Any of this sound familiar?
I would make the move. Only with increased domestic industrial activity can America end dependancy on foreign capital and perpetual deficits. The money merchant model of Wall Street assumed ever expanding technology innovation and the recycling of the excess savings of Germany, Japan and China. That era has ended. The US can re-industrialize rapidly and do so behind selective tariffs if necessary.
The carriers are there to remind people who is boss.
Asia will author its own destruction if it triggers a crisis over US bonds
Japan beware, crashes have a habit of bringing regime change
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Last Updated: 6:03PM BST 17 May 2009

Asia will author its own destruction if it triggers a crisis over US bonds
Japan beware, crashes have a habit of bringing regime change
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Last Updated: 6:03PM BST 17 May 2009
ET TU TOKYO? If Washington is counting on Japan to act as last-resort buyer of US dollar bonds, it may have to think again. Masaharu Nakagawa, finance chief of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), told the BBC that his country should not purchase any more US debt unless issued in yen as "Samurai" bonds, akin to "Carter bonds" in 1978.
This is the sort of petulance that tends to emerge in the late phase of slumps (1840s, early 1930s) when mass lay-offs provoke a populist backlash and hotheads run away with the agenda. Mr Nakagawa later played down the comments, calling them private thoughts, but the genie is out of the bottle.
We have come to assume that Japan under the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) will always cleave to America, if only to safeguard US protection against Chinese naval expansion. Backed by Washington after the war as a rural counterweight to the urban left, the LDP has held an almost unbroken grip on power since 1955.
But crashes have a habit of bringing regime change. Brian Reading, a Japan veteran at Lombard Street Research, predicts a "seismic shock" over the next four months as voters rebel.
"With unemployment heading for 5 million by end-year, something must happen," he said.
The tremors from Japan follow near-weekly fulminations from Beijing, which suspects that Washington is engineering a stealth default on America's debt by the trickery of quantitative easing. This was put bluntly in February by Luo Ping, head of China's banking commission: "We hate you guys. Once you start issuing $1 trillion-$2 trillion, we know the dollar is going to depreciate." Premier Wen Jiabao picked up the theme more politely, asking whether the "massive amount of capital" lent to the US was still safe. Since then the People's Bank has floated ideas for a world currency.
China and Japan together hold 23pc of America's $6,369bn federal debt. This has caused alarm on the US talk radio circuit, but fears of imminent "dollardämmerung" and a collapse of American economic power may prove far off the mark. Who ultimately holds a gun to the head of whom?
If Asia's leaders give free rein to frustrations and crater the US bond market, they will ensure their own political destruction. Japan already risks descent into demographic death, deflation, and debt atrophy (its public debt is nearing 200pc of GDP). China's regime depends on perma-boom for post-Maoist legitimacy. Could it survive the wrath of jobless graduates and rural migrants if it provokes America into erecting trade barriers, killing the globalisation goose that lays the golden egg?
American can if necessary retreat into its vast home market and rebuild its industrial base, well-armed with 12 aircraft carrier battle groups.
The last 12 months should be lesson enough that Asia cannot yet stand on its own two feet. Its mercantilist export model remains a "high-beta" play on the West, to use trader parlance.
Japan's industrial output has fallen 34pc. China's exports are down 23pc.
Ray Maurer, from Qatar's QNB Capital, said China may be too busy closing factories it should never have built to challenge US primacy over coming years.
"China is not going to be a juggernaut until it creates a viable economy based on home consumption. It's just a tiger, living a myth," he said.
Lombard's Charles Dumas says the "super-savers" (China, Japan, Germany) have warped their own economies by relying on exports and, therefore, on perpetual debt build-up by the West.
"Their currencies are due to decline against the dollar as weak US recovery throws a few scraps from its table, over which the world's exporters will have to scrabble, cutting their prices and currencies in the process. The US is not, and is not about to become, Argentina or Zimbabwe," he said.
Let us not forget how we got here. Japan amassed a quarter trillion dollars of US bonds from January 2003 to March 2004 in a frantic effort to drive down the yen and stave off deflation. It has not yet won that battle. Producer prices fell to minus 3.8pc in April, a 22-year low.
China's holdings of US bonds are a consequence of its own policy of holding down the yuan to boost exports. Beijing may rage about America's "helicopter" stimulus, but what would have happened to the factories of Guangdong if the Fed had not taken emergency action or if the US Treasury had allowed the banks to collapse? China wants it both ways.
The world economy has long been running on fumes. The debt appetite of the Anglo-sphere and Club Med kept demand afloat, concealing excess capacity. The deformed interplay of Asia's Confucian model and Western consumption ran unchecked, until the imbalances blew up.
Yet it is easier to blame Uncle Sam, subprime, and friendless bankers. A folk tale has captured political discourse everywhere, from Beijing, to Tokyo, Moscow, and Berlin. If they are foolish enough to act on this self-serving illusion, they will pay the higher price.

It began this past Monday with the adoption of a so-called presidential statement by the U.N. Security Council. Such statements are not law, but they must be adopted unanimously — meaning that U.S. approval was essential and at any time Obama could have stopped its adoption. Instead, he agreed to this: “The Security Council supports the proposal of the Russian Federation to convene, in consultation with the Quartet and the parties, an international conference on the Middle East peace process in Moscow in 2009.”Throwing Israel To The Wolves--
Radio is saying all the Asian markets are in a big downturn right now.
Rebuild our industrial base?
Bibi meets with Barry tomorrow. The screws have been tightening all week on Israel.
ReplyDeleteMy bet is that it'll be a short meeting.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBack when Goldwater ran, I'd see signs that said "Bury Goldwater".
ReplyDeleteCan we say "Bury Obama" with getting into trouble?
Professor Peter Ward is not doing a good job of answering some global warming questions, just making assertions.
However, he is for nuclear power.
And turning off the nation's flat screen TV's, and iPODs.
Or the real campus smart asses would have it, Bury AUH2O.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the 19th issue of the Idaho Energy Newsletter. We hope to bring regional journalists a collection of recent news in the energy field, with an emphasis on nuclear energy. This newsletter is a product of Alternate Energy Holdings Inc. (, which has proposed the Idaho Energy Complex, a large advanced nuclear reactor with low cooling water requirements located about 65 miles southeast of Boise, in Elmore County. Company officials plan to submit a Combined Operating License Application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 2010. The approval process is expected to take three years and cost $80 million. Construction could begin as soon as late 2012 and finish with power generation beginning in late 2016.
Currently, there are 439 nuclear power plants in 30 countries, mostly in North America and Europe, and another 35 plants in 12 countries are under construction. Globally, there are 400 new reactors proposed in 50 new countries.
You may also be interested in Don Gillispie’s blog at Don, the CEO of AEHI, gives his take on energy-related issues and we invite you to visit and comment.
Please call or write if you have any questions,
Martin Johncox
Alternate Energy Holdings Inc.
Power company CEO suspects opponents manipulating stock
Don Gillispie, president of a company seeking to build a nuclear power plant in Idaho, has told KTRV-Fox 12 he suspects opponents of the plant are buying and selling stock to keep its price low ( Gillispie said he noticed strange downward spikes in AEHI stock on days when something like a press release would normally cause an increase. "So we'd expect on those days people to buy because the stock was going to start lifting and right in the middle of that would be one of these crazy small sales. And it was almost a pattern that started occurring with our news. So we started watching and then we'd do the news. Our stock would start to lift and then we'd get one of these sales," said Gillispie. Gillispie said the manipulation has caused the stock to fall by about as much as 70 percent some days. In related news, the company has filed its quarterly SEC auditing report, available at
Decision on nuclear plant rezone to come in June at earliest
The Elmore County Commission won’t decide on rezoning land for a proposed nuclear plant until June. Alternate Energy Holdings Inc. has asked the commission to rezone 1,300 acres of land, 200 of which would be for a proposed power plant and the remainder to continue being farmed as a buffer. At a meeting last week, commissioners said they are waiting on a written transcript, which likely won’t be available until June. After that, commissioners want to pore over the four hours of testimony and review other information. By law, the commission must deliberate and vote publicly. Around 500 people came to the April 22 commission hearing to support the rezone.
Minnesota legislator: Let voters decide state's nuclear power future
A Minnesota state representative wants the public to decide whether additional nuclear power should be in Minnesota's future, according to the Twin Cities Pioneer Press. Rep. Laura Brod, R-New Prague, has introduced a bill that would let voters in 2010 amend the state constitution to allow a new nuclear power plant to be built in the state – one of numerous state-level measures nationwide intended to promote nuclear energy. "The Legislature has continued to drop the ball on nuclear energy,'' she said.”We're not putting one the cleanest forms of energy on the table for discussion. We need to put some new things on the table and remove barriers to energy. For me, this was the way to do it.'' Minnesota legislators are still mulling whether to lift a 15-year-old moratorium on new nuclear power.
Neighbors vow to stop wind farm development
Dozens of rural landowners want to "curb enthusiasm for" and ultimately kill plans to plant wind turbines and string a green-field power line segment across the northern Laramie Range in Converse and Albany counties, reports the Casper Star-Tribune. The areas in question are mostly private lands described as pristine mountain wilderness and home to some of the best elk herds in the state. Utah-based Wasatch Wind is reportedly trying to put together land deals in the area for a commercial-scale wind farm. Meanwhile, Rocky Mountain Power and Utah Power are partnered in the Gateway West transmission project, a 1,150-mile-long power line requiring a 350-foot-wide corridor reaching all the way to Boise, Idaho. It's the most recent in several "not-in-my-backyard" controversies to erupt in Wyoming since plans materialized to install enough new electric transmission to enable some 10,000 new megawatts of electrical generation in and around Wyoming.
Idaho universities score big on nuke research grants
Idaho’s three major public universities have attracted nearly $6 million in nuclear energy research grants from the Department of Energy, part of a program which awarded $44 million to 31 universities around the country, according to the Idaho Business Review. The University of Idaho will receive $2.85 million to fund work on five projects – the largest allocation in Idaho and the fourth highest in the nation for both number of grants and total dollars. Idaho State University will receive more than $2.1 million for two projects and Boise State University’s share is $785,396 for one project. In total, Idaho received more funding from the program than any other state. The grants, announced late last week, come from DOE’s Nuclear Energy University Program and will support projects in the fields of Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative, the Next Generation Nuclear Plant, Light Water Reactor Sustainability and Investigator-Initiated Research and fund research for up to three years. Contracts for the research and development projects will be awarded by Sept. 30.
States balk at paying into nuclear waste fund
With the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository possibly ended for good, some Maine, Minnesota and Michigan legislators are asking for relief on money their residents are paying into a multibillion-dollar construction account, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. States with nuclear power plants long have complained about how money from the waste fund was being spent on Yucca Mountain. "It doesn't make sense for ratepayers to pay for a waste plan, and then having no plan," said Maine State Sen. Deborah Simpson, whose resolution noted that Maine ratepayers have contributed $65 million to the fund. Maine’s legislature has approved a resolution urging Congress and the Obama administration to reduce the fees that electricity ratepayers are contributing to a special spent fuel fund. Since 1983, the fund has raised $29.7 billion in fees and investment interest. Only $7.1 billion has been spent, with the balance being $22.6 billion, according to a February report from the Department of Energy. “The average Minnesotan has paid more than $549 to this idle fund, expecting safe storage of our spent nuclear fuel in return," said Minnesota State Rep. Joe Atkins. "A quarter of a century later we still have nothing to show for it. Until we see some results, Minnesotans have paid enough.”
You should learn how to use Blogger, bob.
ReplyDeleteWe should sell two or three of those carrier battle groups to the Chi-coms, so they can help patrol the Somali Coast.
ReplyDeleteThen continue the economic consolidation of the Americas in to an economic bloc of consequence.
The High Seas will be secure:
ReplyDeleteSonia and I have joined the Merchant Marines.
Outloud Opinion dot com
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. is the number one manufacturing nation on earth.
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. has, by far, the Greatest Military on earth.
I think we'll be alright.
And, the most important fact of all: Of all the world's countries, only the U.S. has "The Constitution of the United States of America."
ReplyDeleteWe're Doomed w/o Universal Healthcare for the Whirled.
ReplyDeleteSince when did our boy from Chi-Town worry about that???
ReplyDelete...bunch of crap from the pen of dead white racists.
Poll: Only 31% of Israelis call Obama pro-Israel...
ReplyDeleteWhat is best in life?
ReplyDelete"To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women! "
The U.S. is the number one manufacturing nation on earth.
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. has, by far, the Greatest Military on earth.
I think we'll be alright.
Mon May 18, 09:24:00 AM EDT
My thoughts exactly.
I would, however, be in favor of reintroducing high pants, the fedora, and the snappy, fast talk of the 30's. Also big bands, train travel, and ashtrays everywhere.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I Do have a few thoughts about "hip-hop."
ReplyDeleteAlso: The restoration of Latin America's one-time glamour.
And for bob: Taxpayer subsidization of the suicide door comeback.
Glamour and intrigue, I should say. One ought not have one without the other.
ReplyDeleteYes trish. Ashtrays everywhere. And, women must wear hats again for the amusement of men. Generally speaking, a woman will put anything on her head and walk down the street. :)
ReplyDeleteThe photo of the meeting at Drudge...
Netanyahu's expression seems like that of a father attending his gay son's ballet debut.
Glamour and intrigue...
ReplyDeleteand garter belts with long silk stockings...
Happiness Is ... Being Old, Male and Republican
Americans grow happier as they age, surveys find. And a new Pew Research Center survey shows the tendency is holding up as the economy tanks.
Happiness is a complex thing. Past studies have found that happiness is partly inherited, that Republicans are happier than Democrats, and that old men tend to be happier than old women.
Revenge is sweet...or is it just the onset of senility?
I do well with hats.
ReplyDelete"Netanyahu's expression seems like that of a father attending his gay son's ballet debut."
"and garter belts with long silk stockings..."
Perhaps we can gin up a full renaissance yet.
my prediction....
ReplyDeleteBibi will state that he supports a peace process...
and that could lead to a 2 state solution, once the palestinians grow up, embrace economics, security and peace....
(and we all KNOW how the palios are rushing to make real peace with Jews)
Obama will state his commitment to a Palestinian state as soon as possible, regardless of the level of incest, violence, mutilation, suicide bombers, honor killing and general mayhem coming from them...
Bibi will state that Iran will not be allowed to weaponize it's nuke supply and Obama will hem and stutter to that effect and do nothing to stop Iran...
In the End?
The arabs surrounding israel will BEG israel to attack Iran to stop it from becoming the great Persian empire...
Obama and his militant left wingers will take Israel to task at the UN where it will complain and pass resolutions against the Jewish state...
Since I'm reading 'Ship of Fools' I call for the comeback of something in women's heads, as well as on women's heads.--
Same for men's heads, too.
ReplyDeleteWe may still be the greatest manufacturing nation on earth, it's just I can't find anything actually made here to buy.
ReplyDeleteHaven't bought a John Deere in a long while though.
I call for the comeback of alligator shoes.
And white belts for men.
And the Cuspidor
Alligator Shoes for Men and Women--
Once you die your ashs can be saved in your spittoon too (cleaned out first, of course), so your wife has a double keepsake. ("That's bob right over there, he used to spit in that.")
"Never stand between a cowboy and his spittoon."
Disgusting but handy spit cup nearby.
And the piano.
ReplyDeleteWhere Have All The Pianos Gone?
Trish: I would, however, be in favor of reintroducing high pants, the fedora, and the snappy, fast talk of the 30's. Also big bands, train travel, and ashtrays everywhere.Essentially the America of Atlas Shrugged.
ReplyDeleteHamas seeks peace...
as long as peace means they dont have to change their charter and they are allowed to rearm for the next war...
DR: We should sell two or three of those carrier battle groups to the Chi-coms, so they can help patrol the Somali Coast.
ReplyDeleteSeventy years of experience in carrier ops is something money can't buy. Expect another USS Forrest Fire the same month China gets the carriers.
George Eliot, Silas Marner, and the Iranian Bomb
ReplyDeleteI think Rat was just pulling our leg on that Xena.
ReplyDeleteEither that, or he's gone completely nuts.
Did you ever make it to that Casino up to the north?
Gin. Yes, more gin.
ReplyDeleteOf course, all of this flies in the face of the lefties who seem overly concerned of what others may think.
ReplyDeleteI think it was Boy Kerry who called us a "Pariah."
Essentially the America of Atlas Shrugged.
ReplyDeleteMon May 18, 02:34:00 PM EDT
No, that of George Cukor, etc.
Bobal: Did you ever make it to that Casino up to the north?
ReplyDeleteYes we did, and she won $100 in two-deck blackjack, not bad. Hotel was $79. The best part, for me, was Chuckanut Drive, where the Cascades run right into saltwater at the only place they do. Nice weekend.
Here's where we went.
ReplyDeleteNooksack Tribal Casino
Chuckanut Drive--
Never been there. Looks nice.
"Netanyahu's expression seems like that of a father attending his gay son's ballet debut, knowing his two latest lovers both have rapid onset HIV."
ReplyDelete42 mpg, Calif emmissions by 2016:
ReplyDeleteFiats for all!
(gonna check those CA standards, know they consists of wringing out the last few molecules of hydrocarbon at enormous cost/waste.)
What Me Worry?
...he had big ears too.
Sometimes I wish California would just slip into the sea.
ReplyDeleteUsed to be a great place.
No offense, Linear.
ReplyDeleteLatest photo of the meeting at Drudge...2:08 pm pdt...
Netanyahu, with disdainful expression, attempts eye to eye contact, while Barry stares off into a father-son discussion of son's coming out of the closet while disclosuring his application to ballet school.
Spell checker missed that one.
Bibi is in Deep Bullshit Detection Mode.
ReplyDeleteNo offense, Linear.
ReplyDeleteNo problem here, Bob. When the earth shifts under their feet, I'll have beach front property up on my ridge.
Bibi is in Deep Bullshit Detection Mode.
ReplyDeleteDBDM, an old but trusty tool of Israeli diplomacy, honed over decades of dealing with goat fuckers.
Who is the fellow to the right of Barry's head, the little bust?
ReplyDeleteDoesn't look like Martin Luther King, but maybe it is.
Maybe Robert Mugabe?
Not Winston Churchill, because Barry sent that bust back to England.
Barry's not really looking off into space, but just caught sight of his own celestial reflection.
They are having a big vote on taxes in California tomorrow. Ought to be interesting.
Any predictions on the outcome of that, Linear?
Any predictions on the outcome of that, Linear?
ReplyDeleteAll the propositions, 1A through 1F are a travesty. The legislature wrote them, and thereby initiated the special election, to foist off on the public the responsibility for their own feckless performance. It's an enormous cop out enabling them to walk away, and when things go TU, they can say, "Well, the public voted to do thus-and-so."
That's not going to fly, in spite of their huge campaign funding advantage. Groups as diverse as the Jarvis Taxpayers Association and the SEIU are lined up to defeat 1A, budget process change smokescreen; 1D, children's health funding shell game; and 1E, raiding the mental health funds established by special tax on millionaires. 1F is a toothless, feel-good measure to withhold raises for the legislature in deficit years. Even SEIU is critical of that one. 1B, education funding budget manipulations, might pass. It's for the children, don't you know. 1C changes the rules for operating the CA Lottery. Bigger payoffs are promised, so it might pass.
Not one of the six addresses root causes. Y'all know what they are.
Low turnout is predicted. That could be good for the crusty old farts like me.
My son and I voted absentee, NO on the whole ballot. Felt good.
Thanks, great report.
ReplyDeleteI'm hearing reports of coming big sales at Chrysler dealerships on Lars Larson Show.
Something about three weeks.
Seems Fiat is in control, and the dealers are getting screwed.
The Italians are running our car industry. :(
Fiat 500--
It's your new Obamamobile, folks.
I'm hearing reports of coming big sales at Chrysler dealerships on Lars Larson Show.
Seems Fiat is in control, and the dealers are getting screwed.
The Italians are running our car industry. :(
Seems a good time to repost this
new Chrysler image. Note the subtle influence of Chrysler's fling with the krauts, and those classic Italian lines.
Sell 'em two or three carrier grops, get about $25 billion for not state of the art technolkgy.
ReplyDeleteDiesel powered instead of nuclear.
The Chi-coms will have built their own, within the decade. But they'll be modern, new platforms. Possibily nuclear powered.
Since Sec Gates hass aid the F-35 will be the last manned fighter the US contracts for, the need for large carriers will be passing.
The large carrier flight decks will no longer be required for fighter overwatch or force projection.
Air mobility through rotary blades. Troop transport and delivery systems, whether the V-22 is scrapped or not.
Since new technologies are makig the mainstay of the US Naval force projection, the carrier, obsolete.
ReplyDeleteJust as the era of the dreadnaughts passed.
Just as the Chinese were developping submarine and missile technologies to threaten US carriers, the super carriers are on the verge of obsolesence.
The air assets being dispersed throughout the fleet.
AQ Kahn is looking for work if you want a broker for that sale, rat.
ReplyDeleteYour idea is not too far fetched.
ReplyDeleteMy suggestion? Well, you know what passes for commentary at the bar.
So there is really no reason not to sell the depreciated assets to Charlie Chi-com, so he can fulfill his guard duty detail off the coast of Africa.
ReplyDeleteJust as he's bought the old steel mills from Germany.
And if they have their share of accidents, so it goes.
I was aiming towards a marketing fee from the commission that the Kissinger Group would earn on that transaction, lineman.
ReplyDeleteThe US is the number one arms dealer in the Whirled, why not sell some depreciated carriers, rather than build reefs with them?
ReplyDeleteWhat makes the carriers different from the other munitons we send around the whirled?
They'll always be visible and easy for US to hit, if need be.
Just as ours are, now.
Your talents are wasted on us, rat. You, Whit,and deuce ought to start up a think tank.
ReplyDeleteHire Doug and Bob to keep y'all honest. Xena for entertainment.
Trish already has a job, and I'm happily retired.
Hire Doug and Bob to keep y'all honest.
ReplyDeleteHell, the present board composition would be nearly ideal. Bring mat back aboard to consult on batteries and other essentials of the new age. Just make his compensation reality based.
Tales of US carrier vulnerability, to Charlie Chi-coms submarines.
ReplyDeleteTemptingly easy target, the Kitty Hawk.
No matter whose flag she flys
You've no doubt heard of the US Navy Captain who was hosting a delegation of Chinese brass aboard one of our carriers. When questioned about vulnerabilties, he answered straight-forwardly that his weakest point was the bottom of the hull being subject to mine attack.
ReplyDeleteNo link available.
Make of it what you will.
A slip of the lip can sink a ship.
ReplyDeleteHeck, I was hopin' duece would figure out who we could invoice the billable hours to, enough, at least, to get me the "free" employee health insurance benefit.
ReplyDeleteFind us a Government Grant, that'd be the ticket to easy livin'. We double aughta get sinless on that mission.
Coould be sweet if we would be enabled by the Federal Government, instead of Google.
ReplyDeleteThat baby, Linear, looks like it would go round and round, like one of those ice skaters that goes 100 revolutions per minute, in a tight little circle.
ReplyDeleteThese could also be refitted and sold
ReplyDeleteTwo of the original five Tarawa-class LHAs were recently decommissioned: USS BELLEAU WOOD (LHA 3) in October 2005 and USS SAIPAN (LHA 2) in April 2006.
With the need for man fighters passing, the Wasp and Tarawa class ships gain increased operability.
I thought we were selling the Natinal Parks and Forests to the Chinese.
ReplyDeleteThough it makes more sense to sell them to Native American casino money, in my view.
Are the carrier battle groups in addition to that?
Headline flash:
ReplyDeleteThree American made carrier groups sunk by Somali pirates
few surivors
You mean Mat would be PAYING US?
ReplyDeleteI'm for keep Carriers as cataclysmic disaster insurance.
ReplyDeleteRig them up as dedicated responders, capable of electical grid support, instant food and medical providers, etc.
...and some surplus subs to power the clean up ships for the great plastic island in the Pacific.
That was the whole point of Admiral Fuckhead's Plan, Linear:
ReplyDeleteInformation exchange.
(admiral F....?)
You're just afraid of volcanoes and earthquakes, and want 'em all based in Honolulu, for you and Sonia to use.
ReplyDeleteBarack "Small Change" Obama Pisses Off Nevada Governor--Refuses Face To Face
ReplyDeleteBill Clinton to become de-facto President of Haiti--
ReplyDeleteBill Clinton to Be Named Special UN Envoy to Haiti
Monday, May 18, 2009 6:55 PM
Bill Clinton's spokesman says the former president will be named special U.N. envoy to Haiti.
Matt McKenna says an official announcement is expected Tuesday from U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.
Clinton is popular among many of Haiti's poor because as president in 1994, he used the threat of military force to oust a dictatorship in the Caribbean nation.
U.S. Army troops and Marines then quickly arrived to pave the way for the return of elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who had been ousted in a coup.
Haiti is the Western hemisphere's poorest country and has been mired in political and social turmoil for decades.
Swine flu stats:
ReplyDelete# of cases: 8,829
# of countries: 40
# of deaths: 74
Fact Sheet
The Admiral didn't tell them anything they didn't know (heck, I read a novel/techno-thriller about it 30 years, ago.)
ReplyDeleteWhat he didn't tell them was how to get the mine underneath the Carrier. Can you imagine how many times we've gamed trying to get one of our own subs underneath a Nimitz Class Carrier?
What do you think, Rufus, about the idea of selling two or three of our carrier battle groups to China?
ReplyDeleteIn August 2000, after the NSA had launched its latest LACROSSE satellite from Vandenberg Air Base - neither National Reconnaissance Office nor the Air Force discussing its 66-foot nose cone and its orbit in any way - the NRO did issue a shoulder patch to commenorate all its orbiters in a most menacing way. It was entitled - "National Reconnaissance Office - We Own the Night", and underneath it were the four vehicles transversing the globe and going along a line from Turkey into Russia, and another across the Middle East towards China - striking back with deadly boomerangs.
ReplyDeleteA boomerang is an Australian native instrument which recoils on its user with deadly consequences - a most telling depiction of what the Americans had been up to in Down Under's desert and beyond.
It was a most dangerous admission to make, as we shall see.Man-made Disasters Part I
Maybe there's something to this rationing of health care, after all--
ReplyDeleteTed Kennedy Too Old To Have Brain Surgery In Canada
The only thing we have available is the Kitty Hawk, and I don't think they want it.
ReplyDeletePolitical strategist Joe Trippi, who ran Howard Dean's 2004 presidential campaign, pioneered many aspects of Web-based campaigning, said Mike Plante, a Democratic political consultant.
ReplyDelete"I think that's the first time that it's been used on the grand scale," he said. "Obama became the successor to that in the primaries."
Months after the election ended, Democrats still are mobilizing support on the Web, Plante said. "It's a continuation of what they did during the campaign," he said.West Virginia Red
Under AshCare, we might not have had a Grandma Moses--
ReplyDelete-/ and many another suchlike.
More Rationed Care
Health care should be left to the free market where competition thrives, prices fall and quality rises as companies compete for the millions who need coverage.
ReplyDeleteEliminate the government entirely.
Get rid of employer tax incentives, fire the bureaucrats and return choice to the people, not a one-size-fits-none policy.Proven Failure
How to pay for health care on the next post.
ReplyDeleteGood Day!!! is one of the best resourceful websites of its kind. I take advantage of reading it every day. rocks!