Monday, June 01, 2009

"As goes General Motors, so goes the nation."

Doug said...
The 31-Year-Old in Charge of Dismantling G.M.-

And now, from the mold of the Novice in Chief...
Everybody acts like the Company that was selling as many vehicles Worldwide as Toyota was on the ropes, in every way hopelessly uncompetitive.
(1 - 2, or 2 - 1)
When in fact, they were doing just fine, except for "Legacy Costs"

BHO Could have taken his and Rufus's Experiment in Healthcare out on the UAW "workers" at our expense (far cheaper than BHO OneCare for the nation)

...and let GM drop that anchor, hire some real labor, and get on with business.
Instead, we'll get something that makes TARP look like a beauty queen.
...and lose one of the World's Great Automakers.

Sun May 31, 11:47:00 PM EDT

Cutting through all the bullshit, here is a sample of some of what killed GM.

Social Management GM

Diversity Management

Throughout GM, our Diversity Initiative is the process of creating and maintaining an environment that naturally enables our employees, dealers, suppliers and communities to achieve their fullest potential. We believe that diversity is the collective mixture of similarities and differences. This recognizes that managing diversity includes race and gender as well as the broader aspects of age, education level, family status, language, military status, physical abilities, religion, sexual orientation, union representation, and years of service.

We believe that workforce diversity adds to competitive advantage. As a global employer, we understand that working with a diverse group of individuals with differing backgrounds and perspectives, creates and maintains competitive advantage and assists in achieving global success. Through our Diversity Initiatives we seek to create an environment that optimizes the contributions of our diverse work force, our suppliers, customers, and the communities where we work. We recognize that it is essential that our work force structure reflects both the marketplace and our customers.

This program made enormous strides in 2000 with a number of exciting changes and improvements. With a new look, due to the development and marketing of a brand for diversity, Diversity Initiatives is fast becoming a very recognizable part of the corporation.

With the introduction of an additional core value — Individual Respect and Responsibility — our goal in 2001 is to integrate Diversity Initiatives further into the company and to engage with management. Support for this sixth core value is demonstrated on a Diversity E-card entitled, It's What's Inside that Matters. Our Diversity E-card is a multimedia CD-ROM that provides an overview of our current Diversity Strategies. The E-card was distributed to all North American GM Executives in March 2001. Diversity is also being aligned with the corporate "GoFast!" initiative, and the "GoFast!" principle is expressed through the logo with the words, "Many People, One GM, NOW."


  1. It takes a village to wreck an industry.

  2. Everyone with a brain, two eyes, a nose and some stones knows bullshit when they hear it, see it, or slip in it. Any industrialist would have to be insane to try and manufacture anything in the US today.

    Take Michigan, make it a free trade zone. Drop every rule for everything, do not put in one federal dime, and see what happens. Detroit becomes the envy of the World.

  3. Righto.
    Unfortunately, the entire engine of USA Inc's gonna be dismantled quick-like by forces already in play:
    Crap, al-Bob:
    You could charge folks to look into the eyes of one who witnessed the Miracle of Florence, live!

    GD Caddie 2 door Hardtop was flattened flat as GM Stock is today.
    As worthless as our economic engine soon will be.
    ...I'll fetch a scary comment by Blert @ BC.
    Rufus's Rose Coloreds are gonna turn green.

  4. 13. blert:

    We may yet fondly look back on these bankruptcies the same way as the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act: the kind of meddling that transforms a depression into the Greatest Depression. /s

    The consequence to roll-over corporate refinance is too terrible to contemplate.

    AAA corporate America is going to founder: the market is going to instantly downgrade their credit due to political factors. Their customary financial advantage will be lost. Unfortunately, their business model utterly depends on access to the lowest cost credit.

    Their only out is to contract their debt as fast as possible. Normally that is achieved by re-ranking the marginal business units within the corpus followed by triage. Lowering the head count will be policy.

    Some of the most profitable firms today make non-essential items. As this Greatest Depression unfolds many will fold.

    S&P earnings are going to consistently come in below expectations. Margin compression is going to be brutal.

    Already we are seeing capital goods producers knocking off their prices 50%. (!!!) Building contractors are bidding below cost. In my area, 24 bids chased a 4,000 square foot retail store build-out in a strip-mall! With those kind of numbers the house overhead spent on bid chasing explodes as a percentage of revenue. You’d have to run at the speed of light to stay in place. The event horizon becomes your treadmill. The 50% contraction in credit card debt is aimed squarely at small businesses — a huge user of it.

    Which brings me to the wacky birth/death model used by the BLS to fantasize about the unemployment rate and job creation. The labor statistics are bunkum.
    The official GDP numbers are manipulated — big time.
    Inflation has been much higher than the CPI. Medical outlays are wildly understated in the CPI.

    We are floating on a sea of deceit.
    The tide must reverse.

    It is strange indeed when Pravda has to preach anti-Marxism to America!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. "Everybody acts like the Company that was selling as many vehicles Worldwide as Toyota."
    Was 'sposed to read:
    "Everybody acts like the Company that was selling as many vehicles Worldwide as Toyota was on the ropes, in every way hopelessly uncompetitive..."
    - if you change that and delete this, we'll look like Pros,
    Smelling like a Rose.

  7. "Many People, One GM, NOW."

    "Many People, None GM, Now Outta Work"

    Yeah, I remember that whale blast. While not a demolition expert myself, I'd a put the charges inside the carcass. Woulda had a better result, I think.

  8. That was some of the best diversity b.s. I've ever read. Not one real thought came to mind, when reading it.

  9. Our diversity program has striven to provide our employees, in conjunction with management, with new, exciting and varied life experiences. And we have succeeded! They are all looking for new jobs now!

    I smell rotting whale flesh, worse than rhino.

  10. Jeeze:
    I thot that logo thingie was some Deuce Photoshop Joke, until I read the rhetoric that fired up al-Bob's well-aged juices.

  11. Outlawed!
    You must be one spunky fillie, MLD.
    Wild Ride.

  12. It's not a wild ride unless, I'm driving and we all know that's not going to happen.

  13. Whooooaaa, Stallion! You may have a collector's item there MLD, the last of the Dodge muscle cars. Keep it barned, and well rubbed down, after a gallop.

  14. And that's the first time, I've been called a spunky fillie.

  15. Don't worry, Bob, that's usually what I do with all my stallions.

  16. Keeping them well rubbed down that is.

  17. My High School Buddy who became a friend of Pete Coors was telling me way back in the early 70's about Diversity Crap already in place there.
    I've missed many trends, and been wrong many times, but It was blindingly obvious, even to me, that this was gonna bear some real unpalatable fruit.

  18. I'm as pissed off at GM as anybody. They ran their company into the ground. Yes, I know they had legacy costs from the strong Union years but still.

    I mean, geez, why didn't they just declare bankruptcy before the Feds got their hooks into them?

    Friggin' idiots.

    Oh well.

  19. If that 31 year old punk was replaced w/creaky old me, we'd bring back an up to date knockoff of the '64 GTO.
    Give MLD's MoPar a run for the money.

  20. That timeline says they maxed out at 385,000 Union Employees, Whit!

    Then when they started cleaning up their act a little, they were struck 15 times in the recent past!

  21. "Everyone with a brain, two eyes, a nose and some stones knows bullshit when they hear it, see it, or slip in it. "
    The Education of Navin Johnson

  22. what could have been, aint...

    president of the world, the ONE.. has spoken..

    destroy bondholders and shareholders equity, empower the government to create a crisis in order to pour worthless billions down the throat of the newly coined "sick" GM" in order to take it over...

    then welcome to Government Motors, where the REASON for the crisis now owns 20%.... The Union...

    This is why I bought a used Benz last week...

  23. I still have a problem sitting in a Mercedes Benz, as Benz was a manufacturer of Ovens of Auschwitz and Treblinka and elsewhere. When my peers buy one, it bothers me no end.

    Not that I believe the modern day owners of Chrysler Letter Editions and Type S Benz's to be sociopath Nazi Murderers ..

    Just a reminder of the evil that men do.

    And how people do forget.

    Or do not care about being moralistic over past deeds, when their personal finance and lives are involved.

    Lest we forget.

  24. That timeline has a picture of a Hitler Look-Alike working @ Opel.
    GM bought a stake in it in the 30's and it was seized during the War.
    Given back after.
    Back in the Days when Big Wars were fought and Won in less time than we spend muddling about in Losing Long Wars these days.

  25. Friend of mine bought a Mercedes Benz when he got out of law school forever ago. Big sedan. Still has it, looks fine. 16 inch wheels if I recall. They are good cars.

    Not like your 1960 Ford F-600's though, mind you.

  26. Mitt Romney Says To Give GM Back to Taxpayers -
    "This is a very sad circumstance for this country, and it represents bad decisions by management, overreaching by the UAW. It's really tragic in a lot of ways, and it has not been well-played either in my opinion by the Bush administration or the Obama administration."

  27. Not like a '70 VW Squareback, either, al-Bob.
    Shoulda kept that car!

  28. I had one like This--
    -/ Plymouth Reliant Piece o' Shit, went up in a Car b Que, glad to see go too. Trucker told me he could the smoke from the top of the Lewiston Hill, 15 miles away.

  29. You see those little ridges on the side hill there, al-Doug, in the lower left hand corner of the Lewiston Hill photo? That's from cattle grazing there for years on end. That photo would be in August probably. Used to be cattle all over those hills for just a couple months in the spring every year. There are ridges like that on many of the hills around here. Now the Yellow Star Thistle has taken ahold too, so you hardly ever see any cattle anymore. And the feedlots made it not worth it either.

  30. "Everyone with a brain, two eyes, a nose and some stones knows bullshit when they hear it, see it, or slip in it."

    Oh, I guarantee this is absolutely not the case.

    Also excludes that category of individual - they are out there, trust me - that simply prefers the smell of their own bullshit.

  31. heh heh,

    Everyone luvs the smell of their own farts!

    Continuing on from yesterday 2164th - no, bad information abounds yet one shouldn't ban information and is usage. Krugman places the blame for the current mess firmly upon Reagan. He is certainly more right than wrong and worshiping Reagan shit demeans conservatives:

    "Reagan Did It

    Published: May 31, 2009

    “This bill is the most important legislation for financial institutions in the last 50 years. It provides a long-term solution for troubled thrift institutions. ... All in all, I think we hit the jackpot.” So declared Ronald Reagan in 1982, as he signed the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act.

    He was, as it happened, wrong about solving the problems of the thrifts. On the contrary, the bill turned the modest-sized troubles of savings-and-loan institutions into an utter catastrophe. But he was right about the legislation’s significance. And as for that jackpot — well, it finally came more than 25 years later, in the form of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

    For the more one looks into the origins of the current disaster, the clearer it becomes that the key wrong turn — the turn that made crisis inevitable — took place in the early 1980s, during the Reagan years."


    "The immediate effect of Garn-St. Germain, as I said, was to turn the thrifts from a problem into a catastrophe. The S.& L. crisis has been written out of the Reagan hagiography, but the fact is that deregulation in effect gave the industry — whose deposits were federally insured — a license to gamble with taxpayers’ money, at best, or simply to loot it, at worst. By the time the government closed the books on the affair, taxpayers had lost $130 billion, back when that was a lot of money.

    But there was also a longer-term effect. Reagan-era legislative changes essentially ended New Deal restrictions on mortgage lending — restrictions that, in particular, limited the ability of families to buy homes without putting a significant amount of money down.

    These restrictions were put in place in the 1930s by political leaders who had just experienced a terrible financial crisis, and were trying to prevent another. But by 1980 the memory of the Depression had faded. Government, declared Reagan, is the problem, not the solution; the magic of the marketplace must be set free. And so the precautionary rules were scrapped.

    Together with looser lending standards for other kinds of consumer credit, this led to a radical change in American behavior."

  32. Where have you been, Trish?
    Read a review of Movie "Che"
    Will try to recall.

  33. Enjoying a holiday from bullshit, that's where.

    And I trust nothing of importance happened while I was gone.

  34. You may have missed my dissertation on Emmanuel Swedenborg.

  35. The Swedenborg's lived a little ways away from my great grandfather in Sweden.

    Emmanuel Swedenborg--

  36. The theologian Henry James Sr. was also a follower of his teachings, as were Johnny Appleseed and Helen Keller.

  37. In contrast, one of the most prominent Swedish authors of Swedenborg's day, Johan Henrik Kellgren, called Swedenborg "nothing but a fool".

  38. You know, bob, I don't think we're a ship of fools.

    I think we're smarter than that.

  39. In the 1730s Swedenborg became increasingly interested in spiritual matters and was determined to find a theory which would explain how matter relates to spirit.--

    Thank goodness we are finally working our way out of the modern, secular moment, returning to teleology, and Spirit First! Top Down! The paradigms they are ashifting. The Oak Tree is the goal of the Oak Seed. Freud, Marx, Darwin, Nietzche, all wrong and gone. Swedenborg saw all this coming and knew it would pass.

  40. There are three well known incidents of psychic ability reported in literature about Swedenborg.[46] The first was from July 29, 1759, when during a dinner in Gothenburg, he excitedly told the party at six o' clock that there was a fire in Stockholm (405 km away), that it consumed his neighbour's home and was threatening his own. Two hours later, he exclaimed with relief that the fire stopped three doors from his home. Two days later, reports confirmed every statement to the precise hour that Swedenborg first expressed the information. This actually really happened. I have researched it. Tis true.

  41. You callin' me a liar, Trish?

  42. Because my great grandfather really did live near Swedenborg, Sweden being a small place.

  43. Or maybe it was my great great grandfather.

  44. DR

    there is probably evil behind everything ever built. I didnt verify but have been told Mitsubishi made Jap zeros....

  45. You callin' me a liar, Trish?

    Mon Jun 01, 11:12:00 AM EDT

    If I do or don't can I enjoy a rat-free day at the Bar?

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I'd hope so, in either case.

    I think the human race used to possess more psychic abilities than it has at present, the decline probably beginning with the rise of agriculture, cities, numbers, letters, and writing and commerce. Swedenborg seems to have been something of a holdover in this regard, his talents not atrophied.

    I really mean this. There is some evidence for it. And I think that the story about the fire in Stockholm is true, there being evidence in existing letters and testimonies as I recall. Anyway he was an odd sort of guy, seemingly off the wall sometimes, yet oddly logical and penetrating in his writings, some of which I've read, long ago. There is still a Swedenborgian Church in America, I think.

  48. "If he's good enough for Johnny Appleseed, he's good enough for me."

  49. Bob, it just can't be that we discovered and invented all these neat and necessary things and as a consequence lost.

    I don't believe that. I'm surprised that you do.

  50. We're too distracted now, the mind is always a wavy sea. I've read some of the hunter/gatherer groups had some abilities to visualize things at a distance that we don't have now. Whether that's true or not I don't really know but it's showed up in the stuff I've read, here and there. Swedenborg did seem able to occasionally visualize things at a distance that actually were occuring. Either that or he was a hell of good guesser, or

  51. You don't believe it, bob. If you did, it would be moot.

  52. DOW's up a couple hundred points.

    William Blake witnessed a fairy marriage, don't you know. And it wasn't in San Francisco, but in his garden, under a leaf. So he said. :)

  53. But that's a different kind of affair than a fire in Stockholm.

  54. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell---/

    William Blake

    I think he took the title from Swedenborg, who had heaven and hell separating. Blake was a reader of Swedenborg.

    I got to go to bed, been up all night. Later.

  55. I was married in Texas.

    And if any of you sorry SOBs so much as wink at Rat...

    You'll ruin my day.

  56. desert rat said...
    I still have a problem sitting in a Mercedes Benz, as Benz was a manufacturer of Ovens of Auschwitz and Treblinka and elsewhere. When my peers buy one, it bothers me no end.

    Not that I believe the modern day owners of Chrysler Letter Editions and Type S Benz's to be sociopath Nazi Murderers ...

    Just a reminder of the evil that men do.

    And how people do forget.

    Or do not care about being moralistic over past deeds, when their personal finance and lives are involved.

    Lest we forget.

    I dont forget..

    But remember IBM... FORD.... ANything that Japan makes are all product as well from the poisoned tree...

  57. Mitsubishi, I think it was the Zero, too, gag.

    Not 100% sure, but if not the Zero, then something.

    As Ms Rice said, the US has no permanent enemies, nor permanent allies.

    Only interests.

    Over the long haul, it's what most of us have, interests.

    I'm certainly glad we all can agree.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. I'm sure that the National Community Czar has all of our interests at heart.

    The operative word, of course, being "all".

    Fine balance, representing "all". Especially when some do not want to be part of it "all".

    But then that was decided, in the US, by 1865. Someone should call Governor Perry, deep in the heart of Texas, and tell him.

    So, trish, you're a Texican to boot!
    Maybe you should make that call, to Austin.

    Tomorrow, enjoy your anniversary, your Ranger is short now, is he not? A matter of days, almost single digits, if my memory serves.

  61. I realized that you had said marriage, not birth, after I saw it. Tried to edit it quickly, as to not ruin your day.

    Guess I wasn't quick enough.
    The slow hand.

  62. I wasnt born in Texas, but live here now. I like it. As some of the locals say, "I wasnt born here, but got here as fast as I could."

    Most of those who settle Texas were from Tennessee, which is where I was born...I guess it is just the natural progression of things.

    I get sneered at in OK and KS just because of my Texas tags....don't know why.

  63. Been to all three of those States, gag. Texas is nicer than either of those land locked pairies.

    Texas is varied, from the east Teaxas woodlands to the Panhandle deserts.
    Padre Island was a lot a fun, back in the day. Easy to imagine it is making someone's day, right now.

    Who's the blonde stranger?

  64. Texas is...really, really big.

    I know. I drove it on a couple of cups of coffee and almost killed myself and two passengers in the not quite endlessly fascinating Permian basin.

  65. On my way to the fine state - and I mean that - of Georgia.

  66. El Paso is closer to L.A. than give you perspective.

  67. that made absolutely no sense.

    the distance from El Paso to L.A. is shorter than the distance from El Paso to Dallas. There.

  68. "that made absolutely no sense."

    No points subtracted.

  69. I have re-defined the meaning of mult-tasking.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Stan.

    The Pakistan policy was born in Afghanistan in the dreary but hopeful years.

    He's a good guy, and a good warrior.

  72. Diversity will fix Broken Britain
    Prime Minister Gordon Brown today added said the success of the dance troupe was a sign that the British electorate did not back the "outrageous" policies of the British National Party.

    In a strong attack on the "racism, discrimination and prejudice" of the far-right party, Mr Brown said Diversity were a "great example" of diversity in the country.

    He told GMTV: "You have got Diversity coming in, a great example of diversity in our country, who have won, and people have said the greatest act in Britain's Got Talent, and at the same time you have got a party that is practising racism. I really don't think that is what the British public wants to see."

  73. Stan's the Man for Afghanistan.

  74. Stan's our Mercedes Mechanic in Kahului, but he's Japanese, not Nazi.
    Meanwhile, Brooks is doing
    "Springtime for Hitler"
    in Germany.

  75. There's a rule for these things: People want to talk.

    The other rule is: Let them.

  76. We call it "Trish's Rule"
    here @ the EB.

  77. El Paso is closer to L.A. than Dallas is.

  78. "“I miss Ronnie a lot, an awful lot,” Reagan said. “People say it gets better. No, it does not.""
    Don't we all, Nancy.
    Don't we all.
    ...except Ash, of course.

  79. Let's not forget that President Obama is also sending Mr Gate's chief of staff, another LT General, to keep Stan company.

    Patton & Bradley, George and Omar

    Pick up the tempo!

  80. "El Paso is closer to L.A. than Dallas is."

    El Paso is closer L.A. than it is to Dallas.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. North Idaho is far away from the whole damned lot.

    And Hawaii even further.

    (al-Doug's an escapee)

  83. With regards to Texas, here are two intereting maps
    With the US military movements displayed

    Really interesting to see who owned what, and when.

    Texas, 1836.

  84. His brother thought he was nuts, but he was not insane. The behaviour is well thought out and his position on the power of the Federals, while radical, is not irrational.

    According to ABC News, a man named Roeder was charged in 1996 with criminal use of explosives after police found bomb components in the trunk of his car. The conviction was subsequently overturned when an appeals court ruled that the materials were obtained during an illegal search of his vehicle.

    In that case, the FBI said Roeder was a member of the Freemen group, an anti-government organization in Montana known for its 81-day standoff with the FBI in 1996. Some members of the group said they believed the government was illegal and has no power over citizens once they renounce citizenship. Officials have not confirmed whether the suspected gunman is the same man involved with that group.
    His friends told The Kansas City Star that Roeder believed murdering abortion doctors was an act of justifiable homicide.

    "I know that he believed in justifiable homicide," said Regina Dinwiddie, a Kansas City abortion opponent.
    "I know he very strongly believed that abortion was murder and that you ought to defend the little ones, both born and unborn.

    Not at nut, bob, but a self-proclaimed radical. A radical that came to the sane conclusion, if one believes innocent life is to be cherished and that those that take it, they do not deserve it, either.

    Some might say reactionary, but I think not.

  85. It could be argued, bob, he's taken the only course of action a sane and truly self-rightous man could.

    That doctor will not perform another abortion, and others will think twice before steppin into his shoes.

    By sacrificing his future quality of life, the killer may be saving untold numbers of lifes, nothing truly insane about that, is there?

  86. Well, he didn't do the 2nd Amendment any favors. Can't he walk up there and bludgeon the man to death? Or use a crossbow, or knife. Nor the anti-abortion position any good either, really.

  87. While others consider it terrorism, which it certainly can be percieved to be.

    As WND reported, the National Organization for Women, citing "a string of murders in the service of the anti-abortion cause" and referring to the Tiller murder, released the following statement:

    "Bringing the killers to justice is not enough – the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security must root out and prosecute as domestic terrorists and violent racketeers the criminal enterprise that has organized and funded criminal acts for decades," said the statement, attributed to NOW President Kim Gandy. "We call on the new attorney general, Eric Holder, and head of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to treat these murders in the same way they would treat politically-motivated domestic terrorism of any other kind and put the full resources of their two departments behind that effort."

    According to a statement from the Department of Justice, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. ordered federal marshals to provide increased security for several abortion doctors and clinics after Tiller's murder

    He'll want to plead his case, as his own lawyer. Argue it was justifiable homicide, to a jury of his peers.

    Only one has to agree, to keep his hope alive.

  88. h/t to some poster at Michelle Malkin--

    Putting Things In Perspective--

    According to this source much more violence has been done by the pro-choicers than the pro-lifers.

  89. Not entirely sure how accurate that is however. Either my memory is shot, the news is suppressed or it's overblown. Or a combinaion thereof.

  90. I get sneered at in OK and KS just because of my Texas tags....don't know why.

    Envy. Jealousy. Happens when a busload of truant Democrats drives up to OKC to evade a quorum call and thereby raises the IQ of both states.

  91. The guy sounds nuts to me, but maybe I'm nuts--

    4. RWE:

    Seeing on TV that the man who shot the soldiers was described as having done it for “political and religious reasons” I turned to my Mom and said “You know what that means, don’t you? The shooter is a Muslim.” Looks like I was right.

    As for the one who shot the abortion doctor, he is described as having had “mental health probems” and his ex-wife described him as being “anti-everything.” At one time he had joined the radical group in Montana, the Freemen. The local police where he lived had identified him as being very dangerous.

    Both of these incidents show the legacy of the 60’s, what Myron Magnet describes as the dream become a nightmare.

    Frankly, before the much-blessed Civil Rights Movement, a Muslim would have been smart enough to keep his head down and hope not to get noticed by the rednecks.

    And before the Warren Court decision that opened up and closed down the state mental hospitals the Kansas shooter would have been safely locked up, learning macrame or how to make a mold of his palm print with plaster of paris.

  92. They'll have to get Ragsdale to sing the dirge at the funeral.

  93. "If we were to find that, while we were here, Congress had acted to insure that abortion would always be legal, that would be a very good thing; but our work would not be done."

    "If we were suddenly to find a host of trained providers, insuring access in every city, town, village, and military base throughout the world, that would be a very good thing; but our work would not be done."

    The Very Reverend Ragsdale

    Until every blasted foetus is pulled from every last womb of the world, our work will not be done!

    Good Lord, how can a woman like this be elected to be in charge of anything but Satan's Seminary?

    The world's gone nuts.

  94. Or at least the Episcopal Church. With the Lutherans amarching on, trailing a little, lagging a litte, but not so very far behind, really.

  95. Tiller does sound like quite the scumbug--

    107. Cowboy:

    Something’s terribly rotten in Kansas. The abortion fight morphed out-of-control and really has surpassed all belief — and that was BEFORE Dr. Tiller got shot again.

    This fight has exposed a great deal of corruption between Planned Parenthood, the governship and Dr. Tiller’s very, very deep-pocketed abortuary. It involves a pesky Attorney General named Phill Kline who launched over 107 indictments of Planned Parenthood and 30 against Tiller, then Kline’s eventual ouster due to Tiller’s monied influence, then the new AG dropping everything, and all kinds of murky efforts and to supress the evidence Kline had built.

    Tiller’s late term abortion practice is, in fact, illegal in the state of Kansas and everyone knows it. One cannot perform a late-term abortion there except when the health of the mother is in serious jeopardy, and a concurring opinion of a doctor who has no monetary stake in the abortion must be acquired. Tiller openly drove a Mack Truck through this health-of-the-mother exemption, and he bragged about it, and he bragged about how the money he derived from his practice kept the political wheels greased for himself. He boasted he’d performed over 60,000 abortions past 24 weeks (these can run up to $5,000 a piece) and used that money to insulate himself poltically.

    He was no great and good hero, always more racketeer than anything else.

    When the rule of law no longer means anything, as it ceased to when Tiller bought it openly, results like this murder are completely unsurprising. Some dude, angry that the law and civil society has failed at a critical task, will take matters into his own hands.

    Sunday’s result was inevitable given the level of corruption in Kansas over this. In the gunman’s thinking, it was left as the only resort.

    What a tragic powderkeg!

    Cowboy must have meant 24 years, rather than 24 months. 60,000. Can't imagine it. He must have had a lot of help, if that figure is true.

    But, the Very Reverend Ragsdale would have been cheering the guy on.

  96. Sing him a hymn. Him, Him, fuck him.

  97. And he rose, and saw coming towards him, as pure identities, as out of a pure blue sea, all the babies he had ever killed, and had forgotten, and he drowned among them, as they swept over him, wave after wave.
