Thursday, September 24, 2009

Obama fawning over Medvedev, looking to get a pat on the head. 'Good Boy.'


  1. Obama looking for an opening to clasp Medvedev.

    Medvedev looking for the door.

  2. Maybe he's just trolling for good head.

  3. Of course Medvedev is uncomfortable. He's a "capitalist" Communist. He's never had to deal with a "pure" Communist, before.

  4. I was on the computer, yesterday, with the tv, sans audio, on across the room. I glanced up and started watching his hands.

    I don't believe I've ever seen a "sane" man use his hands like that in a speech. The KGB psychologists have to be having a ball with this profile/analysis.

    I can't get "Benito Mussolini" out of my head.

    And, the Absolutely, Strangest thing. He's constantly crossing his wrists in front of him. Well, the thing is, you Can't Do That if you're telling the "Truth." Try it.

    But, here's the Really, "Really" Strange part of it: That's his Default Position.

    I first noticed this when Joe Wilson challenged him. Then, I noticed he, automatically, falls back into that position Anytime he doesn't have his hands up gesturing, pointing pedantically, or flapping around in general.

    This Bozo is an Authoritarian Mess.

  5. I have no doubt you are correct, Rufus, but I have seen very little of the man. (self-preservation mode)
    Please tell me WHICH speech you were watching so I can look it up.
    While I'm waiting I'll check out the Joe Wilson moment.

    What I'll always rememember is how far his head tilted off vertical when he was being questioned (Ahole Cooper, I think) about what he had heard or not of Rev Wright's hate speech.

    HE seemed unable to keep his head vertical while he promiscuously lied.

    He is indeed a mess.
    We all would be too with hippywhore mom's with a jag for third World Commumuzzies, so maybe we should all feel sorry for the poor bastard?
    My Ass!

  6. Whit's Hummana thing is evidence of how totalitarian these bastards are.
    The truth is a crime against the state if it does not further their agenda.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Funny, Rufus: "He's a "capitalist" Communist. He's never had to deal with a "pure" Communist, before."

  9. Speech-less: Tales of a White House Survivor
    Speechwriter for Bush relates how GWB was NOT a conservative.
    ...yet we are told that the GOP got crushed for being too conservative.
    No way, Jose.
    Amazon reviews don't say much yet.

  10. Yesterday's U.N. speech, Doug.

    As for Dubya, he's an old-style, "classical" Liberal. (which, I guess, I am too, btw.)

  11. Palin has adopted the phrase, "Common-sense Conservative."

    Has a good sound to it. I think it will "resonate."

  12. The only thing about "Classic Liberalism" is it's got to be followed up with "Classic Conservatism," not "Communism."

  13. It would be nice for the entire continent is we could export Capitalism to Mexico. (after re-establishing it here of course)

  14. I'd settle for exporting about 14 Million Mexican Citizens back to Mexico.

  15. Astronaut Urine Spotted in Skies Above N. America

    Astronaut Urine Spotted in Skies Above N. America

    RUSH: From the UK Telegraph: "Several people contacted astronomy and weather websites to report seeing a streak of light on Wednesday night last week. NASA has now confirmed that the heavenly display was the result of entirely corporeal activities -- the space shuttle Discovery had just dumped nearly two weeks worth of urine." Astronaut urine was spotted in the skies above North America. They dumped it out there, and, of course, urine has a color, and when the light shines… it's the UK Telegraph, I'm not making it up! I'm telling you, it's Looney Tunes time. Who could make this stuff up?

    "It is not unusual for shuttles to eject urine, but this batch was particularly large and visible because the crew had been unable to unload waste for the duration of their 10-day stay on the International Space Station. 'It would have been a large quantity because we don't do water dumps while docked to the station now,' a NASA spokeswoman told the website

    'That is a fairly new restriction over the last couple of flights in order to prevent potential contamination.'"

    So they don't dump the urine when docked to the space station, and they were docked there for eight or nine days, and so they had eight or nine days' worth of urine built up. I mean, you know, they gotta dump it somewhere, and so they dump it out there and then, amazingly, people saw it. You gotta wonder… Well, no, you don't.

  16. Gee, Russia apparently much more co-operative on bringing the hammer down on Iran...

    ...I wonder what the hell has prompted that?

  17. "Apparently" is the operative word. Only a naif would jump on this without seeing some positive "action".

  18. Well, rufus, the Walmarting of Mexico continues a pace. We'll all be North American, soon enough.

    Why, it was not that long ago, rufus, when you supported the illegals working at the local restaurants, as it allowed for lower prices to the rufus clan.

    Good to see that you've come around to seeing the disadvantages of having an illegal underclass in the country.

    The deportation option, for those "14" million, is not in the cards. Leaving US with legalization ... recognition of reality.

  19. You're right, Rat. I was much more "relaxed" about illegals then, than I am now.

    I still Know that we need the "migrants" for certain agricultural jobs (at least, for awhile.) However, I realize, now, that it Has to be done within a "Legal" framework. And, making, with the stroke of a pen, 15, or 20 illegals, and all of their families, "Legal" isn't what I have in mind.

  20. Ahmedinejad dreams about a world without Israel and America like Nietzsche dreamed that God is dead. But he's not the only dreamer. Dismantling nukes to create a world without nukes is like banning miniskirts to create a world without rape.

  21. Democrat answer to the Elephant Bar, the Donkey Lounge:

    1. Toilet seats stay down

    2. Snooty microbrews from progressive bastions such as Portland or SF.

    3. Organic popcorn, little dried seaweed rectangles to wrap your peanuts in like they have in Pusan, Korea.

    4. No Superbowl, no NASCAR, nothing but Pelosi's botoxed face on CSPAN

    5. Happy Hour any time Obama gives an interview on the Libstream Media.

  22. That's a Lot of damned "happy hours." When would you sober up?

  23. Democrat answer to the Elephant Bar, the Donkey Lounge:

    1. Toilet seats stay down

    2. Snooty microbrews from progressive bastions such as Portland or SF.

    3. Organic popcorn, little dried seaweed rectangles to wrap your peanuts in like they have in Pusan, Korea.

    4. No Superbowl, no NASCAR, nothing but Pelosi's botoxed face on CSPAN

    5. Happy Hour any time Obama gives an interview on the Libstream Media

    I hope someone is keeping track of contributions like that in your 201 file. You'll have your decorations back toot sweet, T.

    Only one quibble with the above. Those snooty microbrews from Portland prove that some liberals are worth keeping around. Like babies vs bathwater.

  24. The Law of Supply & Demand - Obama demands and we supply.
