Friday, January 16, 2009

The EB Insider - Pentagon's Latest Weapon System?


  1. Okay, so that's rufus' bio, now do bobal.

  2. I had the same thoughts, Ru.

  3. ass said:

    That ignorant, red state hayseed has no clue as to how Mother Earth was raped and her indigenous people exploited to bring him his precious gum rubber.

  4. You mean rufus ain't indigenous?

  5. I'm lookin up that word, "Indiginawhatever," and you smartaleks better not be here when I get through.

  6. We're bailing out GM and Chrysler, but not Ford. GM and Chrysler are offering zero interest rates, but Ford can't do it because they didn't get any free money. So we taxpayers are shelling out our money to let two bad car companies destroy a good one.

  7. Well, Ruby, GMAC is a bank, don't you know?

  8. Rufus is possessed of indigenuity.

  9. Looks like secondary explosions at the U.N. Hospital in Gaza, Rat. :)

    What if all these gays Obama is going to get into the Marines turn out to be Ernst Roehms?

  10. After listening to Karel wanting to off Joe the Plumber and cleanse the nation of Mormons, I'm a little worried.

  11. Probably get secondary explosions in the temple at Salt Lake, just like at Waco.

  12. It's hard to tell, as it's closely guarded, but I doubt it.

    Did I ever tell the story of my friend the engineering prof and beer hall keeper? Four daughters, all got married, and he never went to one wedding. The first, she ran off in the middle of the night, eloped. Can't recall what happened to the second, but by the time the third was getting married, his wife had divorced him and said "if you show up, I'm going to shoot you". So prudence ruled there. Finally, the fourth was getting married to a perfect Mormon boy, well educated, polite, non smoker, money, a man with a future. So my friend bought himself a new suit of clothes and a tie, and headed to Salt Lake City in his VW Bug, to attend the wedding at the Temple. "Finally, Bob, I was so excited, finally get to see one of my daughters get married." He shows up, they won't let him in. "But it's my daughter getting married in there!" No use, not a Mormon. Said he was going to curse the Mormon Church and all its ways the rest of his life.

  13. UNPLUGGED: CIRCUIT CITY to liquidate remaining stores...

    HERTZ sheds more than 4,000 jobs...

    CLEAR CHANNEL plans major restructuring...

    Arabs 'lost $2.5 trillion from credit crunch'...

  14. Y'all don't ferget Lardo 'n' Burly.

    They got it all figgered out.

    Don't need no banks, wall street er nuthin.

  15. the rat browses YouTube. That firework war gone bad was good. His whole stash blown up good right off the top. The other guys didn't stop shootin' either. hehehe

  16. Arabs 'lost $2.5 trillion from credit crunch'...

    I'm pretty sure they've got plenty of money left. Like the Danish cartoon riots, the violent global outbursts we've seen lately are not spontaneous. They’re organized through Islamist institutions, like Hizb-ut-Tahrir in Europe and through the MAS in America. Most of these groups are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, the financial and ideological wing of worldwide Jihad. The Islamist groups work closely with Leftist outfits like International ANSWER and have been sharing money and protest rallies for years. And now the neo Nazis want in on the action, ie the Saudi welfare checks, as well.

    So let's see, the Conservatives subsidize the Saudis, who then subsidize the hard Left. LOL!

  17. Still ain't chump change, even for a Sand Monkey.

  18. Couple of days ago, I was telling/asking the kid about what I vaguely remembered from the Vietnam Days, namely US Soldiers practicing by shooting Quarters out of the sky.

    I never did that, so it either came after I was in Boot Camp or was for elite folk, not mere drafted Cannon Fodder.

  19. Gliding Down the Hudson

    At the academy, he was selected along with about a dozen other freshmen to be involved in a cadet glider program, and by the end of the year was an instructor pilot.

    “It was a tremendous asset to get exposed to that kind of flying early on,” said John Eisenhart, a fellow cadet in the program who now flies 767s for United Airlines. “And there’s no doubt in my mind that that came into play yesterday. When you’re in a glider you’ve got one shot at it. You’ve got to plan your energy, and of course your altitude is your energy, and that gives you one shot at the approach.”

    Eric Vogel, who was in Captain Sullenberger’s squadron all four years at the academy and roomed with him during their freshman summer, said that even in the boot camp-like atmosphere that first summer, Captain Sullenberger was “unflappable.”

    In a Split Second, a Pilot Becomes a Hero -Years in the Making

  20. The right man, at the right time, at the right stall, on the right glidepath. That's a sully.

    sully--the act of performing to perfection an extremely difficult and dangerous act in one's area or expertise

    How's that for a definition?

  21. should put something in there about having a split second to make an irrevocable decision

  22. that saves lives? or is that too restrictive?

  23. Homeless Pushed Out Of View To Make Way For Gala D.C. Inauguration Rally Of 'January Constitutional Criminal'

    Banners, night light shows, marching, dancing, slogans, adulation....Supreme Court govels....military details....surveillance crews....Homeland Security....Secret Service personnel all out in force....

    The Founding Fathers would disown the sons.

  24. As Mark Twain remarked, “Once a man acquires a reputation as an early riser, he can start sleeping until noon every day.”

    Revisiting The New Deal

    World War II ended the depression--

    In 1938, the unemployment rate was back to 19 percent, as the country swooned into “the depression within the depression.”

    World War II-- 'simply another public works project, writ large'

    The Depression wasn't so bad, if you had a job, as a saying of the day went.
