Saturday, June 20, 2009

Iran is entering Hell

Hat tip: Doug for videos below:

It was not what the civilized world was waiting to hear but once again we heard it. Once again we learn that there are no moderates in the Iranian straight jacket of governance. 

Iranians are trapped in a religious sewer of repression. The sins of the fathers visited upon them.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader, told the students to end their protests. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was staying. No more discussion. 

At this time, the black shirts, the paramilitary Basij militia, are descending on Iranian cities like Mordor's Orks. It is hard to imagine there will not be slaughter as idealism gets bludgeoned by thuggery. 

Iran will show to the world it's true axis of evil.

Too bad that. 
Maybe next time. 

Never give up your guns.

Basij Repellant


  1. Seems as if the situation is about to cross the next phase line.

    They'll find that the cost of freedom is buried in the ground.

    Wonder if they're willing to pay it?

    So, went to see Travalta and Denzel in Pelham 123.
    Travalta, playing the 'bad' guy describes going to Iceland, with an 'ass' model, to enjoy the nightclub scene.

    Some how I don't normally form a mental picture of Travalta, when I think of duece. But I did, at that moment.

  2. It's all them airplanes.
    Deuce's fantasy.

  3. Revolutionary Guards In Surrounding Areas Being Sent to Tehran

    Iranians are reporting that the Revolutionary Guards are being dispatched to Tehran from surrounding areas.

    Voice of Iranian in Semnan City

    The Iranian who sent this to me provided this rough translation:

    “Many plain cloths were in Semnan, they were so many that I could not believe it.

    many Sepah (special and royal guards of supreme leader, Khamenie)or call them revolutionary guards from Semnan City and City of Ahvaz have been bussed and been sent to Tehran for controlling people. They are very low class people, who don’t care to kill our people, and work for money and they are not like army who care and don’t shoot at people.
    Sepah has got permission to enter to Universities to attack,and shoot.”

    Video sent to me of demonstrations in Samnan City can be seen here and here.

    Posted by Ryan Mauro

  4. To see what is happening in Iran is to also see how badly we have been had as well.

    After six presidents and thirty years, all we can do is sit back and impotently fume.

    Could we, should we, aggressively support the opposition to every predatory regime in the world? No, of course not. But if Iran is not the exception, there is none.

  5. As 'Rat and I said, we should have kept on rollin over Syria, as well.
    Somewhere in the dark soul of DC, however, the original plan to get into, and out of Iraq quick-like got perverted.
    The one time the Iranians were COOPERATING with us was when we rolled in.

  6. Especially, allen, when this is exactly the impact that the sanctions regime we have pursued, against Iran, were supposed to induce.

    More so than the rhetoric of '56 was designed to inspire an anti-Communist uprisng in Hungary.

    The Standard of Mediocrity raises its' head, amongst the Federal Socialists, yet again.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What we may be seeing, is that those in permanent government, in DC, believe that it is in the National Interest of the United States to have an Iranian boogieman, more so than it is to obtain a free Iran.

    They believe that the United States NEEDS a faux enemy, and lil Kim, he just won't cut it.

    Or what will they have to scare the local folk with?
    Their boogieman is evaporating. His true weakness revealed.

    Can't be havin' that.
    We can't have the United States actually ... win.

    Then there'd be no perpetual crisis. No Long War.

  9. No need for missile defense, ever more strike aircraft or even 5 carrier battle groups.

  10. What we see is that the systemic flaws and internal contradictions within Iran are terminal, just as was the case with the Soviet.

    How long the current paradigm is sustained will depend on how vigorously both internal and external opposition forces muster the will and resources to exploit the weakness.

    Arms must be included within that resource bundle.

  11. CNN reporting the protests have fizzled, the Iranian folk stayed home.

    The price to high to pay, there being little chance of success against gunmen, when all you've got is a knife.

    Chicago rules.
    Obama knows them, well.

    If Bush did not arm up an insurgency capability, inside Iran ...

    Then GW Bush does not even qualify as the last Boy Scout. He did not earn his preparedness badge.

  12. There is no shortage of small arms weaponry in the whirled, allen.

    If the Iranian revolutionaries want weapons, they can get them.
    Mr Rathinjohhny has the resources at his disposal.

  13. Seeing as how the revolutionaries cannot depend upon US, Israel, Arabs or the Kurds for help.

  14. bobal said,

    "I don't see how folks from Hamas have the time or ability to be in Iran beating up Iranians, locked in the concentration camp of Gaza and the West Bank as we're told they are. How is this possible?"

    Let's hope the rest of the world begins to see the light.

    A golden opportunity was missed during the Lebanon War: The neutering of Syria. Wonder why?

  15. They all want to maintain the status que of a faux enemy, a boogieman.

    The Long War is, always has been, a fallacy.

    Where our real enemies are declared allies, and the common and historical 'other' demonized far beyond their true capacity for foreign adventure.

  16. The American Revolution would have fizzled without the aid of France et al, despite there being no shortage of arms in the 18thC "whirled".

    In Warsaw one day, some obscure, Jewish delinquent got his hands on a German pistol and killed a German. For the next month, a handful of Jewish kids and other assorted "riff-raff" managed to tie down an entire German armored division. Oh, and the Russians advanced.

    Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Give him a gun and you empower him to keep his fish.

  17. There is only one solution to islamic fascists.

    From the end of a rope....

    Time to stop playing around...

    But we now have BHO as potus....

    America stands for nothing...

    Who is John Galt?

  18. I agree, allen.

    It seems more than evident that no one is giving the Iranian people guns. Doubt if anyone lines up to.

    That Iran has fermenting political anger, economic desperation and social fragmentaion is beyond debate. Those are realities. Those realities should be amplified.

    If the US and the "West" is engaged in a "Long War" with the ideology that underpins the Iranian Government, than the destabilization of that Government, and an opportunity to end the War, is, or should be our primary National Interest.

    That, obviously, is not the reality on the ground.

    Destroying the Syrian armor capacity, which I advocated during early in the Iraq adventure and at the start of the Lebanese dust-up.

    Why was it not done?
    To maintain the status que, of course.

    Keep those boogiemen alive.

  19. It is in the interests of General Dynamics, personified by James S. Crown, that the US maintains permanent enemies, but does not ever engage them.

    That thee US should buy the munitions, but not use them in, other than in training excercises.

    To actually have to engage, militarily, that is taken as a sign of failure.

    To actually win, that eliminates the need for more munitions and training.

    With the Soviets gone, the Chinese our partners, the whirled has a slim supply of boogiemen that can scare US folk.

  20. Dont worry Iran, North Korea as well as others will set into the play...

    Only problem?

    Our POTUS has surrendered...

    This is why today, I am acquiring 12 gauge ammo...

    Got plenty of 40 cal......

    time for Basij Repellant ammo...

    oiled in lard of course...

  21. WASHINGTON -- The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a resolution Friday that says it supports "all Iranians who embrace the values of freedom, human rights, civil liberties and the rule of law."

    The resolution was approved by 405lawmakers, while one -- Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas -- voted against it. Two others, Reps. Brad Ellsworth, D-Indiana, and Dave Loebsack, D-Iowa, voted "present."

    In a statement on his Web site, Paul said he voted against the measure because he is "always very cautious about 'condemning' the actions of governments overseas."

    Iran Protests--Updates Each Minute--

    Congress passed money for funding for helping dissidents etc in Iran but it seems none or little was ever spent.

    Obama's policy of not 'meddling' is non-sensical.

    Ahmadinejad is never negotiating about the nukes. I read the other day he had widened some street in the capital to better accomodate the return of Madhi, but don't know if it's true, though I seem to remember something about it.

    The only chance is with some new group, then, maybe.

  22. The French participation in the US Revolution, analogous to the Sanction regime.

    A limited economic boycott comparable to a naval blockade of a single port, in the Americas.

    Combined with the 125,000 troops of the whirled's most mobile army, right next door, the US maintains a stronger position, in Iran, than France had in the Americas, in 1779.

  23. bobbie says

    Congress passed money for funding for helping dissidents etc in Iran but it seems none or little was ever spent.

    On whose watch was that decision made, to not spend the money?

    To void the will of the People of the United States expressed through its' Congress.

    Who took upon themselves, to decide?

    Abracadbra built a "super hiway" all the way to the well, bobbie.

    Certifiably a religious fanatic, another damned descendent of those Zorro Masters.

  24. "Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Give him a gun and you empower him to keep his fish."

    Sat Jun 20, 08:32:00 AM EDT


  25. Give him a gun and you empower him to keep his fish."

    Or at least go down honorably.

  26. Okay, let me take the other side of this.

    I've been watching those assholes (the same ones who want our help now) roll out into the street every friday, and scream and chant "DEATH TO AMERICA, DEATH TO AMERICA!" Fuck them.

    We made a deal. Quit blowing up our troops in Iraq, and we won't get involved in your politics. Same deal I would have made.

    It's time to come home, produce ethanol, and let those people (I use the term, loosely) rot in hell, roast in hell, or, whatever the hell it is they're going to do.

    I like the outcome.

  27. Trish,

    Re: leaving military bittersweet

    Like the Mafia, once "made" you're made; you never leave...People quit paying attention to you...;-)

  28. rufus,

    What you see every Friday is what their media wants you to see and what the Iranian government pays for you to see (but I repeat myself).

    What you are witnessing now is unfiltered reality.

    I have always been a proponent of MAD, assuming that the control of the nukes would remain in rational hands. It was my belief, and remains so, that the leadership cadres of whatever nuclear power liked the good life.

    The leader of North Korea is a venerally diseased psychotic. There exists between Iran and North Korea a nuclear proliferation quid pro quo. That is enough for me.

  29. Allen, I wish them well. I'm not interested in getting involved in their affairs. Time to move on.

  30. rufus,

    That NorK missile launch toward Hawaii makes you involved. Granted, that's a long way from Pascagoula...;-)

  31. There are very few things I would bet real money on. But, here are two:

    1) Li'l Kim don't wanna die, and

    2) Mullah Khameini don't wanna die

  32. rufus,

    Kim is dying!

    Read Hitler's last order from the bunker to get a feel for lethal narcissism.

    Can you define "horse hockey"? It must fit somewhere within the discourse.

  33. Usually, I deplore being wrong. On this occasion, I would give rufus’s last dollar to be so.
    Witnesses report fierce clashes on Tehran streets

  34. General McChrystal's Initial Guidance
    by SWJ Editors
    International Security Assistance Force
    Kabul Afghanistan
    APO AE 09356

    Commander's Initial Guidance As of: 13 June 09

    "To the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Civilians of ISAF,

    The situation in Afghanistan is serious. The outcome is important--and not yet decided. Our actions this year will be critical. We must, and will, succeed.

    Success will be defined by the Afghan people's freedom to choose their future--freedom from coercion, extremists, malign foreign influence, or abusive government actions..." STOP< STOP> STOP

    Did I get that right? We are in assfuckistan to do what and for who?

  35. rufus said...
    Okay, let me take the other side of this.

    I've been watching those assholes (the same ones who want our help now) roll out into the street every friday, and scream and chant "DEATH TO AMERICA, DEATH TO AMERICA!" Fuck them.


    Be honest and fair...

    They chant: Death to America, Death to Israel, Death to UK...

    To the islamic nutjobs it's this...

    America BIG SATAN

    Israel Little Satan....

    Rufus you bitch about Israel and how it's a pain in the ass....

    Maybe if you understood that Israel is JUST the canary in the mine and is at the FRONT lines of fighting those that seek to destroy America you'd be a tad bit more understanding

  36. I've been following it Here--
    -/ Think I posted it wrong before.

    Whatever else is happening, a feeling of solidarity is being formed in the people, I'd think, more than they probably had before.

    Wonder what is happening around the rest of the country.

    I don't see how MAD can deter a group that actually believes they can force the return of the Madhi by causing a conflagration.

    If the Madhi does return, I think he will return Here--/ to try to inject a little humor in a grim day. Cause I think the Madhi don't want nothing to do with the mideast. Having good sense, that's why he hightailed it at age 5 in the first place. Just left one night. Couldn't stand it anymore. Lit out for the territories, like any good young fellow.

  37. According to him, the hole has paranormal properties, including an infinite depth and the ability to restore dead animals to life.--

    You can't deny that would be a fitting pit for the return of a Madhi.

  38. WIO, I'm just as disinterested in what the good people of Israel do (or don't do) as I am in the gyrations of the Iranians.

    I'm Just NOT Interested.

    The U.S. is NOT at war with anyone in the Arab World. I don't see Israel as being on MY front line, rear guard, or anywhere in between.

    All I know is my government collects taxes from me, at the point of a gun, and gives it to People in Israel for some untold (but, not unknown) reason.

    Then, AIPAC, donates large amounts of money to those same corrupt politicians that are robbing me.

    Let me make this clear. FUCK ISRAEL. FUCK IRAN. FUCK SAUDI ARABIA. and, FUCK ALL POLITICIANS, LOBBYISTS, and PREACHERS that want to get me involved in all this.


  39. deuce said,

    "Did I get that right? We are in assfuckistan to do what and for who?"

    This is concision

    Of course, you do have to pick a side...Hmm

  40. We are well, and truly fucked in Afghanistan, Deuce. Well, and Truly.

    Cain't win, cain't lose, and cain't quit.

    It's happened to every empire that's messed around with the place. All we want is to prevent Al Queda, and the Taliban from resurrecting the "training camps."

    We could have done that with a Brigade (plus air cover from Diego Garcia.)

  41. Okay, maybe a Division.

  42. confirmed - Riots in Tabriz, Mashad, Isfahan, Ahwaz - Gov using violence -

    confirmed - riots in Shiraz

  43. Look on the bright side, Rufus, maybe the Iranians will kill themselves off to the last man. (Leaving the women) I'd settle for a little sanity, say something like Turkey, or Jordan.

  44. Rufus: The U.S. is NOT at war with anyone in the Arab World. I don't see Israel as being on MY front line, rear guard, or anywhere in between.

    Just because you dont see it dont make it so...

    The USA was partially created by the ARAB world's attack on us... Learn history... The Barbary wars still continue to this day.. American trade and free passage on the open seas IS the war in which we still do fight..

    You can stick your head in the sand but the war IS ongoing and does effect American national security..

    Rufus: All I know is my government collects taxes from me, at the point of a gun, and gives it to People in Israel for some untold (but, not unknown) reason.

    Israel does get 3 billon a year in military aid, about 75% is spent in the usa, IF you are angry about the 3 billion to Israel you should be more angry at the dollars spent on nato (about 110 billion a year for 40 years), you should be more angry at the 670 billion a year in oil purchases from OPEC and (including) the cost of the 2-3 carrier groups we have there to keep the oil shipping lands open..

    I could go on about foreign aid, and for the most part I agree with you, if AMerican gives you aid you should support America... America SHOULD get a return on it's dime... But dont single out Israel..

    We will give more aid to africa & the arab world (and get nothing for it)

    We spend billions on protecting Japan, Korea and 100 nations...

    call a spade a spade...

    rufus: Then, AIPAC, donates large amounts of money to those same corrupt politicians that are robbing me.

    Oh how distorted your views of AIPAC are... AIPAC spends MILLIONS a year of it's own cash training future leaders of America, THOUSANDS of college kids get scholarships from funds collected by aipac to teach AMERICAN Values and ethics...

    I am VERY active in aipac... My total dollars per year I donate to both parties? about 100 dollars...

    But you KNOW what AIPAC actually did for me?

    I taught me as a citizen of America, I have a right and duty to have my voice heard...

    If you would take your anti-aipac stick out of your ass you would find that MOST of the legislation that AIPAC tries to have passed, COSTS AMERICA nothing,,

    In the last 7 years of LOBBYING the MAJOR issues have been anti-terrorism legislation aimed at iran, syria & palestinians..

    RUFUS Let me make this clear. FUCK ISRAEL. FUCK IRAN. FUCK SAUDI ARABIA. and, FUCK ALL POLITICIANS, LOBBYISTS, and PREACHERS that want to get me involved in all this.


    Great head in the sand attitude, but whether you like it or not. The islamic nutjobs of the world are trying to destroy AMerica...

    AND they are IN AMERICA AS WE SPEAK...

    No matter how much you want to ignore it... It will not ignore you...

    Iran. Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah, Middle east, oil supply, China, Russia, Hugo Chavez, North Korea, Sudan, Somolia?


    and yes.

    AMerica is in the thick of it...

    so if you choose NOT to discuss it, DONT...

    but dont make dumb ass comments and expect we will let your shitty little words hang on a page without rebuttle

  45. Pentagon spends $300 million to study troops’ stress, trauma

    Well, that should make us all feel better…can’t help thinking, though, “$300 million would pay for a lot of actual treatment”…Meanwhile, Class 6 is open all day, everyday.

  46. Just because you dont see it dont make it so...

    And, just because You say it don't make it so.

    I'm not crazy about the aid to Africa, but "AID" isn't really what chaps my ass.

    I'm tired of being told "I SHOULD support the brave, selfless Jews in the Levant."

    Fuck it. It's a Religious State, and I don't support ANY Religious State. I don't want my grandson dying because some Zionist cocksucker thinks God "Promised" him a settlement in Palestine.

    Oil from the Middle East? Have YOU bought a Flexfuel car, yet? I have.

    Again, you can rant, and rave, and wave your arms, and insult me till the cows come home; but, I will never support our being involved with Israel, or giving money to Israel. Or Egypt. Or Jordan. Or Mexico. Or Canada. Or, to the Daughters of the American Revolution. Or the United Unitarians.

    Or, any other cockamamie confabulation that's not directly beneficial to the Security, and General Welfare of the United States of America.

    Barbary Wars? Give me a break.

  47. wio,

    Dr. Dan Ariely (MIT) has written a great book, Predictably Irrational. I highly recommend it.

    Then there is this: A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest

  48. I think it's instructional that I have not engaged in ad hom, or personal attacks against you, or Allen.

    But, you can no longer say the same, can you?

  49. Bob, my son HAS a THING for Middle Eastern women. Holy Smokes.

  50. You look at those Iranian woman and you will see the refinement of vision in that young man's eye.

  51. The Friends of Israel, rufus, they always assault the personality, never the issues.

    Pure Alinsky.

    Another part of the cultural cabal?

    It is also the lovers of Israeli democracy that seek to reduce everything down to identity politics.
    Classifying everyones pedigree.

    Recalling the rage mat mustered when I said that the nationality of the forebears of native born Americans did not matter.

  52. rufus,

    If I have engaged in ad hominem, I am unaware of it. Neither have I addressed you with profanity, dismissively. Moreover, I have made every effort to speak with facts to those areas of disagreement, respecting your right to articulate any opinion you choose, anyway you choose, despite my personal revulsion. While I have never been a “cock sucking Jew”, it is tempting, admittedly, to ask how you know so much about them.

    If you think my rhetoric has been personal or unnecessarily harsh, then, I sincerely apologize. Certainly, I would not expect the same consideration from you and have, therefore, not predicated my apology on any anticipated reciprocity. We are different men, and I am glad for the difference.

  53. Yeah, damn them burqhas.

    And Veils, and chadors, and what the heck else it is they're making them gals wear.

    He does have a fine eye fer the wimminflesh. Wonder where he got it?

  54. And if the description does not seem to fit, allen, I did not have you in mind while I wrote it.

    But not wanting to create a list of contributors, used phfraseology that may have been to wide.

    As you have never, in my view, participated in any manner that was dis-respectful of others

  55. DR,

    "The Friends of Israel, rufus, they always assault the personality, never the issues."

    Once, years ago, we disagreed on the matter of the USS Phoenix. When confronted with the finding of Admiral McCain exonerating Israel, you went so far as to question McCain's patriotism and integrity as an officer, American, and man.

    While I readily see and admit the gross deficiencies of various, "specific" Israeli politicians, generals, religious "authorities" etc, I simply refuse to concede the existence of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. If this makes me a "Friend of Israel", then, I readily accept the epithet, knowing that it also makes me sane.

  56. “cock sucking Jew,

    Read Much?

    Or, am I mistaken that "Jew," and "Zionist" is not synonymous?

    but dont make dumb ass comments and expect we will let your shitty little words

    And, you would call this, what?

  57. I don't see any "Democracy Now" posters.

    I don't hear any pro-Democracy rhetoric (except on Fox News.)

    All I really see is an election dispute.

    I don't know. Maybe, it's the same thing. It's Iran. I haven't a clue.

  58. rufus,

    Following a quick check I find,

    “Israel has never had ANYTHING that wasn't for sale.”

    “The Israelis epitomize every "dirty, money-grubbing Jew" characterization that has ever been thrown the way of the Semite.”

    “Goddamn, can't we have just one fucking day without someone whining about the corrupt fucking Israelis?”

    I do stand corrected: You did indicate “Zionist cock sucker” rather than “Jewish cock sucker”. However, because Israel was created in both its territorial formulations following both world wars as a Jewish and, therefore, Zionist homeland, yours is a distinction without a difference. It is a difference that Hamas utilizes everyday in its murderous assault on “Zionists”. You see, they don’t kill innocent Israelis. Oh, no, they are freedom fighters struggling against 18 month-old Zionist occupiers.

    As to AIPAC, I often wish they would stop helping me. Without them, however, the Congress also might become confused about the semantics of Zionist and Jewish.


  59. I'm sorry, Allen; I thought you were an American citizen.

    Look, I'm tired of it. If you want to make my statements to be "Anti-Jewish," fine. Have a ball. I, really, don't give a fuck.

    I repeat: I am "Anti-Giving my Tax Money to Israel (or, any other Country."

    I am "Anti-Being dragged into a War over Zionist settlements in the West Bank, West of Eden, or any other damned West."

    I am MOST ASSUREDLY against anyone pissing me off by disparaging my cousin, and ex-President of the United States, George Bush, for not allowing poor little Izrael to crush the (insert scum-of-the-moment here.)

    The whole fucking mess bores me to fucking tears.

  60. Times Reporter Escapes Taliban After 7 Months

    David Rohde, a New York Times reporter who was kidnapped by the Taliban, escaped Friday night and made his way to freedom after more than seven months of captivity.

  61. "Until now, the kidnapping has been kept quiet by The Times and other media organizations out of concern for the men’s safety."
    Too bad they can't do that for US Military, Republicans, or ordainary citizens!

  62. "As other victims have told us, discussing your strategy just offers guidance for future kidnappers.
    Mr. Keller said.
    Much can be learned about the delusion and depravity on the left by studying pieces of work like Keller!

  63. "Until now, the kidnapping has been kept quiet by The Times and other media organizations out of concern for the men’s safety."

    Too bad they can't do that for US Military, Republicans, or ordainary citizens!


    One small step for the Times, one giant step for Mankind. It's a steep learning curve, Doug.


    Look, I'm tired of it. If you want to make my statements to be "Anti-Jewish," fine. Have a ball. I, really, don't give a fuck.

    Coulda fooled me, on both counts.

    The whole fucking mess bores me to fucking tears.

    Now you're gaining some insight how others receive your rants.

    Go take a ride in your multi-fuel Impala and chill out. You're beginning to bore me.

  64. rufus said,

    "The whole fucking mess bores me to fucking tears."

    Obviously, not ;-)


    PS: It is possible to be both an American and a Jew. I have earned my spurs, to prove it.

    From memory, I cannot recall having made either Mr. Bush or Dr. Rice the sole villians in this mess. On the other hand, I call a spade a spade, even if I offend my cousin.

    Something frightful is happening to my country. We have lost our raison d'etre. Some days I feel like nothing so much as a bewildered Roman witnessing the death throes of the Republic. Our befuddled policy with reference to Israel is not the cause; it is a symptom. Our lack of focus on almost anyother matter would equally suffice.

  65. "Go take a ride in your multi-fuel Impala and chill out. You're beginning to bore me."
    He could take a trip down to the Obamacare Center for some FREE Meds!

  66. Speaking of Multifuels:
    Have you heard much about damage caused by Ethanol Blends, Linear?

    I figure Briggs and Stratton and Toyota have no evil hidden agendas for taking the time and effort to publish notices about it.

  67. "Our lack of focus on almost any other matter would equally suffice."
    Yeah, education is kind of a foundational concept.
    ...except inside the NEA.

  68. Speaking of Multifuels:
    Have you heard much about damage caused by Ethanol Blends, Linear

    For over 25 years, it seems. I'd appreciate whatever fresh information is out there. Links if ya gottem.

    Ethanol and the old seal materials didn't play well together, among other things, as I recall. Rufus can no doubt correct me when he gets back from his ride.

  69. Allen, you can be as "Jewish" as you want to be. Just don't ask me to finance it.

    You can give money to Israel. Just don't "Give" MY money to them.

    You can go fight for their West Bank Settlements. Just leave my Kids out of it.

    LT, and Doug: If you want to support the Jihadis by buying their oil. Go ahead. I'll buy my fuel from Mississippi farmers;

    and my fuel lines are just fine, thank you.

  70. All cars built in the U.S. for the last 30 years have been built to use ethanol blends.

    In fact, most of the majors have used 10% ethanol in their "Premium" blends since they outlawed Lead.

  71. "If you want to support the Jihadis by buying their oil. Go ahead. I'll buy my fuel from Mississippi farmers; "
    Wish you'd stop driving up the cost of my Tacos, Rufus! :-)
    Drill, Drill, Drill!

  72. "All cars built in the U.S. for the last 30 years have been built to use ethanol blends. "
    Funny that Briggs and Toyota lack the expertise to accomplish that.

  73. If you're eating tacos made with No 2 Dent, Field Corn you need to start frequenting better restaurants.

    BTW, you can buy all the shiploads of that field corn you want for $0.07/lb.

  74. Toyota sells cars in Brazil where the standard blend is 26% Ethanol.

    Toyota is ahead in hybrid technology. They want to keep the focus, there.

    The DOE said they couldn't keep Briggs & Stratton engines running right Regardless of what they put in the tank.

  75. rufus: quoting ME....but dont make dumb ass comments and expect we will let your shitty little words

    And, you would call this, what?

    I call that a statement for you who complains that you dont want to HEAR about Israel and you make dumb ass comments and that I will respond to your shiity little words...

    that aint an ad hom attack...

    it's a response to your wild and crazy statements...

  76. BTW, Iowa State Univ says that, by supporting ethanol, I'm saving you $0.35/gallon on your gasoline.

  77. rufus who doesnt want to talk about it says:

    rufus said...
    Just because you dont see it dont make it so...

    And, just because You say it don't make it so.

    maybe, but it's your head in the sand not mind...

    Ignore Islamic nutjobs at your own peril....

    Rufus: I'm not crazy about the aid to Africa, but "AID" isn't really what chaps my ass.

    I'm tired of being told "I SHOULD support the brave, selfless Jews in the Levant."

    Fuck it. It's a Religious State, and I don't support ANY Religious State.

    Again, do you only find fault with aid to ISrael and not 30 others? if so that is holding Israel to a higher standard...

    rufus: I don't want my grandson dying because some Zionist cocksucker thinks God "Promised" him a settlement in Palestine.

    well good, rufus, us "zionist cocksuckers" NEVER HAVE ASKED FOR ONE AMERICAN TO FIGHT FOR IT..

    But it is amazing how many americans die for OIL, africa, or arabs.... if you had any balance for your anger it would not bother me, but since you only have a hard on for israel it makes me wonder why?

    rufus: Oil from the Middle East? Have YOU bought a Flexfuel car, yet? I have.

    your such a good little boy... I ran for YEARS on veggie oil in my diesel benz and for YEARS supported those zionist cocksucker in their development of the electric fuel cell...

    rufus: I will never support our being involved with Israel, or giving money to Israel. Or Egypt. Or Jordan. Or Mexico. Or Canada. Or, to the Daughters of the American Revolution. Or the United Unitarians.

    great.. then have rage for all of them, not just israel. do understand that if America didnt support the arab world (thru oil) the arab world would not have the weapons or cash to fight israel, AMERICA has CAUSED MUCH of the issue to be...

    If only AMerica in 1967 had lived up to it's treaty obligations there would never have been any west bank issues...

    Rufus: Barbary Wars? Give me a break

    No i dont give a break to ignorance... Learn history...

  78. YOU are referring to my 02:13, but you "overlooked" this part?

    or personal attacks

    Yeah, Wild, and Crazy that I don't want to support your particular Religious Welfare State.

    Feel free to follow the advice I just left for Allen. Do what you want, but leave me, and mine, out of it.

  79. desert rat said...
    The Friends of Israel, rufus, they always assault the personality, never the issues.

    Pure Alinsky.

    that is a PERFECT example of Alinsky DR. As a friend of Israel, your IGNORING FACTS to attack about emotional issues seems to be your calling...

    You love to HOLD israel to a separate and unequal standard......

    that too is a bias....

    DR: It is also the lovers of Israeli democracy that seek to reduce everything down to identity politics.
    Classifying everyones pedigree.


    DR: Recalling the rage mat mustered when I said that the nationality of the forebears of native born Americans did not matter.

    Yes he was mad.... that you dont consider yourself a squatter but consider Jews in Israel squatters..

    DR you have double standards and Mat didnt like it when you applied DIFFERENT standards to Israel that you would never hold yourself too

  80. Hell, I used to belong to an organization that sang songs about the "Barbary Wars." Why would you assume that I'm ignorant of them?

    You might ask a Mr, Muahmar Khaddafi what HE thinks of the Barbary Wars. Or a Mr Saddam . . . . eh, . . . never mind that one.

    Anyway, there ARE NO Barbary Wars taking place. The Levant is all about who's going to live there. I didn't tell the Jews to go live in Palestine. They made that choice on their own. If it doesn't work out they're welcome to come live in Mississippi.

    But, if they try to tell me "God" wants them to have MY peach orchard for a "Settlement" I'll blow their asses sky-high. You might want to inform them.

  81. rufus,

    I am as Jewish as I am...don't ever recall asking you or anybody else to subsidize that...Israel will be far better off when it too stops behaving like a vassal...It will come as no surprise to me if my only son serves in both militaries during his lifetime…That is a price that many Jews have and do pay for citizenship.

    Now, if one day soon Israel starts selling its really good stuff in bulk to India or China, say, I know I can rely upon you to remain neutral. Given American technical superiority, what could possibly be wrong with China having both Harpy and Phalcon, for example? After all, its just business; and, since it’s not on your dime, there should be no problem. Maybe you can be counted on to send a complaint telling State to “bug off” and mind its own business.

    For some reason, though, I would bet you will be offended by "Zionist" treachery...that whole having your cake and complaint thing is just too irresistible to the modern American mind…kinda like that big, fat, growing deficit.

  82. Sounds like you're moving to Israel. Have a nice trip. Good Luck.

  83. mat refused to believe that I had no loyalty to Italy, wi"o".

    It was beyond his comprehension, no loyalty to the home country.

    Nothing to do with the Indigs, here, that's your pony to ride.

    We've made it up to our indigs, with the legalization of casinos, when the Palistinians get the casinos, filled with israelis, then there will be equilibrium, there, too.

    Beyond that, I have no problem at all with admitting that the US cause a genocide amongst the indig population.

    As for the "Phoenix" allen, it wea the "Liberty" and it may or may not have been Admiral McCain that whitewashed the incident.

    Most of those incidents are, whitewashed.

    As to your loyaltyies, you claim to be an American, but include yourself amongst the 700,000 armed Israeli. Those that you say would stand against US, if push came to shove.

    Are you a US citizen or an Israeli, push come to shove?

  84. DR,

    Re: "As to your loyaltyies, you claim to be an American, but include yourself amongst the 700,000 armed Israeli."

    I never made such a claim.

    If I am ever put in such a position, I will have to carefully consider the words of General Lee.

    I stand corrected on the Liberty...haste makes waste

  85. If I am ever put in such a position, I will have to carefully consider the words of General Lee.

    That tell me all I need to know.

  86. As an American my loyalty is to America...

    However If AMERICA goes down the path of Germany 1938?

    I am out of here....

    As for your points about the USS Liberty?

    Yep it was a whitewash...

    America was spying on Israel and sending electronic war maps to the egyptians via the british on cyprus...

    Israel COULD have just sunk it rather than try to burn off the communications equipment...

    But let's not forget, the NSA was in charge of the Liberty..... Doing it's own business...

    As for whether God has told jews they have a home in Palestine or not... It doesnt matter...

    THE world in 1917 promised all of transjordan to the Jews as the PLACE for it's recreation, not birth...

    If Americans have a right to the USA, then Israelis have a right to 1/650th of the middle east...

    America typically supports like minded countries whose values we share...

    In the case of Israel for those that understand the real issues understand that Israel DESERVES the support that it gets from the USA...

    But personally? Israel saying NO to economic aid from the USA was a stroke of genius...

    If Israel destroyed the arab/islamic/persian threats it would never need one additional red cent from the USA for defense...

    But again at that time USA interests would not be served because the world 's oil price would be about 28 dollars a gallon...

  87. rufus,

    Then, as expected, you know precious little...other than black and white...rufus's way or the highway...

    I would consider it an honor ever to be considered in the same league as traitors such as Thomas J. Jackson or Robert E. Lee - officers of conscience and genuine patriots. Of course, conscience requires nobility of purpose, something utterly alien to the hedonist.

    Our second war of independence

  88. WIO, that's nuts. We had troops in the Sinai. I know. A very good friend of mine was trapped out there, and had to hike all the way back. This guy is a Very good friend.

  89. Bullshit, Allen. Your situation is in no way analogous to Robert E. Lee.

    Robert E. Lee was torn between loyalties to his Country, and the State in which he was born, and raised.

    YOU are saying you would have a hard time choosing between YOUR OWN country, and another country. To me, you're an alien.

  90. Shit, I just got it. You called ME, a redneck from Mississippi, a Nazi. FUUUuuck you.

  91. Oops, wrong thread.

  92. America typically supports like minded countries whose values we share...--

    That's it for me, basically. If you saw the video of those thugs killing that beautiful young Iranian woman today....

  93. rufus,

    Lee was the product of a few generations of Colonial Americans. I am the product of hundreds of generations of rebels. So, you are correct, there is relatively little comparison.

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