Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Why are Americans Submitting to This?

I received this email. It is pertinent to the previous post. It makes me angry and I wonder why we as a people are so docile about the intrusion into our lives by government and commercial enterprises. Please do not give me the argument that if you have nothing to hide you should not be concerned. That defense belongs to the violators of our privacy, not the violated.

Full court records available

A few years back, the only people who had access to personal information were police detectives and the federal government. Now with the newly passed laws you too can investigate practically anyone job applicants, potential dates, neighbors, relatives, even friends. Using our legal and fully organized database links, you will have access to complete research tools.

For example, you can find out if someone has ever declared bankruptcy, gotten married, filed for divorce, been arrested, or filed a lawsuit. You can even find out about their home or auto loans,the kind of credit card debts they have, and even get a printout of their monthly cell phone bill, itemizing all their incoming and outgoing calls.


To get yourself off,
press this http://marchishere.com/u/KAYo3ENEkktfVpqw5Wg6Ng.html
or write to us at:
Cust relations
9 Orchard Street
Stamford, CT 06902


  1. Fuck 'em.

    Fuck 'em all.

    Think Ash, you will throw up.

  2. Please do not give me the argument that if you have nothing to hide you should not be concerned. That defense belongs to the violators of our privacy, not the violated.

    And they should be forced to use that defense more often. And by they I mean the media, politicians, regulators, lobbyists, big money contributers, military personnel ranked colonel and above, and their families and close friends. In short, everybody that's involved in propping this rotten political system.

  3. My old man was against all this stuff. He was against social security. He was against income tax. He was a tough old bird, that went to law school from the farm. I noticed just the other day, in an e-mail, from a lady I like, a very rich woman around here, a realtor, saying we should support a current effort in the Idaho legislature, to make reporting of real estate sales manditory.

    I don't know how this will come out. But I do know what my old man's position would have been.

    "It's none of their goddamn business" is what he would have said.

    And, I feel he was right.

  4. 32 States Initiate 10th Amendment Claim to Sovereignty From US Government

