Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Real Paris Hilton, A World Class Slut.

Paris Hilton and 50 cent.

In case you missed how Paris Hilton became famous, this is how.

She is a world-class, web-shared slut. The new term is a pop-tart. She is what was commonly called a "pig". She still is except times have changed and today she is a celebrity pig. Now she does nothing new except she does it for public consumption and the public does consume it. How it plays in politics is anyone's guess.

She has taken offense at John McCain and his comparing her vaccuous life to that of Barack Obama. She has responded with another video. I am sure Barack is pleased.

Paris Hilton issues tart rebuttal to McCain ad

By DEVLIN BARRETT – 26 minutes ago

Attention, America: Paris has spoken. Paris Hilton, the blonde, doe-eyed celebrity thrust into the presidential campaign in an ad by Republican candidate John McCain, issued a tart rebuttal Tuesday, albeit in a scantily clad, tongue-in-cheek kind of way.

Last week, McCain launched an ad comparing Democratic rival Barack Obama to Hilton and Britney Spears, suggesting Obama was no more than a celebrity candidate unready to lead the nation.

Hilton initially shied away from the debate over the ad and its effectiveness. But she responded Tuesday with a spoof on the comedy Web site Funny or Die.

"Hey America, I'm Paris Hilton and I'm a celebrity, too. Only I'm not from the olden days and I'm not promising change like that other guy. I'm just hot," Hilton said, speaking as she reclined in a pool chair in a revealing bathing suit and a pair of pumps. "But then that wrinkly, white-haired guy used me in his campaign ad, which I guess means I'm running for president. So thanks for the endorsement white-haired dude."

"I want America to know that I'm, like, totally ready to lead," she said.


  1. Well he was a father that year, al-Doug!

  2. Parting shot for the evening.

    Am I alone, or has anybody else noticed that Bill Clinton is actually starting to look better all around as we get deeper into the campaign?

  3. I saw him in Missoula, during the campaign. He happened to be there so we went to the event on our way out of town. Looked great, I thought, but, three or four times during his talk, he'd say 'if I'm elected President, I will' then catch himself, 'I mean when Hillary':0

    He does look distinquished these days.

    They're hoping Obama loses, Bill and Hill, and may be right, given that three or four promising Obasma VP picks have taken themselves out of consideration, sensing the winds.

  4. I'm teasing some Democrat friends in Illinois with the theme that Habu was pitching a while back, i.e., Hillary's not done, and will wreak havoc with those FBI files and her winged monkeys, etc. Got her to the point where she's decided if Obama prevails, she'll go shopping on election day. She's probably not alone.

  5. For Mat:

    ...the city's main power source is a huge central crystal the size of a skyscraper.

    Telos, City beneath Mt Shasta, Lemurians

    About a mile or so beneath Mount Shasta in northern California, in a large cavern, is the domed city of Telos, where over 1.5 million descendants of Atlantis and Lemuria live. The city was built over 14,000 years ago as a haven from the war and destruction going on between Atlantis and Lemuria. Telos is connected by transport tunnels to hundreds of other similar cities and to the main Agarthean hub beneath the Gobi desert. The citizens of Telos are scientifically advanced using teleportation and levitation devices. They grow their food hydroponically, and have holodeck rooms(just like on Star Trek) for purposes of learning and entertainment. They use space ships(noiseless and invisible) for interplanetary travel, and the city's main power source is a huge central crystal the size of a skyscraper. Sharula/Bonnie, a 275+ year old emissary for Telos(she looks 30) who sometimes comes to the surface, relates that her people and many others are waiting for the day when surface and subsurface populations unite and freely intermingle.


  6. Thanks for posting the video of "paris" it put a smile on my face...

    My copy is much HIGH resolution however so I re-watched it from my archives.

    The objectification of highly sexualized women is not new to the human culture. In the past men had to WORK hard at attaining the level of knowledge of intimacy of of such a well "bred" object...

    As much as I hate to agree, she does have and excellent set of small knockers and a fine ass, and if she was dancing at our local strip club I'd pass a fiver in her panties....

    that being said....

    Here is an example of parental negligence.

    Beauty, Brain & Fiscal Resources and how does she LIVE?

    What a pathetic example of humanity...

    One con ONLY be humbled by the opportunity she has squandered....

    Think of the force anyone of us could have had being raised with such influence, education and yes MONEY....

    Such a waste...

    Motivates me to use any hotel but Hilton....

  7. wio,
    Her great grandfather Conrad was born in a hardscrabble town on the Rio Grande, San Antonio, New Mexico Territory. Typical sagebrush and old newspapers stuck in rusty barbed wire fences type of place. Needed breakfast there once. The only place open was the corner bar. No menu. The only question was "how do you want your eggs" The old man must be rollin' in his grave.
