Thursday, September 11, 2008



  1. I watched it in silent mode all the way through.

    Take care.

  2. Seven Years.
    One Full Circle.
    Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is online.

  3. Doesn't seem like seven years.

    We can say Bush has done a lot right. No repeat event in all that time.

    Thank you, President Bush and our military.

  4. - Shift in forces to Afghanistan less than requested -

    The modest shift in US forces to Afganistan announced Tuesday by President George W. Bush falls short of his commanders' requests despite signs the seven year-old US-NATO project there is at risk.While conditions have improved in Iraq, Bush admitted that things have not gone so well in Afghanistan, shaken by an increasingly bloody insurgency fueled from safe havens in Pakistan.

    Anthony Cordesman, a military expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, observed that the Taliban and other insurgent groups have dramatically expanded their presence in Afghanistan since 2004.

    Declassified US intelligence and UN maps show that the area of Taliban and insurgent influence or presence doubled between 2004 and 2005, quadrupled between 2005 and 2006, and rose sharply again between 2006 and 2007, Cordesman said.

    "At this point in time, US-NATO/ISAF-Afghan forces are simply too weak to deal with a multi-faceted insurgency with a de facto sanctuary along the entire Afghan-Pakistan border," Cordesman wrote in a paper posted on the CSIS website.

    Schloesser said there were areas of his sector of eastern Afghanistan where he had "very low numbers of troops."

    "I can come in and I can clobber the enemy, but then I can't hold it and stay with the people," he said.

  5. Declassified US intelligence and UN maps show that the area of Taliban and insurgent influence or presence doubled between 2004 and 2005, quadrupled between 2005 and 2006, and rose sharply again between 2006 and 2007, Cordesman said.
    Open, unsecured borders, refusal to enforce law of the land,
    Thanks for nuthin, Jerk.

  6. ...fought against fence, border security, and workplace enforcement, instead of FOR them, as he was sworn to do.

  7. If Obama maintains a 2-3% lead in PA, he is screwed. There are almost no McCain signs in PA.

    There are some Obama signs but the Republicans are not running the colors. Why? I think that a lot of people do not want to admit that they are not voting for Obama.

    If they will not put up signs, they may not admit to polsters their true intentions on voting.

    Now I admit that most of my circle would not vote for Obama under any circumstances, but there are some very liberal people who have no excitement for him. Obama has a big problem in Pennsylvania.

  8. Declassified US intelligence and UN maps show that the area of Taliban and insurgent influence or presence doubled between 2004 and 2005, quadrupled between 2005 and 2006, and rose sharply again between 2006 and 2007,

    you can read this in many different ways..

    to me?

    I'd ask the follow....

    WHO are the insurgents?

    Where do they come from?

    AND did the FLEE other countries (iraq, turkey, palestine, arabia) to come and fight the infidel?

    Interesting fact, MANY arab & Islamic nations EXPORT their worst unhinged men to go and fight abroad, many times HOPING the die by the hands of others...

    sort of like suicide by cop...

    thousands of "fighters" have been eliminated in iraq, southern lebanon, egypt, jordan etc...

    are they making more? sure....

    but so what?

    our KILL ratio is much higher than theirs

    everytime we kill a senior insurgent he is replaced by something much greener...

    now that "bad guys"have concentrated themselves into finite geo pheres of influence I'd say what we have here is a TARGET RICH spot....

    Happy Hunting Crusaders....
