Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We had to, you know, do it.


  1. Bloomberg aide Kevin Sheekey is a late addition to our list of people who should be unemployed in 2009.


    Then Sheekey, Bloomberg's top aide, remember, fucked up his boss's third term egofest, because he thought it was a dumb idea. Bloomberg went through with it anyway and the dailies, usually supportive of Mike, piled on him.

    He finished up the year with this weird little pet project, supporting Caroline Kennedy. His master plan was to quickly drum up massive popular support for Kennedy, bypassing Paterson and eventually forcing him to give in to the public will and give this lady the seat her name earned her.

    'Get Fired in '09' List

  2. Hey, that's my line. They will appoint her anyway...um,

  3. Blago appointed some black dude to replace Obama and he's daring the Senate to shoot it down. I wonder how much Blago got paid.

  4. Via JPOST

    "I don't know how long it will last, but at this moment Israel has no small measure of understanding and support, and even approval, from many countries," says former UN ambassador Dan Gillerman, who was brought into the media effort by Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni shortly before the aerial attack against Hamas began on Saturday.

    "We haven't seen dramatic condemnations [from world leaders], only the expected and generic calls for calm and cease-fire," said Gillerman.

    "Even in the UN I didn't see anyone happy to condemn us," he added. "Unless something very dramatic happens, such as a blundered hit that kills large numbers of civilians, then we will have enough time to do what we need to do."

    My God, what an imbecile.

  5. you know I couldn't, you know, sit through it, you know...

  6. The IDF Spokesperson's Unit is the Israel Defense Forces' professional body responsible for media and public relations in Israel and around the world. This is our new site that will help us bring our message to the world.

    We were saddened earlier today that YouTube took down some of our exclusive footage showing the IDF's operational success in operation Cast Lead against Hamas extremists in the Gaza Strip. Fortunately, due to blogger and viewer support, YouTube has returned some of the footage they removed.

    We thank you for visiting us and will continue to update this site.

  7. France and Great Britain will present a proposal on Tuesday aimed at forcing a cease-fire on Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. A senior government source in Jerusalem said the initiative would be presented at a emergency session of the European Union's foreign ministers in Paris.

    I'm sure the IDF and Hamas are quaking in their boots at the thought of the EU "forcing" a cease fire on them.

  8. Barak made the remarks to Israel Army Radio, as the operation, dubbed Cast Lead, entered the fourth day. Hundreds of places in Gaza were bombed during the unprecedented air strikes beginning on Saturday, causing more than 369 Palestinians killed so far.

    The IDF operation would intensify "as much as needed to meet the goals we set for ourselves, to bring quiet to the South," said the defense minister.

    The operation also aims "to strike a severe blow to Hamas," he said, "in order to bring about an end to firing and other operations against Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers."

    Denies Truce

  9. "Unless something very dramatic happens, such as a blundered hit that kills large numbers of civilians, then we will have enough time to do what we need to do."

    My God, what an imbecile.

    You can go ahead and play at war, Mat, as long as you don't hurt anyone.

  10. You have to, you know, listen to this. You got to, you know, do it.---

    Tue 12.30 >>
    Art Bell hosts Part I of his Annual Predictions Show, with callers invited to share one event they see coming in 2009. Art will also review callers' predictions made for 2008.

    Art will also, you know, pull up last year's predictions. You know, each year some are right on target.

  11. Dagirlfriend says 2009 will be her year, the year of the Ox. If she think she'll get me to propose, she better think again.

  12. 2009 will be her year

    hmmmm....this is open to various speculations.....

  13. Caroline Kennedy Couldn't Clean A Chicken, Much Less Gut A Moose

    I never could stand any of the Kennedys. All a bunch of scum, if you ask me.

  14. Looks like the New York Times really is in Deep Do-Do

    Certainly a sign of changing times

    Here below, nothing remains the same, all changes.

  15. He hates the term, but Governor David Paterson's rushed ascension in March was nothing but “accidental.” His former running mate Eliot Spitzer had just resigned from the governorship in a prostitution scandal, catapulting New York's first African-American and legally-blind person to the government's pinnacle.


    Yet while there will be more Democrats when the session starts, three are holding off supporting party leader Malcolm Smith.

    So with no political party in clear control of Albany, the confusion in the state capital threatens to continue far into the next year.

    Growing Deficit

  16. Washington State has a statute that allows any citizen--as it should be--to challenge the eligibility of any candidate.

    Broe v Reed

    Washington State's Supreme Court is packed with democrats of course.

    "Find a life at WND."

  17. Berg and Joyce file another suit on behalf of a colonel in the US military who wants to know if he has to follow orders from a man he suspects is not eligible to give the orders, asking he prove he is eligible to give the orders.

    Damn good question, I'd think.

  18. Illegal Aliens Taking Over New Orleans

    And so it goes. The locals leave, the illegals come in to rebuild, end up staying and having kids. The schools collapse, the crime rate soars, the city's government is non-functioning.

  19. Har!


  20. Another low wattage candidate from the depleted Kennedy gene pool.

  21. By comparison she makes Patrick Kennedy's intellectual wattage brighten into double digits. Almost.

  22. Speaking of dumb shits who also pass as our rulers and master, we have to give honorable mention to:

    "Former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, standing beside a damaged yacht, Tuesday accused the Israeli navy of ramming the vessel to halt the delivery of medical supplies to the embattled Gaza Strip.

    “Our mission was a peaceful mission,” McKinney told CNN after she and 15 others aboard the boat made it safely to the harbor in the Lebanese seaport of Tyre.

    McKinney, the recent Green Party candidate for U.S. president and frequent center of controversy, is the most prominent political figure to join the relief voyages sponsored by the Free Gaza Movement."

  23. :)

    the Free Gaza Movement.

    Free Gaza from what?

    Looks like their ass is free to me. They elected Hamas, launched rockets, did what they wanted.

  24. As we watch the continuation of this on-going struggle play out before our very eyes on the TV screens today, we must remember that this is only the latest flare up between these two peoples who have fought for thousands of years.

    No matter how this current war ends, the struggle will not end here. It will go on.

    No matter what the US does, or what the United Nations does, nothing will change. Only God can end this combat, which, in our opinion, is fueled by pure jealous rage.

    Once Again

  25. Cynthia McKinney

    I'm convinced that that thing is a Saudi plant, used to discredit the green movement.

  26. I wonder if that's so, from Sam's article, that Israel had let the Egyptians know. Might be I quess, but I wonder why they would? IAF courtesy...

    Cynthia a Saudi plant?

    Annual or perennial?

    Noxious Weed, maybe.

  27. Art is banning predictions of political assassinatins this year.

  28. Burris Donated Thousands To Blago--Won Many Contracts

    Shit, there isn't any end to this crap. At the press conference Blago began to stutter, like Obama, when asked about the contributions. Burris says, "I gave him that much?" Then a former Black Panther, US Representative Somebody-or-Other, got up and sort of said you got to accept Burris or you're a racist.

  29. Somebody just got a ding-ding-ding, which is a hit, for having predicted voter fraud in the elections of 2008. Heck, that's a certainty these days.

    First prediction for 2009 is Alien Spacecraft will land in Memphis, Tennessee. Says he got it from an old Jean Dixon prophecy.

    Second prediction is a nuclear holocaust in 2009 in the United States.

    These two just might be related.

    Third prediction is Prince William will become King of England, Charlie passing the job off to his son. This feller predicted the Pope's passing in 2005 within two weeks of the actual date.

    Fourth prediction from Ramon in San Francisco is Representative Dennis Kucinich will be hypnotised and questioned about missing time and his UFO experience as part of the disclosure project. We will find out the truth about our true progenitors, and how we should be living in peace, etc.

    Fifth prediction is some west coast city, probably Seattle, will get wiped out by an earthquake. This guy called the last LA earthquake.

    Now I've got your attention, you can tune in yourself!

    These folks are as sane as our politicians.


  30. Cynthia McKinney

    I'm convinced that that thing is a Saudi plant, used to discredit the green movement.

    Cynthia represents the best and the brightest of your green movement, mat.

    The very words "green movement", don't they conjure up a pile of steaming bull shit? Ahhh! I can almost smell it!

    Remind me to tell you the tale of the trail cook and the moose turd pie someday.

  31. The shit's gonna hit the fan next year, if these people talking to Art are anywhere near right.

  32. Ed Hale of Plains Radio Network is posting a blockbuster document regarding Obama tomorrow night--something about divorce records. He seems all fired up. He and some others had hired some investigators, who came up with something big, he says. Something about one child under 18 born in Kenya in the divorce documents--the second divorce, I think.

    I'll keep ya tuned in if it amounts to something.

    Ed's enthusiastic, if nothing else.

  33. The war video is back on YouTube here, but you have to sign in to see it, Hamas has flagged it as a naughty video of them getting caught with their pants down. Actually, the biggest reason YouTube pulled the video down was the comments section was turning into a cyberspace version of the Arab-Israeli war. You will note that the comments are disabled for this video.

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