Saturday, September 27, 2008

Paul Newman Dies of Cancer


  1. He had a nice life, better than most.

  2. I wouldn't trade him. And, I didn't have to eat all those salads.

  3. Wow! My father really did look like him.

  4. Ah, not Luke.

    Luke: I can eat fifty eggs.
    Dragline: Nobody can eat fifty eggs.
    Society Red: You just said he could eat anything.
    Dragline: Did you ever eat fifty eggs?
    Luke: Nobody ever eat fifty eggs.
    Prisoner: Hey, Babalugats. We got a bet here.
    Dragline: My boy says he can eat fifty eggs, he can eat fifty eggs.
    Loudmouth Steve: Yeah, but in how long?
    Luke: A hour.
    Society Red: Well, I believe I'll take part of that wager.

  5. Trish said:
    Putin is as determined to poke us in the eye as GWB has endeavored to do likewise to him. Never underestimate the personal element.

    That's high level, high stakes pettiness.

    What do you do when you have a "Bad Bob" type character in town? Here's how one town handled it

  6. Not Found

    Error 404, Whit, on my end.


    Bad Bob? There is such a thing?

  7. My wife, who liked Paul Newman, says he gave a lot to special needs kids, because of his daughter's involvement with same.

    He was a good guy.

  8. "That's high level, high stakes pettiness."

    It sure is.

  9. Why would anyone in their right mind buy any food made in China?

    How do we expect a nation, that cannot be bothered to read a label on something they will eat, read enough to make an intelligent decision on who to vote for public office?

  10. Deuce, that great, unwashed, unread mass is 34 - 1 against this bailout.

    The elite hoity-toity are united in their rhetoric that the economic system will "melt down" without it.

    I know which side I'm on.

  11. rufus, on this one I confess to what I see from a macroeconomic point of view. I compare it to a hurricane party. If the weatherman is correct, the party did not look like a good idea and someone has to rescue them.

    The financial system is on the edge. So goes the financial system so goes who knows what...

  12. In Westport, the Newman's lived with a small creek running along their rear boundary.
    As kids, ten to twelve, we'd walk the ice of that creek, sometimes breaking through and getting soaked.

    Quite the adventure. Anyway when we get to Newman's section of the creek, the security guy would come out and watch.

    We lived in Weston, a little up the hill from Newman's, very woodsy, almost rural enviorment. Newman lived below, Alan Arkin lived a little further up along the ridge.

  13. Deuce, I think almost all the Great Unwashed consider all politicians to be Thieves, and Grifters, And all "Wall-Streeters" to be Knaves.

    I believe a lot of them believe as I do, "That You can't allow either gang to stay in power too long." Both sides bring their own unique set of Problems. Eight years is about long enough to put up with either set of "Rascals."

  14. Over time folks had dammed that little creek, creating water holes for swimming, in their backyards.

    Never thought much of it, but if they'd done that here, in AZ, they'd have been breakin' the Law.

    Wonder if they were there?

  15. Deuce, Neil Cavuto pointed out this morning that the Fed's "Commercial and Industrial Loans" info for last week shows that businesses are borrowing, and banks are lending at, basically, a "Torrid" pace.

    Son, they're Scamming us; and they're doing a good job of it.

  16. On a tip supplied by Rufus ( I confess to owning significant CIT shares):

    NEW YORK, Sep 24, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- CIT Group Inc. (CIT:

    8.24, -1.16, -12.3%) , a leading global commercial finance company, today announced that it served as the sole lead arranger in a $65 million financing deal for Petro Resources Corporation, a Houston-based independent oil and natural gas company.
    Financing for the deal was arranged by CIT Energy, a unit of CIT. The deal consists of a $50 million senior secured revolving credit facility and a $15 million second lien term loan. Petro Resources will use the proceeds to retire mezzanine debt incurred in its acquisition of Williston Basin assets, finance the company's capital program, and for general corporate purposes.
    "This deal underscores our ability to understand the unique financing needs of exploration and production companies," said Peter Gaw, President of CIT Energy. "We are pleased to have had the opportunity to work with Petro Resources and provide financing solutions that meet their long-term needs."
    Wayne Hall, CEO of Petro Resources Corporation said, "CIT Energy was able to provide a variety of financing options that supported our growth strategy. This transaction provides us a lower cost of borrowing, more flexibility in the funding of our capital program, and a base for future property acquisitions."
    Individuals interested in listening to recent podcasts featuring Peter Gawin which he discusses "Boom Times For The Oil and Gas Markets" and "Renewable & Alternative Energy" can visit Individuals interested in receiving future updates on CIT via e-mail can register at
