Friday, September 25, 2009

A nuclear Iran only has to prove its program is peaceful to satisfy Russia.


  1. The President will speak shortly. I doubt this will be anything more than another round of Iranian rope-a-dope and the Chinese and Russians doing a tag team routine.

    Don't hold your breath waiting for anything meaningful.

  2. Mush and mainly BS from Obama. Tougher talk from France and steel from Gordon Brown.

  3. investigate and report....OOOOOh that will sting.

  4. I don't know if the Israelis will strike, or not.

    But, I do know this: The whole world is going "Nuclear." They have to. They have to supply their people with electricity, and the coal/nat gas, etc. will only go so far.

    Backing down the Missile Defense in Poland was a Disaster.

    1. There are far better, safer, cleaner less deadly ways.

  5. I think you'd fit right in with the BBC, Deuce. ;)

  6. The American Tradition flew 24 men to the moon. The Muslim Tradition flew 19 men into three buildings. Way to go, Mo.

    1. Wait, you're being an idiot on purpose. I think.

  7. Obama: "Mandatory draft for all, ages 18 to 20, into the Civilian Overseas Nation Building Corps or the 'Mosques for Mankind' Program

  8. As for the G-20, I like it better than the G-8. The bigger the group, the harder it is to reach "consensus." The Less "Consensus," the Less Damage they can do.

    G-40, anyone?

  9. The US policy remains constant with regards Iran, from one Administration to the next. The Iranians get lip service, from US, but we apply no meaningful pressure to our Europeon associates that do not toe our line, with regards to Ian.

    Mr Brown is steel?
    That is an attempt at comedy, correct.

    Mr Brown has redeemed our Libyan friend, there stands England. Shoulder to shoulder, with US.

    Funding Iranian water projects through the World Bank. US policy remains steady, re: course and speed.

  10. Let's see; The Poles aren't returning Hillary's phone calls, and The White House has turned down Brown's request for a "meeting" Five times.

    The old "alliance" getting a little tattered, is it?

  11. At Home w/Appollo 11 Crew
    morse stresses that the feat of the moon landing was accomplished not by supermen or a few geniuses, but by a huge team of smart, imaginative people working incredibly hard. "It's tough to remember that the goal of going to the moon was set by JFK less than 10 years before. We had rocket technology, but really no technology to get up there, and land, and then get back. We had to dream it up, and then build it. NASA, in just a few years, made a spacecraft that could do that. When you think of it, of how talented and dedicated all of these apparently ordinary guys were ... Looking back, it's all just so incredible."

    1. What does it matter now huh? Nasa is in a coma and instead of expanding our reach we are only concerned with making bombs to murder each other. This planet is too far gone and honestly this shit is just as pointless at this point.

  12. Doug, American prestige was thought to be on the line and they got to the moon and back.

    Certainly no less prestige was at risk in putting up two skyscrapers in lower Manhattan.

    Eight years on, two gaping holes, and counting.

  13. ...much easier to go to the moon.

    When you're not hamstrung by modern "liberals."

  14. ahhh, doug really means "Modern Americans", but it grates him to much to say it, while enjoying his Democratically dominated Polynesian paradise.

  15. Democrats and liberals, synonymous in doug's lexicon.

  16. Conservatives no longer exist?

  17. We've got a Republican Guv.
    ...and Maui has a Republican Mayor.
    (who happens to be an anti-small business totalitarian Dyke)

  18. Something I read earlier today:
    The Soviets had a satelite orbiting the moon when Eleven landed.
    The North Vietnamese were not told about it being Yanks on the Moon.

  19. Dyke's dad was Mayor too:
    Hannibal Tavares
    The Greek Portagee.

    ""We will either find a way, or make one."["

    Hannibal, Pride of Carthage

  20. Conservatives?

    In favor of what?
    Proposing what?

    All I see is a lot of anti-Obama sentiment, but no calls for conservation. Just "change" with a different tone.

    I see no "conservative" movement or bloc of voters.
    I do see some Republicans, but they are not "conservative". Just a slightly different flavor of Federal Socialist.

  21. Notice the hat
    He is with Truman in that, neither afraid of wearing "stylish" head gear.

  22. The NY Post reports that a UN interpreter may need two six packs to recover his sanity after trying to interpret for Khadafy.
    After struggling to turn Khadafy’s insane ramblings at the UN into English for 75 minutes, the Libyan dictator’s personal interpreter got lost in translation.
    “I just can’t take it any more,”

    Khadafy’s interpreter shouted into the live microphone – in Arabic.
    At that point, the U.N.’s Arabic section chief, Rasha Ajalyaqeen, took over and translated the final 20 minutes of the speech.
    His interpreter just collapsed – this is the first time I have seen this in 25 years
    another U.N. Arabic interpreter told The Post.

    Belmont Club

  23. Marc Rubio, Florida, is a conservative.

    GOP supports go along to get along Orange Man Christ.

  24. Rubio will be handed his hat, by Mr Christ. He would be destroyed by the Dem candidate. Obama carried Florida, there lies the center of America.

  25. Doug: Maui has a Republican Mayor. (who happens to be an anti-small business totalitarian Dyke)

    You say Republican like that's a bad thing.

  26. Of course it's a bad thing. None of our political parties have any value at all other than as a counterbalance to the other political parties.

    That's why most Americans prefer divided government.

  27. I voted Bob Barr because the GOP was indistinguishable from the Donks. Maybe in 2010 I'll come back in from the wilderness, if my party meets me halfway.

  28. So Obama wants to Nationalize health care with a Socialist model. Didn't our grandparents fight the National Socialists in Germany?

  29. Obama revises list of Axis of Evil nations:

    1. Australia

    2. Israel

    3. Poland

    4. United States of America.

  30. Ms. T, is this stuff supposed to pass as wit?

  31. Ash Ms. T, is this stuff supposed to pass as wit?

    Only half of it.

  32. "Only half of it."

    That was better :) !
