Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sarah Palin or Michelle Obama Hanged. Which is More Amusing ?

"it does not rise to the level of a hate crime. In fact, there is no crime being committed at this point,"

Tuesday, October 28th 2008, 2:00 PM

A Halloween themed effigy of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin decorates a house in West Hollywood, Calif.

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. - A Halloween themed effigy has generated several complaints because a mannequin — dressed in vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's trademark updo, glasses and a red business suit — is hanging by the neck from a noose.
Some concerned callers complained that the display was a hate crime. However, the department's hate crime unit said "it does not rise to the level of a hate crime. In fact, there is no crime being committed at this point," Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said.

Think anyone in the press would mind this little amusing joke?


  1. Thomas Sowell is right: It would be a "point of no return," the most explicit repudiation of the animating principles of America. For a vigilant republic of limited government and self-reliant citizens, it would be a Declaration of Dependence.

    from an article

    "Declaration of Dependence"

    Catchy phrase

  2. First thing we do, Luigi, is get the underclasses hooked on the dole. Then we can lead 'em by the nose, and take the country.

  3. Why, for example to quote the lawyer for Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., haven't we seen an interview with Sen. Obama's grad school drug dealer -- when we know all about Mrs. McCain's addiction? Are Bill Ayers and Tony Rezko that hard to interview? All those phony voter registrations that hard to scrutinize? And why are Sen. Biden's endless gaffes almost always covered up, or rationalized, by the traditional media?

    Media's Hypocrisy, Bias and Decline

    Written by a fouth generation journalist who is now ashamed to admit he is a journalist.

    "We are about to elect a cipher."

    Even Dan Rather has admitted the media has gone to far!

    A person ought to be able to subscribe, for a reduced rate, to only certain sections of the local newspaper. For me it would be crossword puzzle, obits, legal notices, classified ads and yard sales.

  4. had enough hypocrisy yet?

    Tue Oct 28, 05:06:00 PM EDT

    Oh, hell no.

    If we hadn't backed up the truck to the doorstep already - eight or nine times - bring it on.

  5. Obana's brainwashed minions would be out in force, trashing my house and neighborhood if I put up the same display in my yard, with Obama and Biden as the centerpieces. And I'd be in jail, charged with a hate crime.

  6. I am not done yet. You may need a valium drip. You don't need a prescription in Colombia.

  7. Don't you worry, bob. Francisco Franco is gonna right everything.

  8. You may need a valium drip. You don't need a prescription in Colombia.

    Tue Oct 28, 06:34:00 PM EDT

    Ooooooh. I haven't looked into that. I may yet.

  9. Take offense at a dummy, 'bout right.

    We were all against
    special classes of crimes, based upon words or thoughts, instead of deeds. That is until the non-crime is pointed at those "near and dear".

    Then what should be illegal, well, the definition keeps expanding.
    To be offensive to me or thee should become illegal.
    But to offend the "other", that is freedom of speech.

    Back to the Mohammed cartoons we go.

    Betcha he didn't spend $150, let alone $150,000 on the dummy's clothes.

    Those fellas, the ones habu may have been listening to, at the range, guess their plans for a clean shot fell through the cracks.
    Couldn't even rip off a house, let alone hit a protected target.

    Viva la revolution!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The Mexican military operates in the US, while wi"o" says: "No Worries"

    The real security issue is in Amarah, Iraq. There could be a riot, after the soccer match.

  12. Well, surely, if we have hate crimes on the books, and I'm not saying we should, they shouldn't be applied to only one side.

    If that was Obama hanging there in front of my house, I'm sure I'd hear about it from the prosecutor. I agree with Hermit.

    And by the way, some of these white churches where a pastor has uttered a political opinion have been looked into, for violating separation of church and state, or whatever the idea is, yet Reverend Wright? Nah.

    I'm getting kind of sick of it, I do admit. Franco to the rescue!

    Trish hasn't caught on that often I really don't mean 100% of what I say, though sometimes I do.

  13. There is only fear to put up the Obama dummy, in response.

    hermit would, but is afraid of the ramifications.
    No revolutionary tendencies, there.

    Could always just burn down the fellows house. Or go cut down the dummy, if arson is a bridge to far.

  14. hermit would, but is afraid of the ramifications.
    No revolutionary tendencies, there.

    You don't know that. You don't know anything about Hermit.

  15. No, Desert Rat... fear isn't the primary reason for my restraint. It has more to do with respect for my neighbors. I've lived in a very mixed neighborhood for many years and have never had an issue or conflict with anyone. Most of my neighbors would be offended by such a display, and rightly so. Yet they wouldn't be the ones trashing my house... there's a lot of urban traffic where I live.

  16. Well, here I thought the fear of going to jail, for a hate crime, and the fear of ... brainwashed minions would be out in force, trashing my house and neighborhood ... is what stopped hermit from duplicating that scene, with an Obama effigy.

    Not that he had to much respect for his neighbors, to allow their neighborhood to be trashed.

    So he has to much respect for the neighbors, to be revolutionary. Not a bad thing, to have good taste and a desire for normalcy.
    But not revolutionary, by any means.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.
