Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hail Obama. Democrats Prepare Annointment.

Obama Speech Stage Resembles Ancient Greek Temple
August 26, 2008

DENVER (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple.

The stage, similar to structures used for rock concerts, has been set up at the 50-yard-line, the midpoint of Invesco Field, the stadium where the Denver Broncos' National Football League team plays.

Some 80,000 supporters will see Obama appear from between plywood columns painted off-white, reminiscent of Washington's Capitol building or even the White House, to accept the party's nomination for president.

He will stride out to a raised platform to a podium that can be raised from beneath the floor.

The show should provide a striking image for the millions of Americans watching on television as Obama delivers a speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination.

Politicians in past elections have typically spoken from the convention site itself, but the Obama campaign liked the idea of having their man speak to a larger, stadium-sized crowd not far from where the Democratic National Convention is being held, at the Denver pro basketball arena.

Obama was taking a page from the campaign book of John Kennedy in 1960 when the future president delivered his acceptance speech to 80,000 people in the Los Angeles Coliseum.

Once Obama speaks, confetti will rain down on him and fireworks will be fired off from locations around the stadium wall.

Democratic convention organizers said the theme for the evening is "Change We Can Believe In," which has been a consistent message of Obama's presidential campaign.

Oscar-winning actress and singer Jennifer Hudson will sing the national anthem that night.

(Reporting by Steve Holland; editing by David Wiessler)

In case you missed it:


  1. It would be hard to make this up> Krauthammer says:
    Has He Lost His Mind?

    “Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple.

    The stage, similar to structures used for rock concerts, has been set up at the 50-yard-line, the midpoint of Invesco Field, the stadium where the Denver Broncos' National Football League team plays.

    Some 80,000 supporters will see Obama appear from between plywood columns painted off-white, reminiscent of Washington's Capitol building or even the White House, to accept the party's nomination for president.

    He will stride out to a raised platform to a podium that can be raised from beneath the floor.”

  2. all the world is a stage...

    or is it, all the world is a play...

    Obama is an actor.....

    All the props are set, fake roll call, fake acceptance speech....

    why do I thniking of Milli Vanilli...

  3. I want to see Obama swinging back and forth on a great swing, like Caligula did in "I, Claudius".

    If this wasn't such a farce, it might be scary.

  4. TALLAHASSEE - Denver looks like it couldn't come fast enough for Florida Democrats.

    Democrat Barack Obama is poised to accept his party's nomination for president this week amid growing signs that he's losing steam in the Sunshine state despite spending millions of dollars on television ads and dispatching hundreds of staffers throughout the state.

    The latest Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday found Republican John McCain leading 47-43 percent over Obama in Florida, thanks to the backing of white voters and independents.

    Florida voters had given McCain a 46-44 percent edge in the school's previous swing state poll at the end of July. Similarly, the soon-to-be Democratic nominee has weakened in Ohio and his numbers haven't budged in Pennsylvania.

  5. God loves me:
    All Hell broke loose, wind, smoke firetrucks, fire helicopters, two blocks to the East, another fire breaks out a mile down the hill, unprepared moron blogging resident running around like a headless chicken...
    Winds stopped, rain started, helicopter putting out remaining hotspot two blocks down the hill...
    Let's hear it for God and Firefighters!

    3rd or 4th fire in 4 days, I think we have a problem.
    This was the closest one yet.

  6. Habu

    yeah Tater

    Whaddya see in the last couple o days? Been a while since you hung around check'n out EB.

    Well EB is an even tighter circle of contributors than it was say two years ago. Lots of contributors gone.

    Habu, why do you think that is?

    I can't say , like you said I haven't looked in much so it'd just be a pure guess. I just noticed that there's five to eight folks that talk all day.

    Why do you think the others left?

    Come on Tater, people have a million reasons. I can't say. Buddy was good, informed, and funny. Ms T has to have the most guts. And just look'n at yesterday Bobal was practically ignored when he made a comment. I think if you're not following DR's thinking you're marginalized.

    Well thanks for the thoughts Habu

    No problem Tater. Say you stay'n out of trouble?

    'Bu buddy, you know the Possumtater is agile and only dines at the fully opened dumpsters. Plus I got the bog-luv-palace cook'n good. Ms Honeysuckle Tater got lost in Katrina, so I went with Ms Melon-Tater....shak'n that down but good.

    Good dude , sorry about Ms Honeysuckle though.

    Yeah, me too.

  7. Judy, NYC:

    what is the question? there’s no mystery about who is barry, nor what he is. an invited speaker at the democratic convention is ingrid mattson, an islamic fascist, president of isna, funded by mansour, with ties to the fanatical muslim brotherhood. her website calls for the murder of jews. the democrats were asked to disinvite her. they ignored the request. the only newspaper that picked up the ap release was canadian. the only question is, why are we monkeying around with this dangerous fraud, barry, and his strange candidacy.

    Aug 27, 2008 - 9:11 pm

    Who is this Ingrid Mattson?

    JihadWatch Has An Answer

  8. Habu, do you still think there will be a strike on Iran before Bush leaves office?

    I was thinking along those line for awhile, but I noticed the other day that we declined to sell Israel some new tanker aircraft that they requested, that they need for such a strike.

  9. I look at almost all the posters at the EB as if they are talk show hosts. They tend to fill different time slots, have their own unique points of view, senses of humor, writing styles and skills and differing audience reactions.

    There is hardly a month where the reading/visiting audience does not increase over the previous month.

    The site participation has grown over 100% in the last year. The EB is certainly not a megasite but clearly has grown in popularity.

    We would get a lot more comments if we allowed anonymous comments but that always has led to trouble.

    We do not accept any advertising and do not have a tip jar. That gives us freedom. We really do not have to please anyone.

    It is more fun than work.

    Like the posters or hate them, they are well informed and strongly opinionated.

    The EB theme is a bar and not a temple.

    Most of the posters who come and go have their own blogs.

    I personally read almost every post. Everyone knows what I think. I enjoy reading and discuss their points of view, but mostly it helps me get a sense of where the general interest lies.

    Love it or leave it.

  10. I guess the EB is where when you have to go there, they have to take you in.

  11. ..and that is the thing that is somewhat unique about the EB. It is an us rather than a me. It is about as democratic a site as I know of.

    I facilitate their addictions.

  12. But after he accepts his party's nomination tonight, it will be hard to call Obama anything but the establishment. As head of his party, he will preside over everything he says he objects to about politics: the artifice, the influence of special interests, the partisanship.

    If he wins the presidency, there will be no more rungs on the ladder for Obama to climb, only re-election. The system he says is broken will become his.

    Even those closest to him are not quite sure how he would make the transformation.

    Striving to Connect

  13. Where'd Judy's comment come from al-Bob?

  14. Billary is on board the Obama train, no doubt of that.

    That venue at Mile High Stadium looks like the facade in front of Attila the Huns' tent, from a made for TV movie.

    Biden introduced his mother and then fed the crowd some red meat.
    Seems Obama was right and John was wrong, time and again.

    I recall fatulance made those same type comments, about the lack of participationm, the last time he returned to us at the EB, when he was broken and forlorn, after being outed as a fraud and liar at the BC and some such other site I do not visit.

    Coming back to learn from his betters, before striking out on his own, again, spewing gibberish about US strikes on Iran, always coming, soon.
    His beloved GWBush, he's goin' to let fatulance down, again.

  15. To bad about the AlGore thing not working out, it'd have been better, for US, than the current reality.

  16. Over at BC.

    Watching those American ships on the next thread sailing along there kind of stirs up the old patriotism. Also, almost looks like they might be sailing into San Francisco Bay, going under that bridge. Complete with Bay Area protesters. :)

  17. (I saw Judy's comment @ BC, al-Bob)

  18. “I move Senator Barack Obama of Illinois be selected by this convention by acclamation as the nominee of the Democratic party for president of the United States.”

    All that was left was for Nancy Pelosi, the house leader, to call on the delegates to do just that.

    The penultimate day of the convention also heard Bill Clinton, the former president giving Obama a ringing endorsement.

    Nominated by Acclamation

  19. Give Florida to McCain, RCP has, in its "no leaners" map.

    Without New Mexico and Colorado, it makes no difference. Those are the key States, this cycle.
    Those descendents of Mexicans, they'll be the swing vote, just as Rove said they would.

  20. Doc Weiss on C2C is interesting.

  21. I'm thinking McCain will go with Romney, in hopes of getting Michigan.

  22. Never have been, doug.

    Just fun to watch. Without AZ Governor Napalitano in the VP slot for Obama, AZ will go for Maverick.

    My work is done after I cast my vote for Mr Shadegg, in the election of 2008. It is all just entertainment from here on out.

  23. Are there 300,000 disaffected Romney supporters in MI that would not vote for McCain without Romney by his side?

    Is McCain that far from the mainstream of the GOP, in MI?

  24. With Michigan, he could win with Indiana,( which is now leaning McCain, on the map I'm looking at) Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, and lose Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico.

  25. Don't know, but why else would he choose Romney? Romney might help a little in Nevada. Maybe he won't pick Romney.

  26. Romney is every bit the loser that Biden is.

    McCain will carry Utah without him.
    Won't carry Mass with him.

    MI, the spread, today, is 300,000 votes. Romney does not have that kind of draw, there, I don't believe.

  27. You might be right, about Michigan. Karl Rove, I believe, has been trying to push Romney on McCain. Rove seems to think Lieberman wouldn't work on the ticket.

    Iowa looks to out of reach for McCain at his time. Shouldn't have mouthed off about ethanol.

  28. Jooos are sposed to really like big night Rallies with a Hypnotic Demogogue in control of a rapt crowd's emotions.

  29. Is this big shindig taking place after the sun goes down? That's what you want for maximum effect. Get those spot lights shining up to sky, have the torches blazing, that sort of thing. Anything to do away with rationality, bring out the primal. Bond them masses into unity.

  30. We may date Thursday, August 28, 2008 as the date when the country really started going to hell.

    On that happy thought, grrrnite.

  31. Hey,
    Wretch has all the threads closed down!

  32. In Case you missed Doug's live blogging which he did watching the entertainment of 13 Aug:

    Doug said...
    Kid's current Ladyfriend is Mexican.
    Legal, Born in the USA.
    Wed Aug 27, 08:07:00 PM EDT
    Doug said...
    (assuming Hawaiian Certificates of Birth still count!)
    Wed Aug 27, 08:08:00 PM EDT
    Doug said...
    Wed Aug 27, 08:10:00 PM EDT
    Doug said...
    Wed Aug 27, 08:11:00 PM EDT
    Doug said...
    The Slippery Slope is Lubed with OIL!
    Wed Aug 27, 08:13:00 PM EDT
    Doug said...
    "Truth to Power"

    I love that man.
    Wed Aug 27, 08:15:00 PM EDT
    Doug said...
    Oil and SNAKE OIL.
    Wed Aug 27, 08:17:00 PM EDT
    Doug said...
    Black Female Cmd Sgt Major:
    First speaker that doesn't sound brain dead.
    (except for her choice for POTUS)
    Wed Aug 27, 08:24:00 PM EDT
    Doug said...
    buddy larsen said...

    Bobal, just drop a coupla D cells into yer skivvies
    buddy larsen said...

    oops –i wrote re ”orgone box” before i realized complaints were piling up. Ok, here’s what, a lot of sloppy thinking over the years has got us in a jam, and now it looks like a planned job. either that, or we’ve been infiltrated by the Reds, and they are now everywhere. Maybe WE are the Reds –ever think about THAT?
    Wed Aug 27, 08:37:00 PM EDT

  33. I personally read almost every post. Everyone knows what I think. I enjoy reading and discuss their points of view, but mostly it helps me get a sense of where the general interest lies.

    Love it or leave it.

    You gotta learn how to relax. These temper tantrums are going to take years from your life. Another outburst like that and I just don't know.

  34. All this pomp and circumstance just reminds me of John Belushi in his Animal House toga.

    Shirley they can't be serious.
