Monday, September 07, 2009

Obama Launches Labor Day Music-thong for Health Care


  1. I think this will work and help his numbers.

  2. RCP declares this to be reality.
    DR swears by it.
    Who are we to judge?

  3. The New York Times and CNN have missed this big story. The Elephant Bar found it at the unbelievable low price of one fine bottle of 2004 Parsons Flat Shiraz/ Cabernet Sauvignon.

  4. Again,
    Scroll down for CNN's coverage of our (ex) Green Messiah on Video.

    Cleaning some of the Fox off of Van Jones Grist

  5. "The more his kind of can-do, entrepreneurial, win-win green solutions spread, the more modern-day conservatives look like panicked, lumbering dinosaurs."
    Yeah, that's it!
    Right On!
    Kill the Pigs!

  6. "If you want to know what Jones thinks now, instead of what he thought in his early 20s, read his book: The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems. He’s out to save America’s free-market economy and get its people working. If the conservative movement were smart it would take yes for an answer and claim him as one if its own. But then, it’s not smart. It’s Beck.

    If it’s not going to claim him, the right is correct to fear him, though.

    He has synthesized the best of environmentalism, progressivism, and capitalism into a program with appeal both broad and intense.

    It’s particularly notable among young people, but Jones gets acclaim from virtually everyone who’s met him or seen him speak.

    The more his kind of can-do, entrepreneurial, win-win green solutions spread, the more modern-day conservatives look like panicked, lumbering dinosaurs.

  7. rattie cheerleading his man again last thread, with not a comment about vance

    so adamant in his obama advocacy, there is a reason

  8. Word for the day: "Beclowned"

    While this appears to be a made-up word, its meaning becomes obvious when used in the context of "the MSM beclowned itself again" by ignoring the Jones story.

    Kudos to the guys at for expanding the English language.
