Thursday, October 09, 2008

Teresita and the EB, Together Again.

A point of order.

T has stated she wishes to reconsider her withdrawal from the Board. I have valued her contributions to the dialogue. Without objection it is so ordered.

I would also wish that Trish accept election.

The purpose of the board is to recognize individual contribution, civil, honest and thoughtful discourse. We all respect independent and defensible ideas and positions. Teresita has been nominated by two board members and although gout ridden, still has all her bark in place. She is our ninth member.

I thank her for her loyal support and contribution.


  1. Dear host, that's very nice. But, no.

  2. Thanks Deuce. In the future I will endeavor not to pull a "Kerry" and throw my medals away.

  3. No objection here, with ol' Bobal out in Ideehoo.

  4. Any gal that can put up with my posts, and cure my gout, is "OKay" with me!

  5. I gotz ta say she a darn gud 'un and she be brainy and thoughty ta da talk'n

    I mean da rit'in.

    I knows i dunt does count fo much but da fact be she done add a gud lots ta thangs.

  6. I got to add, I will be really ticked, if Miss T pitches another curve ball, and tries to strike us all out.

  7. I'll vote yes, and since trish has declined membership on the Board, I do not think she has a vote, does she?

  8. Bobal: I got to add, I will be really ticked, if Miss T pitches another curve ball, and tries to strike us all out.

    Tell me what that means, exactly, bobal, so I don't accidentally do it.

  9. Glory be, Rat and I have voted the same ballot, and without cheating!

  10. You can say whatever you wish, just like my wife. Welcome to the Board, Miss T!

  11. Trish is declining membership for herself. Whomever else you wish to add, is your business and yours alone.

  12. Tell me what that means, exactly, bobal, so I don't accidentally do it.

    Bob is an old skool gent, but I'm not. What it means, Tes, is that you will need to wear Bob's "Palin Power" bumper sticker on your forehead 'til the 2012 elections, otherwise known as the end of the world.

  13. :)

    hehehe, but I'm in a good mood, and welcome Miss T to the bar!!

  14. My "flea" comment was actually directed to the tiny spot on Possumtater's icon.

  15. Welcome, T.
    Looks like you were back in before my tardy vote of confidence, last thread.


    Be sure to check in with Miss Veronica...she's got plans to add a cabaret to the Rathskellar ...and just wait til she unveils her intentions for that dusty old loft space upstairs...

    A true mistress of feng shui, that Veronica...

  16. T, welcome back girlfriend! here is a good Christian brother's blog with a great little vid.
