Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blogger: The Elephant Bar - Post a Comment

Blogger: The Elephant Bar - Post a Comment


  1. Soooo, sorrrry--how I did that I don't know, was fooling around with Picasa.:)

  2. Deuce, Whit take it down. I'm embarrassed. Don't ever put me in the 'launch room.'

  3. Take it down? Your inaugural post? How could we?

    Congratulations, bob, you're a blogger!!!!!

  4. Somebody, buy that man a beer!

  5. Such incisiveness, such elegance! Two beers and rummer for the man!!

  6. OT but it must really be bad when Google begins layoffs.

    It's the end of the world as we know it.

  7. Swiss Bankers Hunker Down

    Seems kind of humourous to me, the Swiss have been such scoundrels for decades, centuries. Now they can't leave their own country, trapped in the Alps, snowed in. heheh

  8. Next round's on me.

    Now the telling question. Can ye do it twice?

  9. The stiff breeze that gusts through the winding streets of Geneva’s Old Town to the swanky boulevards along the lake has taken on a bitter new chill. Switzerland, the country synonymous with discreet financial services for the rich, this month agreed to ease its legendary bank secrecy laws – and the country’s private bankers fear their world will never be the same.


    The debate about bank secrecy and its possible abuse for tax evasion has been pursued largely in rarefied inter-governmental organisations. But disclosures about UBS, Switzerland’s biggest bank, during 18 months of intense investigation by the US authorities have shed a fascinating human light on the business.


    But further action against UBS seemed inevitable. The instruction from the Swiss regulator showed the nation’s defences could be cracked.

    Unlock the Vaults

  10. By Brian Faler

    March 26 (Bloomberg) -- A House panel advanced a $3.5 trillion federal budget plan that would put President Barack Obama’s proposed health care overhaul on a fast track for action while omitting additional aid for the financial industry.

    The House Budget Committee voted 24 to 15 late yesterday to approve its tax-and-spending plan for the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1. The action sends the plan to the House floor for a vote next week.

    Committee Chairman John Spratt, a South Carolina Democrat, said yesterday the plan “puts the budget back on a fiscally sustainable path while advancing key priorities in health care, energy and education -- these are goals that the American people support.”

  11. Bobal says post a comment. Okay!

    Jimmah Carter is feeling pretty damn good right now. B. Hussein Obama is going to rehabilitate his presidency by making it look positively Reaganesque in comparison.

  12. "Everywhere you look, these houses are empty around here."

    Begs a question. Where did they go?

    They probably moved to a place that doesn't look like a nuclear war disaster area. Which is why, I keep stressing the point with regards to aesthetics/design for the pleasure of people. There needs to be more to life than fascist corporatism. The lack of benches on the Vegas strip for people to sit, relax, and enjoy, is a good example of what's wrong with corporate America.

    Unfortunately, you've been so propagandized, LT, that you take everything I say defensively. I'm not here to hurt you, LT, I'm here to tell you the truth, and hopefully spark new insight in your closed mind.

  13. The Dow Jones Industrials
    +174.75 (2.25%)
    Mar 26 - Close

    Almost back to the 7949 of Inauguration Day.

    1377 points, a 21% rally from the low of 6547 on 9Mar09.

  14. Amongst the Pantheon of truly great posts, al-Bob.

  15. Man, look at all that wealth that Team Obama recreated!

    La Pura Vida, duece, that's WTF this is!

  16. The UnWar

    Taliban Unify in Face of American Influx

    The Pakistani Taliban have closed ranks with their Afghan comrades ahead of a new American offensive.

    Another juicy target ignored so that more young Warriors may die.

    Above, a funeral for a victim of a U.S. missile attack

  17. Save Zack Shahin

    Banner Ad on Drudge


  18. The_Torture_and_Arrest_of_US_Citizen_Zack_Shahin_in_Dubai,_UAE.pdf

  19. Since there are no more Enemy Combatants, a Miller caller suggests:
    “Friends going thru tough times."

  20. " in your closed mind."
    That's pretty damned hurtful, imo.

  21. "Everywhere you look, these houses are empty around here."

    Begs a question. Where did they go?


    No, seriously. Where the hell do they go. The question was prompted by a post from Detroit, but the same thing is happening across the country. Even here in Arkansas, empty houses on every block.

    It's approaching spooky, and they aren't movin' on up to the west side. At least here. The McMansion Developments have more empties than the old neighborhoods.

    Where the hell have they gone?

    Area 51, maybe?

  22. Raptured?

    And we're left behind?

  23. "Blogger: The Elephant Bar-Post a Comment"

    Touche! It's by far the best post ever and y'all still talk politics. Ugh...

    What am I going to do with you guys?

  24. Awe, Bob, you don't need me to tell you how fantastic you are.

  25. elephant bar... anyone know of a salad recipe that has cranberries and i think pineapple in it?

  26. Elephant Bar in florida serves coffee in Zebra striped mugs but they don't tell from where they got such mugs. if anyone know please tell me, i searched everywhere on the internet for this but couldn't get.

  27. If this doesnt earn a star i dont know what does

  28. elephant bar... anyone know of a salad recipe that has cranberries and i think pineapple in it?

  29. I am applying for a job at Olive Garden and Elephant bar and I was wonder what the hourly pay is?

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