Sunday, October 05, 2008

Hugo Chávez Funds Oliver Stone Film to Help Obama.

Hugo Chávez: Has he funded the film "W." by Oliver Stone? You bet he has and Stone is not the first to get financing from Chávez. In September of last year Venezuela gave the American actor Danny Glover almost $18m to make a film about a slave uprising in Haiti.


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hollywood is coming out this fall with a slew of political movies that hit all the hot-button topics as the tight U.S. presidential campaign nears its climax.

From religion to patriotism, gay rights and the presidency of George W. Bush, directors are wearing their political colors on their sleeves, using comedy, true stories and fantasy to send not-so-subtle messages to Americans preparing to choose between Democrat Barack Obama or Republican John McCain on November 4.

"There is a sense now that these political films can really be successful, and they're a genre aimed at one side of the political spectrum or the other," said Robert Thompson, professor of media and popular culture at Syracuse University.

Next week, controversial director Oliver Stone lands his satirical biopic "W." that attempts to deconstruct Bush's faith and marriage and the days leading up to the 2003 Iraq invasion.

Tom Ortenberg, executive producer of "W.", said filmmakers were mirroring society, even if the release date of the Stone movie could be seen as politically charged.( more from Reuters)


  1. Pssst, Ash:
    Go easy on the Mat, he still believes in the Energizer Bunny.
    Don't spoil it for him.

  2. Wish they made 'em big enough for me.

  3. Believes in the Energizer Bunny?
    Mat IS the Energizer Bunny!

  4. I'm practicing ways to keep myself entertained to ward off the inevitable suicide attempt as long as possible after The Messiah and his Loyal Minions take control.

  5. Wish they made 'em big enough for me.

    Them are for your hands.

  6. So you stayed single for the good of the girls, huh?

  7. That would look good at the dinner table when we have guests.

  8. So you stayed single for the good of the girls, huh?

    And my sanity.

  9. You did see my Corvette/State Trooper Story, didn't you?

  10. Was too busy courting this beauty:

  11. Barney says he'll give it a try.

  12. Frank's checking if it's still there.

  13. He don't need no stinkin GPS to get where he wants to go.
