Saturday, January 03, 2009


Every six hundred thousand years or so Yellowstone blows a few hundred cubic miles of everything it can lift into the atmosphere and deconstructs everything in its path. The last time that happened was about 640,000 years ago. No amount of carbon offsets are going to do much about that mother of all cataclysmic farts. 

Yellowstone National Park is a giant collapsed volcano, or a caldera from previous eruptions. Lately there has been a rash of small earthquakes and that may mean something imminent or something in another hundred thousand years or so, but the caldera still rises. Imagine that.


  1. Geezers? What are these geezers?


    It stinks around those geysers and hot springs, if you haven't been there. There are other better places to visit in the park, IMHO.

    I remember when a couple or three bears roughed up dad's camp trailor lock where the food was stored, in the middle of the night, back in the fifties. There were definitely a lot of bears around.

    Yellowstone Update

    Lots of comments.

    This is Mother Nature's Way of saying she is displeased with the election of The One.

  2. from Bob's link:

    " I'm sending you this email with some information I've gleaned from the USGS archives. I'm analyzing the ANSS data ( in an install of Splunk, which is a timeline based search and reporting engine. I have 30 years of data in the system, with about 2M quakes total. It makes doing graphs and adhoc investigations faster than dealing with the USGS limited search forms. Disclaimer: I work for Splunk as their evangelist, and spend a lot of time studying various timeline based textual data and writing interesting apps for the software. I am not an earthquake expert by any means.

    Using the ANSS data, I discovered the number of 2.5 or higher quakes in the *general* Yellowstone area for the decade of the 1980s was 128. The number of 2.5 or higher quakes for the region directly around the lake in the *last 4 days* was 30.

    Again, for 2.5 mag or greater quakes:
    Entire region of Yellowstone for 10 years = 128 quakes
    Area just around Yellowstone Lake last 4 Days = 30 quakes

    The entire 1980s of 2.5 or higher quakes in the vicinity of the lake was a paltry 4 quakes. Doing a quick back of the envelope calculation using the number of quakes and the intesities, the activity over the last 4 days has released roughly 100x the amount of energy released in the entire 1980s for the same general region. In the last week alone there have been 10 quakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater around the lake, with one as high as 3.8."

  3. Remember, folks, the Long Count Calendar of the Ancient Mayans ends on Dec 21, 2012.

    One guy in the comments says there is harmonic movement, then another guy chimes in and says if you look at all the stations, they don't all show the same movement, as they should. He thinks wind and water movement around the lake may be causing the recording of what the other guy took as harmonic movemnet. Harmonic movement, that's bad, he says.

    I don't hear much about it on our local media here, yet....

  4. VesuviusPreserved Pompeii For Posterity

    the Dakotas

  5. Under The Volcano

    In another world perhaps he is writting "Under The Caldera".

    Knew Roseanne Barr was a little whacky, but didn't know she was Totally Nuts and didn't know she was Jewish, or Jewish/Mormon, a combo I hadn't seen before before.

    Roseanne Is Nuts

  6. 'Rat served as an advisor to the So. Korean Parliment
    One of the tactical ploys he taught them is shown in this video.

  7. Hey, I'm in favor of Obama team's plans to merge Pentagon and NASA space programs!
    Bet RWE will be too.

  8. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. – More earthquakes are rattling Yellowstone National Park.
    The small quakes include three more Friday that measured stronger than magnitude 3.0. The University of Utah Seismic Stations say the strongest was 3.5.
    Several hundred quakes centered under the northern end of Yellowstone Lake have now occurred since Dec. 26. No damage has been reported.
    Earthquake swarms happen fairly often in Yellowstone. But scientists say it's unusual for so many earthquakes to happen over several days.
    Yellowstone lies mostly in northwestern Wyoming and is the caldera of a volcano that last erupted 70,000 years ago. Scientists have not concluded what is causing the earthquakes.

  9. We need some gutsy Republicans to learn to filibuster, in the manner of the Koreans!

    We have reached the second most snow in recorded history in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and January just started.

  10. More Proof Positive of Global Climate Change, al-Bob.
    Your survival depends on a Carbon Tax.
    Go, Obama!

  11. Carbon tax. Higher gas taxes for road repairs. Tax on mileage rather than per gallon...

    Taxes, taxes, taxes.

    California should be instructive. They've in the vanguard.

  12. Why sure, whit.

    The past 8 years have seen not a lot of pay as you go, and a lot of borrow, borrow, borrow, from the Federals.

    Now, in a conservative move, the Federals will move towards balancing the books, while investing in America. This calls for more income from fewer sources.

    The I-35 corridor is instructive in that regard. Passing control of the roadways to foreign companies that will charge tolls for use.

    The financial mismanagement of the past decade is coming home to roost. Blame whomever pleases you and yours, but the facts remain the same.

    Borrow a trilion to police Iraq and eventually you have to pay that tab. Borrow a trillion to bailout the banks, same truths apply.

    There is no free lunch, no matter what the Socialist Washingtonians tell us.

    There has been little invested in maintaining the infrastructure of the United States, we spent the money on foreign adventures instead.

    The mismanagement of assets has been almost criminal, with the expenditures of blood and treasure in Iraq leading the way.

    All hail PaxAmericana

  13. It's been a great run, 'Rat:
    Just ask Rufus.
    (Methinks he's taken advantage of GWB's Drug Scheme that he has touted so much.)

  14. Free Drugs,
    Bring back
    Free Love!


  15. When the Govt. gives away free everything, what will insurance salespeople have left to Sell?

  16. Rufus may get mad (he can take it) but This thread cracked me up:

    DR..The financial mismanagement of the past decade is coming home to roost. Blame whomever pleases you and yours, but the facts remain the same.

    Borrow a trilion to police Iraq and eventually you have to pay that tab. Borrow a trillion to bailout the banks, same truths apply.

    There is no free lunch, no matter what the Socialist Washingtonians tell us.

    There has been little invested in maintaining the infrastructure of the United States, we spent the money on foreign adventures instead.

    The mismanagement of assets has been almost criminal, with the expenditures of blood and treasure in Iraq leading the way.

    All hail PaxAmericana

    Sat Jan 03, 07:45:00 AM EST

    Doug said...
    It's been a great run, 'Rat:
    Just ask Rufus.
    (Methinks he's taken advantage of GWB's Drug Scheme that he has touted so much.)

    Sat Jan 03, 07:49:00 AM EST

    Doug said...
    Free Drugs,
    Bring back
    Free Love!


    Sat Jan 03, 07:50:00 AM EST

  17. I must ask my Republican friends and myself, if we sat around in a room seven years ago and asked what would be a good foreign investment worthy of $800 billion borrowed from China, at the expense of US industry while gutting the American Army, I doubt anyone would have blurted out "Iraqi democracy of course" while the rested of the room knowingly smiled and nodded their head in concurrence.

  18. Nationbuilding was the last thing on the Republican agenda.

    Ironic, isn't it?

    But, that's what karma does. Creates ironies.

  19. Rat, all that money that has been spent and those services that have been promised (SS, prescription drugs) will never be paid for. Certainly not if the zero growth crowd get the upper hand. No, wasted fortunes of funny money and the ponzi schemes will have to be handled in a different manner. That Russian thinks that next year the US will cease to exist. The ultimate bankruptcy so to speak. More likely though, the payment will come at some future date with inflated, worthless dollars or perhaps all debt will be forgiven in the coming One World government as it seeks a fresh start and a clean slate for all of humanity.

  20. Within in the last few days the "progressives" of America had sought to normalize their positions on truth justice and the American way...

    A few signs:

    Bill (kill our parents and burn their cars) Ayers now blogs at the Huffington Post and the NY Times...

    CAIR condemns the Fort Dix CONVICTIONS of fellow islamic retards as harsh since NO ONE actually got killed....

    ANSWER Rally in in DC turns violent and punchs PEACEFUL PRO Israel SIGN holders...

    Yep the far left crazies are on a roll...

    Now that it's acceptable to have friends that ACCEPT and SUPPORT HAMAS & the Weather Underground all norms have been shattered.

    It's ok now to condemn Israel for using modern weapons (the minimize civilian deaths) against "crude, homemade rockets"

    The far left cries, there is no military solution!

    And yet, Hamas rockets and aims to impose a military solution on Israel, JUST as islamic forces feel it's their civil right to assault those who insult Islam...

    Our country has shifted to the left, (i do not approve or agree) but for all of those that embrace the CHANGE that they so welcome I give a warning...

    Becareful for what you wish for...

    Now that you have made Hamas lovers respectable, do not be surprised when the tide turns and those you hate on the far right with disgusting attributes (such as xenophobic white nationalists) demand the same respect...

    What we are watching is our Nation getting dipped in pig shit and LIKING IT....

    The next 4 years will be interesting...

    The far left will continue to become more and more violent in their zeal of pursuing justice for the "oppressed"......

  21. "Devolution"

    I believe that we could make a tidy living by developing a pulp fiction series about the coming global meltdown...the end of civilization and the rise of a global government. We can simply do as we already do, take our cues from current events and let our paranoia flags fly! It can be a cross between Red Dawn and the Left Behind series
    I think there's billions to be made. Anyone interested?

  22. WiO,

    That last comment was written before I ever read your post, so don't get offended.

    The things you're seeing re: the left, is what I've been warning about; The rise of secular progressivism.

    Judaeo-Christian values are the glue which held the US together. Take away those values as we're doing and you get what we're getting.

  23. Well, the meltdown will, as with the demise of the "Greenback", will demand a new currency.

    Whether it is called "Amero" or not, simply a matter of symantics.

    Just as Federal Reserve Note and US dollar became one and the same, after the Greenback was finally pronounced dead, in 1971. After a 110 year run as the National currency.

    Interesting to note that the Greenback and the Federal Reserve Notes co-existed from 1914 until 1971. Then the Constitutionally authorized money was gone and the Fed Note reigned, alone.

    On the cover of the local Gannett paper this story ties in neatly, to the coming solution in the middle east, Israel and Palistine. That UN experiment that failed.

    Countries may unite, enforce a Gaza truce

    WASHINGTON - After a week of Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, Israel, Arab countries and the United States are discussing how to create an international force that would safeguard an eventual cease-fire, diplomats said Friday.

    A key part of the arrangement, they said, is that the main Palestinian rival to the ruling Hamas party would be asked to take charge of border crossings.

    An Israeli diplomat said Israel is open to an international force, although not under U.N. auspices, as long as it ensured that Hamas wasn't able to smuggle in new weapons and rearm in Gaza.

    One option, officials said, is to revive and expand a European Union border-monitoring mission. The unit suspended work at Gaza's Rafah crossing with Egypt after Hamas' armed takeover of the Gaza Strip in June 2007.

    U.S. officials said the Bush administration has three goals: a permanent cease-fire, reopening Gaza's border crossings with Egypt and Israel to normal trade, and halting widespread weapons smuggling into Gaza via tunnels from Egypt.

    Laying the groundwork for an International force to police the entire Levant, not just Lebannon.

    As the Big O told us all, a united Jerusalem that is the capital of Israel and Palistine.

    There it is, as part of the end game, after 60 years of failure, a new beginning to an old challenge.

    Back to the future with Corpus separatum

  24. I have personally withdrawn from several positions I had once cherished in the last year....

    I am more focused on:

    building my businesses....

    getting in physical shape...

    Becoming a crack shot.....

    2 out of 3 aint bad....

    my belly still is soft....

    Business is doing well...

    and I LOVE my new GLOCK 40cal....

    Just joined a range... no problem at 50 feet, rapid fire, 2 clips (30 rounds) grouping 6 inches round hits in the center of the target with just a simple pickup and fire aim...

    yep the next 4 years will be fun....

    maybe a concealed carry permit is next....

  25. The news channels are all reporting the Israelis have entered Gaza, and have taken casualties.

    No reports as to the numbers.

  26. My wife is acting really strange.
    She got us signed up to take--the Utah--concealed carry class here--and she doesn't even have a gun.

    The Utah permit is a written exam. It's the one good in the most other states, I'm told.

  27. Michigan is in tough shape, but not as bad as California, because under George Romney the Elder many years ago they rewrote the state Constitution and put in a balanced budget clause, which they have pretty much followed. We used to hear the words balanced budget and deficit but not so much any more.

    - "Masquerade" (1969)

  29. The Pelosi GTSIsomethingorother

    Has the Barney Frank Condum Dispenser as standard equipment.

    Financed by Fannie Mae.

  30. dagmar lassander
    - "shake" 1969

  31. She got us signed up to take--the Utah--concealed carry class here--and she doesn't even have a gun.

    She may only be seeking some means of closer bonding with you, Bob. Or, maybe she's planning to move the Bobal household elsewhere.

    Time for reassurance perhaps. Remind her that a shoulder-slung 20 ga. pump gun doesn't need a concealed carry permit. Take her to the range.

  32. Maybe she's thinking of shooting Bobal, having lost bob to the internet.

    - "Get Behind Me Satan and Push" (1970)

  34. PA is fairly easy to get a right to carry.

  35. Ticos Fight Back

    By Holly K. Sonneland
    Tico Times Staff |

    "A businessman shot and killed two thieves who had just robbed him of ¢990,000 (about $1,833) as they allegedly fired on him while trying to speed away on their motorcycles in La Uruca, on the northwest side of San José earlier this month.

    A passing messenger pulled out his gun and joined in.

    Last week, a 12-year-old girl shot and killed a 31-year-old man who tried to rape her in the Caribbean province of Limón . He fled, but only made it 50 meters from the house before collapsing in front of a church.

    The businessman has already been cleared in the shooting. Given the wide leeway granted by Costa Rican law, the girl, too, will likely be found to have been as justified in killing her attacker.

    According to Paul Chaves, a private legal consultant, three requirements must be met for a victim to use deadly force: The first is that there be an imminent attack without provocation; second, no other option is available to prevent the attack; and third, the victim does not employ excessive force against the attacker.

    It is legal to act in defense of yourself, or in the defense of another person in imminent danger.

    But it is illegal to fire on someone if they're running away from you."

  36. An opinion poll this week in the Haaretz newspaper showed support of 71 per cent among the public for continuing air strikes, while 21 per cent backed ground operations as well – the same number who supported a ceasefire.

  37. I don't see the point of a ground incursion. Best to just use artillery for a year or two, until 50,000 Hamastanis give themselves up to be shot dead in public executions.

  38. It seems that, once again mat, you are out of touch with Israel's leadership loop.

    The Israeli's must be feeling some back door US pressure, they've got 20 days to wrap this up.

  39. It seems that, once again mat, you are out of touch with Israel's leadership loop.

    That's because I'm not on the pay of the Americans.

  40. Just returned from a gun show at the Market Center in downtown Dallas. Had to wait 30 minutes just to get in the door. A couple of guys who sell guns there said they have never seen anything like it.

    People coming up, picking up guns, dry firing them, etc., who have never ever picked up a gun in their life and buying them.

    We definitely live in an armed society. Assume everyone has a firearm within reach!

    BTW, traded an old Colt Officers model .45 acp for a new Kimber custom Ultra CDP II in .45 acp. SWEET!

  41. The Israeli's must be feeling some back door US pressure, they've got 20 days to wrap this up.

    And why would that be, dRat?

  42. Because, mat, their US employeer changes, in 20 days.

    Their blank check will be withdrawn.
    Then the perspective of this Israeli, Uri Avnery, will more mirror America's.


    Uri_Avnery = Helmut Ostermann
    = Alexander Litvinenko

  44. Mətušélaḥ said...
    I don't see the point of a ground incursion. Best to just use artillery for a year or two, until 50,000 Hamastanis give themselves up to be shot dead in public executions

    Not really a bad idea...

    But why not blow open the rafah border 1st and give BACK to egypt all the camel humpers they PUT into gaza in the 1st place...

    Let Egypt CHOKE on the rats...

  45. I just got back from the shooter's supply...

    just 500 rounds of Blazer 40 cal for target shooting...

    train train train..

    gots to be safe, intelligent AND a crack shot...

  46. Well, amigo, he may just equal the positions of the Big O, too.

    Which is why Corpus separatum has already been floated, by the Big O. He was speaking his mind, at the time.

    Just not as understandable as Mr Lincoln. It is not hard to read between the lines. An imposed Peace will be deliverd, sooner rather than later.

    Two States, one land.

  47. With an EU military force to maintain security.

  48. Israel getting the backside of a Nato membership

  49. If you'd explained to me six years ago how it was going to go down, and given me the choice, "Take it, or leave it," I would have taken it. I still would.

    Not only is a nuclear-armed saddam not running around the middle east; he ain't running around at all. Cheap at twice the price.

    Like I said, I got mad (still am) at him over the border; but I'd still vote for him.

    The Alpha Nation never has to worry about paying off its debts. That's the reward for being Numero Uno. You just roll'em over.

  50. Don't shoot anyone in the back, in Costa Rica.

  51. Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, announced at his staff's annual prayer retreat that God told him Americans would embrace socialism in 2009 "in order to relieve their pain" and that the economy would rebound under an Obama administration.

    Robertson Says God Said, Including Video Clip

    God told me things were going to get worse. No video clip.

    Robertson said we ought to assassinate Chavez, but I don't know whether God told him that.

    It might have been a good idea, though, wherever it came from.

    If God told Obama a two state solution and a divided Jerusalem would work in the long run, I think He was just pulling Obama's long leg.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. It's also going to be a great year for miracles, Pat says.

    If any of the predictions are wrong, blame Pat, not the Lord, Pat says. He just didn't listen well enough.

  54. A united Jerusalem, bob, under international control, the capital of both local City States.

    Put the UN Headquarters there, as well.

    If one believes the prohesies and tea leaves.
    The Capital of the World.

  55. As far as I can see from the article or hear from the video, God didn't tell Pat anything about Yellowstone.

    I don't know what this might mean. Does it mean God doesn't know, or doesn't care, or knows and doesn't care, or knows but doesn't care to say, or cares but doesn't know?

    Anyway, from my point of view, it's a gaping hole in the prediction racket, and Pat should fill it, one way or the other.

  56. It's a good thing the Christians no longer seem to care much about Jerusalem, like they used to do, or we'd need a three way division, which would get complicated.

    But in the proper Christian outlook, I think Jerusalem can be taken to be anywhere--

    John 4: 19-24 (King James)

    4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

    4:20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.

    4:21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

    4:22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

    4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

    4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

  57. But why not blow open the rafah border 1st and give BACK to egypt all the camel humpers they PUT into gaza in the 1st place...

    Because I prefer them dead.

  58. If one believes the prohesies and tea leaves.
    The Capital of the World.

    "The Capital of the World" was a prety good short story by Ernie Hemorroid, as he called himself, about a young waiter in Madrid that wanted to be a bullfighter.

    Just goes to show you, one man's Capital of the World is another man's backwater.

  59. Only that The Capital of The World looked worse than any backwater. Completely neglected for hundreds of years. The shabbiness was everywhere.

  60. That's right, Mat. I've read the descriptions. Not only Jerusalem, but the whole area. Turkish absentee landowners. Beduoin and camel dung. I couldn't believe it, but I've read two or three times there were actually swamps in parts of Israel, when the return took place, that they drained. Must have been by the River Jordan, which isn't much of a river by Idaho standards, or around the lakes or sea.

  61. the River Jordan, which isn't much of a river by Idaho standards

    Though one must admit, if you cross the River Clearwater, you don't reach the Promised Land

    Just the Clearwater River Casino.


  62. Everywhere you see Eucalyptus trees in Israel, there was a swamp and malaria. And you see these everywhere. To the East and north of Tel Aviv, in Haifa and area, and in the lower parts of the Galilee.

  63. I'm not sure how the Jordan got the title of river, but to my eyes it's barely a stream, barely 10m across.

  64. The Jordan river:

  65. Looks about the size of Alpowa Creek here, where an orchardist is battling the beavers, who are eating his trees, according to the paper. Washington State passed an initiative resticting trapping. He says before the dams the bevs all lived down by the river. But they moved up his way. He used to just kill them, now, it's against the law. Fish and Game says he has to hire a certified trapper to relocate them. Says he can't afford the trappers outrageous fees, so he's about to go extralegal. Hired a lawyer, but that was too expensive too.

    "Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up" is an old slogan around here.

    He made a mistake blabbing to the papers.

    They plant the Eucalyptus trees to soak up some of the swamp water?

    Around here this year, the elk are having a tough time. Too much snow. Paper today shows a herd struggling through some snow drifts.

    I'm 'crossing over Clearwater' to mail some letters and get some free coffee from the local pagans. Later.

  66. :)

    Later, Bob. Enjoy your Coffee.

  67. Mətušélaḥ said...
    But why not blow open the rafah border 1st and give BACK to egypt all the camel humpers they PUT into gaza in the 1st place...

    Because I prefer them dead.

    Dead they cant FUCK with the Egyptians, Their evil, sick, inbred creators...

    Why should the modern day Occupiers of Egypt get off with clean hands...

    I'd rather unleash the virus of the palios on Egypt where it can destroy that nation of camel fuckers too

  68. Geo-politics at its butt fuckin' rawest.

    But, the idea does have has merit, and a sort of karmic resonance.

  69. I hope the Israelis clean their clock. But I'm worried the missiles might start flying in from Lebanon.

  70. Exactly, wi"o", open that border and expand Gaza into Egypt.

    Secure the Israeli side, sell the power and water, but force the Egyptians to take Gaza.

    Because, despite mat's preferences, all theose folks in Gaza will not be killed. Not by the Israelis, anyway. His hate precludes a rational perspective of the problem.

    The Gaza Strip is a city smaller geographically than Scottsdale, AZ., with six times the population.

    But to attribute Statehood to such a ghetto, just bizzare.

  71. How can Israel do that, bob?

    Define the end game to "Cleaning their clock", please. Define victory in a realistic way.

    The Fatah faction has to be able to take control of the ground, it can only do so with Egyptian assistance, not Israeli.

    What is the strategy to end the fighting, permanently?

    It will consist of International policing of the Gaza and Israel, stopping the rockets and lifting the blockade.

    With Egyptian, French, Italian and Russian troops. Led by the politcal power of the US to moderate Israel.

    The Big O will Internationalize the Levant, to obtain Peace in the Middle East.
    Back to the future past.

  72. Sea Ice Ends Year At Same Level As 1979

    Obama seems to have stabilized the sea ice. Can he cap the Yellowstone Caldera? I'm going to register my hunch as yes, having little to gain if the answer comes up no. Talking to my wife about this, we'd have to try to get to Ohio, where we might hang on for awhile, shooting deer and eating tomatoes. A full scale blow of Yellowstone would be pretty much the end of the USA, at least for some time. Starvation would break out everywhere. The lucky ones will be those buried under the ash.

  73. I agree 'cleaning their clock' is a poor choice of words, without much long term strategy behind it. Also agree that having Egypt take over Gaza is a hell of a good idea, but they haven't shown much eagerness to do so. I don't think a 'two state' solution will work, given their outlooks and book. Gaza could be a gambling and resort mecca if some other group of people ran the place, like the Swiss or the Nez Perce. Don't know about the west bank. Pay the arabs to leave, maybe.

    Hell if I know.

    In the abscence of any real idea, I just say 'I hope they clean their clock.'

  74. Lordy, what head in the sand dreaming we are seeing here - give the Gazan's to the Egyptians..riiiight! Reminds me of Sharon's quip that "The Palestinians already have a country and it's called Jordan" Nope, the Pali's are the palis and if there ever was a country already established that is 'theirs' it's Eratz Israel. That ain't gonna happen so...

  75. His hate precludes a rational perspective of the problem.

    No, d'Rat, my hatred is not a blind hatred. It is a hatred developed from familiarity and understanding. I know these jackals inside out. And until you kill them all, you will not solve this.

  76. I've heard of Eretz Israel, what's Eratz Israel?

    That ain't gonna happen so...

    ....they ought mind their manners.

  77. Bob:

  78. Ash said...
    Lordy, what head in the sand dreaming we are seeing here - give the Gazan's to the Egyptians..riiiight! Reminds me of Sharon's quip that "The Palestinians already have a country and it's called Jordan" Nope, the Pali's are the palis and if there ever was a country already established that is 'theirs' it's Eratz Israel. That ain't gonna happen so...

    Ash your so misinformed....

    Gaza was never independent... It was a vassal part of egypt

    there was never something called a palestinian until yasser arafat with the egyptian secret police created it..

    yasser was born in egypt...

  79. Mat, the Palin link doesn't come up for me, says it's out of date or something.

  80. Why is so hard to understand?

    the fake nationalistic people called palestinians are bloody thirsty death cult jew hating, inbred, murderers..

    they preach, teach and train their people to want to die to murder jews...

    they BREED to use their kids as suicide bombers...

    they are the anti-human humans... they are HUMAN ANIMALS without any spark of goodness...

    they will use mules, retarded kids, pregnant women to be human bombs...

    they hide in hospitals, mosques, day care centers...

    they are genocidal

    If Israel was 1/100th as bad as they claim?

    they already be dead....

    If israel was germany, russia, china or even the USA?

    they would be dead already...

  81. I think Mrs. Arafat is one of the big winners in all of this. She's done with Yasser, she's rich, and she's outta there. What's not to like?

  82. WiO, being disconnected from reality was never a problem for Ash.

    He thought the US Marines didn't have any right to have an office in Berkeley, California, for instance.

    We're all a little disconnected, it's just that Ash is a little more so than normal.

    We all make mistakes, we're all human.

    It's the beginning of a hew year....

  83. Schwarzenegger: Every nation has right to defend itself

    Published: 01.03.09, 23:35 / Israel News

    California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger expressed support for the ground operation in Gaza. After meeting with the Israeli consul general in Los Angeles, Yaakov Dayan, Schwarzenegger declared that "every nation has the right to defend itself against terrorism and cold-blooded attacks on its people. Israel is no different and is right to defend itself against the unceasing violence of rocket attacks launched by Hamas."

    While I appreciate the sentiments, the Austrian ought to be looking to the California budget problems.

    Anything to distract from public attention, maybe.

  84. Or, maybe he's running for President already. After all, we may have a Kenyan, why not an Austrian?

  85. Meanwhile, Obama stays silent on the golf links in Hawaii. Looked like he was left handed in a clip I saw.

  86. Try here, Bob

  87. Sarah Palin "Over the Moon" About Grandson
    Jovie Baclayon
    Sat Jan 3, 12:19 pm ET
    Los Angeles (E! Online) – If only Tina Fey would do her Sarah Palin impersonation one last time...
    The former vice-presidential candidate and governor of Alaska has issued an official statement about the birth of her first grandchild, Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston. Daughter, Bristol Palin, 18, and her fiancé Levi Johnston welcomed a son on Dec. 27.
    "We are over the moon with the arrival of this healthy, beautiful baby," says Palin. "The road ahead for this young couple will not be easy, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Bristol and Levi are committed to accomplish what millions of other young parents have accomplished, to provide a loving and secure environment for their child."
    Now here's where it gets good...
    The governor went on to say, "When Bristol and Levi first told us the shocking news that she was pregnant, to be honest, we all at first looked at the situation with some fear and a bit of despair. Isn't it just like God to turn those circumstances into such an amazing, joyful blessing when you ask Him to help you through?"
    The official statement also includes a quote from new mom Bristol who "obviously" doesn't support teen pregnancy: "Teenagers need to prevent pregnancy to begin with - this isn't ideal. But I'm fortunate to have a supportive family which is dealing with this together. Tripp is so perfectly precious; we love him with all our hearts. I can't imagine life without him now."
    In addition to parenting, the statement mentions that Bristol is finishing up her senior year in high school and "looks forward to continuing her record of good grades and high achievement." Levi, meanwhile, is getting his high school degree online and working as an apprentice to an electrician in Alaska.
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  88. US Prepared To Block UN Action On Gaza
    Seems like real good statements coming from a supportive family to me, Mat. Beats the Big Zero saying he wouldn't want his daughters 'burdened with a baby'. It's a hard situation, well handled so far, in my book.

    Now, if we can just keep Grandma on the father's side out of jail, and on the road to recovery....

  89. Ivan is making friends again in Ukraine, by again turning off the gas in the middle of the winter.

    Maybe Ivan will have bad harvests three or four years in a row again, and be begging for Ukrainian wheat....

  90. We should use Mars Rovers as our new national car. Designed for 90 days, still going after 5 years.

    Measuring The Distance To Distant Stars--Astronomy Picture of the Day
