Saturday, May 30, 2009

I wonder what Hans Blix thinks about the Nuclear Norks?

Why? I have a suspicion that what Blix thinks is close to what the international community leader Obama thinks and will say so in a much less guarded manner.


U.S., Japan, S Korea reaffirm position on DPRK's nuclear issue 2009-05-30

SINGAPORE, May 30 (Xinhua) --
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates reaffirmed here on Saturday that the United States, Japan and South Korea, along with some other countries, will strengthen cooperation to try to resolve the Korean peninsula nuclear issue.

Speaking at a joint press briefing on the sidelines of the 8th Asia Security Summit, Gates said that the United States' policy has not changed. Washington's goal is complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, and will not accept the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) as a nuclear weapon state.

Gates said that the DPRK's programs and actions constitute a threat to regional peace and security.

"We unequivocally reaffirm our commitment to the defense of our allies in the region. The transfer of nuclear weapons or material by the DPRK to states or non-state entities would be considered a grave threat to the United States and our allies. And we would hold the DPRK fully accountable for the consequences of such action," Gates said.

On the same occasion, Japan's Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada and South Korea's Minister of National Defense Lee Sang Hee stressed the significance of the trilateral meeting, saying that the three parties will further exchange views and enhance cooperation to solve the problem.

The annual Asia Security Summit, organized by the London International Institute for Strategic Studies, is being held in Singapore from May 29 to 31.

The forum brings together about 22 ministerial-level guests, along with parliamentarians, military leaders and security experts from more than 27 countries and regions for discussions on regional security issues and defense cooperation.


  1. War is coming... President Floppy Ears will do nothing to stop Iran or North Korea...

    Hans Blix was and is a failure...

    The IAEA is a failure...

    Appeasement reigns.........

    Israel will be alone in the wilderness, just as President Floppy Ears WANTS

    Desert Rat is correct, the USA has thrown under the bus Israel, all so that President Floppy Ears can then say, you see Israel is the violent country in the middle east.....

    War is coming and it will be nasty...

    I would place my bet on the IDF over the Iranian...

    I dont say that as an American Jew...

    I say that as an American.

    The CURRENT POTUS and the House and Senate took a Presidential election as a sign for the almighty to make "change", I have a feeling that the American public is starting to get tired of "change" and may wish for folding money again...

    change is over rated....

    revolution is change...

    bankruptcy is change...

    national socialism is change...

    record unemployment is change..

    governmental debt in the 10's of trillions is "change"

  2. Evidently, we sent a plane up, and couldn't find any Isotopes.

    Sounds like, maybe, they just piled a lot of TNT up, and set it off.

  3. You mean to say, rufus, that the dreaded NorK nuke, ain't.

    That lil Kim just staged another attempt to increase the international tension.

    That the Chinese succeeded in stopping NorK nuclear development.

    That rather than set off a nuke, that the NorKs may or may not have, that they played pretend?

    Or is the US providing false evidence to the whirled?

  4. Attempts within the GOP to find the right tone in addressing the Sotomayor nomination reflect that the party has no clear leader and is struggling to recover from brutal election losses. Some Republicans worry that fighting a shrill, losing nomination battle will not help -- and might hurt -- efforts to rebuild the party.

    "Whether or not Barack Obama gets his nominee is not going to determine the future of our party," said Terry Holt, an advisor to George W. Bush's 2004 reelection campaign. "He's a popular president with the votes to confirm his nominee. That's not our best fight or our worst problem to deal with."

    Whit Ayres, a GOP pollster, said: "Any kind of ad hominem attacks are not helpful to the party's reputation, certainly not in attracting independents, which is our challenge at the moment."

  5. If it was TNT, there was a lot of it---

    Information 'to be verified'

    Foreign Minister Stephen Smith told parliament the initial evidence was that North Korea had conducted an underground nuclear explosion.

    Australia will need to wait a couple of days to verify the information through atmospheric tests.

    "It appears from the early advice and scientific analysis that an underground nuclear explosion occurred in North Korea at 9.54am Korean time this morning or 10.54am (AEST)," Mr Smith said.

    The minister said the apparent test was registered as a seismic event in the order of 4.5 on the Richter scale.

    It had been picked up by Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organisation monitoring stations throughout the region, including Australia
    from an article

  6. Thomas Sowell - The Housing boom and bustThe root of the problem lies in Washington. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, later given teeth during the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, forced financial institutions to make risky mortgage loans they otherwise would not have made.

    President Clinton's Attorney General Janet Reno threatened legal action against lenders whose racial statistics raised her suspicions. Bank loan qualification standards, in general, came under criticism as being too stringent on down payments, credit histories and income. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two government-sponsored enterprises, by lowering their standards for the kinds of mortgage paper they would purchase from banks and other mortgage lenders, gave financial institutions further incentive to make risky loans.

    In 2002, the Bush administration urged Congress to enact the American Dream Down Payment Assistance Act, which subsidized down payments of homebuyers whose income was below a certain level. Mr. Bush also urged Congress to pass legislation requiring the Federal Housing Administration to make zero-down-payment loans at low interest rates to low-income Americans. Between 2005 and 2007, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac acquired an estimated $1 trillion worth of subprime loans and guaranteed more than $2 trillion worth of mortgages. That, Mr. Sowell points out, is larger than the gross domestic product of all but four nations.

    Numerous warnings went unheeded. In congressional hearings, Treasury Secretary John W. Snow said, regarding the risks assumed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, "The concern is, if something unravels, it could cause systemic risk to the whole financial system." Peter J. Wallison, American Enterprise Institute scholar, warned that if Congress did not rein in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, "there will be a massive default with huge losses to the taxpayers and systemic effects on the economy."

    There were many other warnings of pending collapse, but Congress and the White House, in their push for politically popular "affordable housing," ignored them. Rep. Barney Frank, Massachusetts Democrat and now chairman of the House Committee on Financial Services, said critics "exaggerate a threat of safety" and "conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury, which I do not see."

    Sen. Christopher J. Dodd, Connecticut Democrat and chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, called Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac "one of the great success stories of all time" and urged "caution" in restricting their activities, out of fear of "doing great damage to what has been one of the great engines of economic success in the last 30 or 40 years."

  7. 1.5kiloton - I guess that would be 3,000 tons of dy no mitey.

    Sounds bizarre. But, Li'l Kim? He's the Original "Bizarrino."


  8. I like Li'l Kim's hairdo, his taste in cognac, and his taste in women.

    But, I have a feeling he's goin' to burn in hell, having had his reward.

  9. I guess that would be 3,000 tons of dy no mitey.

    Noodling on a napkin tells me a 50 ft cubed cavity mine would allow the charges to be set with about 5 feet free space on a side and 10 ft overhead for structural reinforcing.

    Place the charge, fill void with concrete, stand off and blow it.

