Saturday, September 05, 2009

Audio clip made by cop killer Mumia abu Jamal, in prison for killing Philly Cop Daniel Faulkner, has Van Jones appearing at the 3:40 minute part.

Van Jones shows up on minute 3:50


  1. The people wanted change...and they got it.

  2. this audio should be played in every school, church and temple...

    the louder they are heard, the more will grow a spine to simply say to them...


    Cop murderers, revolution?, Free Palestine? Marxism forever? Go fuck yourselves..

  3. Earlier today on the climate change thread
    I commented:
    The climate hysterics are so invested in their positions that they are unwilling to consider the sun as the prime mover of climate change. Some of the climate change proponents have invested much effort, time and money in the emerging carbon trade industry and they seek a return on their investments.

    Some groups see climate change as a vehicle to bring about wealth redistribution.

    For some people, mother earth becomes their Goddess and Environmentalism becomes their religion.

    Mr. Jones may fit into the idealism parts of the radical equation. He certainly seems to be radical in his beliefs.

    This is the real world of Mr. Obama. He appears mostly amiable and I believe it was Senator Biden who said he was a "nice, clean cut fellow."

    It's obvious though that the President's support comes from a left wing of the party which is an anathema to traditional America.

    They've come to power during a crisis. Not since the Great Depression have we seen such a socialist takeover.

    Only God knows where this country is going.

  4. Van's version of Cap and Trade
    is popping a Cap up our ass
    and trading our freedom for a free lunch for all.

  5. The ad @ the top of BC's is for the

    "Sallie Mae Smart Option Student Loan®"

    Pouring more dollars into the Reorientation Camps
    and driving the cost of college out of reach of the non-elite.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sing It... Van Jones Cut Nasty Hate-Filled Music Album, Too! (Video)

    - Gateway Pundit

    UPDATE: Kristinn found the album (CD) cover
    Hadn't watched the Video!
    Anyway, Kristin Adds Cover Art.

  8. In his radio address, Obama said he hoped he has a sunnier message to deliver this time next year.
    He said his

    "larger hope and expectation is that next Labor Day, the economic storms we're weathering now will have given way to brighter and more prosperous times."

  9. The Van Jones (non) feeding frenzy

    By: Byron York

    From a Nexis search a few moments ago:

    Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the New York Times: 0.
    Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the Washington Post: 0.
    Total words about the Van Jones controversy on NBC Nightly News: 0.
    Total words about the Van Jones controversy on ABC World News: 0.
    Total words about the Van Jones controversy on CBS Evening News: 0.

    If you were to receive all your news from any one of these outlets, or even all of them together, and you heard about some sort of controversy involving President Obama's Special Adviser for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, your response would be, "Huh?" If you heard that that adviser, Van Jones, had apologized for a number of remarks and positions in the recent past, your response would be, "What?" And if you were in the Obama White House monitoring the Jones situation, you would be hoping that the news organizations listed above continue to hold the line -- otherwise, Jones, who is quite well thought of in Obama circles, would be history.

    9/5/09 UPDATE: The New York Times, ABC and NBC hold the line

    After the Jones controversy reached a boiling point on Friday, the Washington Post published a story, "White House Says Little on Embattled Jones," on page A-3 of its Saturday edition. But the New York Times remained silent on the story.

    Likewise, on Friday night the "CBS Evening News" reported the Jones matter, but ABC's "World News" and "NBC Nightly News" again failed to report the story.

  10. Reality is based upon the NYTimes, for those other organizations.

    Which is why reading their version of the story is always important, even if there is not version of the story, there.

    All the more telling.

    The Federals march along, with no need of more laws, their authority is already vested.

    That the power was usurped by the Federals with never a whimper of complaint from the "Right", but with HooRahhs of assent and demands for even more authority to be Federalized.

    We made the bed, now we'll sleep in it.

  11. And Palestine should be freed.

    The United States is going to see that it is. The Israeli should choose the path of least collateral damage to that end result.

    But if they choose not to, which seems the case, Mr Mitchell has promised a "Harsh" response.

    Guess the message sent from New Jersey was not enough.

  12. desert rat said...
    And Palestine should be freed.

    The United States is going to see that it is. The Israeli should choose the path of least collateral damage to that end result.

    But if they choose not to, which seems the case, Mr Mitchell has promised a "Harsh" response.

    newsflash rat...

    israel with or without the USA will protect it'sself

    there is NO partner for peace with the palestinians, they cannot even speak with one voice and everyone know that they are in a slow motion civil war that is not civil...

    America is impodent under b hussein, no one in the arab world respects him nor has the arab world done anything except harden their starting points for peace..

    Bibi has a done a great job in proving to the israel population that obama is a israel hater, obama has hung himself and shown his racist heart, 96% of israel believes that obama is pro-palestinian.

    to understand what that means? israel (very pro-American) is extremely distrustful of obama.

    israel believes that under obama:

    iran will move forward and work towards a nuke
    iran will move forward in destablizing the region including lebanon, egypt and the palestinain territories.

    in the end, America will support Israel, even if the President wont, in fact American SUPPORT for Israel has risen since the boy wonder gave his cairo speech....

    America has scolded israel in the past (Bush 1 with baker) (cut off loans) (UN resolutions for bombing iraq) and America has hung israel out to dry in the past (1967 and not keeping the treaty straits of titran) and America has spied on israel (the NSA hijacked the USS Liberty and sent electronic war maps to egypt via the brits & cyprus) and America in 1956 forced israel to leave the sinai

    so America is no stranger with playing hard ball with israel.

    but this time israel cannot afford to listen to America about Jerusalem and iran.....

    Israel will do what she needs to do, America can and could cut off all aid, that is America's right, and after israel attacks iran and destroys iran's nuke program i am sure America will punish israel with every thing that obama can muster and you know what?

    israel will survive without America's support..

    it will not be pretty in short term but Israel is dealing with life and death issues it is not afraid of a naive community organizer from chicago...

  13. Israel can and will survive a free Palestine, wi"o". If they cannot, well, that'd be telling, wouldn't it.

    I have complete faith in the Israeli's capacity to get along, with the Palestinians as equal partners in the land.

    But rest assured, with all that the US has invested in the Levant we're not about to turn our backs and walk away. On no, much as I'd like to see that scenario, US walking away is not in Obamamerica's play book.

    The United States is going to double down, build up some more pressure on Bibi. Mostly economic and symbolic gestures. To start.

  14. Jihad is Peace.
    Palestinians are People of Peace.
    BHO Wants only Peace.

  15. dr: The United States is going to double down, build up some more pressure on Bibi. Mostly economic and symbolic gestures. To start.

    israel get zero economic aid from America

    In fact it was when bibi was israel's pm last time that he came to the USA and told Congress please cut off our economic aid, the 1st nation in the history of America EVER to request that aid be scaled back.

    what israel gets is military aid, and trust me, if the threats from iran were eliminated then the 3 billion a year from the USA would not be needed anymore..

    israel spends 150 billion a year of their own money protecting themselves... America's 3 billion? it's a help no doubt but IF iran, syria and lebanon are dealt with the need for American aid drops..

    as for symbolic actions?

    obama has already started down that path, he has stated his racist pov that Jews should not build in east Jerusalem, trust me, obama has MADE it clear which side of the waterpipe he smokes from and what he is doing is creating a UNIFIED israel...

    96% of Israelis do not trust obama (they do love and trust Americans) and I am sure if obama continues to side with the palios, Americans will have another issue to be pissed about in mid-term elections

    israel will not be the BIG issue, but American Jews (who like sheep trusted obama) are getting pissed and you will see a backlash in the midterm elections

  16. There are loan guarantees and other bi-lateral arrangements that the US has with the Israelis that are quite economically based.

    Just the tightening of visa requirements could start the ball rolling.

    There is more to a subsidized life style than direct payments, wi"o". Which if you've ever utilized bulk mail delivery of newspapers you'd better understand. We all get our piece of the pie and if you do not believe that Israel is feasting on ours, well then, the pressure, economic and political, that the US is about to bring to bear, it won't mean nothin'.

  17. Obama is not running, in 2010.

    Congressional elections are local and the sitting Party usually loses a few seats in the off year.

    The Dems will retain both the House and Senate, in January 2011.

  18. dr There is more to a subsidized life style than direct payments, wi"o". Which if you've ever utilized bulk mail delivery of newspapers you'd better understand. We all get our piece of the pie and if you do not believe that Israel is feasting on ours, well then, the pressure, economic and political, that the US is about to bring to bear, it won't mean nothin'.

    i dont doubt what you say, but it's much more of a 2 way street than your giving credit to...

    America gets alot out of Israel, if obama tries to slam israel and isolate it, israel can and will do what it needs to survive, just as in 1956 when America was busting israel's chops....

    looking back at the last 60 years America has not always been a strong backer of israel, the french held that title for the 1st 10 years or so...

    face facts.... right now the ONLY dependable ally in the entire region is Israel.. period

    America gains quite a bit having a stable, strong, free israel, quite a bit more than you realize..

    and as for what happens in the mid-term election?

    the dems are losing absolute control and that will be enough to get ole obama back in line...

    obama is failing faster than a rock and dont except the world to wait for him to "grow into the job"

    north korea, iran, syria, central america, china, russian in georgia, the arctic circle, supply Hugo...

    no obama met his waterloo... his name is bibi...

    combine that with all the other crap that obama brings to the table, no one ANYWHERE but inside America fears him...

    Inside America he is destroying us.... but that's what the voters deserve

  19. Bibi took on the United State once before, he lost.

    He'll lose again.
    It is not Obama he is up against, it is the United States of America.
    As I say, Israel should choose the path of least collateral damage, but it will not, as you say.

    They will wish they had, later.

  20. It is not 1956, wi"o".

    The dependency is greater now, than then, because the standard of living that has to be met is higher. The Russian Israelis will not go deep into unneeded sacrifice.

  21. dr:It is not Obama he is up against, it is the United States of America.


    israel is up against obama...

    and israel will not commit suicide for obama..

    israel already has given back 99% of all disputed lands and got nothing in return except more rockets shot at them

    your right, it aint 1956 anymore..

    and in 1956 there were no issues about the west bank and jerusalem but today is different

    israel aint going to relocate 100,000 israelis from lands that the USA had agree would be part of israel forever..

    israel has withdrawn from the sinai (twice) the gaza strip, lebanon and most of the west bank all for nothing

    israel aint giving up land for peace anymore..

    land for peace is now national suicide....

    the USA aint going to war against israel, obama is..

    and trust me, obama is going to lose...

    Not America, OBAMA

  22. you know what America will have wished later?

    that obama was deported as an illegal alien....

    israel will have to deal with lebanon, the palestinians, syria and iran without the USA's help..

    the funny thing? America will be blamed EVEN if obama doesnt lift a finger...

    nope it's going to be bloody and soon...

    and israel aint waiting forever for America to wake up and grow a pair...

  23. We'll see, amigo, but no one that has bet against the United States has ever won.

  24. Van Jones quit. It puts Obama's cop acting stupidly comment in a new light.

  25. Do you remember Jack Webb from the old days? Here he is telling Obama the facts of life.

  26. Nice find Vic. I added it to the following post.

  27. desert rat said...
    We'll see, amigo, but no one that has bet against the United States has ever won.


    The United States doesnt always win...

    Vietnam? For starters...
