Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sarah Palin Family Welcomed by McCain

"Nervous kid?"


  1. "What'd I do to deserve this honor, Senator?"

  2. McCain's going to run against the Democrats and the Republicans.

    Together, he and Mrs Palin are going to run against Washington. Against Congress, K Street and earmarks.
    Against Pelosi, Reid and Obama, with a cup of Joe on the side.

    They'll be the Reform Team.
    From the 48th & 49th States.

  3. Obama Makes History

    Truly an amazing feat, qualifying anybody as The Messiah.

  4. That's called a Spoonerism, or maybe a Freudian slip.

  5. Spooner, Reverend William Spooner, was Warden of New College at Oxford from 1903 to 1924. His habitual transpositios of sounds--metaphasis is the technical term--made him famous in his own lifetime. A little know fact about Spooner was that he was an albino.

    What is certain is that Spooner suffered from some kind of metaphasis of thought, if not always of word.

    Outside New College chapel, he rebuked a student by saying, "I thought you read the lesson badly today."

    "But, Sir, I din't read the lesson", protested the student.

    "Ah," said Spooner, "I thought you didn't," and walked on.

    On another occasion he approached another faculty don and said, "Do come to dinner tonight to meet our new Fellow, Casson."

    The man answered, "But, Warden, I am Casson."

    To which Spooner responded, "Never mind, come all the same."

    On another occasion a colleague once received a note from Spooner asking him to come to his office the next morning on a matter of urgency. At the bottom there was a P.S. saying the matter had now been resolved and the colleague needn't bother coming after all.

    Spooner well knew his reputation for bungling speech and hated it. Once when a group of drunken students called at his windows for him to make a speech, he answered testily, "You don't want to hear me make a speech. You just hope I'll say one of those...things."

    from Bill Bryson "The Mother Tongue"

  6. Ready to admit you were wrong about her "thin Resume" 'Rat?

  7. Soledad O'brien's husband is an investment banker. They have FOUR kids under NINE.

    Pelosi had SIX, right?

  8. What's going on with the back of his shirt???

  9. ...all the young women want her man!

  10. Obama's comparing his experience running his campaign against her's AS MAYOR OF "WASILLY"
    Campaign bigger than silly little town.
    Palin, not really Governor of ALASKA.

  11. Rush has audio of Newt tearing Obamite Reporter and Obama a BIG New One.
    Home Run.
    (Palin Vs Obama Experience)

  12. NBC left ALL applause out of Bush's Speech.
    3 MSM carried NONE of Thompsons GREAT speech.

  13. Hope it becomes a youtube classic.

  14. It's still thin, doug, but full of accomplishments.

    Where as the older fellas have a thicker file, most of the pages are duplicates. One years experience, twenty times.

    Still do not know much beyond the short bio stories, her moment in the sun is fast approaching, hopes she smacks it, good and long.

    There is a lot riding on tonight, for Team Maverick

  15. Out of the arena.

    Does she match Obama's 35 million viewers?
    Does she come close?

    Butterflies in the gut, no doubt.

    Did a tour of the stage, earlier today.


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Palin on how will she be able to handle criticism:

    "Do you know the difference between a hockey mom and a Pitbull?"

    (one wears lipstick)

  18. "Where as the older fellas have a thicker file, most of the pages are duplicates. One years experience, twenty times."

  19. (but Biden DID take the train everyday to take care of his kids)
    Which for Palin would be a NEGATIVE.

  20. The sell different kinds of Maverick Belts in San Fran now.
    ...the good old days.

  21. This report from westhawk

    Raiding the sanctuary

    According to a story in today’s Washington Post, on Wednesday U.S. and Afghan soldiers conducted a nighttime helicopter-borne raid on a cluster of Taliban safe houses inside Pakistan. Villagers near the target reported 20 killed in the operation. Neither the U.S. headquarters in Afghanistan, nor Central Command headquarters in Tampa would comment on the raid.

    This is the first known air assault operation inside Pakistan by U.S. or Afghan forces, and thus is a significant change in the Coalition’s approach to the war in the Afghan-Pakistan theater. For years, the U.S. has conducted occasional precision missile strikes on Taliban or al Qaeda safe houses. U.S. and Afghan ground forces have, in self-defense, engaged targets just over the Pakistani border with direct and indirect fire. Undoubtedly, the U.S. has infiltrated ground reconnaissance teams into Pakistan. Perhaps there have been other Coalition direct action raids inside Pakistan that have gone unnoticed or unreported. No matter. Today’s raid is an important event.

    The Washington Post notes that today’s raid occurred just a few days after a dramatic and mysterious meeting aboard USS Lincoln, which is steaming in the Indian Ocean. Attending the secret conference for the U.S. were the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the top U.S-NATO commander in Afghanistan, the acting and incoming commanders of Centcom, and the commander of Special Operations Command. Pakistan’s Army Chief of Staff led his country’s delegation.

    Escalation a short that does exemplify that while the actors and scenery changes, the themes of the story remain the same.

  22. FOX reports that Mrs Palin will compare her term as Mayor to Obama's as a "community organizer", but differing in that Mayors are saddled with real responsibilities and authority.

  23. "I hope something totally untoward doesn't happen tonight, like her tripping on those high heel shoes, for instance. Which has got me worried for some odd reason."
    Farmer Bob forgets the snowmobiling, marathoning hunter is several years his junior.

  24. To be honest about it, our two term lady mayor here-Moscow--is a buffoon. Buffooness. Her terms haven't qualified her to anything other than being voted out at the nexty election. Also, she is a great waster of the city's electricity.


    Never go to a doctor the loses his patience

  25. bobal said...
    "Listening to a repeat of Thompson's speech--

    about taxes--
    Where was that, al-Bob?

  26. If she were wearing boots, even snowshoes, I wouldn't worry about those high heels.

  27. It was snippets on the Medved show.

  28. go to c-span for videos of speeches

    In case you missed 'Rat's link:
    Special Report
    A Negotiator Without Preconditions
    Sarah Palin

  30. FOX reports that Mrs Palin will compare her term as Mayor to Obama's as a "community organizer", but differing in that Mayors are saddled with real responsibilities and authority.

    A Mayor has to deal with real living voters. A community organizer with ACORN adds dead voters, and other imaginary voters, to the voting rolls.

  31. Construction Workers Find Their Ballots Aren't So Secret

    That's in the olympic Pennisula, Washing State, not Chicago.

    I'm losing faith in our elections.

  32. You can watch the speeches live at the Rupublican National Convention site.

  33. In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room," Obama top strategist Robert Gibbs on Wednesday has harsh words for Sen. Joe Lieberman, the Independent Democrat who addressed the GOP convention Tuesday, attacking Barack Obama for not--contrary to his assertion--reaching across party lines.



    FRED THOMPSON (R), FMR. PRES. CANDIDATE: The Democrats present a history-making nominee for president. History-making in that he's the most liberal, most inexperienced nominee to ever to run for president.



    BLITZER: All right. So go ahead. I suspect we're going to be hearing a lot more of that line.


    GIBBS: You know, look, there's a lot of hot air coming out of a lot of different speakers here at the Republican convention. But I want to echo what Senator Obama said today in Ohio. And that is, what you didn't hear from these speakers last night is the plan to make our economy work, to create jobs, to stop sending those jobs overseas, and giving tax breaks to companies that do that, making health care more affordable.



    SEN. JOSEPH LIEBERMAN (I), CONNECTICUT: In the Senate, during the three and a half years that Senator Obama's been a member, he has not reached across party lines to accomplish anything significant.


    BLITZER: All right. Go ahead.

    GIBBS: You know, Wolf, let me take a big whack at that. I think Joe Lieberman ought to be ashamed of himself. He looked into the camera and he was speaking to the American public about cynicism in politics.
    And then walks out on the very stage behind me and just makes something up, and lies about Barack Obama.


    BLITZER: Those are tough words. But I hear you saying that Senator Lieberman is a liar?

    GIBBS: He walked out last night and didn't tell the American people the truth. And here's what's worse about it, Wolf -- he knows that.

    Speech Pathetic

  34. Teresita:

    "It was a joke. I’m something of an isolationist, I guess sort of like a Pat Buchanan lesbian. I don’t recognize Georgia’s claim for US military protection just because its President mouths the words “freedom” and “democracy”.

    Did the Georgian legislature authorize the incursion into South Ossetia which triggered the Russian response? No, it was the prerogative of the Georgian executive.
    al-Queda was required to use blanks when dealing w/Georgian Troops.
    ...and Ossetians did not shell Georgian Villages, nor was Russia ready to rumble. can argue for isolationism, but you don't have to make stuff up to do it.

  35. Doctors are warning patient data is at risk after a snapshot poll of colleagues showed lapses in security.


    In June documents relating to al-Qaeda in Pakistan and the security situation in Iraq were left on a train by a Cabinet Office intelligence official and later handed to the BBC.


    A spokeswoman for the Department of Health said: "Any breach of patient security is unacceptable.

    Data at Risk

  36. Viva Juan McCain!
    Viva America!

    so says speaker at the convention

  37. Top 3 colleges in US:

    1. Princeton
    2. CIT
    3. Harvard


  38. Hmph..

    U-Dub clocks in at #178.

  39. (ST. PAUL, MINN.) – John McCain’s campaign threatened legal action against the National Enquirer today for running a story about McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin, allegedly having an affair with her husband’s business partner.

    “The smearing of the Palin family must end. The allegations contained on the cover of the National Enquirer insinuating that Gov. Palin had an extramarital affair are categorically false. It is a vicious lie,” said McCain senior adviser Steve Schmidt.

    “The efforts of the media and tabloids to destroy this fine and accomplished public servant are a disgrace. The American people will reject it.”

    The Enquirer also alleges that Palin unjustly fired a public safety official while she was governor of Alaska, but the story is based entirely on unnamed sources. The Enquirer has also paid sources in the past to speak with them, something mainstream media outlets do not do.

    “Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin look forward to discussing the issues that Americans care about, fixing broken government, creating jobs, making our country energy independent and securing the peace for the next generation by bringing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to a victorious end,” said Schmidt.

    “Legal action will be considered with regard to this disgraceful smear.”


    The owner of National Enquirer is connected with the Clintons, that''s why The National Enquirer went after Edwards. If Edwards had not tried to run, Clinton would be the democratic elective and it had to be the truth for once in The National Enquirers history. How many celebrities have taken the National Enquirer to court and won because of lies? If McCain were to go after all MSM accusations that they find offensive, they would have to go after EVERYTHING spoken by MSM. MSM is so bias against republicans it would be funny if it were not so scary, because of the clout they have. I quit buying the National Enquirer when I found out about their connection with Clinton and the Clinton machine.

    Posted by jitterybug at 07:03 PM : Sep 03, 2008

  40. Take those listings with a great grain of salt, Sam. They got College of Idaho, aka the old Albertson's College, ahead of Dub. Surely this is non-sense.

  41. Never did get the actual story of the actual amounts of drugs Limbaugh was taking.
    Hard to believe as many as the paid informant claimed.
    One makes both me and wifey sick!

  42. Bobal: That's in the olympic Pennisula, Washing State, not Chicago.

    How can you be shocked, Bobal? Did you forget how in 2004 we recounted and recounted until we "found" enough ballots to get a Democratic governor, then stopped?

  43. What was Rush into? Oxycotin? Never tried the stuff.

    My doc here got hooked on the stuff. Got caught writing up false prescriptions to patients, who helped him out.

    Pled guilty, took his punishment, tried to keep the clinic going, but had to give up, insurance costs too much for him.

  44. Consider, McCain:

    -Opposed the Bush tax cuts.

    -Supported immigration reform that angered some conservatives.

    -Sponsored major campaign finance reform.


    "He's upset Republicans, a lot," said Jared Craighead, executive director of the Missouri Republican Party. "Because he's not just go-along, get-along, toe the party line."

    Maverick Reformer

  45. The USS Mount Whitney travels through the Bosporus strait in Istanbul, Turkey,
    Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2008.

    As the most sophisticated Command, Control, Communications,
    Computer, and Intelligence (C4I) ship ever commissioned,
    MTW incorporates various elements of the most advanced C4I equipment and gives the embarked Joint Task Force Commander the capability to effectively command widely dispersed air, ground and maritime units in an integrated fashion. We have just put the biggest ELINT trawler in the world in Ivan’s lake. We’ll know every cell phone number, pager, Blackberry and any other emitter from Rostov to Astrakhan.

    Cell phone technology has come a long way in recent years. The ability to track a cell phone using GPS and triangulation provides a capability to locate a cell phone within meters of a point.

    This morning IDF[Indirect Fire] rounds hit one of the sites where we live and work. There was a fatality. A review of the scene later revealed that a cell phone was used immediately prior to and after the attack – an outgoing call and two incoming calls. The phone was found within meters of the impact area.”

  46. That's right, I'd should of thought of that. But, I'm trusting from out here in Idaho.

    Kept on counting till you got it right, with the help of the democratic court, wasn't it?

    I see Rossi ads everywhere now. Dino, Dino!

    You wouldn't remember another governor named Rossillini, whom everyone called Mussolini.

  47. I got to tell you, some of these Republicans don't exactly look like they're ready to jog around the rest home.

    No wonder they're excited about Palin, who is still mobile.

  48. Jon Voight:

    (His daughter aint bad looking either)

  49. Doug’s observation on why Old Europe is hanging back against Russian aggression was the subject of a piece I did on last week. Sorry for touting it again on wretchard’s comment section but the subject and content remain pertinent.

    "Sticking it to Gazprom."
    I'm a nuclear engineer and have been following international energy markets for some time.

    My prediction is that Poland will detonate its first nuclear device within 5 years unless the US extends its protective defense umbrella. As for NATO, can one expect German soldiers to die for Polish freedom?

  50. Jon Voight says to send them our love. I think he's right.

  51. Meanwhile, Obama railed against drilling in his Denver convention speech. He is opposed to ANWR. And shale. And nuclear power. He’s constantly bashing oil companies. And all he talks about is a windfall profits tax. That’s why he has no real economic recovery plan. He has no interest in reducing gasoline prices at the pump. He even sponsored legislation to prevent 3-D seismic technology and other research efforts to correctly measure our undersea oil deposits.

    In other words, he just doesn’t get it.

    That’s why the pro-life, tax-cutting, drill, drill, drill, family-centered, corruption reformer Sarah Palin will be a powerful weapon in this election. Don’t tell me she won’t make a difference this November.

    Palin--Our Energy Answer

  52. It looks like all the Republicans have fallen asleep!

  53. Excerpt from Palin's speech in 1 hour. (She's going to rip Obama a new one and I'm going to be there to enjoy every minute of it.)

    "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities."

    Oh ho ho! You Go Girl!

  54. Just got the word that Palin will not be on until 10:30 Eastern.

  55. But Romney is giving a curiously tepid speech.

  56. Yeah, and I don't like their speakers podium very well either. Something seems wrong with the setup.

  57. Hey, there's a "Build the Fence" sign!

  58. I'm watching the direct feed from

    Don't try this at home with Vista, Doug.

  59. Of course, in order for states to decide whether abortion should be legal, Roe would have to be overturned. In an interview with CBS News's Katie Couric, Cindy McCain seems disagree with her husband and Gov. Sarah Palin on whether the Supreme Court should overturn the decision, but then she hedges:


    And-- and do you believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned?


    No, no, no, no--


    No? Why not? Your husband does.


    No, I don't think he does.


    He believes that it should be overturned, that's what he told me, and that it-- it should go to the state.


    Well, in that respect--

    Left to States

  60. That was good, "she got more votes running for Mayor in Alaska than Joe Biden got running for President of the United States":)

  61. That is a good one.

    Wish I could watch it.

  62. Way to go Huck, about the desks.

  63. "But here'sa little news flash for all those repoerters and commentators: I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion - I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this country"


  64. Having been working with electronics, computers, data and communications for 45 year, I am daily amazed at the technology we get on a laptop computer.

  65. From an engineer's point of view. you are not amazed when things fail. You are amazed when they work.

  66. Bob Murphy said,

    @Cannoneer No. 4
    The USS Mount Whitney is carrying 17 tons of emergency supplies to Georgia?

    A C-130 can carry and even airdrop 21 tons.
    That’s not even an articulated truck payload.
    The paltry payload and the implications crack me up.

  67. I have fox to the left and T's link on my lap.

  68. Palin's young man is one hell of a good looking kid.

  69. So you're impressed by Mat's new machine too, huh, Deuce?

  70. .."you can fit 250 states the size of Delaware in Alaska."

  71. Lingle usually looks like a Mack Truck.
    Got Professional Treatment for a change.

  72. Did everybody see the little girl mugging for the camera?

  73. How'd Hawaii elect a Republican governor?

  74. Poor Whit hates to stay up late.

  75. He'd better say, "I'm no longer America's mayor!"

  76. Hired a Democrat Thug to Run her campaign.

    My friend and I felt like we were at a teamster's convention back in 2000 when we worked on her campaign.

  77. I was about to say just that, Deuce. He's a good attack dog, fer shure.

  78. "In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers. And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change"


  79. "including nuclear powwer"--ahhh

  80. Rudy says McCain will do an "all of the above" approach for getting us off foreign oil...except McCain opposes drilling in ANWR. Go figure.

  81. Not after Palin gets through w/him

  82. Why'd he have to mention bin Laden!

  83. The love for Palin, however, didn't translate into better seats for the Alaska delegation. Their seats were in the back row.

    No problem, said Alaska delegate Annette Kreitzer. "We're OK with it," Kreitzer said.

    "Alaskans are flexible."

    GOP Convention

  84. more sincere applause than i ever heard at the dem convention

  85. Rudy gave by far the best speech, got the blood pumping

  86. Barry is so PHONEY in comparison.

  87. Always Proud of America

    That's just not fair!

  88. she is as good in front of a camera as reagan.

  89. oh my god , it doesn't get better than this.

  90. Meanwhile Biden dreams of revenge--

    Obama might pursue criminal charges against Bush·

    Biden says criminal violations will be pursued

    · Democrats have issued subpoenas to Bush aides

    · 3 staffers have been held in contempt of Congress

    Elana Schor in Washington, Wednesday September 03 2008 19:32

    BST Article historyDemocratic vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden said yesterday that he and running mate Barack Obama could pursue criminal charges against the Bush administration if they are elected in November.

    Biden's comments, first reported by ABC news, attracted little notice on a day dominated by the drama surrounding his Republican counterpart, Alaska governor Sarah Palin.

    But his statements represent the Democrats' strongest vow so far this year to investigate alleged misdeeds committed during the Bush years.

    "If there has been a basis upon which you can pursue someone for a criminal violation, they will be pursued," Biden said during a campaign event in Deerfield Beach, Florida, according to ABC.

    "[N]ot out of vengeance, not out of retribution," he added, "out of the need to preserve the notion that no one, no attorney general, no president -- no one is above the law."

    Obama sounded a similar note in April, vowing that if elected, he would ask his attorney general to initiate a prompt review of Bush-era actions to distinguish between possible "genuine crimes" and "really bad policies".

    "[I]f crimes have been committed, they should be investigated," Obama told the Philadelphia Daily News. "You're also right that I would not want my first term consumed by what was perceived on the part of Republicans as a partisan witch hunt, because I think we've got too many problems we've got to solve."

    Congressional Democrats have issued a flurry of subpoenas this year to senior Bush administration aides as part of a broad inquiry into the authorisation of torturous interrogation tactics used at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp.

    Three veterans of the Bush White House have been held in criminal contempt of Congress for refusing to respond to subpoenas: former counsel Harriet Miers, former political adviser Karl Rove, and current chief of staff Josh Bolten. The contempt battle is currently before a federal court.

  91. mayors are the same as community organizers, except they actually have responsibilities


  92. leave this nation better than we found it...

    straight out of the Boy Scouts Promise..


  93. Heheh. She's beating the snots out of the opposition, and she's having fun doing it.

  94. Bill Clinton has to have a hard on.

  95. I' gettin' one, but being a little older, takes longer ../

  96. Republicans have much better looking woman.

  97. nuclear plants, now I've got one

  98. yeah that was great, back to the production lot...

  99. So many good lines I can't keep up with 'em. Go Sarah!

  100. she's a natural

    relaxed and confident


    self designed prez seals...

  101. self designed Presidential seals--I'm still ticked off over that

  102. she's a pitbull with lipstick...


    personal discovery..

    almost wet myself

  103. "There is only one man in this election who has ever fought for you."

  104. anyone notice the signae?

    McCain and Palin's names are the same contrast

    whereas obama and biden, biden's is low contras and barely can be seen

  105. Fuck it, I started watching it 60 seconds ago.

    Thanks for the link, T.

  106. Do any doubts remain that McCain picked a good'un?

  107. I called her 1st at the EB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  108. McCain simply states...

    see why i picked her?

  109. WiO, you called her first at the EB, but I drew her to the attention of the EB for consideration weeks ago, and Bobal will attest. But we can share!

  110. t: WiO, you called her first at the EB, but I drew her to the attention of the EB for consideration weeks ago, and Bobal will attest. But we can share!

    NO, I will wear the title of 1st pick, however I will accept any others that will support and encourage her

  111. That was fucking awesome.

    I bet she rocks in bed.

    I'll catch Rudy on the replay tonight.

  112. Cris Matthews looks shell shocked. Keith Olberman has gone platinum in the asshole department.

  113. That was a heck of a nice kiss she blew to that fellow that was in the prison camp with McCain, that fellow was so emotional

  114. she just made about 26 million democrats shit themselves

    she can taken on and destroy either biden or obama in a debate

  115. McCain: "She is experienced, she's talented, she knows how to lead and she has been vetted by the people of the state of Alaska."

  116. "Governor Palin represents a new generation - she's already one of the most successful governors in America - and the most popular.

    "She already has more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket. She's led a city and a state."

    But just before Mrs Palin was due to speak, new revelations about her past made headlines, as it emerged she had told ministry students in Alaska in June that US troops in Iraq were sent on a "task that is from God".

    Cheered by Republicans

  117. sam:

    But just before Mrs Palin was due to speak, new revelations about her past made headlines, as it emerged she had told ministry students in Alaska in June that US troops in Iraq were sent on a "task that is from God".

    Well the way I sees it...

    America took out the single biggest murderer of moslems, persians, arabs, kurds, shias and sunnis in the history of the world..

    such is a mission worthy of G-d direction.......

    how can anyone with any honesty not have pride in america, not seeking territory or treasure, spent 1/2 trillion dollars of it's own money and the blood of our youth to free a people from HISTORIC bondage and break the history of Arab despots and their control over hundreds of millions of people

  118. Senator John McCain's Republican primary campaign looked all but hopeless. He had risked the wrath of his party to push for an immigration overhaul and now, just months before the Iowa caucuses, his grand compromise was falling apart on the Senate floor as well.


    McCain has always had contradictory impulses: he enjoys both boxing and bird watching, cites as favorite movies both "Viva Zapata!" and "A Fish Called Wanda," and quotes his idols Henry Kissinger and Henny Youngman.


    Few politicians have apologized as profusely or as fortuitously as McCain. He may be the only candidate-author whose editor cut back on the self-criticism in the first draft of his campaign memoirs.

    Driving to Succeed

  119. How my Aunt would have loved to have heard that speech by Palin.

  120. I knew those assholes in the media set themselves up for target practice.

  121. Was that speech the first significant live-blogging event in EB history?

  122. This is going to be fun to watch. The shakedown from all this. I can't wait for the debates.

  123. "I'm not a member of the permanent political establishment"


  124. I think you are correct T. Doug did a rather nice soliloquy , but he did it in the wrong room.

  125. Well EBers, I just downed a 55 gallon drum of McCain/Palin Kool-Aid.

    I'm all in.

    Fuck it.

    She is amazing.

    My wife cried and I had goosebumps.

  126. she was real...

    she is accomplished by DOING not just "dreaming" and living off the state..

    no 6 month paid vacations to bali at 30 years old to write an auto bio...

    no she's the real deal...

  127. Everyone go to the front page and pony up a small donation.

  128. tell me how much you send and I'll match it.

  129. Brother d-day: Well EBers, I just downed a 55 gallon drum of McCain/Palin Kool-Aid.

    This gal has transformed me from an Obama-flirting center left Air America listener back to hard core righty. She's Wonder Woman, a true heroine. I want to be her. She represents the best that American females have to offer. There's going to be a whole mess of Democratic womenfolk following suit, some to spite Obama, most just because they admire Palin. When the weekend polls come out, McCain will jump to a 10-12 point lead and stay there until the election.

  130. I already donated, but I'm not telling how much, as I feel we owe you for putting on this shindig all this time.

  131. I'll tell you another thing, no disrespect, but Palin is a real piece.

  132. My wife sometimes thinks I have a problem with strong women...

    i try to explain I have a problem with woman who try to prove they are strong when no contest is needed, to be fair I have a problem with males seeking the alpha dog status based on loudness, wallet size or largest shoulders....

    That being said, Palin is awesome and I dont even agree on many basic issues with her.

    I respect people who have real character..

    Combine Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged with a moral Boy/Girl Scout Ethics....


  133. Wednesday, September 03, 2008
    She Winds. She Shoots. She Scores.
    Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 11:00 PM
    Sarah Palin is terrific.

    The contest has changed. Her character and candor have changed it, and John McCain's judgment is vindicated. The speech overflowed with tough, pointed, true points:

    "Some candidates use change to promote their careers. John McCain has used his career to promote change. "

    "The presidency is not supposed to be a journey of personal discovery.."

    "There is only one man in this election who has ever really fought for you."

    "The special confidence of those who have seen evil and have seen how evil is overcome."

    This will be a magnificent campaign, and she a magnificent candidate

  134. What's NYT going to print tomorrow?

  135. Teresita said...

    This gal has transformed me from an Obama-flirting center left Air America listener back to hard core righty. She's Wonder Woman, a true heroine. I want to be her. She represents the best that American females have to offer.

    Good on ya T. ;)

  136. What does it mean when they "pass?"

  137. doug

    pass means they are skipping to allow AZ to put mccain over the top and have the honor

  138. My favorite Sarah Palin line of the evening:

    "[Obama] is a man who can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting, and never use the word "victory" except when he's talking about his own campaign.

  139. My fav:

    "Always Proud of America"

    To Michelle's once.

  140. I think Idaho got shorted 4 votes, cause they said 32, then 28, which isn't fair as she was born and went to school here!

  141. MSNBC polling question:

    Was VP pick Sarah Palin's speech effective in introducing herself and boosting John McCain's campaign?

    Yes - 41%
    No - 40%
    Remains to be seen - 20%

  142. I liked when she blew that kiss, which had meaning to that fellow, and she did it with such grace.

  143. At the end of the day to me it's still a simple choice...

    If you believe that if we just would get off all arab /islamic lands, pay those countries a much higher price for their natural resources that they were lucky to be born on, reduce the royalties on all western patents as they are unfair to the developing world, if you think that by doing all that the angry arab/african, 3rd world non-aligned peoples of the world will then love the west, jews or christians then vote for obama

    If you think hamas, hezbollah, the arab league, iran, syria and others will never change and that the only way to deal with those who seek your destruction is to destroy them 1st vote for McCain

  144. Here's some fucker at Newsweek:

    Faced with a shaggy, seat-of-the-pants convention, Republicans are determined to get back on message. So now their new, more disciplined line is about experience.

  145. What are the dudes on the Today show going to say tomorrow morning.

    I know, who cares. But still, should be fun watching all the reactions/explanations.

  146. Puerto Rico sends more troops than 49 States!

  147. WIO

    No shit Sherlock!

    The Fakir Deserves it all.

  148. Good. Time to hit back. Long overdue.

  149. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities.”

    As the crowd cheered its approval, Ms. Palin went on: “I might add that in small towns we don’t quite know what to make of a candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening, and then talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns when those people aren’t listening.”

  150. But here’s a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators: I’m not going to Washington to seek their good opinion — I’m going to Washington to serve the people of this country.”

  151. Missing, unnoticed and unsung, Mr. Bush and Dead Eye Dick Cheney.

    I can't recall one word about either of them.

    Listening to some of the views on the airwaves, the dems keep coming back to her inexperience in foreign affairs, unable to stay out of the honey-ied trap. Flys to the flypaper.

  152. Delegates said they were enthralled by Ms. Palin’s speech. "I think she’s great - she’s giving it back to the democrats for all the sorry things they’ve said about her and about america," said Anita Bargas, a delegate from Angleton, Texas. "She’s a conservative - and she has a great sense of humor."

    “Our opponents say, again and again, that drilling will not solve all of America’s energy problems, as if we all didn’t know that already,” Ms. Palin said. “But the fact that drilling won’t solve every problem is no excuse to do nothing at all.
