Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The baffling world of money and history unscrambled by Niall Ferguson.

This is a long clip, but worthy of a listen while you do something else. I have followed Niall Ferguson for some time and he is no fool. He puts the current financial situation in an historic perspective.


  1. Pat, thanks for your thoughtful and kind email.

  2. So Joe Lieberman is keeping his chairmanship of the Homeland Security Committee on the say so of 42 Senate Democrats AND President Obama; his Secretary of State might be Iraq War supporter and preconditionless-summit opponent Hillary Clinton; no one will be prosecuted for waterboarding, Bush's guy John Brennan may take over at CIA and Bush's man Robert Gates may stay on as Defense Secretary.

    I don't know how the liberals feel, but so far the Obama administration rocks.

    Campaign Spot

  3. Thank you 2164. We long-time lurkers appreciate all you do.

  4. I second that if you go away, when I'm bored, I won't have anyone to tease.

  5. MLD, are you 'mid' with a retyped screen name?

    If you are, how's the foot?

  6. Faced with a similar collapse in the auto industry, the Bush administration might yet decide to step in to help the auto companies, or the Federal Reserve could step in -- though both have steadfastly refused to do so.

    If not, lawmakers have left themselves a contingency plan: Come back to Washington in December for yet another postelection session where they might be able to strike the deal that now seems beyond reach.

    Democratic leaders are planning to gather for an economic conference the week of Dec. 8, noted House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer, D-Md.

    Decision to Bush

  7. Heard on radio-Putin bumps off another journalist.

  8. On Nov. 3, a U.S. District Court in El Paso, Texas, began hearing a case concerning members of a criminal enterprise that calls itself Barrio Azteca (BA). The group members face charges including drug trafficking and distribution, extortion, money laundering and murder.


    Spanish for “Aztec Neighborhood,” BA originated in a Texas state penitentiary in 1986, when five inmates from El Paso organized the group as a means of protection in the face of the often-brutal ethnic tensions within prisons. By the 1990s, BA had spread to other prisons and had established a strong presence on the streets of El Paso as its founding members served their terms and were released.


    Prison gangs are endemic to prison systems, where safety for inmates comes in numbers. Tensions (usually along racial lines) among dangerous individuals regularly erupt into deadly conflict.

    Gang-cartel Interface

  9. I saw this article a couple days ago (think it was Wapo) that said Putin wanted to hang Shaakashavili by his balls.

  10. No, it might have been the Guardian.

  11. Instead of asking for 25billion more, why don't Gm, Ford just go into banruptcy court under Chapter 11, get the debts reorganized, etc. I'm sure they've thought of this, probably feel the political route ought to be tried first.

  12. The execs said people won't by cars from bankrupt companies.

  13. Sam, that's a crock of shit (not you, them). Those GM and Ford bozos are up there on the Hill telling Congress they are too big to fail, just like Lehman Brothers or WaMu. Everyone who wants free money cries to Congress that they will take the whole frikken US economy down with them if they don't get it. People fly on United, and they're bankrupt. People listened to Air America after they filed bankruptcy. All it means is you're protected from your creditors for a while until you get back on your feet.

  14. If GM is losing 2 billion a month, and the bailout is for 25 billion between the Big 3, maybe GM's share is 12 billion, that's 6 months. Wasn't it the demcrats and unions pushing for all the pay pachages in the first place? Nothing wrong with that, of course. Except now in a different time the catfood is eating the cat.

  15. Birth Certificate Cases Still On Radar

    The Supreme Court will end the wrangling one way or the other, one way or the other.

  16. With Russian tanks only 30 miles from Tbilisi on August 12, Mr Sarkozy told Mr Putin that the world would not accept the overthrow of Georgia’s Government. According to Mr Levitte, the Russian seemed unconcerned by international reaction. “I am going to hang Saakashvili by the balls,” Mr Putin declared.

    Mr Sarkozy thought he had misheard. “Hang him?” — he asked. “Why not?” Mr Putin replied. “The Americans hanged Saddam Hussein.”

    Mr Sarkozy, using the familiar tu, tried to reason with him: “Yes but do you want to end up like [President] Bush?” Mr Putin was briefly lost for words, then said: “Ah — you have scored a point there.”


    Mr Saakashvili, who was in Paris to meet Mr Sarkozy yesterday, laughed nervously when a French radio station read him the exchange. “I knew about this scene, but not all the details. It’s funny, all the same,” he said.


  17. Is it Dirksen I'm thinking of?

    Twenty-five billion here...
    twenty-five billion there, pretty soon you're talking real money.

    Or words to that effect.

  18. Dirksen, 1965:

    "As I think of this bill, and the fact that the more progress we make the deeper we go into the hole, I am reminded of a group of men who were working on a street. They had dug quite a number of holes. When they got through, they failed to puddle or tamp the earth when it was returned to the hole, and they had a nice little mound, which was quite a traffic hazard.

    "Not knowing what to do with it, they sat down on the curb and had a conference. After a while, one of the fellows snapped his fingers and said, ‘I have it. I know how we will get rid of that overriding earth and remove the hazard. We will just dig the hole deeper.'" [Congressional Record, June 16, 1965, p. 13884].

  19. A gentleman who called The [Dirksen Congressional] Center with a reference question relayed that he sat by Dirksen on a flight once and asked him about the famous quote. Dirksen replied, "Oh, I never said that. A newspaper fella misquoted me once, and I thought it sounded so go that I never bothered to deny it."

  20. Yes, Linear, it's one in the same but it's always been MLD everyone just got it wrong so I changed it to capital letters.

    I had an xray done and it wasn't fractured. It still hurts like a bitch. The pain comes and goes up my leg. I have a big date Friday so I've been resting it most of the week which helps.

    Thanks for asking.

  21. Bummer.

    I don't think there's much you can do except what your doing.

    I had a broken toe once. Suffered through it a few days and then went to the doctor. He held my foot and flicked the injured toe with his finger, like you'd do to launch a booger. I yelped and jerked back. Then he x-rayed it and told me it was broken, but there wasn't anything to do but rest it 'til it healed. Cost $40.00 in 1963.

    Good luck, and get well. We're all waiting for your dance video.


  22. Don't hold your breath. My friend had the same kind of injury and it took months to heal.

  23. 2019.11.22台北知名酒店經紀公司數據統計22日最新資料,2019年酒店上班女性人數占比逾76%,八大行業提供全國逾7成8的酒店打工就業機會,大學生酒店兼差就業人數達865萬人,顯見八大行業酒店小姐產業環境快速變遷之上,目前上班族酒店兼職的酒店小姐對於台灣經濟依舊有著舉足輕重的地位,抱有渴望未來發展不忘白天的本職學能。八大行業龐大利益來源於制服店、便服店、禮服店、鋼琴酒吧、日式酒店、飯局、傳播等,財金專家指出每年獲利為在新台幣5億以上,其他行業則指前一年營業額1億元以下。

  24. 2020.04.12新型冠狀病毒病全國酒店工作都停業,讓酒店上班酒店小姐生計大受影響,為了求生存,不少酒店打工小姐乾脆另闢「戰場」,跟著客人一起到KTV或是複合式釣蝦場,一來檯費可以酒店上班照算,更不用被八大行業酒店經紀抽成。畢竟酒店生活常熬夜又不規律,這樣變相坐檯,醫師表示還是有風險。穿著蕾絲小外套手臂若隱若現,將近170公分的身高搭配一雙典雅跟鞋,他是酒店PT酒店小姐Angel,在業界走跳這麼久,還是第一次遇到酒店全面停業。酒店小姐Angel:「我們現在多半就是飯局或者是伴遊啊,那甚至是可能有當秘書或是一日助理啊,就比較趨向這一塊。」有的酒店小姐轉戰一般KTV或複合式釣蝦場,一樣照算坐檯費跟客人喊價 ,不用被酒店經紀抽成。雖然Angel年過30,但身材外貌保養得宜,會說話、擅交際,比起年輕女孩略勝一籌。酒店小姐Angel:「有一些比較年輕的妹妹,她或許對一些社會經驗或者是其他比較能聊的東西,沒辦法跟客人可以很聊得下去,很聊得來這樣,那我們比較可以留心。」畢竟八大行業工作飲酒,基本上不會戴口罩,社交距離也根本無法保持,接觸的客人太複雜更難自我保護。知名八大行業酒店經紀:「(酒店小姐)她們比較常常熬夜,對生活作息比較不規則,壓力有時候會比較大一點,這個感染以後這個病就會比較難以控制。」這回叫傳播或跑小吃店等於是變相坐檯,防不勝防。

  25. 2020.05.03酒店工作因武漢肺炎(COVID-19、新冠肺炎)新冠肺炎連續6天零確診,讓停業快3周的酒店舞廳業者見到曙光,期盼政府讓他們重新開門做生意。業者估計,全台至少20萬人靠八大行業酒店S維持生計,其中有數萬人是依賴店家的清潔阿姨、賣口香糖、香腸這種「艱苦人」,呼籲政府慎重考慮,在防疫得當的情況下,盡快讓八大行業酒店上班復業,給他們一條生路。台北市八大行業張姓酒店業者表示,酒店歇業,酒店PT小姐雖還能兼差傳播飯局妹,但酒店打工毫無保障,私接案子還被搶、乾洗白嫖的慘狀;另泊車少爺、幹部、經紀,這些人也都各有出路,但總不如原來穩定,至於原本薪水就不高、替代性更高的清潔阿姨,更是頓時少了一份穩定薪水;還有收保特瓶、紙箱的回收阿伯,也大受影響。張姓業者說,這些依附酒店養家餬口的艱苦人,全台少說至少20萬人,如今因政府防疫停業標準不一,酒店、舞廳歇業,他們連兼差機會都沒,只能在家喝西北風「防疫」。他自嘲,「政府的作為,是寧讓人民餓死,也不能得肺炎死。」業者有苦難言。另一劉姓舞廳業者說,會配合停業的店家,都是繳稅合法業者,八大行業若轉地下化,等同「保障非法,取締合法」,政府應讓合法業者在確保防疫規範前提下復業,反而能有效控管,若都轉入地下化,風險更大。造成全台酒店舞廳停業的北市高檔酒店女公關,疫情指揮中心日前已宣布,她的感染源不明,且沒傳染給任何人。不少業者看到這消息都納悶,「小姐結案了,我們為何歇業?何時能重開?」這是攸關20多萬八大行業從業人員共同疑惑,政府應盡速給個答案。

  26. 2020.06.17酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容今年4月國內出現首例酒店女公關確診武漢肺炎,為防堵疫情,中央流行疫情指揮中心宣布,自4月9日起,全國酒店、舞廳停止營業,直到5月中疫情趨緩,各縣市才陸續解除禁令,但在我在酒店上班的日子八大行業歇業期間不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因,淋病感染卻意外激增,5月底確診數竟比過去3年同期平均數上升逾8成,醫師推測酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金,這與性交易轉往地下化有關。根據疾病管制署酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?傳染病統計資料,性傳染病中淋病感染者近期顯著上升,比較2017、2018、2019與今年1月到6月初數據職場須知 【酒店PT 】,發現2017年在這段時間累計有2166例,2018年同期則有1903例,2019年同期為1875人確診,但2020年同期則有2574人確診,比前3年都高。再細看國內八大行業禁令與淋病成長趨勢,可發現淋病確診在八大行業4月9日喊卡當周有109例,到了5月第2周升高至135例,接下來有些微下降,但到5月最後1周又飆到142例,創下今年單周最高紀錄,和前3年同期平均數相較,更足足暴漲86.6%,且到了下一周、即6月第一周,仍有133 例,顯示疫情仍在高峰。至於同樣是性病的梅毒,確診個案則未明顯增加。針對八大行業禁令與淋病感染增加的關係,林口長庚醫院男性學及婦女泌尿科主任陳煜說,應與消費生態與客群產生變化有關,因酒店的消費較高,帶出場的門檻也高,但酒店歇業後,小姐還是要生活,只好轉入地下,進行性交易的頻率可能提高,才導致淋病增加。陳煜解釋,過去有研究發現,私下進行性交易的客群,以中下層、低消費的族群較多,而這些人使用保險套的情形也較不普遍,發生性病的風險偏高。淋病感染激增,梅毒疫情卻沒有擴大,對此陳煜認為,染淋症狀明顯,常有尿道灼熱感,且性器會流出黃綠色濃液,而梅毒感染初期可能僅有輕微的皰疹,較不容易發現,所以才有兩種性病趨勢大不同的特殊現象。疾管署副署長莊人祥說,近期確實發現淋病確診明顯增加,從年齡層分析,以20歲到29歲增幅最大,比去年1月至5月增逾300例;30歲到39歲也增約百例,且男多於女,增加個案以六都為主;至於與八大行業禁令的關係,他則說,詳細原因仍待疾管署進行相關調查。

  27. 2020.07.05酒店上班安全最重要酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容

  28. 2020.08.25不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因一般人的觀念裡酒店是一個複雜、不好的環境,酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容其實在酒店上班沒什麼不好,我在酒店上班的日子工作性質跟一般在聊天的美眉是同性質的。
    例如:像跟一群人去錢櫃好樂迪參加聯誼會那種形式,認識交際不同的人,一樣是跟客人單純的閒聊、喝 酒炒熱氣份,但只是變成工作,還有錢可以賺,不好的是因為吸毒而去做酒店,甚至賺錢去養男人這是最笨、最愚蠢的作法。

  29. 2020.11.25知名「酒店工作-台北酒店專業經紀人」靠著拍攝惡搞、酒店打工大尺度的影片,吸引破30萬粉絲訂閱,每回分享新片總讓人看了臉紅心跳。他近日再度PO出一支名為《男人只會蝌蚪衝腦?酒店上班酒店小姐的真心話!》影音,親自帶領觀眾探究【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】內心想法,讓不少網友大開眼界。影片可見,小哥哥艾理詢問多位酒店兼差酒店小姐,是否覺得男性都是用下半身思考?大多回應「至少6成」、「百分之八十有」,剩餘的男性自制能力較好,可以用大腦控制肉體的衝動,或是表現得較不明顯。其中一位小姐笑說,自己和男友就是在酒店相識,對方恰好由她接待,因而走在一塊。小哥哥艾理隨後詢問,那妳男友可以接受妳在酒店工作?小姐回答,「他可以,但我有被他嚴重警告過,『妳要做壞事可以,但是不要被我抓到。』」她也透露,可以接受男友偷吃,「只要不要被我抓到,但機率很低,因為我這個人酒醉會打給我男朋友,如果他不接的話,家裡櫃子全部會被我翻倒。」小哥哥艾理最後問,那女性是否也會用下半身思考?小姐回應「多少會,但(機率)不高」,其他工作者也大多回應「不太會」,坦言對床事較無感。其中一位小姐大方地說,除非真的想要才會撲上去,聲稱「沒有一次被拒絕過」,讓小哥哥艾理忍不住驚呼「很有信心哦!」
