Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Take Hugh Hewitt's Advice and Ignore the Lying Bastards

"Florida Goes To Gore"
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 11:43 PM

The election night decision of the networks in 2000 to call Florida for Gore --erroneous, and done even before Florida had closed its polls-- was the single worst intervention in America's elections by the MSM in history. It cost Republicans across the country an untold number of votes and many seats in the House and the Senate, and almost cost Bush the election.

The second worst intervention was the bogus exit polling in 2004, which had effects across the country too complex to chart.

In both instances the MSM's "decision desks" injured the basic functioning of our democracy, and tomorrow the trend will probably hold as MSM analysts --except the always-to-be-trusted Barone-- work overtime to find in their numbers the results their polls have been predicting for a month. This dynamic will slow down any good news for McCain and accelerate any perceived good news for Obama.

Play the part of Charlie Brown if you like tomorrow and try and kick MSM Lucy's football, but the best advice is believe nothing until all the polls have closed and the real results are tallied.

It is an extremely close race in all of the key states.


  1. Hewitt concerns himself with posts that have no effect on behavior, compared to Coal, Commies, ACORN, and the Catholic Church.

  2. My last gasp, after a half bottle of Bushmills...and a long long-distance conversation with a lady friend...

    ...those 9% of "undecideds" that've been ballyhooed the last couple days? Fiction. Myth.

    Anybody with an ounce of gray matter made up thier minds...ong ago...

    Watch the PUMA and BRADLEY factors kick into gear.

    McCain/Palin in a landslied...

    Set Rufus up with another Bud LIte, or whateverethefuck he's drinkin'/

    I'm buyin'. Set 'em up all around.

  3. Obama's Church It's Hidden Ties to Black Extremism and Communism

    Catholics probe aid directed to ACORN

    How Bizarre is it for the Catholic Church to send Millions to help the Candidate who favors Infanticide?

    At one time, no one would have believed...

  4. Sorry, Linear, Trish is treating tonite.
    Recipe is in the previous thread.
    Bottom's Up!

  5. "Obama Knew His Auntie Onyango Was Here Illegally"
    ...more links in comments.
    Ohio Coal Association Says Obama Remarks Make It Clear: Obama ... -

    "It's evident that this campaign has been pandering in states like Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Indiana and Pennsylvania to attempt to generate votes from coal supporters, while keeping his true agenda hidden from the state's voters.
    Obama Staffer Spreads the Wealth Around... Registers in 3 States-
    Votes in 2

    Joshua said..

    Jim, heads up,
    from American Spectator, Obama campaign source said, "senior Obama aids knew his Auntie was here illegally."

    Aunt Zeituni's Protectors

    Rest of the story tells how Axelrod arranged the deal to watch over Auntie...
    Aunt Zeituni's Protectors

    The Associated Press reported that federal election law prohibits foreigners from making political donations.
    The story should have noted that the law permits green-card holders — foreigners with U.S. residence permits — to give money to campaigns.The aunt, Zeituni Onyango, a Kenyan living illegally in the United States, contributed $260 to Obama's campaign.
    Aunt Story

  6. For Mat. Air Car.

    An air-powered car? It may be available sooner than you think at a price tag that will hardly be a budget buster. The vehicle may not run like a speed racer on back road highways, but developer Zero Pollution Motors is betting consumers will be willing to fork over $20,000 for a vehicle that can motor around all day on nothing but air and a splash of salad oil, alcohol or possibly a pint of gasoline.

    Since it runs on air, you may want to take Ash along to extend your range.

  7. I read her recipe. I'll stick with Kielbasa, Bush's beans, and Bushmills, all the same to you. No offense.

  8. In a just World, early voting would be repealed.

  9. Bon Voyage, Deuce! If you're still around. Have a good time, we'll watch the bar/ ....hic...

  10. Whatever,
    I don't like to mix my drinks.

  11. Bush's Beans?
    ...I'm a Rosarita man.
    Frijoles Refritos.

  12. In a just World, early voting would be repealed.


    In a just world, Obama/Biden's last words would be: "Shoot straight ya bastards...don't make a mess of it!"

    Paper ballots. Purple fingers. Photo IDs. Take a week to count the results. Screw the media and their instant gratification.

  13. ...I'm a Rosarita man.
    Frijoles Refritos.

    With a little bacon fat and cumin...our little neighborhood Mexican place has the best food west of the east coast...

  14. I'll take a screwdriver, secure in my manlyhood as I am. No reason to get fancy with the brand of vodka.

  15. You got it. With fresh squeezed oj.

  16. It certainly is not over. Large potential for the polls to be off thsi year. The problem is they could go off the rails in either direction.

  17. Now, I'm headed to vote, while trying not to get shot, mugged, or identified in the process.

  18. The problem is they could go off the rails in either direction.

    I love train wrecks. Once you've seen one live, you're hooked. I did, in the 9th grade.

    Bring it on!

  19. I'm a permanent "absentee ballot" voter. Allows me the luxury of contemplation and relaxation on election day.

    Get 'er done, sinless, and stop back by for a drink to celebrate!

  20. Whatever,
    I don't like to mix my drinks.


  21. Where was the wreck?
    Colfax would be nice.

  22. Rockford, Illinois. Last period of the day. The Jr High sat up on a hill above the tracks. We'd just stowed our shit in drafting class and were standing around the windows waiting for the bell to ring. A freight train broke a rail right behind the locomotive and tender. Cars just started to pile into each other, jack-strawing, boom...bang...crunch. Tender got derailed, and the engine tore up about 300 yards of track before stopping.

  23. Rockford files, gotta love it.

    M. Simon is from someplace back there.

  24. M. Simon is from someplace back there.

    He's from there. We exchange notes.

  25. Left some links for Simon, plus this:

    Drudge is worth less than blended MSM Shit and Shards of Glass.
    (being served @ the Elephant Bar)

    Google Verification:


  26. Rockford "Files"...

    Came out while I was in freshman year at Rockford College, as I recall...

    Some concern at Rockford College that it was a Hollywood slam on the school...or something like that.

    RC was a pretty conservative school back then, something like Hillsdale College is now. The president had raised some hackles in the new Kennedy administration. I never could see why the "Rockford Files" would hurt a little liberal arts college, but who's to know?

    I recall delivering the college president's PhD dissertation to Northwestern University in Evanston with my girl friend. Think about that whenever I hear Ayer's dad was connected to Northwestern. Used to be a good school.

  27. Did you ever hear him on the Radio?

  28. Did you ever hear him on the Radio?

    Who? Hugh Hewitt? Yeah, I got a poem read by his poet-in-residence, Tarzana Joe, on the first anniversary of 9/11. Not my poem, but a telling stanza by Edna St Vincent Millay. Always liked her poetry. Joe like it.

  29. Yeah, My Dad's best friend was a (Swedish) Dentist, his wife,
    Aunt Harriet, went to Northwestern.
    Sharp Lady.

    Girl married a Doc, had a large GOP Family.
    Brother became a Dentist, took over Dad's office.
    Brother 2 years ahead of me, Beserkley Art Major, went to Afghanistan in Peace Corps, went back for more Hash plus G_d Knows what else...
    Ain't never been quite the same.

  30. I didn't get to hear it, though. Local station only carried part of his show on tape delay.

  31. In Highschool, he'd date the Prom Queen, and the like.
    ...then things changed.

  32. Harriet had family in Kingsburg, just like VDH.

    Great Popovers, and more.

  33. Dad and Milt kind of were founders of Avenal.
    ...meanwhile, Uncle Mac on mom's side, lived in a Standard Oil tent village in Kettleman City.

  34. Naw, I meant Simon.
    He mighta been a program director, not sure.

  35. ...then things changed.

    LOL. I got back from the Army in '69 and headed west, job hunting. Landed in SF and stayed with my best friend and his wife from home. She was a social worker. Took me to the Halloween Party thrown by the social workers' union. That was a trip. I got accused of being an FBI agent by some cute lil thang.

  36. "I recall delivering the college president's PhD dissertation to Northwestern University in Evanston with my girl friend."
    I don't get that?

  37. Never heard Simon on the radio.

    Rockford then was reputed to be the second largest concentration of Swedes outside of Stockholm. Open the phone book, and there were tens of pages each of Larsons, Nelsons, Andersons, Bergstroms, Ahlgrens, Olsons, etc, etc.

    Local joke: Ole Olson went outside on his porch to piss one morning, and shouted "Good Morning, Ole Olson!" Came the echo, "Which one?"

    Morgan Street Bridge over the Rock River was at the time the longest bridge in the world. It connected Sweden with Africa.

  38. My best friend and I went up while Seniors for some official deal.
    There was a fight in front of a Pool Hall in SF, so we watched, then some guy invited us up for drinks.
    ...started showing us his photo collection and betting on which one of us was better endowed.
    We slipped out past the urinal in the hall to the Iron Cage Elevator and made our escape.
    Art guy was in a Frat when we got there.
    He got tired of buying all the beer we ordered!

  39. Long story, short version. Girl friend was an au pare (sp?) for the president's family. He'd just finished his dissertation, and she took me along on the ride to deliver it. Before the days of xerox. I can still smell the mimeo fluid.

  40. Kingsburg musta had the biggest bunch in CA.

  41. ...I couldn't picture you and her up on the stage delivering it.
    Actually I did, but it only fit in my special reality.

  42. (knew that wouldn't work in the outside World)

    ...so I must have somethin goin for me, right?

  43. Kingsburg's a nice little town. VERY neat yards. Good food. Friendly people. Good local high school rivalry with Sierra High where my kids went. Lotsa Swedes.

  44. Yeah, Doug. Cherish and nurture your "special reality". It keeps us all entertained.

  45. Kingsburg is to Swedes what Solvang is to Danes.

  46. Forgot the name of the Split Pea Brothers.

  47. ...somethin like Hap-pea, or...

  48. Daniel Boone had a nice Winery down there.

  49. Can you believe that I bought a case of Heineken for a couple bucks less than a case of Corona at Costco the other day?

  50. ...better yet, Jack Friday had one outside Paso Robles.

    Should find that time he cracked up Johnny Carson.

  51. Is Heineken still imported?
    (unlike Kiren)

  52. Daniel Boone had a nice Winery down there.

    Fess Parker. His spread was near Bo Derek's. The old rancher that lived up on the ridge above them called them 'the million dollar squats'. He fed me breakfast on a fire back in '93. Great folks.

  53. My Danish Landlord @ an industrial park lived on Heineken.
    ...after work.
    He'd arrive @ 5am.
    Dad sometimes wore wooden shoes.
    ...told me what they thought of the Ruskies.

  54. Is Heineken still imported?

    Just checked the label. Yeah. Says "Imported". Tastes authentico, too.

    Just finished the Bushmills. May have to go to scotch.

  55. I can't sleep. I have a hell of a time with sleep. And I got a meeting in the morning. So I lay there and think, then got to take a piss.

    I come up with this.

    The Infant Born Alive Protection Act.

    A baby that survives an abortion is----an American citizen.

    The baby is--


    2)Fully separate from the mother, a distinct being

    3)Born on American soil---

    equals--an American citizen

    So, you have the absurd situation where if the doctor doesn't do a proper job of killing the baby during the abortion, he ought to be charged with murder.

    I need some sleeping pills.

    Back to try it again.

  56. If it's ok by the Catholic Church, it's ok by me, LaBob:
    Stick em in the Closet.
    It's a Free Country, isn't it?

  57. Charged with murder after killing the baby--by withholding medical care-- after botching the abortion.

  58. Back from voting. Got the poll at 0530 and there were about 50 people already in line. Usually I'm one of the first five or so voters waiting. All but a couple of people were over 45.

  59. We don't need no stinkin unwanted citizens anyhow:
    We got all the immigrants we need as feedstock for Bush's Business Pals.

  60. If your Dad was a Dane, I salute you. Good people. Memorable experiences in Copenhagen. Stood on a corner in the middle of the city once, just immersed in the passersby. Caught myself smiling for no particular reason. Then realized it was the language I was listening to. A most cheerful and lyrical language. French has its charm, but for good cheer, give me Danish.

  61. Barry will ring in Unionized Undocumented Residents for Real.
    Open Elections for Everyone.

  62. Naw, my LANDLORD'S Dad was a Dane.

  63. Yo, Bob.

    What're ya drinkin'?

    How 'bout a nice cold Tuborg?

  64. I thought the Dutch were famous for having no sense of humor?
    (My landlord was Hilarious)

  65. Grand dad was in Rockford, Illinois for a few years. Worked on a farm, before he came out here.
    Whole place was filled with Swedes then I think, and maybe Germans. Never been there.

  66. Barry will ring in Unionized Undocumented Residents for Real.

    Barry? Barry who?

    Do you need a refill, Doug?

  67. He brought in a Stripper for a party for me.
    ...but he went to Church on Sunday.

  68. Barry is our own home Grown Pineapple, BHO.

  69. Trish is mixin it up, it'll be ready soon.

  70. The best hospital in Rockford back then was Swedish-American. My SF friend's uncle was the administrator.

    Really a good town, back then. I grew up there, and the folks moved to Arkansas for retirement.

  71. Mead, for me. If not available,
    Chivas Regal and Mountain Dew, my old standby.

    I got to try and catch a wink.

    Keep the fires burning, but don't burn the place down:)

    Never start a fire in a fireplace made out of wood.

  72. A line I remember from "A River Runs Through It" was to the effect that they didn't care what brand of whiskey they were served in Montana as long as they had strawberry soda for a chaser.

  73. The extent of my literary accomplishments.

  74. We had a 100 year old Redwood Farmhouse, wood heat only.
    By rights I should be Ash.
    Perish the thot.

  75. That was a great book. Now bed.

  76. We had a 100 year old Redwood Farmhouse, wood heat only.

    I built my place in '78. Wood heat only ever since. Broke down and bought a splitter last year. Love it.

  77. Streets in LA shut down with Rain!
    ...was raining yesterday too.
    Must be Global Warming.

  78. I had an Irish-Indian neighbor.
    Everything he had was RIGHT.
    ...I'd go up and help him split Oak.
    He couldn't believe how dumb us Hippies were.
    ...at least I listened.

  79. He had 7 Bros that were well known in Moro Bay for being tough MoFos.
    Lost one to Hard Hat Diving,
    one on a loader on Hwy 1/Big Sur.

  80. Frank was the most civilized.
    Everything around the house laid out perfectly, some kind of pass through for the Firewood near the Fireplace.

  81. Dad was Scotch-Kraut.

    Scottish here on my mom's side. House of Gordon. Welcomed in a fight. Shunned as rowdy nere-do-wells otherwise. Probably runs in the family.

  82. He called the Atascadero Mental Hospital the Sex Farm.
    ...psychology for the Perverts.

  83. Mom was Irish.
    Lapsed Protestant to me.
    ...still had to go to Sunday School tho.

  84. More Glass, Trish!
    ...that last one was runny.

  85. Ahhh...shit...

    Beer bottle fell over and knocked my compressed air can onto the floor...now I need to get another beer.

    Where was I?


    Barry is our own home Grown Pineapple, BHO.

    Fuck you, Doug. I'd just about managed to forget that cocksucker...and then you reminded me...

  86. ...the compressed air is for?

  87. What's your time difference out there? It's just past 0400 PST here.

  88. I got 100 psi.
    'bout to Stroke Out.

  89. The compressed air is for blowing the biscotti crumbs off my keyboard. Plus it has a nice plastic tube that's just right for hanging my lens cloth on after I used my free Wal*Mart lens cleaning fluid to spritz my spectacles.

  90. Alcohol + a Clean T-Shirt!!!

  91. ...or Costco Shampoo in the Shower.

  92. biscotti crumbs add character to the characters

  93. ALL Bennet callers saying turnout is OVERWHELMING.

  94. Hope that poll about Seniors is Wrong.
    Fuckin AARP.

  95. Alcohol + a Clean T-Shirt!!!

    ...and sparkling spectacles.

    Got well problems here. Need to get up sometime tomorrow and trouble shoot the pump. Trying to avoid the news until Wed.

    Might be the well's gone dry from the drought. That's the most likely.

  96. Weird:
    Caller Says East Berlin is East Berlin again.
    Cold War on Again.
    Hard to believe,

  97. ...says NATO Airshow no longer allowed there.

  98. Fuckbrain Drudge doesn't have a SINGLE story that Gateway Covered.
    Worthless fuckin Jooo.
    (is he, WIO, Mat?)

  99. Caller Says East Berlin is East Berlin again.
    Cold War on Again.

    What program is that?

    ...says NATO Airshow no longer allowed there.

    Screw 'em. They're welcome in Wisconsin.

  100. PUMA.................


    Fuck Ayers, Wright, Faraakhan, Rezko, Reid, Pelosi & Company...

    Dems For McCain 2008

  101. Good morning, w i o!

    Nice to see you're in your usual good humor.

    How about a nice screwdriver with fresh squeezed orange juice to start your day?

  102. Bennet,
    Washington DC rots brains,
    Kristol just reported on some Bizarre Newt Prediction.

  103. (is Barry Ideological, or Ambitious?)
    What kind of Dumbfuck thinks it's either/or?

    DC Dumbfucks.

  104. Fuckin Worthless, Money Grubbin Sellout.

  105. He kept a picture of Bush up there til today.
    About a non-story.
    ...now it's all Barry/MSM most of the time.

  106. Little Girl in Tampa did survey of signs in the neighborhood.
    ...Mac/Palin far outnumbered you know who.

  107. GM Sales down 41% since last Oct.
    Trucks down 51%

  108. Little Girl in Tampa did survey of signs in the neighborhood.
    ...Mac/Palin far outnumbered you know who.


    ...Watch the PUMA and BRADLEY factors kick into gear.

    McCain/Palin in a landslied...

    LT @ Tue Nov 04, 04:50:00 AM EST

  109. Neighbor's sister in Santa Barbara had McCain/Palin signs in their yard.

    Signs were stolen. Their car windows smashed. Barry supporters. Just over the ridge from Bo Derek and Fess Parker, btw.

    UCSB students?

  110. Bennet reads an amazing e-mail from "Carson"

    Son didn't die for...
    all the BS Dem analysis of Reality.

  111. Neighbor's sister in Santa Barbara had McCain/Palin signs in their yard.

    Signs were stolen. Their car windows smashed. Barry supporters. Just over the ridge from Bo Derek and Fess Parker, btw.

    UCSB students?
    No doubt.
    or offspring
    SOBUCSB Spawn.

  112. UCSB:
    Birthplace of La Raza USA.

  113. GM Sales down 41% since last Oct.
    Trucks down 51%

    Check Toyota Tacomas. Don't worry, Doug. The Volt will recapture the marketplace. So Mat tells me. Or words to that effect.

  114. Gotta go, Doug.
    Good morning.

  115. ...and Joe Wilson, not to mention
    Bodacious Bodine, Bubba's Ambassador to Yemen, enabler of the Cole Bombing.
    - and Virtual Killer of our leading Anti Terror Agent.

    ...the Irish FBI guy.

  116. linearthinker said...
    Good morning, w i o!

    Nice to see you're in your usual good humor.

    How about a nice screwdriver with fresh squeezed orange juice to start your day?

    Thanks, but I am about to roll a doobie and dont want to mix...

    then I will vote...

    I will vote For McCain...

    it's not cause I hate the faraakhan & wright's lackey......

    I do not vote FOR McCain in PROTEST...

    McCain is ready, he is able and he is reasonable.

    but as well the truth?

    obama is a cocksucker....

    If Obama wins? My friend and I are going tomorrow to purchase Glock 9mm and ammo...

    We want to get them before prez messiah makes them illegal

    BUT If

  117. Whichever it is, sweet dreams.

  118. Mitt calls in.
    Supporting the A-Hole that hates him to the very end.

    Palin/Romney 12'

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. Barack will garner more ignorant moron idjiot votes than any Messiah in History.

  121. Bobal: A baby that survives an abortion is----an American citizen.

    During the Democratic Clinton administration, the abortion rate dropped to 21 abortions per 1000 women aged 15 to 45. During the present Republican administration, the abortion rate has increased.

    U.S. abortion rates declined 17.4 per cent in the 1990s to a 24-year low when Bush took office. Many expected that downward trend to continue under the conservative president, but 52,000 more abortions occurred in 2002 than would have been expected under the pre-2000 conditions.

    Conclusion: Obama may not talk the pro-life talk, but electing a Democrat will save hundreds of thousands of unborn lives.

  122. I am between stops at an airport. As I predicted Philadelphia corruption is in full gear. The black polling areas will intimidate white republican poll watchers and run them off. Black judges will not stop them.

    People in parts of the country with small black populations do not understand that this is SOP in all black areas in the large eastern cities, and please spare me the moral equivalency argument.

    If this happened in white areas against black voters, federal troops would be brought in.... this from powerline.

    "GOP Election Board members have been tossed out of polling stations in more than half a dozen polling stations in Philadelphia because of their party status.

    A liberal judge previously ruled that court-appointed Republican poll watchers could be removed from their boards by an on-site election judge, citing their "minority" status as cause.

    It is the duty of election board workers to monitor and guard the integrity of the voting process.

    Those on site as describing it as "pandemonium" and there may be video coming of the chaos.


    The City of Brotherly Love was roiled in controversy during the 2004 election because of rigged voting machines that showed nearly 2,000 votes for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry before the polls had opened. A man also used a gun to intimidate poll workers at Ward 30, division 11 in 2004.

  123. What the hell is Crazy Joe rambling on about now?

    Joe Biden at a rally at Longview Community College: "You know why I think Jill likes Claire McCaskill so well, Senator McCaskill? Jill is one of five sisters, Claire is one of three sisters. And I tell you what, you women raised with sisters are different than women raised with brothers. My sister is smart, runs every one of my campaigns; is beautiful; graduated with honors from college; is homecoming queen. But she’s a … she is what I call a 'girl-boy' growing up, you know what I mean? And I tell you what? Girl-girls are tougher than girl-boys."

  124. I'll tell you what, that SOB can sound crazier than me.
    I SERIOUSLY BELIEVE the Strokes Created some Problems.
    ...not for the MSM/Dem Alliance, tho, of course:
    Palin's a Stupid Hick.
    My Ass.

  125. 13 year old stoned to death in Somalia for being unpure.
    She was raped.
    Watch that Hater WIO get all JUDGE MENTAL.

  126. I am between stops at an airport. As I predicted Philadelphia corruption is in full gear. The black polling areas will intimidate white republican poll watchers and run them off. Black judges will not stop them.
    Curtis LeMay for Homeland Security.

  127. And Fuckin Wuss in Chief Bush DOJ WILL DO JACK-SHIT.
    Bush has a Beaver for Brains.
    ...probly rubbed off on shrunken head in a drunken stupor/fling.

  128. Coulter:

    If he loses, we immediately say
    "I Told You So"
    If he wins, we immediately start Impeachment Proceedings to get Sarah.

  129. Head of National Jewish League equates Hamas in Gaza to United Way on Gallegher Show.

  130. For those familiar with/interested in real-time info feeds via twitter regarding the election process - this is a pretty interesting site: http://twittervotereport.com

  131. Ayers was voting when BHO arrived.
    He cowered outside, waiting for Ayers
    to leave to avoid photo-opps.

  132. Willie's got the Twitters.
    ...last I heard they were going bankrupt.
    Guess that was wrong.

    Twitters sound like they'd give me a case of the Willies.

  133. Doug: 13 year old stoned to death in Somalia for being unpure.
    She was raped. Watch that Hater WIO get all JUDGE MENTAL.

    God will make it up to her in the afterlife, and he will settle accounts with the rapers and stoners too.

  134. O Ship of State

    THOU, too, sail on, O Ship of State!
    Sail on, O Union, strong and great!
    Humanity with all its fears,
    With all the hopes of future years,
    Is hanging breathless on thy fate!
    We know what Master laid thy keel,
    What Workmen wrought thy ribs of steel,
    Who made each mast, and sail, and rope,
    What anvils rang, what hammers beat,
    In what a forge and what a heat
    Were shaped the anchors of thy hope!
    Fear not each sudden sound and shock,
    'Tis of the wave and not the rock;
    'Tis but the flapping of the sail,
    And not a rent made by the gale!
    In spite of rock and tempest's roar,
    In spite of false lights on the shore,
    Sail on, nor fear to breast the sea!
    Our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee.
    Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears,
    Our faith triumphant o'er our fears,
    Are all with thee, -are all with thee!

    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  135. It's somewhat humorous to be getting RNC calls here at our apartment in Bogota on the US phone line.

    I've had to stop answering today.

    My daughter called from Richmond and said the lines are looooooooong. Ditto Western PA.

  136. I've got all the glass you need, Doug.

    For those who haven't already, I'm lining up the Cocksuckers. Best alternative to the long, slow chew on the shit sandwich.

    We Aaaaaaaarmy wives do know our business.

  137. My engineer has a bottle of Southern Comfort, so he's set, come what may.

  138. Wall St. up last week and today, too.

  139. Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philly - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCeD1RcJjAg

    Doug - twitter is alive and well and the center of a developing ecosystem....stay tuned!

  140. I am heading tomorrow to the local gun store...

    regardless of who wins...

    new hobby of mine & it's totally tax deductible

    you see... america is a great nation, it allow her BUSINESS owners to provide for their own security and expense it off the gross...

  141. General Mario Montoya resigned. Sad day for the country.

    Tomorrow's not going to be better.

  142. If you need to know where you can get a Semi-Auto Shotgun, I can probly find it for you, WIO.

  143. semi-auto - go w/ benelli; had mine soaking wet and mud-caked and it never jams; 3 in magnum - best duck hunting gun going. US Navy Seals shotgun of choice.

  144. doug thanks

    But I think a Glock 9mm with a couple of spare clips is MORE than enough...

    but NOTHING says I LOVE YOU better than a shotgun at 3am loading a shell..... cha- chunk.....

  145. How Big Is The PUMA Factor

    We had this guy Weaver at Ruby Ridge here in Idaho that got in trouble with the Feds for various things, including offering to buy a sawed off shotgun from an undercover agent.

    I always thought it was bogus as hell, though Weaver was a little nuts, because who would buy a sawed off shotgun?

    All you need is a hack saw for god's sake, it's not like it's a rare item on the international arms market.

    So I think that charge against Weaver was probably bs, either that or the guy was dummer than I thought.

  146. For security work, you might like one of these models: http://www.benelliusa.com/firearms/specialPurpose.tpl

  147. On that note, I'm going to vote!

  148. No need to be extreme...

    No need for 2,000,000 rounds in my basement...

    No need for a collection of weapons that would give Patton a hardon....

    Simple personal/family/business security...

    1 Glock, couple clips and yes one nice LOUD shotgun...

    No need for sawed off, no need for semi...

    Just a NICE pump action...

  149. http://www.benelliusa.com/firearms/specialPurpose.tpl

    oh shit...

    those are NICE....

  150. Not too expensive, either, at least the hunting models aren't. Haven't priced one of the "tactical" models.

  151. mossberg 500/590

    this is what my friend rec'mds

    something about the "safety's on the back of the receiver"

    easier to "arm" without pulling off the trigger finger

  152. Al Giordano, old school leftist and raving asshole on US Latin America policy, made his final EC prediction:

    The Field Projects: Obama, 307 Electoral Votes, McCain 231
    Posted by Al Giordano - November 3, 2008 at 6:30 pm

    Why listen to an asshole? Good track record.

  153. Pat Lang:

    The following groups will be disappointed in the first Obama administration and in this order:

    1- The far Left. (Maddow, etc.)

    2- Many Black Americans

    3- Arabs and Muslims

    4- Characters like Chris Matthews.

    Sounds about right.

  154. Why in hell can't we ever ever get it right? McCain suing over military ballots---how hard is it, when the candidates have been known forever, to get some ballots to the folks? We've had eight years to work on this stuff.

  155. I live in a liberal virginia suburb of Washington DC. Obama and McCain have been all over this area. This area is in play.

    I voted this afternoon. I didn't have to wait. There was no line. I was told the place was packed before 7 and half the roll had voted.

    I don't know. Gore and Kerry had the place full at all times of the day.

  156. Rudy just called on behalf of his friend John.

  157. Well, I did it. I voted for the crazy old son of a bitch. Man, what a strange election.

  158. I just received my one free Obama button in the mail 10 minutes ago, and trying it on I can tell you it is as shabby as Obama himself. The little pin doesn't close right. In the drawer it goes, over in the corner, away from my good old "I Like Ike" buttons.

  159. Copngratulations, Rufus. Just try to think that you were really voting for Sarah, that should help.

  160. Did you get your free Krispy Kreme?

  161. Krispy Kreme? Talking to me? All I got was one lousy Obama button.

  162. Wicker was running to finish out Lott's term, and Thad Cochran was up, so, at least I got to vote for two Senators (both, very conservative,) and a House Seat.

    No doughnuts. :(

  163. No doughnut! Kinda defeats the whole purpose.

    I was going to go the Ambassador's (which my mother said sounds pretentious to other people, and I suppose it does) but with my better half gone I'm not much in the mood for it. Someone's going to try and drag me out anyway. ("C'mon! Open bar!") He's closing shop at 10 PM and I wonder if it'll be "over" by then.

  164. I want it to be over quickly. It's depressing enough. Hence the Cocksucker.

  165. Well, they apparently lost my registration. The good news is I filled out a special ballot (the look on the person's face when I responded that I was a Republican was worth it). The bad news is it required absolutely no proof that I even exist. The good/bad news is that it was D.C., so it probably doesn't matter...in D.C.

    A Brazilian news crew wanted to interview me (I was at the front of the line), but I waved them off. Didn't want to risk getting killed when I answered bluntly and honestly. Heard the person behind me, who presumably balanced out my vote (along with the other 90%), respond to the newsreporter's request, in English, with "I don't speak Brazilian."

  166. It's depressing enough and I'm not even a Republican.

  167. "I don't speak Brazilian."


  168. Something the matter, sinless?

  169. Isn't this odd---Love, Dick--

    Dear Friend,

    I will be working with Newsmax.com on election night to assess the data as it comes in. I will do interviews and send in blogs to Newsmax.com as the evening unfolds. I believe we will be able to tell who has won and by what margin very early in the evening as we interpret, properly, the returns from the states that close their polls at 7:30 PM.

    I won't be on FoxNews election night but will be on O'Reilly on Wednesday and Hannity and Colmes on Thursday to react to the results.

    Thank you very, very much for reading my emails throughout the race and I hope that they brought you insights that you found helpful and even entertaining!



  170. Cheer up, Trish. Chavez will be happy. It'll do wonders for our relations with our southern neighbors.

  171. And Castro will be happy, that's a good sign.

  172. "Without a doubt, Obama is more intelligent, cultured and level-headed than his Republican adversary"


  173. In Indiana---Watch the Clinton stronghold of Dearborn County, where Gore got 6,000 votes in 2000 and Kerry got 6,596 votes in 2004. Obama got 1,782 votes in the 2008 primary, while Clinton received 5,270. Obama’s fate in that county is clearly in the hands of Clintonites, making it a good indicator of which direction the whole state may move. If Obama gets 7,000 or more votes, he’ll probably win the presidency. If he gets 5,000 or fewer, it won’t look good.

  174. Chavez has already extended his invitation to "the black man." Were "the black man" to go to Caracas, while having declined to come to Colombia, the political relationship with this country would not be salvageable in any way, shape, or form.

    I have my personal doubts that he will pay a visit to the nutjob next door, but you never know.

    More likely, he'll let his Special Envoy to the Americas (Bill Richardson, donuts to dollars) do his dirty work.

  175. There will be parties in Gaza, the West Bank, Teheran...

  176. We'll see who the next Ambassador is. That'll be interesting, too. It'll be hard to see Brownfield (and his boss) go, from where I sit.
