Thursday, June 25, 2009

Farrah Fawcett, sixties icon, sex symbol and actress, dies


  1. She was sixty-two.

    It's another reminder of our fleeting mortality.

    Even a good long life is over in an instant.

  2. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. [James 4:14]

  3. Why waste a second of our fleeting mortality?
    I'm here to save those seconds for you:
    This simple on/off button is worth far more than it's weight (300 kb)
    or it's price (free)

  4. Michael Jackson, dead at 50.

  5. Wrethcard on MJ's demise:

    AE Houseman captured the transitory nature of fame, in his poem To an athlete dying young.

    The time you won your town the race
    We chaired you through the market-place;
    Man and boy stood cheering by,
    And home we brought you shoulder-high.

    To-day, the road all runners come,
    Shoulder-high we bring you home,
    And set you at your threshold down,
    Townsman of a stiller town.

    Smart lad, to slip betimes away
    From fields where glory does not stay
    And early though the laurel grows
    It withers quicker than the rose.

    Jackson was quoted by TMZ as saying, Jackson was “looking forward to doing a lot of great things. … I think the best is yet to come in my true humble opinion.” Maybe this was the best he could hope for. No slow decay of rented cars or mocking stares.

    Eyes the shady night has shut
    Cannot see the record cut,
    And silence sounds no worse than cheers
    After earth has stopped the ears.

  6. 20. buddy larsen:
    no justice no mercy –the Angel of Iran’s mourning family evicted from their home.

  7. meanwhile...
    Lede: First Lady Longs For Purpose

    ...any book by Frankl is a good start...

    Neda of Persia will have no such longings; she's already paid the price for a cause greater than herself...a life well spent...

    Well done, Doug!

  8. …from Doug’s link to buddy larsen…

    “Iranian police did not give Soltan’s body to her family, but rather she was buried without her family knowing…”

    poor child…a land of beastly men and devils…

  9. "Her new chief of staff, Susan Sher, 61, is a close friend and former boss who the first lady thinks will be more forceful about getting her and her team on the West Wing's radar screen.

    The first thing Sher said she told senior adviser David Axelrod, whom she has known for years:

    When I call,
    "you need to get back to me right away."
    Ingraham has some great sound bytes of Michelle in the Garden with the kiddies, sounding all the World like a Dyke DI with an pathological need for control.

  10. Damn, that is just one more article describing what warped creatures are at the controls.

  11. FWIW:
    Kevin James represented both Fawcett and Jackson.
    Jackson at the '93 trial.
    He is convinced Jackson was innocent.
    Says Farah was very pleasant to work with, and a consumate pro very much aware of the business aspects of her celebrity.
