Monday, September 29, 2008

Special Field Order 15 - January 16, 1865- Major General William Tecumseh Sherman


  1. Go down, Sherman, let my people go---

    Go Down Moses
    (Let My People Go)
    Words and Music - Traditional
    Exodus 8:1
    "And the LORD spake unto Moses, go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him,
    thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me."

    When Israel was in Egypt's Land,
    Let my people go,
    Opressed so hard they could not stand,
    Let my people go.

    Go down, Moses,
    Way down in Egypt's Land.
    Tell ol' Pharoah,
    Let my people go.
    Thus saith the Lord, bold Moses said,
    Let my people go,
    If not, I'll smite your first-born dead,
    Let my people go.

    Go down, Moses,
    Way down in Egypt's Land.
    Tell ol' Pharoah,
    Let my people go.
    No more shall they in bondage toil,
    Let my people go,
    Let them come out with Egypt's spoil,
    Let my people go.

    Go down, Moses,
    Way down in Egypt's Land.
    Tell ol' Pharoah,
    Let my people go.
    The Lord told Moses what to do,
    Let my people go,
    To lead the Hebrew children through,
    Let my people go.

    Go down, Moses,
    Way down in Egypt's Land.
    Tell ol' Pharoah,
    Let my people go.
    O come along Moses, you'll not get lost,
    Let my people go,
    Stretch out your rod and come across,
    Let my people go.

    Go down, Moses,
    Way down in Egypt's Land.
    Tell ol' Pharoah,
    Let my people go.
    As Israel stood by the waterside,
    Let my people go,
    At God's command it did divide,
    Let my people go.

    Go down, Moses,
    Way down in Egypt's Land.
    Tell ol' Pharoah,
    Let my people go.
    When they reached the other shore,
    Let my people go,
    They sang a song of triumph o'er,
    Let my people go.

    Go down, Moses,
    Way down in Egypt's Land.
    Tell ol' Pharoah,
    Let my people go.
    Pharaoh said he'd go across,
    Let my people go,
    But Pharaoh and his host were lost,
    Let my people go.

    Go down, Moses,
    Way down in Egypt's Land.
    Tell ol' Pharoah,
    Let my people go.
    Jordan shall stand up like a wall,
    Let my people go,
    And the walls of Jericho shall fall,
    Let my people go.

    Go down, Moses,
    Way down in Egypt's Land.
    Tell ol' Pharoah,
    Let my people go.
    Your foes shall not before you stand,
    Let my people go,
    And you'll possess fair Canaan's land,
    Let my people go.

    Go down, Moses,
    Way down in Egypt's Land.
    Tell ol' Pharoah,
    Let my people go.
    O let us all from bondage flee,
    Let my people go,
    And let us all in Christ be free,
    Let my people go.

    Go down, Moses,
    Way down in Egypt's Land.
    Tell ol' Pharoah,
    Let my people go.
    We need not always weep and mourn,
    Let my people go,
    And wear these slavery chains forlorn,
    Let my people go.

    Go down, Moses,
    Way down in Egypt's Land.
    Tell ol' Pharoah,
    Let my people go.

  2. Where's My Mule - Govt Mule(Warren Haynes)
    segues into Van Morrison's I've Been Workin' and they usaually return to the Mule chorus to close it out. Nobody plays a meaner tougher bass than Woody Allen.

    Lyrics to "Where's My Mule" (by Warren Haynes):
    Say you try
    But you just can't help your self
    Say you wanna feel special
    Man wanna make you feel like everybody else
    Take away your freedom
    Strip away your pride
    Say you know you weren't born
    With the blue blood son
    So take your place in line

    Where's my mule?
    Where's my forty acres
    Where's my dream
    Mr Emancipator
    To live this way
    I might as well meet my maker
    Where's my mule?
    Where's my mule?

    I say trust me
    But you say it's too much bother
    Yeah, the way the man try to beat you down
    Make you wanna kill your brother
    So go on and bust me
    For what's in my mason jar
    Yeah, I owes my soul
    To the company store
    How I'm doing so far?

    Where's my mule?
    Where's my forty acres
    Where's my dream
    Mr Emancipator
    Live this way
    Might as well meet my maker
    Where's my mule?
    Where's my mule?

    Where's my mule?
    Where's my forty acres
    Where's my dream
    Mr Emancipator
    Live this way
    Might as well meet my maker
    Where's my, my, my, my, my, my mule?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm goin'Bananas, now, j willie.

    Woody Allen or Allen Woody?

  5. RCP moves MI to the "Leans Obama" catagory.

    Which puts the "No Leaners" map @
    Obama/Biden 301 McCain/Palin 237

  6. I know of a Brazilian that exports good jack sperm, if ant of you all want to start breedin' some mules.

    Put a little Globalism and free trade in your ranchin' endevours

  7. Rasmussen put Obama up in North Carolina, too. By 2 points.

  8. Sounds to me that many a black FOLK (to use that term that obama uses) have had their reparations.

    A war was fought for them...

    Lands were given.........

    Freedoms were enacted....

    Let all americans stop asking for a free ride...

    Time to roll up our sleeves and get to work...

    If you live in a depression housing area, with tons of empty houses filled with criminals?

    Try tar and feathering....

    then what happens? areas rebound, property values go up and all the scum will move to Chicago's south side and join rev wright's church

  9. if the polls say the messiah over mccain by 5-6% this actually means the messiah will loose...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The messiah could lose, but Obama may well win.

    And if he does, what side of America will you stand with?

    The patriots or traitors.

  12. The was no war fought for "black folk", I suggest you read The Centennial History of the Civil War: Vol I The Coming Fury by Bruce Catton.

    Economics of tariffs, amigo. That is why the Civil War was fought. Black folk were just an after thought. In all reality.

    From that misconception, the cause of the US Civil War being the enslavement of black folk, all the other poor decisions and opinions take root.

    A simple Reality Check, the Emancipation Proclomation.

    It was not announced at the start of the conflict and did not effect slaves held in Union controlled areas.

    Where Dred Scott still held legal sway.

  13. Michelle Bachman joins Kucinich in saying the votes are not yet there.
    ...talking about an alternative.
    Dems want 51% of Pubs to sign on before they commit.

  14. Pub sites from American Thinker to NRO would all rather talk about McCain winning the debate than the outcome, as reflected in the Polls.
    One outlier with McCain ahead.

  15. desert rat said...
    The was no war fought for "black folk", I suggest you read The Centennial History of the Civil War: Vol I The Coming Fury by Bruce Catton.

    Economics of tariffs, amigo. That is why the Civil War was fought. Black folk were just an after thought. In all reality.

    no arguement on WHY we went to war...

    but to war we went and AFTER the war there were NEW realities..

    REGARDLESS of what the reason for the war....

  16. Yep, it wuz bidness, not morals.

    It seems, all through history, one of the most beneficial things, trade, has been one of the hardest sales.

  17. No, amigo, you caimed the war was fought FOR the black folk, when it was not.

    So the opinions reached, due to that false assumption of previous action, where there was none.

    For reasons of international politicing, Lincoln announce the E.P., not from any high moral standing or prepayment of a moral indebtedness.

    There was no debt owed
    None asked for.
    Slavery being an accepted Christian doctrine, at the time.

    Just an oportunity to compete equally, which through the 1960's was systematicly denied them.

  18. Marsha Blackburn thinks Pelosi will end up having Dems vote for it w/o Pub Majority.

  19. These assholes are disengenuous to the max. No, Chilluns, you will not make a profit on these loans. The guv is going to "renegotiate" the payments (downward) to guarantee that.

    Oh, yeah, didn't I mention before that we were going to buy up bad "Credit card," and "student loan" debt. Well, guess what, bubbas, and bubbettes, a bad credit card debt has a "resale" value of exactly "0."

    Nope, you'll be lucky to get a third of your money back, much less make a profit.

    Anyhoo, the deal is done. We got a couple of tough months coming up; but the "Depression" has been put on hold.

  20. And still denied them, de facto, today.

    The failed public school system stands in tribute to Government failure to supply even a facade of equal opportunity to all its' citizens.

    Where Federal judges removed the students from locallly controled schools. Bussing the kids to the hinterlands, hours of opportunity lost in the commute.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Citi's buying Wachovia's "banking operations." Hmm, I wonder what other kinds of "operations" they have?

  23. The border policies as well, allowing, nay, encouraging Mexicans to come to the United States and fill the job opportunities that should have been filled by the unempolyeed inner city citizens.

    But that bottom rung of the economic ladder was removed as were the 400,000 black embryos that are dispatched, annually

  24. Europeans did not enslave Africans, Africans enslaved Africans. Europeans bought slaves in Africa because Africans were selling slaves in Africa.

    It is similar to a white kid in Chevy Chase going into Baltimore to score crack. The corner is where the crack is sold.

  25. Fortis Bank is down, I think. It's taking 3 European Banks to "take them over."

  26. Glitnir Bank in Iceland is being taken over by the government. This is a bigger deal than you think. It has significant real estate dealings in Europe, another falling brick from the wall.

  27. Maybe we all may need a mule and forty acres.

  28. The UK government on Monday confirmed it was nationalising Bradford & Bingley after hammering out a deal with the Spanish bank Santander, which will buy the embattled UK mortgage lender’s £21bn deposit book and branch network for about £600m.

  29. Citi to acquire Wachovia banking operations; FDIC: It's not a failure.

    And our rulers and masters play on.

  30. It's amazing that the system hasn't "melted down," yet. The FDIC has done it's job.

  31. So far my friend, so far, unfortunately the conversation has passed beyond the actual passage of the bill, to reservations and doubts that it will be effective.

  32. I have never seen anything like this:

    LONDON (MarketWatch) -- Shares in Germany's Hypo Real Estate tumbled more than 60% Monday after the commercial property lender had to be rescued by a consortium of local financial institutions.
    In a statement the group said it had secured a "major new credit facility" to cover its funding needs and help shield it from the increased turmoil in international money markets following the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

  33. ...Within hours of trading opening in London, sterling was down almost four cents against the greenback to $1.8036 - the biggest intraday decline in 15 years.

  34. I think it'll be "effective." To a point.

    The system (from a U.S. standpoint) won't "disintegrate," but, loans will be a little (a lot?) harder to get for a few years.

    I think, soon, we'll start looking across the water, and wondering about Europe. Can they handle things on their end?

  35. How China has created a new slave empire in Africa

    Out of desperation, much of the continent is selling itself into a new era of corruption and virtual slavery as China seeks to buy up all the metals, ...
