the MAN OF MISDIRECTION..

    You never stay on topic..

    you misdirect as fast as possible...

    you dont play checkers, you cheat at checkers...

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. You have a single topic "misdirection", no matter the scenario, you have an Iranian boogie man threatening the whole wide whirled.

    The comedy of that concept is central.

    Hitler has been reduced by modern marketing to the equivalent of an Abracadabra, a short man compensating with God muscles. And of course, our own American President. That equivalency found by a photographers lens.

    While the reality is that neither are truly Hitleresque.

    It demeans the memory of those lost to that hateful Europeon ideology, continuing to draw such shameless comparisons.

  70. Obama thinks he is skinny and tough. He is a skinny son of a bitch for sure, but a chump when he goes up against a real tough guy like Putin. He fell for Putin's trick about overflight rights to Afghansistan.

    Now Obama's generals want 40,000 more on the ground. Now I wonder if the strategic thinking big- eared skinny community organizer thought about that this:

    Had he not given Putin head or his punk ass, and actually went to Poland, Czech, Georgia and Ukraine, he could have raised a division of troops who would actually fight. Not a prayer now.

    He is stuck by having given up a queen for a pawn.

  71. Even the analogy of Putin to "Papa Joe" falls way short of reality. Modern Russia not being the Soviet Union, not in terms of power projection, at least.

    That group of authoritative Russian rulers, they busted up on the mountains so Afpakistan.

  72. The US military does not play well with other folks militaries, deuce.

    This was really evident in Iraq.

    It is evident in Afpakistan.

    We have a "go it alone" attitude.

    That's why the Six Stars need more US troops, not immediate accelerated Indig development.

    Turning out basically trained Bns in 90 days, like we did after 7DEC41.

  73. Like the Romans, we have no need to play well with others.

    The best thing we could do for the Afghans would be to take them into the field and turn them loose, holding our troops in reserve. Why, before too long, those ragtag misfits would be fighting to beat the band, I would bet. It is amazing how the thought of dying quickens the reflexes and the wits. After nearly eight years of basic training the Afghans should be ready.

    This assumes that the US wants to win.

  74. Our problem is not the ABILITY to win, it is the WILL to win.

    Once the decision is made to win, we do what Lincoln and Roosevelt did: we elevate winning officers to command.

  75. desert rat said...
    You have a single topic "misdirection", no matter the scenario, you have an Iranian boogie man threatening the whole wide whirled.

    The comedy of that concept is central.

    Hitler has been reduced by modern marketing to the equivalent of an Abracadabra, a short man compensating with God muscles. And of course, our own American President. That equivalency found by a photographers lens.

    While the reality is that neither are truly Hitleresque.

    It demeans the memory of those lost to that hateful Europeon ideology, continuing to draw such shameless comparisons.

    Shameless comparisons?

    Fuck you...

    Have a nice day too!

  76. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has welcomed as "positive" the US decision to shelve controversial missile defence bases in Poland and the Czech Republic.

    Mr Medvedev said there were now "good conditions" for US-Russia talks on tackling missile proliferation.

    I'll bet the conditions are good. What else will our strategic military wonder boy give away?

  77. 2164th: I'll bet the conditions are good. What else will our strategic military wonder boy give away?

    Bases inside any anti-American country (Germany, Turkey) for starters. Relocate them lock, stock and barrel to a belt of desert between San Diego and El Paso, about two miles between each base. Nightly training exercises detecting and arresting real illegals and drug runners. And no catch-and-release either. Sheriff Joe can show Obama what needs to be done.

  78. Old soldiers never die...thanks to ObamaCare there won't be any old soldiers!

  79. more smoke and mirrors from me..

    AP NewsBreak: Nuke agency says Iran can make bomb
    (AP) – 7 hours ago
    VIENNA — Experts at the world's top atomic watchdog are in agreement that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press.
    The document drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication yet that the agency's leaders share Washington's views on Iran's weapon-making capabilities.
    It appears to be the so-called "secret annex" on Iran's nuclear program that Washington says is being withheld by the IAEA's chief.
    The document says Iran has "sufficient information" to build a bomb. It says Iran is likely to "overcome problems" on developing a delivery system.

  80. The six powers - which represent the five veto-wielding permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany - had called for urgent talks with Iran after it handed over the proposals last week.

    Washington expressed disappointment with the package, saying it was "not really responsive to our greatest concern," which is the nuclear issue, but Moscow said it offered "something to dig into."

    According to a copy of the proposals obtained and published by US non-profit investigative journalism group, Pro Publica, Iran said it was prepared to hold "comprehensive, all-encompassing and constructive negotiations."

    Nuclear Arms

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. ""Our new missile defense architecture in Europe will provide stronger, smarter and swifter defenses of American forces and America's allies," Obama said. "It is more comprehensive than the previous program; it deploys capabilities that are proven and cost effective, and it sustains and builds upon our commitment to protect the U.S. homeland."

    Obama said the decision had been made based on "unanimous recommendations" by his national security team, including Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and the Joint Chiefs of Staff"

  83. Robert Gates and the Joint Chiefs are on board and it is cost effective - what's not to love?

  84. “Those who say we are scrapping missile defense in Europe are either misinformed or misrepresenting the reality of what we are doing,” Mr. Gates said. He added that the new configuration “provides a better missile defense capability” for Europe and American forces “than the program I recommended almost three years ago.”

  85. Damn, those are some cold eyes.

  86. The Obama administration said the shift is a common sense answer to the evolution of both the threat and the U.S. understanding of it. Iran has not shown that it is close to being able to lob a long-range missile, perhaps with a nuclear warhead, at U.S. allies in Europe.

    The May report and associated analysis represents the second major revision of U.S. intelligence on Iran's weapons in two years. In 2007, a national intelligence estimate said Iran had in 2003 halted work on the design of a nuclear weapon for at least several years.

    The key judgments of that report were released publicly.


  87. Obama and Afghanistan is like a flight student taking his very first a 747!

  88. WiO, Obama doesn't have a backbone, just a very LARGE wishbone!

  89. A Soldier’s Voice Rediscovered

    During a key battle in Germany in 1944, Jewish soldiers took a respite for a Sabbath service. One of them served as the cantor.
    Max Fuchs Sings 'Ein Keloheinu' (There Is None Like Our God)

  90. "So that's your argument Doug - All's fair if you agree with the guys politics?"
    WTF is good, smart, or moral about communism?

  91. BREAKING: Obama announces plans to stop locking White House front door over fears that it was antagonizing Russia.

  92. Hello, T.

    Welcome back!

    I think your pal Bob is still wandering around the Potomac, or else he's holing up in Ohio.
