Sunday, September 13, 2009

British Legal that can't, Media who won't identify the attackers, and of course The National Health System wait.

Steve Gator with his mother Nina, furious his attackers will escape charges. Two thugs who punched a young man so hard surgeons had to remove half of his skull have escaped charges.

You won't find this in the English papers but his attackers were black youths.

Savage Attack Leaves Man With Half A Head

4:35pm UK, Friday September 11, 2009

Sky News

Steve Gator, 26, has been told the teenagers who ambushed him will not face court after the Crown Prosecution Service dropped the case.

The CPS said it did not have enough evidence to proceed but Steve's mother, Nina, expressed her disbelief at the decision.

"Our boy is walking around with half a head - what more evidence do they need?" said Mrs Gator, 47. "I can't believe it."

Mr Gator, of Romford, Essex, was left seriously brain damaged following the attack as he made his way home from work on January 15.

The two thugs started screaming taunts and abuse at him about his cousin but when he confronted them he was hit so hard he fell back and smashed his head on the pavement.

He's just a different boy. His sparkle is totally gone. He used to be so independent but he can't work any more and he can't drive. He's got half-a-head and he's completely lost his confidence said Nina Gator, the mother of assault victim Steve Gator.

He was left in a coma for two weeks and his brain swelled so much surgeons removed the front half of his skull just hours after he was admitted.

He now suffers frequent seizures, has difficulty talking, and lost much of his memory.

Mr Gator now lives with his mother, who is his main carer as he can no longer work.

Mrs Gator said: "He's just a different boy. His sparkle is totally gone. He used to be so independent but he can't work any more and he can't drive. He's got half a head and he's completely lost his confidence.

"There's absolutely nothing protecting his brain now - it's just under his skin. We're waiting for surgery for a new skull plate to be put in."

A Havering police spokesman said they had no plans to look for any other attackers in connection with the case, adding: "We gave the CPS all the evidence available and after reviewing the case they decided not to proceed with it. We adhere to their decision."

Corrine Soanders, the Crown Prosecutor for Havering, said: "Once the CPS had been supplied with all the necessary evidence relevant to this case, a full review showed there was insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction.

"This is a key test which must be met to bring a prosecution and in light of this, the case against the two defendants was discontinued. I apologise to the victim and his family for not conveying this decision to them personally.

"I welcome any questions they may have and will be contacting them shortly to offer further explanation."


  1. The wonderful web woven for us by the Left.

    An immigration system that let in the jackals.

    A legal system that can't identify a fart.

    A media that can't tell the truth. I had to dig real deep to identify that the assailants were black youts. It is certainly not relevant that 70% of English violent crime is committed by the "thugs."

    And last but not least the vaunted NHS, darling of the American left, can't fit this poor soul in for corrective surgery yet.

    Well as our most American of Presidents would say, "Are you fired up?"

  2. Well, we know at least 2 Million Americans are "Fired Up."

    Add in, yesterday's, "local" tea parties, and you've probably got 2 1/2 Million "Fired Up" Americans.

    I think it's going to take "More" to turn this mess around, though.

  3. Yeah,
    An Act of God
    MIGHT do it.
