Saturday, March 28, 2009

I don't much care for David Letterman but Joaquin Phoenix...


  1. Joaquin Might Need An Ashley Biden To Fire Up His Life? nah

    If a clip of Biden's daughter might go for 250k, how much would a clip of the Prez go for?

  2. Farmers Belly Up To Carbon Credit Scam

    I'm kind of ashamed, whole thing is an expensive farce.

  3. Bob, you'd be surprised, but half of the med school grads have cocaine to thank for their diplomas.

  4. I don't know, Mat, never tried the stuff. But have heard, sure gives a rush of energy, makes you think you can do anything. But it's a bummer of a downer too. How can you co-ordinate the ups and down with a medical school schedule?

  5. Can someone see what happens when you go to any page of the NY Times?

    ...Pinch seems to be down in the dumps, server-wise.

  6. Back up,
    and dumbass me refreshed the page w/o taking a picture.

  7. Guilders, I call 'em, they're all the same, sucking the precious bodily fluids out o' the public-at-large:)

  8. If the farmers had the brains to form a good strong guild, we'd have you all by the balls.

  9. Stupid Japanese wasting money on unproven missile defense:

    "The U.S. has been leaning against trying to shoot down the North's projectile and a senior U.S. official this week said the administration has ruled it out.

    The Japanese government said two destroyers carrying sea-to-air missiles would also be deployed in nearby waters, joining U.S. and South Korean warships in the area.
    Hail the First Spawn from Hell POTUS!

  10. 97. Doug:
    Habu, always causin trouble:
    You know damn well there’s no way to store dead tree docs in Hades.

  11. If the farmers had the brains to form a good strong guild, we'd have you all by the balls.

    Or, we'd all have you on a cocaine habit to keep awake while keeping the marauders from taking off with your loot. :)

  12. Guilders, I call 'em, they're all the same, sucking the precious bodily fluids out o' the public-at-large:)

    Rent seeking, tax eating rats. Flocking after the pied piper Al Gore. Consequences of green propaganda and greenie coercion of businesses that should know better than to fall for the scam.

  13. The jihadi oil propagandists are just shameless, are they not. Bleeding the US taxpayers for $1.4 trillion year after year in insurance costs, and with other endless subsidies, turning the planet into a toxic waste dump, and then still have the huztpa to talk about clean green renewable energy as a scam.

  14. If a clip of Biden's daughter might go for 250k, how much would a clip of the Prez go for?

    It might not be salable. Biden's daughter doesn't have hit men.

    Doug if that Taepodong-2 missile hits Anchorage and it gets out that Obama set weapons white and tight, there will be hell to pay. That's impeachment territory.

  15. I think someone has tracked the odor of green bullshit into the bar on the soles of his shoes.

  16. I think..

    That sport is obviously not for you.

  17. As long as they don't track any of that Jihadi-supporting, Saudi Bullshit in.

    We're going to survive this stupid, CDO gambling. It's, basically, a one-off. But, we Will NOT survive sending all of our money to the Mideast, year after year. That WILL "bust" us.

  18. That WILL "bust" us.

    So will $1.4 trillion a year on military welfare programs. Nobody is going to buy $200 mil fighter jets and $500 mil patrol ships. Nobody.

  19. No, Mat; if you're dead, or conquered, nothing else matters.

    The ONLY hard, and fast, unbreakable rule is that Thou Shalt NEVER Lose the Existential War.

  20. No, Mat; if you're dead, or conquered, nothing else matters.

    We got hold of a secret invasion plan?

  21. I doubt there are very many "secret invasion plans" out there, right now.

    I just want to keep it that way.

  22. New Battery Technology Charges in Seconds

    New Battery Technology For the successful takeover of alternative energy over conventional sources of energy we need a good battery technology too for power storage. The devices we want to keep on using need to be recharged. And we all know that recharge takes hours whether it's our mobiles or laptops. If the researchers from MIT has implemented the know-how of these lithium-ion batteries, successfully then our waiting hours for recharge will be over.

    This breakthrough can be achieved in two years. MIT scientists are hopeful that this battery can recharge a device in seconds. Gerbrand Ceder, who is the professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), said, "If you can charge your phone in 30 seconds, that becomes a life changer." He also explains, "It could change the way we think about technology like this: you would literally be able to charge up while you stand and wait."

    This development can transform the power storage technology and can help hybrid cars or electric cars and give the necessary push to renewable energy. This expertise can reduce the weight and size of the batteries and our devices can be charged within few seconds.

    The researchers, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have already made a small prototype cell that charges fully in 10 to 20 seconds, compared with six minutes for cells made in the standard way. The researchers are of the view that this technology will be available commercially within two to three years, because they are not using some new material. They have also nicknamed this technology as the "beltway battery", after the orbital motorway in Washington DC. His lithium-ion battery utilizes a bypass system that allows the lithium-ions to enter and leave the battery speedily. The scientists discovered that by coating particles of lithium iron phosphate in a glassy material called lithium pyrophosphate, ions behave differently. These ions can bypass the channels and move more quickly. As we are acquainted with the fact that rechargeable batteries store up and discharge energy as charged atoms, known as ions, from between two electrodes called the anode and the cathode. Their charge and discharge rate are restricted by the speed with which these ions move.

    If MIT scientists successfully complete this project for commercial use, we can charge electric car batteries in less than one hour. Till now recharging is one of the greatest hurdles for mass production of electric cars. Solar and wind energy generation can also be benefited with this breakthrough. This lithium-ion battery can be utilized for storage of excess energy.

  23. I just want to keep it that way.

    By bankrupting the State?

    Rufus, the wasteful military budget is an even worse scandal than that presented by AIG. And it is unsustainable. It wont be long before the US bonds market collapses, and then what?

  24. Sorry, Mat; we know you luvs your "Russkies;" but, we don't. We'll stick with speakin English.

    As far as "Bonds" go, you're embarrassing yourself. They, actually, NEED to fall substantially. They're selling for a ridiculous premium.

    Look, Bond Investors are just about the savviest bunch of Traders in the Universe. They understand that the U.S. is borrowing money from them at a nonsensically low rate to lend into a, virtually, "no lose" (for the U.S.) proposition.

    They're "buying into" the no-profit situation because it's the "Safest" place they can find to park their money.

    The price of Treasury Bonds will (we all hope to God) start falling soon, but that's Not the same thing as "Crashing." That's called "normalization."

  25. Look, Bond Investors are just about the savviest bunch of Traders in the Universe. They understand that the U.S. is borrowing money from them at a nonsensically low rate to lend into a, virtually, "no lose" (for the U.S.) proposition.

    Get real. Real estate prices are still double of where they should be. Trying to keep that bubble going is THE losing proposition.

    As far as the Russkies go, luv has nothing to do with it. I'm Russian speaking, as is my whole family. So where you might be bamboozled by fascist propaganda machine, I can pretty much skate in both worlds and know what's the real deal.

  26. That's called "normalization."

    Yes. With the only buyer being the fed.

  27. ..bamboozled by ^the fascist propaganda machine..

  28. Real Estate prices are now the most affordable they've been in the 30, or so, years they've been doing the Affordability Index. H/T Carpe Diem Blog

    IIRC, a $31,000.00 annual income, and 20% down (with good credit) will buy the Median Home.

    Home prices are starting to rise in many areas. I don't think we'll see a halving of home price this time around.

  29. Real Estate prices are now the most affordable they've been in the 30, or so, years

    Yes, that's why the record mortgage defaults on both residential and commercial properties. And we're yet to see interest rates rising, which is guaranteed to happen.

  30. diplomacy is a "head game"

    Secrerary of State Hillary Clinton

    The combination of her diplomatic charm offensive, her notorious toughness and blunt talk may give "smart power" new meaning.

    and from al-Doug--

    "The U.S. has been leaning against trying to shoot down the North's projectile and a senior U.S. official this week said the administration has ruled it out."

    Hillary's New Approach To Diplomacy

    heh, smart power, yessiree

    Hope the Japanese shoot it down, but they'll probably kowtow to Obumble

  31. her diplomatic charm offensive, her notorious toughness and blunt talk

    That woman's charm, 'notorious' toughness, and blunt talk can lift a missile right off a launch pad.

  32. Come on Mat, I'm referring to "real" loans to "real" qualified buyers. Sure, that Pre-2008 silliness will take a while to unwind. As for Commercial defaults, they're rising, but hardly at record levels just yet.

    It's bad enough, no use trying to make it worse than it is.

    Sorry, Mat, I know you, for some perverse reason, want to see the U.S. go "tits up;" but it ain't gonna happen (at least, not This time.)

  33. If the Norkors send that thing Over Japan they Might Whack It.

    That would make for some interesting "Jaw-Jawing."

  34. heh, those cargo containers are neat.

  35. I think when considering how much the US has spent on defense over the years one should consider that we have been defending Europe for a long time too, and their defense budgets have been minimal. So we've been defending nor only N. America, but Europe too. Rather than spending less, we ought to consider spending more.

  36. Sorry, Mat, I know you, for some perverse reason, want to see the U.S. go "tits up;" but it ain't gonna happen (at least, not This time.)

    Just keep it up, Rufus, but for heaven's sake don't apologize to the poodle. He'll just think you're scratching his tummy, and when you kick him off your lap, he'll start nipping at your ankles.

    Or, humping your leg.

  37. As for Commercial defaults, they're rising, but hardly at record levels just yet.

    Rufus, you don't need to be a farmer to smell rain.

  38. I gotta admit, Bob, I got one of them "tingles" up my leg when I saw that Giant Bottle of Beer.

  39. Ah, I'm whupped; Nite y'all.

  40. Sorry, Mat, I know you, for some perverse reason, want to see the U.S. go "tits up;" but it ain't gonna happen (at least, not This time.)


    I want you to stop lying. I want you to stop being a cheerleader to these lies. Recognize the problems and deal with them honestly. Your lies are just forcing you to dig a deeper grave for yourselves.

  41. Fooled you; I'm not gone yet.

    NOW, Motherfucker, exactly, What LIE did I tell?

  42. nite Rufus.

    Talk about rain, we've been getting it here big time all day and evening. Really nice spring rains, going to green everything up good.

  43. See? Soon's ya put him on the floor, he's at your ankles.

    Never seen it to fail.

  44. "I think when considering how much the US has spent on defense over the years one should consider that we have been defending Europe for a long time too, and their defense budgets have been minimal. So we've been defending nor only N. America, but Europe too. Rather than spending less, we ought to consider spending more."

    Considering our "responsibilities," we should be spending significantly more. The smart thing to do, however, would be to significantly (but prudently) reduce those "responsibilities" instead. Responsibility in this context being a Washington weasel word for choice.

  45. Them being them, however - they'll do neither.

  46. Wintery here, Bob.

    The storm down here laid down 8" of snow from Texarkana to Amarillo, so I heard. We just got an inch or so with blowing cold drizzle as followup. March goin' out like a lion.

  47. You sure called that one pretty good, LT. Well, I'll tell you what, he calls Me a liar about one more time, and there's going to be some humping going on; but it won't be him humping My leg.

    It'll be ME humping his scrawny little pencil-neck where his putrid, maggot-infested, head used to be.

  48. DAMN that Global Warming.

  49. Good night, Rufus.

    Good night, Bob.

    Good insights, Sinnless. 'Nite to you, too.

  50. Fooled you; I'm not gone yet.

    NOW, Motherfucker, exactly, What LIE did I tell?

    Fooled me? The only one you're fooling is yourself. That little bit of melodrama does little for you in my eyes.

  51. I wonder how things are in Fargo, North Dakota. Haven't seen much news today. Our rains here would have pushed them over the banks, that's for sure.

  52. That little bit of melodrama does little for you in my eyes.

    Miss T said it best:


  53. You guys don't quit arguing, I'm gonna have to call in Hillary on ya with her 'smart diplomacy'.


  54. I wonder how things are in Fargo, North Dakota.

    Just heard on coast-to-coast a little while ago that they're worried about their sandbags holding, but it didn't sound like anything had breached yet. A lot of the levee sandbagging was done with frozen material.

  55. Well, I'll tell you what, he calls Me a liar about one more time, and there's going to be some humping going on; but it won't be him humping My leg.

    Ok. Let's see. Question:

    1/ Is a $1.4 trillion/year military expenditure sustainable?
    2/ Does the US gov present honest accounting in its economic figures?
    3/ Is ethanol a viable replacement for oil?

  56. But no reference to the lies rufus was accused of telling, by the master of jihadi propagada.

    mat has learned well his lessons from the professor, Alinsky.

    He has the "Rules" down, pat.

  57. You call a man a Liar, without giving proof, and you think he gives a fuck what he looks like in your eyes?!?

    You're Dumber than a Moron! You couldn't get a job in the Obama State Dept, Dickhead. I leave smarter beings than you on my sheets every night.

    Ah, to hell with it. I'm going to bed. But, I warn you, I'm going to come back and read this thread in the morning. Don't fuck up. I just love to slap bitches around in the morning. It's better than Starbucks.

  58. mat has learned well his lessons from the professor, Alinsky.

    He has the "Rules" down, pat.

    Just amazing. I was pondering the same response a little bit ago.

    'Nite, rat.

  59. Night linear.

    Going to be interesting to see what happens when they're forced to go back to Congress for the next war supplemental. You see, in spite of all of the bullshit put out by the press about the 'transparency' of the Obama Administration for supposedly accounting for everything in the regular budget, they're actually going to need to go back hat in hand again to pay for Afghanistan. A mission which, for obvious reasons, has the potential to be much more expensive than Iraq ever was. At least as long as they stick to the stupidity of a nation-building strategy, for which a fraction of the necessary money was accounted for in the proposed regular budget. Which means more supplementals, just like the Bush Administration.

    Now was this the result of naive foolishness or duplicity? Take your pick. Just another popularity hit they've got coming down the pipe. And another reason this Administration's likely LBJ walking.

  60. You call a man a Liar, without giving proof, and you think he gives a fuck what he looks like in your eyes?!?

    Read that post again. See if can distinguish between you and the "royal" you.

  61. 1/ Is a $1.4 trillion/year military expenditure sustainable?

    Hell, no; that's why it's only about $0.56 Trillion.

    2/ Does the US gov present honest accounting in its economic figures?

    Of course, those numbers are done by career civil servants, hundreds of them. They're as accurate as they can make them. Would YOU fudge the numbers if you were a GS 13, and 3 years from retirement?

    3/ Is ethanol a viable replacement for oil?

    Yes, I run it in my Impala. I have more "Power," and I'm not sending that money to a bunch of America-Hating Terrorists that want to kill Me, and my family.

  62. The you was meant in the plural. I'm not interested in personal attacks. Not unless you're a moron, like LT, which I don't think you are. It's 3am here. We'll continue this later.

  63. Fuckit, you continue it. I'm tired of you.

  64. Fuckit, you continue it. I'm tired of you.

    Seems to me, Rufus, you conceded the argument because you know I'm right. And if you know I'm right, then you knew I'm right all along. So that 'you' in the plural might be just as correct as the 'you' in the singular.

  65. mat returns to the Alinsky School, once again.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Funny stuff, the last US General to command a victorious campaign against a conventional State. A General that did not fade away after an successful opening gambit of a Campaign, to retire to private life.
    A General that knew the deal about defending the Wast from aggression, better than most. Concurrently or today.

    A General named Ike.

    Can Uncle Sam Ever Let Go?
    By Patrick Buchanan

    Dwight Eisenhower, writes Richard Reeves, in his first meeting with the new president-elect, told JFK, "'America is carrying far more than her share of the free world defense.' It was time for the other nations of NATO to take on more of the cost of their own defense."

    Half a century later, we are still stuck "to the carcass of dead policies."

  68. LT: A lot of the levee sandbagging was done with frozen material.

    Cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do you no good,

    Now, cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do you no good,

    When the levee breaks, mama, you got to move.

  69. Interesting thread...


    How about this...

    USA has spent, every year, since it was formed over 110 billion a year on nato..

    Oil is now at 54 a barrel (started at 30, went to 150, and now is at 54 and we think it's cheap)

    Europe holds TRILLIONS of crap commericial paper that are about to drop to nothin...

    K Nor is about to flip the bird at Japan and US

    Israel took out 17 trucks in Sudan of Iranian weapons

    Iran is MONTHS away from getting the bomb and Bibi is about to get the Government of Israel...

    yep interesting times...

    and ya'll are pissing in the wind and you guys are arguing if the US government has correct accounting...

    The US government counts every thing perfectly, all the time, it know what everything costs down to the closest trillion....

    Does fuel cost x? sure, but remember the round up or down by 900 billion to make sure it fits the fiction at the moment...

    Money? wealth? value? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Gold, diamonds, homes? ha ha ha hah ah a

    we are just fleas on a surfboard on a tsunami....

    Just try to stay dry folks....

    stay dry...

    get laid....

    have a nice meal...

    keep your health...

    this aint auschwitz...

    EVERYTHING else is bullshit...
