Monday, March 23, 2009

How sweet it is.

Bruce Willis has married British-born model Emma Heming at his home in the Turks and Caicos Islands. He is a lucky man and was not overly concerned about the TARP.

The Bride.


  1. She's way too young for him. It's doomed. And, she's in it for the bucks.

  2. Well, he should die hard.

  3. That is one not morose Republican.

    Wine shop closed. National holiday. Who knew Morose Republican Monday is observed in Latin America? And no Malbec Rose at my little grocery. A Santa Rita cab will have to do.

  4. I had her pegged as a screamer.

  5. Where's woodie when you need him?

  6. It's not doomed if they both know the deal.

  7. True deuce, and I wager they know the deal, like lines memorized.

    Who will stray outta the corral first, that's the only question. If, indeed, there are only two in the corral.

  8. Well, he should die hard.


    Thank you, Whit. Best chuckle of the week.

  9. Shit, the Only Chuckle of the week.

  10. i think the bride should take trish's advice

    Mass assfuck.

    Mass assfuck.

    Mass assfuck

    sounded like trish knew

  11. Life is sweet. Smoke em if you got'em.

  12. Hayzeus, the god of haybales and alfalfa.

  13. The Republicans are going to do just fine, given time. Apparatniks, particularly of the party variety, always adapt to the circumstances. Even setting that aside, between Afghanistan, Iraq, the domestic front, and other yet to be dropped shoes, there's a decent chance the Republicans they'll roar back inside four years.

    Even a competent team, with intelligent ideas, would have difficulty coming out of this situation smelling good. This crew's a Greek Tragedy waiting to happen - well, except for the fact they aren't virtuous or noble, which will at least add to the enjoyment of watching them die by a thousand by a thousand cuts over the next few years.

    Ironically, the best shot they've got at avoiding it is an opportune terrorist attack which causes people to rally around them. Otherwise, it's going to be one long, ugly slog with no clear payoff.

    Whether the Republican Party that takes advantage of this is worth celebrating is another question. Long-term prognosis - not good, though still probably better than these assholes. But that doesn't say very much.

  14. Of course, events and history are fickle, and political predictions usually not worth a damn.

    But - current circumstances suggest there won't be many future bromides to the Obama Administration once it's through. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean they won't succeed in putting through a hell of a lot of harmful policies (especially domestic) in the process. It just means they'll probably be ridden hard and put away wet.

  15. Emma Heming does look a tad like a young Demi Moore.

    It must be said, though, that Bruce does not look like Ashton Kutcher, not at all.

  16. As the market boomed, yesterday, up 500 points on news of the Obama Administrations' plan for "Toxic Assets", why is it that we are not proclaiming that Team Obama has recreated billions in real value to the American financial system?

    If Team 44 is to be given the blame for the Dow fall since 20Jan09, which many here were quick to place, should we not be proclaiming the genius of Timmy and Barry in turning the market around.

    On the first day of the Obama Adminstration the Dow stood at 7,949, today it is at 7,775, after bottoming at 6,547, on 9Mar09.

    What a turn around to the 10 month trendlines Team Obama has achieved!
    Where are the accolades from the Bar patrons?

    Team Obama has rebuilt the value of America's financial markets by what ever the dollar value of 1,228 points of the Dow is worth.
    What an achievement in less than 3 weeks, one that President Obama called, in advance of the turn around.

    Take a walk on the sunnyside, amigos.

  17. Now Team Obama will be working on the trendline in Figure 9, Page 11.
    Any bets that they can reverse that trendline, too?

    Wonder if the Charlie Chicom will accept Ameros, as the 'new' "International" currency?

  18. Take a walk on the sunnyside, amigos.


    With the US dollar falling to zero, the US stock market should rally to infinity.

  19. The value of that paper money, mat, only matters to those that do not use it in the internal markets of the economic empire.

    Two of the US's major trading partners, both the Charlie Chicom and Manny the Mexican both are awaiting the 'new' currency.

    Shall not be long, now.
    Just a couple of years, three at the outside, at most.

  20. Gotta remember what their Goals are, before you judge their performance.

  21. It sounds like there's a little jealousy in the bar.

    It doesn't matter how many are in the corral, Bob, the only question is, does he have what it takes to keep her there.

    Life is sweet, Mr Barman, so, instead of, "smoke em if you got'em" maybe you could say, "If you got'em, fuck em." There's no deal, it is what it is.

    And how sweet it is.

  22. It sounds like there's a little jealousy in the bar.

    LOL! So typically female.

  23. the only question is, does he have what it takes to keep her there

    Heheh, that's really good humor.

    No, darling, the question is, will the bimbo bore him to death after 2 weeks, and will he have the patience for her after that.

  24. Oh devil, au contraire, in the relationships between men and woman there is always a deal.

  25. ...a deal does not make it less sweet, but more so, like anticipating a chess move and using it to advantage. A deal makes for more interesting pillow talk. It adds to passion and detracts from the mundane missionary positions of ordinary life.

  26. by the way Whit...★★★★★

  27. Rat, I would seriously doubt that your alleged conspiratorial people in power would want a currency other than the US dollar to be the exchange currency for the simple reason that it would erode their power (these folk are US no?). Having control of the exchange currency curries much power. Now there very well may be a move toward a 'new' financial order with a new currency at its core because the US is currently amping up its use of its exchange currency power to try to remain the dominant power in the world - well, actually it is a panic driven attempt to keep it all afloat as it has been for the past 50 odd years...

  28. In-Season Food App for Locavores' iPhones


  29. A search through ancient Roman and Oriental pornography and art shows the missionary position to be the most popular position of them all.

  30. A 'deal' sounds too much like a real estate sales agreement, or street contract, or something. I like the sound of 'an unspoken understanding' or some such phrase better, particularily in the higher reaches of amorous society :)

  31. There was an old bromide that suggested, indelicately, to treat a lady like a whore and treat a whore like a lady. I of course, never bought into that.

  32. Paris launches online map of EV charging stations

    Double Kewl!

  33. Hmm,..

    General Motors' CEO Rick Wagoner is for a federal gas tax that sets a price floor of $4 a gallon.

  34. The Seinorage Curse |

    Another excellent post by Gregor.

  35. Another excellent post by Gregor.


    Gregor's keen vision is a well honed 20/20 hindsight and his presentation neatly adapted to his collectivist audience.

    ...While his focus remains on global fossil fuel supply, he has developed several models for transition to the Grid, as the world migrates from autos to public transport. Solar, Wind, Nuclear and other sources of new supply to the Grid will also be a focus of this blog. Gregor has had his work republished in the English edition of, ...

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Mount Redoubt keeps on erupting

    Click the image for more news about the ongoing Alaskan volcano eruptions that Sarah GMILF Palin can see from her house. ;-)

    Mt Redoubt is 200 km Southwest from Wasilla, if you care. Everyone should thank and pay millions to Palin for witnessing the eruption because the same cooling as the cooling induced by this event costs roughly one trillion dollars in the cap-and-trade system. The smoke jumps 10 miles above the surface.

    The eruption was predicted - for example, see a story about the orange color introduced a week ago.

  38. Grand Mother I'd Like to Find--had to look that up, but, oh, so true.

  39. I don't play chess, Mr Barman, but you know, making a deal with the devil could lead to some very unruly consequences.

  40. This seems like an appropriate thread for this:
