Monday, August 25, 2008

ErectUs intErrUptus

EU President Rules Out Sanctions Against Russia
By Lisa Bryant Voice of America
25 August 2008

Current EU president France has ruled out sanctions against Russia as European Union leaders consider ways to pressure Moscow to fully comply with a ceasefire agreement. Lisa Bryant reports from Paris that EU leaders will meet next week to discuss the crisis in Georgia.

In an interview on French public radio Monday, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the European Union did not foresee sanctions against Russia, even though Moscow continues to have troops in Georgia.

Kouchner said the worst had been avoided in Georgia and the majority of Russian troops had retreated from Georgian territory.

Kouchner spoke a week before European leaders meet in Russia to decide how to deal with the Georgian crisis that flared up over the breakaway region of South Ossetia. France currently holds the rotating presidency of the 27-member European Union. Acting on behalf of the bloc, French President Nicolas Sarkozy flew to Russia and to Georgia earlier this month to negotiate a cease-fire after clashes between the two over South Ossetia.

The EU divided over how to deal with Russia, with some members wanting a tougher position against Russia than others.

Moscow has refused to fully retreat from Georgia, arguing the cease-fire deal gives it the right to keep some forces there. On Monday, Russia's lower house of parliament vowed to back independence for South Ossetia and another breakaway region in Georgia.

Kouchner said it was important to control the corridor in which the Russian forces patrol - and it would be easier after the summit to send observers from the EU and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to Georgia to monitor the cease-fire.


  1. Since the EU seems to be wimping out, the eastern European countries should be looking to their own defense. Max Boot

  2. OT, but re: the birth cert

    If we were to list the "Obama is unfit because" rumors, would you peg them at 10-12 over the past 3-4 months?

    How do you beat the bloggers? You can try to avoid a Dan Rather moment yourself; your goal should be to make the opposition to stumble upon a Dan Rather moment.

    Perhaps you apply a predator satiation strategy: give them more red meat than they know what to do with. Bloggers presumably have less process prior to publishing and broadcasting a message, so you may be able to subdue them insofar as you occupy them with the BS du jour.

    You would not need an orchestrated campaign to disseminate an abundance of implausible baseless but delicious scandal. (inadvertentnly, bloggers are revealed to be vulnerable to mercenary interests as much as the MSM). Any side that could not sift well through the scandals, would be left at the tender mercies of, in our case, how much positive feedback there is re: McCain and Obama.

    So, might this mean Obama remains a blank slate because no lense is really looking at him, be it a blogger or the MSM?

  3. If russia were to pay to solve its problems, how much would it cost, money being one of the few things on its side, if I understand things right?

  4. * As of 2006, OECD Europe produced 55% of its own natural gas with the majority of gas imports coming from Russia and Algeria.

    (Russian ng roughly 5X Algerian ng on my piechart, c2006)

    So, how do you make up about a third of Europe's shortfall of heating fuel before winter? You don't. You avoid pissing off the bear.

  5. Exactly lineman.

    Per chance the 10th SFG is being deployeed, per chance not.
    I certainly do not know, fer sur.

    The Russians are not behaving as if they are over extended. Nor, from wha is publicly visible do they seem nervous, but for their vodka quality challenge.

    There is little to be done, now, except for the Europeans to grin and bare it.

  6. Netherlands and Norway are net exporters. Both have placed ceilings on allowable extraction rates to prolong reserves. Norway has gone further by banning further exploration for North Sea natural gas deposits, also presumably to extend their peak extraction plateau.

  7. Monday, August 25, 2008

    US Flotilla Transits Turkey Arrives In Georgia

    From Simon's post:

    MOUNT WHITNEY (MTW) serves as the Command Ship for Commander, SIXTH Fleet/ Commander, Joint Command Lisbon/Commander, Striking Force NATO and has a complement of 150 enlisted personnel, 12 officers and 150 Civilian Mariners from Military Sealift Command. MTW was the first U.S. Navy combatant to permanently accommodate women on board.


    The ship's afloat communications capability is second to none. MTW can receive, process and transmit large amounts of secure data from any point on earth through HF, UHF, VHF, SHF, and EHF communications paths. This technology enables the Joint Intelligence Center and Joint Operations Center to gather and fuse critical information while on the move. As the most sophisticated Command, Control, Communications, Computer, and Intelligence (C4I) ship ever commissioned, MTW incorporates various elements of the most advanced C4I equipment and gives the embarked Joint Task Force Commander the capability to effectively command widely dispersed air, ground and maritime units in an integrated fashion.

  8. the russians have enormous cash reserves. They could shut off oil for the winter and drive the price of oil in the west to 300@barrel. given how frail the US banking system is currently--I think the added oil shock would be pretty deadly.

    it would be a game changer.

    would the russians do that? if they were pushed far enough.

    what's too far?

    we're finding out now. in theory the USA Admin understands the stakes and the dangers.

  9. rat: Per chance the 10th SFG is being deployeed, per chance not.
    I certainly do not know, fer sur.

    The Boston Herald reported: "The 10th Special Forces Group's penchant for secrecy is so exacting the base publicist didn't know the unit had gone to war until they were on their way home from Operation Desert Storm."

    As it should be...or maybe the pio was just playing the Herald reporter. Good in either case.

  10. (not specifically about that, I guess)

  11. More on Obama's Birth Certificate

    The Annenberg Political Factcheck website has published...

    Tells me about all I need to know from that fact checker.

  12. "This autumn Yandex is planning to float on the Nasdaq exchange. A group of western investment funds that in 2000 gave the company some £2.5m is expected to sell about £700m worth of shares."
    Don't miss this chance to help subsidize the Rape and Pillage of Russia's neighbors, and give Pootie another wealth generator when it grows large enough to seize.
    Buy that rope, boys!

  13. Can the Europeans do anything? Suppose is is true that they cannot. If that were so then they have to take anything the Russians dish out. They would be hapless witnesses to the reconstitution of the Soviet Re-union. There would be no provocation that could be answered. Obviously, that is not the case.

    Europe is simply making a realpolitik decision that Georgia is not worth it. It is expendable. Maybe it is. One would have to assume that others may be as well.

    In that case, the Eastern Europeans better start sorting it out and asking some direct questions and get straight and clear answers.

    The obvious long term solution is the quaint economic theory of import replacement. For Europe that import is oil and gas from Russia. That joint decision would have the Russians nervous way before the actual reduction would take place. The reason is that over time it is practical and doable and other than energy, timber and minerals, the Russians have very little left that is worth buying.

    The EU has options. whether they choose to use them is another matter. If they choose to use their more than ample testosterone, they will find a willing partner in the US.

    Bobal is right, if necessary the US should go it alone with the Eastern Europeans.

  14. Hey, Teresita:
    Where did you get that scan of the Hawaii Newspaper announcing the Messiah's Birth?

  15. "Europe is simply making a realpolitik decision that Georgia is not worth it.
    It is expendable.
    Maybe it is. One would have to assume that others may be as well.
    Too bad the Wuss was too engaged in Volleyball to bother himself with authorizing an almost Bloodless B-2 Mission to close the tunnel.

  16. "DENVER - At the first official event Sunday of the Democratic National Convention, a choir belted out a gospel song and was followed by a rabbi reciting a Torah reading about forgiveness and the future.

    Helen Prejean, the Catholic nun who wrote "Dead Man Walking," assailed the death penalty and the use of torture.

    Young Muslim women in headscarves sat near older African-American women in their finest Sunday hats.

    Four years ago, such a scene would have been unthinkable at a Democratic National Convention. In 2004, there was one interfaith lunch at the Democratic gala in Boston.
    Pay no attention, folks, Black Muslims aren't really Muslims any more than Black Liberation theology is Marxist.

  17. The Russians may be becoming computer literate; but, I'll guarantee you, they'll never learn "business." They're sowing the seeds of their own financial destruction as we type.

    The country that's most vulnerable to their FF manipulation is the Germans, and I'll guarantee they're working like hell, right now, to develop biogas. Of all the countries I can think of, they're the one that can do it if they feel threatened enough.

    The Russians are going to F... this one up; Bet on it.

  18. Deuce and Bob,

    Another twist is that the Eastern Europeans might have some subtle leverage over their "wimpy" western neighbors. The pipelines traverse Ukraine and Poland.

    Also, for perspective, regarding the energy threatened by the Russian actions in Georgia, if I recall correctly, it's only about 2-3% of world energy market, or about the same as the North Sea contribution. This amount could be significant to Europe, but globally, it's less significant.

  19. "DENVER (AP) - Michelle Obama cast herself and husband Barack as people guided by bedrock American values and a desire to improve the world for their two daughters and all children in her address Monday to the Democratic National Convention.

    She was slotted as the showcase speaker on Day One of the convention, and her mission was to help voters get to know the Democratic nominee as a husband and father, as someone who understands the problems that families face every day.

    "We want our children - and all children in this nation - to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them," she said in excerpts released in advance of her appearance.
    I'm going to encourage the Kid to take his kids to KKK meetings so they will pick up bedrock American values.

    I'll homeschool them on the dream of (other people) not becoming part of the money culture.

  20. Rufus will inform us how quickly the North Sea is goin dry.

  21. "She has reminded voters that he can be sloppy. She scolds him for leaving a clogged toilet for her to handle."
    Hadn't heard that one!
    I'd bet none of the Paleo Barmembers ever tried THAT one!

  22. I was depressed last night so I called Lifeline.

    Got a call center in Pakistan .

    I told them I was suicidal.

    They got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck.

  23. Too bad the Wuss was too engaged in Volleyball to bother himself with authorizing an almost Bloodless B-2 Mission to close the tunnel.

    You're dreaming.

    Russia had already covered this with their major routing via Kodori Gorge. CPT Charles gave us the scenario.

    The blame should be shared as well with CIA and DoS intelligence feeds to Bush. The buildup and movements had to be known. How much data and analysis was received by Bush/Cheney, I wonder?

  24. How much data and analysis was received by Bush/Cheney, I wonder?

    Good question. Considering the last National Intelligence Estimate on Iran, one gets the distinct feeling some segments of the government have their own agenda.

  25. Charles: They could shut off oil for the winter and drive the price of oil in the west to 300@barrel. given how frail the US banking system is currently--I think the added oil shock would be pretty deadly.

    France has an Strategic Petroleum Reserve with an approximate size of 65 million barrels. Germany's SPR is 250 million barrels. Spain has a 120 million barrel SPR. Every nation in the EU is required to have similar reserves. Russia exports 1.3 million barrels per day to Europe through their pipelines. So Europe is prepared to wait it out. The stuff that comes by tanker, if cut off by Russia, could be made up by diverting other tankers. The oil "shock" would be modest, but Russia would see 20% of the GDP sliced to zero, for three months while they lived on cash reserves they intended to keep for the post-peak oil era.

  26. UNITY
    Barack Obama’s campaign has written the Department of Justice demanding a criminal investigation of the “American Issues Project,” which sponsored an ad linking the candidate with William Ayers.
    Obama general counsel Bob Bauer argued “that by advocating Obama’s defeat, the ad should be subject to the contribution limits of federal campaign law, not the anything-goes regime of issue advocacy. …”

  27. Hey T,
    PLEASE tell me where you got that Hawaii Newspaper Clip.

  28. It is not a cut off of the energy, but its' regulation that is the new tipping point.

    Energy is not fungible. Infrastructure of adequate capacity must exist to transport and process it.

    Those Europeans, Ms T, they are no more willing to "tap" their reserves than the US is willing to tap its, to control pricing spikes.

    The energy flows that are meaningful, politically, are in the margins, still.

  29. That makes sense, doug.
    It is not issue oriented, to smear Obama for his associations with other folk.

    Not under McCain-Feingold.

  30. Linear:
    I confess ignorance of Cpt Charles scenario.
    (Thot I read it at the time)
    Wouldn't the Gorge Route be easy to close also?

  31. Thank God for John, Russ, W, and the Supremes!

  32. "capacity must exist to transport and process it."
    Our refinery situation must be one of our largest national security vulnerabilities.

  33. Free speech is not,
    thanks to John McCain,
    Maverick of the Senate.

    Who said, to paraphrase "Good Government is more important than Constitutional Government"

    well, what McCain actually said

    ... my abridgement of First Amendment rights, i.e. talking about campaign finance reform....I know that money corrupts....I would rather have a clean government than one where quote First Amendment rights are being respected, that has become corrupt. If I had my choice, I’d rather have the clean government.

    "Clean Government" under Obama/Biden
    Regulating speech, that's the kind of conservation of liberty we have, thanks to Maverick McCain.

  34. Yes, doug, which is why more than just one B2 would have had to have been involved.

    But also, yes, very doable, tacticly, to have closed the Gorge.
    Inflicting high enough casualties on the Russians, with that success credited to the Georgians, that Pootie would have pulled back.

  35. "If I had my choice, I’d rather have the clean government."
    So much for Constitutional Govt.
    John is Pro-Choice!

  36. Good governemt is more important than Constitutional liberties and process, to John Maverick McCain.

    Will Obama/Biden provide good government, we all know they will limit those Constitutional liberties, as much as they can.

    McCain has empowered government at the expense of the Constitution and the people.

  37. So has W.
    True New Conservatives.

  38. Alliance

    RETURNING To mexico


    Dear MRC Friend,

    Fox News is reporting that streams of illegal immigrants are heading
    home to Mexico. In fact, the report said the exodus numbers are the
    highest they've been in decades!

    So why are they leaving?

    For years we've heard the excuses that our nation cannot
    possibly round up 13-20 million illegal aliens. For years
    we've answered their excuse saying "we don't have to."

    MRC Friend, as this report suggests, if the Federal government
    enforces existing immigration laws by taking away jobs, housing, and
    social benefits illegal aliens will leave on their own.

    So far this year 1.3 million have decided the grass is greener in
    their homeland. And since last August, the illegal immigrant
    population has dropped 11 percent!

    Of course the media suggest the exodus is due to a soft economic
    market, and/or an "unjust" tightening of the laws.

    I disagree. I believe grassroots Americans like you and I are making
    all the difference in the world.

    We are tired of footing the financial bill for illegals. We are sick
    of losing our jobs to illegals, and we are pushing back.

    This is the result. Our "no more!" attitude is resonating--but we
    must continue to press in on our elected officials--demanding existing
    laws are enforced, double-layered fencing is built as promised.

    MRC Friend, this battle won't be won until all of our
    borders are secure and every person living in the United States
    is here legally.

    By the time the November elections arrive, I need an army of at
    least 750,000 citizens mobilized and ready to take action against
    the next anticipated push to open our borders, and I'm counting
    on you to help!

    So MRC Friend, pat yourself on the back for a job well-done, and
    then forward this message to your friends. Help me keep our team strong
    and vigilant right through the finish line!


  39. Rat, do you see any evidence of Mexicans going home down your way?

  40. Doug: PLEASE tell me where you got that Hawaii Newspaper Clip.

    Reason Online

    That reminds me, I need to link to that site from my blog.

  41. "Have you noticed that there are no photos of Obama as an infant?"
    Wouldn't any stock Baby Messiah Pics Suffice?


    Do Unto Others

  43. It seems possible that Obama was born in Kenya. Grandma Obama seems to have said so, if reports are true. She'd know. A Kenyan birth, then scoot home, does seem to explain some things. Wait and see what happens.

  44. jeez, they have Gavin Newsom, mayor of San Francisco, speaking as the DNConvention? Glad I'm not watching.

  45. "De Waal's team next will see whether giving is rewarding to capuchins because they can eat together or if the monkeys simply like to see the other monkey enjoying food."
    Glad I don't have to go to school again, such questions bring on brain freeze at my age.

  46. Desert Rat: McCain has empowered government at the expense of the Constitution and the people.

    McCain has described Alito and, especially, John Roberts as currently sitting judges he likes. He said the two "would serve as the model for my own nominees if that responsibility falls to me."

    Obama criticized Roberts claim that he acted as an umpire. "But the issues that come before the court are not sports; they’re life and death," Obama argued. "We need somebody who’s got the empathy to recognize what it’s like to be a young teenage mom."

    Shit, Obama will probably nominate a young teenage mom to SCOTUS.

  47. @ BC
    Doug said,
    bobal said…
    jeez, they have Gavin Newsom, mayor of San Francisco, speaking as the DNConvention? Glad I’m not watching.

    You don’t even want to know this the depth of this man’s perversity if you don’t already know.

  48. Shit, Obama will probably nominate a young teenage SINGLE mom to SCOTUS.

  49. Bobal: jeez, they have Gavin Newsom, mayor of San Francisco, speaking as the DNConvention? Glad I'm not watching.

    I toldjah that before, bobal, but you said it was good for a few laughs. I've got my still photo of the Democrat Convention, that's all I need.

  50. GREAT, no Trashcans @BC to clean "THIS" up.

  51. Slade finds that offensive, please delete it T!

  52. "De Waal's team next will see whether giving is rewarding to capuchins because they can eat together or if the monkeys simply like to see the other monkey enjoying food."

    What we need to know is if the behavior of sharing has a survival advantage.

  53. Doug: Shit, Obama will probably nominate a young teenage mom to SCOTUS.

    Sure, that one knocked up by that Davis fellow, as mentioned a couple threads ago: “I’m not one to go in for Lolitas. Usually I’d rather not bed a babe under 20. But there are exceptions. I didn’t want to disappoint the trusting child. At her still-impressionistic age, a rejection might be traumatic, could even cripple her sexually for life.”

  54. But also, yes, very doable, tacticly, to have closed the Gorge.
    Inflicting high enough casualties on the Russians, with that success credited to the Georgians, that Pootie would have pulled back.

    Speculation, with due respect.

    Run a battalion of sappers down the gorge to clear the debris and reopen it. Accompanied by Reuters and AP photographers. A heavy equipment platoon could have cleared the road in a day or less. How many B2 strikes and reopening cycles? Rinse and repeat. CPT Charles scenario also called for a brigade of the 82nd AB in the ridge country to man the approaches, as I recall. But we're not debating his scenario.

    Would Pootie have pulled back, or doubled down? His train at that stage would have extended north from the gorge a long way, and had momentum. This wasn't a police action.


    Doug, Cpt Charles scenario:
    EB: comments Sun Aug 10, 07:36:00 AM EDT (as lifted from BC).

  55. from T.'s link--

    Lenin's Revolutionary Decree on Land

    Decree on Land
    (1) Landed proprietorship is abolished forthwith without any compensation.

    (2) The landed estates, as also all crown, monastery, and church lands, with all their livestock, implements, buildings and everything pertaining thereto, shall be placed at the disposal of the volost land committees and the uyezd Soviets of Peasants' Deputies pending the convocation of the Constituent Assembly.

    (3) All damage to confiscated property, which henceforth belongs to the whole people, is proclaimed a grave crime to be punished by the revolutionary courts. The uyezd Soviets of Peasants' Deputies shall take all necessary measures to assure the observance of the strictest order during the confiscation of the landed estates, to determine the size of estates, and the particular estates subject to confiscation, to draw up exact inventories of all property confiscated and to protect in the strictest revolutionary way all agricultural enterprises transferred to the people, with all buildings, implements , livestock, stocks of produce, etc.
    Peasant Mandate on the Land
    "The land question in its full scope can be settled only by the popular Constituent Assembly.

    The most equitable settlement of the land question is to be as follows:

    (1) Private ownership of land shall be abolished forever; land shall not be sold, purchased, leased, mortgaged, or otherwise alienated.

    All land, whether state, crown, monastery, church, factory, entailed, private, public, peasant, etc., shall be confiscated without compensation and become the property of the whole people, and pass into the use of all those who cultivate it.

    Persons who suffer by this property revolution shall be deemed to be entitled to public support only for the period necessary for adaptation to the new conditions of life.

    There's more, but you get the drift.

  56. with that success credited to the Georgians

    I do believe the Russians would have rapidly figured out that it wasn't the Georgians dropping megatons of bombs from the sky in the middle of the night. Also, I think the Russians would have no trouble keeping the Roki Tunnel open through the winter, as some have speculated.

    In short, our options seem limited, unless we are looking for major combat.

  57. Quess I'll go and see if I can catch Michelle's speech.

  58. Tell your wife to pull you off if you become paralyzed.

  59. Gay Rights
    Being gay or lesbian is not a choice. (Nov 2007)
    Decisions about marriage should be left to the states. (Oct 2007)
    Homosexuality no more immoral than heterosexuality. (Oct 2007)
    Ok to expose 6-year-olds to gay couples; they know already. (Sep 2007)
    Has any marriage broken up because two gays hold hands? (Aug 2007)
    We need strong civil unions, not just weak civil unions. (Aug 2007)
    Legal rights for gays are conferred by state, not by church. (Aug 2007)
    Disentangle gay rights from the word "marriage". (Aug 2007)
    Gay marriage is less important that equal gay rights. (Aug 2007)
    Gay rights movement is somewhat like civil rights movement. (Aug 2007)
    Let each denominations decide on recognizing gay marriage. (Jul 2007)
    Supports health benefits for gay civil partners. (Oct 2006)
    Opposes gay marriage; supports civil union & gay equality. (Oct 2006)
    Marriage not a human right; non-discrimination is. (Oct 2004)
    Include sexual orientation in anti-discrimination laws. (Jul 1998)

  60. EB: comments Sun Aug 10, 07:36:00 AM

  61. Thank you for posting an important part of Mr. Obamas platform. We Can

    Thanks again

  62. John Edwards calling former staffers asking for forgiveness

    DENVER - John Edwards is burning up the phone lines, begging former aides and backers to forgive him for lying about his affair - but hearing their rage instead.

    As Democrats kick off their convention Monday, the onetime presidential contender is a man without a party - or a political future - trying to rebuild bridges through dozens of remorseful phone calls.

    It's proving a hard sell with onetime true believers.

  63. Watched the speech. What a load of fatuous pap.

  64. Doug: As Democrats kick off their convention Monday, the onetime presidential contender is a man without a party - or a political future - trying to rebuild bridges through dozens of remorseful phone calls.

    If only the Donks had picked Edwards instead of Obama, we'd be in fat city. "Not another liberal with a southern drawl who betrays his wife." All we got on Obama is his affiliation with pedos, terrorists, communists and socialists, no where near the shocker of a Love Child.

  65. MIchelle looked very nice, spoke well, but didn't say anything beyond the usual feel good stuff. There--there's Joe Biden!

  66. Watched the speech. What a load of fatuous pap.

    So Michelle Obama loves America now.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. bob, yes, the economic depression in the construction and related industries here have dried up the jobs.
    I've heard of a few that refinanced their homes in the US, abandoned them, and went back to Mexico with the proceeds.
    At the lower end of the spectrum, though, the drop houses are still full and thousand still come north, each and every day. To gain the opportunity to refinance their piece of the American dream, and then go home.

    Sure, slade, it is speculation. If the Russians surged on, regardless, we'd know just how effective we'd be in Ukraine and just how serious the Russians really are, or are not.

    Michelle hit a homer, whether fatuous pap or home grown convictions.
    She certainly loves America, now

  69. DR: I've heard of a few that refinanced their homes in the US, abandoned them, and went back to Mexico with the proceeds.

    Serves the dummies right who ponied up for that. But now the taxpayers are bailing them out.

  70. Michelle Obama appearing as June Cleaver is really a stretch.

  71. Frick and Frack at MSNBC reported there was not a dry female eye in the building, when Michelle was finished speaking.

    It was Michelle's introduction to Middle America, I'd say she accomplished her mission.
    And did it well, She performed like a trooper, whether stretched like one, or not.

  72. Michelle Obama appearing as June Cleaver is really a stretch.

    Then next week they should send Cindy McCain out there in Big Trailer Court Hair, blue eye shadow, a half tshirt, and sandals from Payless.

  73. Tharin Gartrell, et al.

    A real blow to the neo-nazis, losing their brain trust, and all... of the suspects "was directly asked if they had come to Denver to kill Obama. He responded in the affirmative."

    ...police arrested 28-year-old Tharin Gartrell. He was driving a rented pickup truck in an erratic manner according to sources.

    ...police found two high-powered, scoped rifles in the car along with camouflage clothing, walkie-talkies, a bulletproof vest, a spotting scope, licenses in the names of other people and methamphetamine.

    ...that man...jumped out of a sixth floor hotel window. Law enforcement sources say the man broke an ankle in the fall and was captured moments later.

    Too bad about his ankle, he'd probably have gotten away if he landed on his head.

  74. Sixth floor?

    He jumped to the ground?

    That be almost seventy feet.

  75. So Michelle Obama loves America now.

    hehe, I thought that very thing as she was speaking those words.

    If they lose, she'll go back to hating the country.

  76. Sixth floor?

    He jumped to the ground?

    It was on TV, and Doug linked it, so it must be true.

  77. If all you knew of Michelle Obama was what you saw tonight, she came over well. Nice looking, young, enthusiastic, well spoken. Like Rat says, a homer, if that's all you know about her.

  78. They best keep Cindy McCain in the trailer court.

  79. one of the suspects "was directly asked if they had come to Denver to kill Obama. He responded in the affirmative.

    He obviously didn't watch the video I posted about never, ever talking to the police.

  80. DENVER - Michelle Obama declared "I love this country" Monday as she sought to reassure the nation that she and her husband Barack share Americans' bedrock values and belief in a dream of a better future.

    In the first major address at the Democratic National Convention, Michelle Obama described herself as a daughter, a sister, a wife and a mother, no different from many women. She told a boisterous crowd waving signs reading "Michelle" that she and her husband feel an obligation to "fight for the world as it should be" to ensure the promise of a better life for their daughters and all children.

    Michelle Obama talked about tucking in her daughters Malia and Sasha at night.

    "I think about how one day, they'll have families of their own. And one day, they — and your sons and daughters — will tell their own children about what we did together in this election. They'll tell them how this time, we listened to our hopes, instead of our fears. How this time, we decided to stop doubting and to start dreaming," she said.

    Michelle Obama's mission was to humanize her husband and convince skeptical voters to look past his unusual name and exotic background to envision him as the next president. Barack Obama has repeatedly faced questions about whether he's a real American.

    She also used the address to dismiss questions about her patriotism. Republicans have criticized her comments earlier this year that she was "really proud" of her country for the first time. Her answer at the convention was to express her love of country.

    The Obamas' two daughters joined their mother on stage after the speech as Stevie Wonder's "Isn't She Lovely" blared from in the convention hall.

  81. Drought stricken, Iran buys US wheat for first time in 27 years

    Aug 25

    Wracked by drought, Iran has turned to the United States for wheat for the first time in 27 years, marking a setback for Tehran's search for agricultural self-sufficiency.
    According to a recent US Department of Agriculture report, Iran has bought about 1.18 million tonnes of US hard wheat since the beginning of the 2008-2009 crop season in June.

    The number, which has been growing steadily all summer, already represents nearly 5.0 percent of US annual exports forecast by the USDA.

    The last time Iran imported US wheat was in 1981-1982.

    "Number one -- they need to import a large amount of wheat," said Bill Nelson, a grains market analyst at Wachovia Securities. "If they need wheat right now, the US is the place to go."

    According to Nelson, Iran's wheat production has been hammered by several months of drought, with crop forecasts of roughly 10 million tonnes this year, about five million tonnes short of the country's needs.

    US wheat was the first to arrive on the markets, ahead of wheat from the European Union, Russia and Ukraine, and well before that from Australia, where the harvest is several months away.

    Although Iran is subject to a growing number of sanctions imposed by Western countries that want Tehran to suspend its nuclear enrichment program, these US grain exports, like those of medications, are "legal and encouraged," a State Department spokesman, Robert McInturff, told AFP.

    I don't like it, but wheat embargos don't work. We'd sell to A, then A, or mayby B, would sell to Iran.

  82. "It was on TV, and Doug linked it, so it must be true."

  83. SO what would happen if either he or John died at this point, class?

  84. Just your everyday jump, 'Rat.

  85. SO what would happen if either he or John died at this point, class?

    1st scenario: BHO dies at this point. Hillary gets the nomination. Republicans win in landslide as Democrats run the most hated woman in the U.S.

    2nd scenario: Both BHO and John die at this point. Hillary gets the nomination. Republicans win in landslide as Democrats run the most hated woman in the U.S.

  86. 3rd scenario: John dies at this point. BHO/Biden ticket defeated in a landslide as Republicans have an opportunity to backup and pick a more viable candidate than the one that the MSM foisted off on them during the primary process.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. 2164th, why should "they" do anything? - So far this is only about shitty little countries becoming threats, not to survival, but ability to kill a small number of Westerners who were raised in the notion that it is their right to perfect safety and security….Or shitty little countries that provoke other shitty little countries. The list is not of impressive powers - the NORKs, Syria, Iraq, Iran, the failed nation of Pakistan!! Israel as the provoker of other shitty little nations?

    This is NOT the Chinese, the Germans, the Brazilians….

    And a complacent America - deeply in debt, reluctant to give up tax cuts for the rich, and adamently opposed to any Draft - is no longer in a position to be the world’s 9/11 Service.

    Certainly not in a position to start a war over yet another shitty little nation, Georgia, or the 7 other wars and “humanitarian interventions” the neocons want going tomorrow.

    We need to pull back, take a deep breath and realize our only immediate strategic rival is China. And our “mission” can no longer be spending trillions every decade bringing “freedom to the benighted”..our mission must be learning how to compete with China.

    It appears the public no longer thinks it is our “mission” to save the poor Afghanis, the noble Iraqis, the wonderful Darfurans or die for the Zionists and S Koreans - but to save America and our way of life - instead.

  89. C-4,I could accept spheres of influence. We could start with Venezuela.

  90. ..but then what about Poland and the baltic states?

  91. 2019.10.24酒店上班類型多,酒店工作求職者尋職時不一定都能了解職務接S(陪睡性交易)內容,台北知名酒店經紀公司為大學生、上班族酒店兼差就業特別製作應徵就業影片,邀請全國各地八大行業職場酒店小姐闡述工作甘苦並給予尋職建議,盼助酒店打工求職者找到適合工作。台灣有許多職業,許多求職者往往不瞭解酒店工作內容前往求職,才發現與想像中不同。知名酒店經紀梁曉尊/梁小尊指出:求職者常嚮往看似光鮮亮麗的酒店工作,但其實這些工作背後,卻往往有著難以想像的辛苦。為了避免在學大學生以及上班族兩大族群渴望酒店兼職求職者對職務期待有所落差,八大行業酒店經紀公司特別規劃製作「框出陪睡(性交易)」職業介紹影片,透過拍攝各行各業職場酒店小姐一日的工作內容,讓對這些職業有興趣與志向的求職者及大學生新鮮人更了解八大行業酒店上班產業趨勢與職務工作內容,做好求職前的準備工作。

  92. 2019.11.13台北知名酒店經紀11日發布薪資統計指出,受飯局陪睡、跨國援交業等行業經常性薪資成長趨緩影響,9月酒店工作的酒店小姐常性薪資年增率跌破2%、僅1.72%,創下近28個月最低。知名酒店經紀表示,市場八大行業經常性薪資年增率,近兩年酒店打工大都保持在2%以上,9月大學生兼差酒店上班跌破3%,主因為部分八大行業按月發放的績效獎金減少所致,包括制服店、便服店、禮服店、鋼琴酒吧、日式酒店、飯局、傳播,經常性薪資增幅都較低。酒店經紀統計上班族酒店兼職薪資年增率,近兩年除了兩個月(2017年11月、2019年2月)不到4%之外,其餘各月皆在3%以上,今年9月年增率2.33%,是2017年6月以來最低。

  93. 2020.07.08酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容酒店計算[1節190元],[時薪1080元],[日保6000元]
    酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?一般為一星期為一個結算薪水的單位,班別以(週報班)可以上3~5天班 當然天數越多 節數錢越多 收入也跟著水漲船高。
    酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?尤其特別族群大學生/上班族選擇酒店兼職酒店兼差,可依照白天課業或工作因素來配合晚間的班別! (1週上1天班 也可以的)
    我在酒店上班的日子營業時間下午3點~早上6點 這期間上滿6~7個鐘頭 看各家店規定不一 時段都可自選。
    下午:3點班、4點班、5點班、6點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
    晚間:7點班、8點班、9點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
    --Part-Time--無門檻, 無條件, 無天數 想賺現金的朋友,請把握時限。

  94. 2020.07.09弗洛伊德曾說過一句意義深遠的話,真實酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容的暗疾是渺小,偉大的暗疾是。 希望大家能發現話中之話。 問題酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?的核心究竟是什麼? 我們不妨可以這樣來想: 酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?在這種困難的抉擇下,本人思來想去,寢食難安。 而這些並不是完全重要,更加重要的問題是,儘管我在我在酒店上班的日子看似不顯眼,卻佔據了我的腦海。不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因我們不得不面對一個非常尷尬的事實,那就是,當前最急迫的事,想必就是釐清疑惑了。 每個人的一生中,幾乎可說碰到我在酒店上班的日子這件事,是必然會發生的。 韋斯利曾經說過,「人要隨時隨地利用所有的方法,使用各種手段,在有生之日,盡力為善。 」這段話可說是震撼了我。

  95. 2020.08.06【工作相關職場分享必看不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因】就算是酒店應徵也是有求職陷阱的!梁小尊來告訴你。
    梁曉尊來幫你解答: 酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?
    再來普羅大眾網路PTT時常發問: 酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?如果真的要應徵酒店小姐 有什麼要注意的?要如何保護自己?
    梁曉尊再教你另一種保護自己的方式: 透過Google搜尋酒店經紀的名稱,是否有相關事業! 。如果只是看到漂亮的網頁 ,但沒有任何內容也別輕易相信(因為很多不肖酒店人士,透過假網頁做非法之事)共同點 經紀人名稱Google搜尋不到,更沒有本人照片(女孩們千萬要特別注意)。
