Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Hillary's Horse

Hillary ekes out a victory in Indiana, but is trounced in North Carolina. There is no momentum and a bruised candidate is downing a Crown Royal or two in some hotel room. Tomorrow the reality of the fall will set in. The race is over and Hillary lost.


  1. I've known for some time that Hillary was toast, but that left Obama, and I was sitting there trying to find a reason to vote for the guy. Can't do it. Gotta go with McCain. That's not so much of a stretch though. He's centrist. McCain is not really going to have the Third Bush Term like Err America says he's gonna do.

  2. obama has nothing...

    the black vote and 25% of the democratic looney left..

    not enough for anything but a McGovern/Dukakas

    Obama is damaged goods

    Wright, Ayers, Rashid Khalidi to name a few

    if the dem's nominate this snake that used to be called barry, reagan dem's will be voting for mccain

  3. Obama IS nothing.
    ...but a phoney shell of a person.

  4. 96 arrested in San Diego State drug bust

    One of the non-students arrested today was connected to a Mexican gang in Pacoima.

    One alleged dealer was just a month away from earning a master's degree in homeland security and had worked with the campus police as a security officer, officials said. Another student who was arrested on suspicion of possession of cocaine and two guns was a criminal justice major, officials said.

    Kenneth Ciaccio, 19, a member of the Theta Chi fraternity, allegedly sent out a mass text-message to "faithful customers," saying that he was traveling to Las Vegas and would not be able to make his normal cocaine sales, the DEA said.

  5. Teresita ::wave:: welcome aboard the Straight Talk to speak. He's not a real Republican but its the best we can do this time.

    What is "occupation", there's a new Obama eruption that isn't getting a lot of traction because of the Reverend Wright stuff (forgive me if this has been noted on this blog earlier, I'm jumping right in):

    ...Chicago entrepreneur Robert Blackwell Jr. paid Obama an $8,000-a-month retainer to give legal advice to his growing technology firm, Electronic Knowledge Interchange. It allowed Obama to supplement his $58,000 part-time state Senate salary for over a year with regular payments from Blackwell's firm that eventually totaled $112,000...

    ...A few months after receiving his final payment from EKI, Obama sent a request on state Senate letterhead urging Illinois officials to provide a $50,000 tourism promotion grant to another Blackwell company, Killerspin...

    ...With support from Obama, other state officials and an Obama aide who went to work part time for Killerspin, the company eventually obtained $320,000 in state grants between 2002 and 2004 to subsidize its tournaments...

  6. Berg Integrated Systems is Native American owned

    This New Business we noticed on trips north, now we know what it is. Big building at Plummer, Idaho, and another sort of air bubble building at Tensed, Idaho. Kind of interesting for us, as nothing much has happened in thay area in my lifetime except some farming, and Fourth of July fireworks sales. Now the casino too, of course.

    Native American preferences apply of course. Whites not wanted:)

  7. Hillary's horse is headin' to West Virginia, for a mighty victory, and Kentucky too, land of thoroughbreds, and on to Oregon, Montana, and Puerto Rico too... aieyyeeyyeehoooo...a mighty wind is sweeping the nation!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Maybe if Hillary's Horse had had Hillary's ankles, she would not have had to be "euthanized."

  10. The old grey mare
    She ain't what she used to be
    Ain't what she used to be
    Ain't what she used to be...

    The old grey mare...

  11. Well, poor old Hillary. I can't see her dropping out, but maybe she will. If she'd won bigger in Indiana, and lost less in N. Carolina, things would look better for her, saying the obvious.

    Obama vs McCain.

    McCain wins. (I think) If they can keep him propped up long enough.

  12. Poor old Eight Belles got taken out for the insurance money.

  13. What would we do, Doug, if we had the call, and Hillary had two broken ankles?

  14. Still, in a sign of where the Clinton campaign is going, her aides are asserting that the winner will need 2,209 delegates, not 2,025. That higher number reflects the full inclusion of Florida and Michigan, which held their primaries before the date permitted by the Democratic Party.

    The goal of the Clinton campaign here is not just to get the delegate votes counted but also to get superdelegates to consider the popular vote Mrs. Clinton won in those two states; in some calculations that would put her over the top. The party’s Rules and Bylaws Committee is meeting in Washington at the end of the month to vote on an effort by the Clinton campaign to permit the seating of the delegations.

    “We’re going to argue that it’s going to take 2,209 to get to the magic number,” said Howard Wolfson, one of Mrs. Clinton’s chief strategists. “We’re going to argue that Florida and Michigan need to be seated full-strength.”

    Neigh, neigh,

  15. Show Jumping is where a rider rides a horse over a set course of horse jumps. There are many types of horse jumps such as the double oxer, triple oxer, gates, stone wall, cross rails, cavalvettis, tiger traps, liverpool, corner, and cross country jumps.

    That triple oxer sounds about right, Doug. We'll put her through that pace first, and, if she does well, give 'er the ol' tiger trap.

  16. Funny stuff

    Obama has nothing, but the nomination in his pocket.

    Billary doing so poorly that the Gore option may not survive as a viable scenario until Denver.

    Poor wi"o", now he's a DINO.
    Just as extinct.

    Rather vote for the cowboy mafia than a black man from Chi-town.

    Pastor Wright, fades in the mirror, as may Mr Hennsley and Kemper Marley. Not lkely.

  17. With guilt by association being the sign of the times, we'll be electing a car bombing terrorist to the White House, twice removed, if McCain wins.

    An issue that is more explosive than any of Pastor Wright's sermons.

    A tad more complicated a story, one that is accepted as "part of the landscape" out here in the hinterlands. But Hennsley, McCain's father-in-law was joined at the hip, with Kemper.

    Kemper who had that Don Bolles fellow blown to bits in downtown Phoenix.

    Max Dunlap, the cut out man on that hit, still doing hard time.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. McCain, allied with car bombers before car bombings were "cool".

    Guilt by association, McCain's been married to the mob for 28 years.

    Her daddy financing his first campaign for Congress. With Kemper financing her daddy.

    If McCain's age is not really an issue, why did he lie to Cindy about it, in 1979?

    They met in 1979 at a reception in Honolulu. “We both lied about our ages,” Cindy told a reporter. “I made myself older and he made himself younger.” Before they could marry, he had to divorce his first wife (although they still remain on good terms).

    Cindy has always supported her husband’s political ambitions; her father reportedly helped bankroll John’s first congressional race in 1982. But his first presidential campaign, in 1999, meant revisiting hard times in her life—particularly her addiction to the painkillers Percocet and Vicodin, which she started taking in 1989 after experiencing back pain. She hid her addiction, stealing the drugs from a charity she’d established to provide medical aid to developing countries. Her parents finally confronted her, and she quit “cold turkey” in 1992. No charges were filed, but she repaid the charity as part of a deal with prosecutors.

    John McCain, a carpet bagging gigilo with mob ties.

    He the man!

  20. I would not worry too much Rat. I see no way that McCain will win. He has a worse chance than Bob Dole. Rufus probably has it correct. The Democrats will win with belts and suspenders. They will have a veto proof Senate, a sixty seat majority in the House, new Democratic Governors and legislatures.

    Bush doomed the Republicans when he kept Cheney for a second term and Cheney was not a big enough a Republican to do it himself. The Republicans will be gone and hardly missed, for awhile.

    The Democrats will do their best to make the American people look again, and look they will. Michelle Obama will help.

  21. No news here.

    The Republicans could take some satisfaction out of the honest numbers in North Carolina.

    There were 1,548,000 voters in NC. Blacks made up 35% of the voters, 541,000. They voted 91 % for Hillary. That would mean 493,000 blacks voted for Obama. Hillary lost by 233,000 votes. Blacks always vote Democratic and obviously vote black.

  22. I wonder who McCain will pick for a running mate? Who for Obama? Always seems to mean more at election time than any other, unless, of course, someone stops breathing...

  23. you meant 91% for Obama, right, Duece?

  24. Sure did Gag, thanks for keeping it real!

  25. I have been fascinated by several things about Obama.

    One is when and why did he go black? He had a black father for about fifteen minutes and then it was his white mom and white grandparents in Nebraska. Not exactly Paterson, New Jersey.

    His wife has a serious attitude and sense of victimhood. What took Obama down that path and what does it say about who he really is?

  26. I still read the good old Stars and Stripes. This one reminds me of a time where I was banned from the BX. I was a young cocky GI and was buying some condoms in the BX. A very pretty gal who happened to be a colonel's daughter served me. ( I did not know who her father was). I had to ask her for them as they were kept behind the counter. She asked a logical question.
    " What type do you want?"
    I did the un-politic thing and asked her what kind did she recommend.

    Anyway here is some more genius from the Republicans:

    Soldiers Say Porn Ban May Hurt Morale
    Stars and Stripes | Seth Robson | May 05, 2008

    GRAFENWOHR, Germany -- Legislation that would restrict the sale of certain men's magazines on U.S. military bases around the world would be bad for morale, according to soldiers at Grafenwˆhr.
    U.S. Rep. Paul Broun, R-Ga., has introduced legislation that would close a loophole in the current law that allows the sale of some sexually explicit material on military bases by lowering the threshold required to deem material "sexually explicit."

    A Department of Defense committee that reviews materials sold on bases ruled last year that magazines such as Playboy and Penthouse are not pornographic. But Broun's Military Honor and Decency Act includes language that could make those magazines eligible for the ban.

    The prospect of missing out on men's magazines was not welcomed by soldiers at Grafenwˆhr.

    "We all read 'em," said Pfc. Paul Rubio, 31, of Bakersfield, Calif. "There are times we just read 'em for the technological parts like the new gadgets that come out. They have good stories sometimes too."

    Sgt. Simon Brown, 34, of Daytona Beach, Fla., said men's magazines build morale. "It's not all about the pictures, although 80 percent of it is," he said.

  27. 2164th, there used to be a "one drop" rule in America. If you have one drop of black blood in you, then you're black. Tiger Woods is part black, part white, and part Thai, but everyone looks at him as a "black golfer". Obama is half white and half black, but everyone looks at him as a black politician. That sucks, but it's where America is at right now when it comes to race. Obama is an intelligent man, he saw how things are, and he made decisions to deal with them, including a search for black "cred" which, unfortunately, led him to a relationship his mentor of 17 years, Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

    Terr-bear, the next time you launch into one of your boring Geek Girl Rants that has nothing to do with anything, please include a header that says "Proceed To The Next Post". Thanks!

  28. "..what does it say about who he really is?"

    A neutered horsey?

  29. What a revoltin' development.
    Chester A. Riley

  30. Funny stuff

    DR: Obama has nothing, but the nomination in his pocket.

    McGovern, Dukasas comes to mind... Oh yeah, Kerry, Gore...

    DR: Billary doing so poorly that the Gore option may not survive as a viable scenario until Denver.

    Billary and Empty Suit are splitting the Dems 50/50

    dr: Poor wi"o", now he's a DINO.
    Just as extinct.

    Yeah I am a DINO... A traditional democrat, call me scoop jackson if ya like... Strong on defense, strong on helping the sick and tired of welfare to the so called self created victims who live better than I...

    DR: Rather vote for the cowboy mafia than a black man from Chi-town.

    i could give a rat's ass about his sun tan...

    wright, ayers, nation of islam, khalid, the syrian money guy (friend of assad's) rezco

    I'd rather a crook & beer mob guy than an western hating, sleazy black lib theology, israel replacement, american killing terrorists supporting empty suit...

    If obama WINS the democratic nomination the modern day democrat party is finished, it will successfully be taken over by, a.n.s.w.e.r., code pink, nambla et al...

    if that is the party i am gone....

    yep i am a dino...

  31. Two separate sources in the Clinton orbit insisted Tuesday night it's now more likely Hillary will pursue her quest until the August convention in Denver - unless party leaders rise up en masse and publicly tell her it's time to stop. The math, after all, remains solidly in Obama's favor.

    "I can think of no reason why it would not go to the convention now," one top Hillary Democrat predicted. "Why should she get out?"

    Ugly Truth

    I think we'll see a vast exodus of Jewish voters from the Democratic Party this year. Bout time, in this heathen's view.

  32. Here's how the evil odds-maker Karl Rove sees the horse race. The dark horse runs behind the old mare, against the old stallion.

  33. Bobal: I think we'll see a vast exodus of Jewish voters from the Democratic Party this year. Bout time, in this heathen's view.

    Jews didn't bolt when Jimmy "Peace Not Apartheid" Carter was in there. Jimmy makes Obama look like David Ben-Gurion.

  34. Jimmah was white, Ms T.

    Obama, not.

    It'll make all the difference, wi"o"'s protestations aside.

    The Dems have been on the road they're on, like wi"o" mentioned, since McGovern. There are no POLICY differences tween Billary and Obama.
    Just differences in personality, gender and skin color.

    Take that back, there is the 90 day Federal gas tax holiday issue that divides them.

  35. Jimmah was more of an unknown, wasn't he? I doubt many Jews would vote for Jimmah today. Anyway, nobody seems to be returning Hillary's calls today, a very very bad sign, and a new experience for her, I'd bet. It may be over, alright.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Hasn't the polilcy history of the Democratic party been more genial to Isreal? Republicans tendancy in the past has been to let Israel fight it's own battles, you know, no nation building, no foreign entanglements unless the US national interest was at stake. When the religious conservatives gained the upper hand in the Republican party its support for Israel increased - the second coming and all...

  38. If you are looking for a survival set-up, check This out. Native American craftsmanship. Many options to choose from.

    Plan ahead for the Obama years. Don't be "left out in the cold".

  39. *Easily defensible
    *Diesel generators
    *Solar power options
    *Water purifier
    *Black out curtains
    *Emergency lighting
    *Military communications
    *Panic bar on main entrance door

    Hey, this ain't no tepee.

  40. Bob has written for price info from Berg Integrated, as a service to Elephant Bar members.

  41. Jimmah was white, Ms T.

    Obama, not.

    It'll make all the difference, wi"o"'s protestations aside.

    dear dr,

    your full of shit on this matter...

    it aint race..

    it's ideology

    Jimmy the dhimmi at the time he was elected president was a naval academy grad & gov of GA... He HIDE his dislike for the israelis until after camp david's stoy came out, all who watched him and his pal Zbigniew Brezinski work then learned about his jew hatred...

    Zbigniew Brezinski now is obama's #1 guy...

    Obama is for change! Kennedy & Carter redux..

    Dr, please do not project your race hatred on the Jewish people, we have no issue about a "black" winning the white house, we have an issue for a snake that hates the west, the jews, israel and all "white people" (cause they are satan)

  42. Look for Soros to pay Hill and O to play together on the same ticket. Feminists of color will come together like never before. Bliss will blow forth from Denver like a chinook wind of hope and change that will melt the nation's hardest hearts.

  43. WiO,

    Don't take it to heart. It's dRat trying to keep himself "busy".

  44. I'm betting they're asking 250k for that integrated command post/survival system.



    Published in the New York Post on May 7, 2008.

    She lost hard in North Carolina, and barely held on to win Indiana. Hillary Clinton just doesn't have enough straws left to clutch. The best (or worst) she can hope to do the rest of the way is bloody Barack Obama enough to make him lose in the fall, allowing her to come back in 2012.

    In fact, Obama basically clinched the nomination with his string of 11 straight primary and caucus wins in February, many by wipe-out margins - giving him a lead in elected delegates that Clinton couldn't hope to close, especially given the nutty proportional-representation rules that govern the Democratic Party.

    Do the math. Last night's results leave him with a lead among elected delegates of 150 or so, and among all delegates of around 130.

    Only a handful of states are left to vote, with a combined total of about 230 delegates. She'll probably win West Virginia, Kentucky and Puerto Rico - and lose Oregon, North Dakota, and Montana. She most likely could pick up a net 10 delegates, leaving him with a lead of at least 130 (110, counting in superdelegates).

    If Hillary manages to get Florida and Michigan seated (which she won't), she'll net another 47 delegates. So Obama, worst case, will have a lead of at least 60 delegates. Most likely, it'll be more than 100.

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Chairman Howard Dean have all made it clear that they expect superdelegates to decide who to support within (in Reid's words) "days, not weeks" after the last ballots are cast on June 3.

    In that environment, Obama - who'll be only about 100 delegates short of a majority - will be an irresistible choice. Few superdelegates will want to risk civil war by overruling the verdict of the voters - and almost all will want to climb aboard the victory bandwagon so as not to get shut out of the White House for four (or eight) years.

    In the past few months, Obama has closed Clinton's lead among superdelegates from 60 to 20. The trend will accelerate after popular voting ends; he'll probably pass the 2,025 threshold in the first two weeks of June.

    Clinton may stay in, hoping to can seat Florida and Michigan. But she won't win there, either.

    The Credentials Committee, which will make the key report, consists of three votes for each state or territory. The remaining contests will leave him with, at worst, a 10-state lead. Howard Dean names 25 committee members, but she can't prosper unless he stacks them all for her - and, if anything, he'll go the other way.

    Having lost there, her only option would be to appeal to the convention floor - where neither of the contested delegations can vote on their own credentials, virtually assuring an Obama victory on the credentials fight and the nomination.

    Clinton may well fight all the way - she's stubborn and dedicated. More, she's also farsighted and devious: She could hope to so bloody Obama that he can't beat John McCain. If McCain wins, she could get the Democratic nomination in 2012 - and, with McCain closing in on 76 and after 12 years of GOP rule, win.

    But one thing is clear: Obama has this nomination sewed up.

  46. Not all, boys, just stating the obvious.

    Where the Democrats are, and have been, ideologically, for years now.
    As wi"o" said, since McGovern.

    He listed the Democrtic candidates with the same ideolocial bent, by name.
    All of which he, as a Democrat, has supported, or he'd not be a Democrat. After all McGovern ran in 1972, that is 36 years of being on an ideological course.

    The only difference between Obama and the rest, Obama is black.

    On August 11, 1999, Clinton commuted the sentences of 16 members of FALN, a violent Puerto Rican nationalist group that set off 120 bombs in the United States mostly in New York City and Chicago, convicted for conspiracies to commit robbery, bomb-making, and sedition,

    Makes Mr Ayers a saint, by comparison.
    wi"o" and others support the ideology of the Democrats, just not the color of Obama's skin.

    If it was really Mr Ayers, as he wrote, Billary would not be acceptable, either.
    The FALN terrorists and their sentence commutation and release from prison proves the point.

  47. After all, Henry "Scoop" Jackson has been dead for 25 years.

  48. I agree with Rat. They're all the same. All the old democrats are dead.

    Invest now in an integrated modular compound, before the rush.
    I may be low on that 250k.

  49. With a buried integrated modular, you'd have ridden out this Storm

    Death toll reaches 100,000, or more.

  50. "If McCain wins, she could get the Democratic nomination in 2012 - and, with McCain closing in on 76 and after 12 years of GOP rule, win."

    McCain is a one term President. If he stirs the country away from oil and adopts the Green Agenda, there might be a chance for the Republicans in 2012.

  51. Cant I get somebody to buy me a drink for the "chinook" phrase? Whats wrong with you people, gas pumps taking all of your beer money or did I scare you away from my end of the bar. Quit hogging all of the popcorn down on your end but you can keep the nuts down there.

  52. A Chivas Regal and Mountain Dew for Joe Buzz.

  53. farmbob, thanks but do hold the dew. Cant handle the hard stuff.

  54. DR: wi"o" and others support the ideology of the Democrats, just not the color of Obama's skin.

    Desert Rat, I don't like WiO very much, but that doesn't translate into active hatred, so I can't give silent assent to this sort of thing. I've seen WiO go after Islam, but I don't recall a racist tone to his posts.

  55. Bobal quoted Dick Morris: If McCain wins, she could get the Democratic nomination in 2012 - and, with McCain closing in on 76 and after 12 years of GOP rule, win.

    One hitch to that scenario: Obama would be back in 2012 also, and there would be a whole lot of pissed-off black voters and yuppies who blamed Hillary for sabotaging the Dems in 2008. Normally the losing nominee of any party fades away (Kerry, Gore, Dole) but not this time.

  56. Did not say it was racism, Ms T.

    But it's not ideological, either.

    Zbig is an old line Democrat Presidental advisor, long time in the game. If he was the disqualifier, wi"o" would not be Democrat. Not since 1976, anyway.

    So, deat T, what is the difference, if not the skin color?
    It's not policy or ideology.
    Could be religious, I guess, but that, now, goes back to race, doesn't it?

  57. "Bush doomed the Republicans when he kept Cheney for a second term..."

    - dear host

    How d'ya figure?

  58. So, is one a misogynist if one choses Obama?

  59. I think he figures that if McCain had been VP then all would be well...?

  60. As mat has told us, time and again, religion for Jews is a racial thing.

    More than just racial, it's a family thing, he tells us.
    With the Ethiopian Jews getting the short end of the Jewish homeland story.

    More than 70,000 Ethiopian Jews living in Israel still have major difficulties integrating, nearly 20 years after the airlift which brought many of them from Africa.
    An Israeli report says that 75% of them cannot write Hebrew, and nearly half cannot hold a simple conversation in the lauguage.

    The report, commissioned by Israel's Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, says that the unemployment rate among the Ethiopian community in Israel is at least three times the national average.

    It adds that the cultural gap between the Ethiopians and other Israelis remains wide, and their Jewishness has been questioned by the religious authorities.

    While the Russians who have also had their "Jewishness" questioned fit right in to Israeli society.

  61. Desert Rat, I don't think it's religious. If we focus on the existence of Israel, you either admire them, ignore them, or despise them. Americans mostly admire Israel because it's really America Junior, a successful modern state and regional superpower carved out from nothing but a dry rocky land filled with hostiles. We look at what the settlers have made there and we see "Mini Me". Europeans range from ignoring them (out of guilt, perhaps, for the Holocaust) to being moderately annoyed by them. Muslims, of course, hate them, and black Christians in America tie into that a little bit, so you get Jesse Jackson calling New York "Hymietown" and Reverend Wright calling Israel racist. Obama himself doesn't express those things, but like many leaders in Europe he is clearly not aligned with the AIPAC agenda, so by the logic of "you're either with us or you support the terrorists" that somehow makes Obama a Jew hater.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. I've always thought Mats subscibed to the racial criteria for Jewishness (function of Mom) and W'iO as subscribing to the religious criteria of Jewishness. In either case Israel's quest to remain Jewish strikes me as problematic.

  64. A religion based upon a family tree is inherently racist, Ms T.

    It's not a matter of merit or belief, but blood that allows a person to be a true Jew, according to our Jewish contributors.

    Jews the only tribe to be the chosen people, by God, according to the Jews, anyway.

    Israel is not comparable to the US. Not by ideology or economics. Theirs is a socialist State, founded on Communistic beliefs.

    That they have survived is tribute to its' European immigrants and US weaponry. Israel, the last of the European colonies in the world.

    Going the same way as South Africa.
    Which was more comparable to the US than Israel ever has been.

    Trouble for South Africa, the Boers lost their War of Independence from England.

  65. Give those Ethiopians a generation.

    Did our new Christian friend Gorby sign off on Bumping The Pope?

  66. All the old groups thought they were the chosen ones. The Hebrews just published the idea in what turned out to be a popular book. Big deal among the Native Americans too. We're 'the real people', you aren't.

  67. ash said...
    Hasn't the polilcy history of the Democratic party been more genial to Isreal? Republicans tendancy in the past has been to let Israel fight it's own battles, you know, no nation building, no foreign entanglements unless the US national interest was at stake. When the religious conservatives gained the upper hand in the Republican party its support for Israel increased - the second coming and all...


    America has a mixed bag at being supportive for Israel.

    America has it's own interests after all and they do not always share the same path.

    without going into a history lesson about the USA and Israel there have been some "interesting" moments in the relationship...

    from the USA spying on Israel with the USS liberty, to Nixon trying to "punish" the israelis by allowing egypt to attack them to inflict "some humility" on them..

    currently we have a "reborn" christian leader in the whitehouse who has changed american policy when it comes to the israeli- arab issue...

    bush was the 1st us prez to announce the idea of an independent palestinian state, hardly pro-israeli.

    but in the end all US prez's have to try to appease the islamic jihadists until the get to the point of no return...

    this is not new...

    it started in 1783 when the islamic arabs from northern africa (illegal occupiers btw) attacked and declared war on us...

  68. All the primitives belived that, bob.
    It's true.

    Those that remain primitive, still believe it.

    Civilized folk know better.

    All people are deserving the inalienable rights from the Creator, not just the special people.

    The core difference between Israel and the US. Here we have universal sufferage, Israel leaves half of the people in it's territories politcally disenfranchised.

    Just as the South Africans did.
    Further example of the English colonial policies eventually coming a cropper.

    Large swaths of the native populations cannot be disenfranchised without causing long term discontent amongst those populations.

  69. "without going into a history lesson about the USA and Israel there have been some "interesting" moments in the relationship...

    from the USA spying on Israel with the USS liberty..."

    - what is

    ALL countries spy on one another, mat. ALL the time. And allies (or "allies") get especially good at this with one another. Some of it's kosher under the GC; some of it's decidedly not. But if it's "interesting," as you say, it's anything but exceptional. It's workaday. Where it's not being done, or done well, is where trouble often enters the picture.

  70. Obviously that was not for mat.

    (All you people look alike.)

  71. why were jews democrats?

    ....Twenty years after the birth of Israel, the Nazis were coming out of the closet in the United States. One of the most prominent Eastern European Fascists was Laszlo Pasztor, the founding chair of Nixon's Republican Heritage Groups council.

    it was the gop's support of nazis in america...

  72. The core difference between Israel and the US. Here we have universal sufferage, Israel leaves half of the people in it's territories politcally disenfranchised.

    dr speaks without knowing...

    Israel doesnt dienfranchise anyone in IT"S territories..

    as for the DISPUTED lands of the west bank and gaza?

    they overwhelming arabs are not citizens of israel, and the lands of gaza and the west bank are not annexed lands....

    nicely stated lies dr...

    try again...

  73. Large swaths of the native populations cannot be disenfranchised without causing long term discontent amongst those populations.

    dr stated

    so true, when over 1,000,000 NATIVE jews were dienfranchised and chased into the new state of israel by the overwhelming majority of arabs it did cause things to be nasty...

  74. Bob,

    ESP with lights, generator, basic electrical package ballpark $120,000


    Get your command post/survival module now.

  75. dr the NEW and improved Cedarford writes:

    desert rat said...
    A religion based upon a family tree is inherently racist, Ms T.


    1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
    2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
    3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

    nope that doesnt fit the jews... since DR doesnt know jack shit about Jewish beliefs otherwise he'd KNOW that the 7 laws of noah are for everyone and actually put the gentile above the jew in the eyes of the hebrew g-d

    DR: It's not a matter of merit or belief, but blood that allows a person to be a true Jew, according to our Jewish contributors.

    again, dr, there you go shooting off your mouth with no knowledge, a true jew? is one who either is born to a jewish mother or one who converts via an approved rabbinic board.

    dr, King david's grandma was a convert you dipshit... and we all know david was a true jew...

    dr, really less talkie more studying you wont sound like such a klansman

    dr: Jews the only tribe to be the chosen people, by God, according to the Jews, anyway.

    again, dr, your sounding like a retard... christians call us the chosen people, however if you'd pull your head out of your ass long enough to LEARN something about the faith/group you speak of you'd learn that Jews CHOSE to live under more laws, ie the mosaic covenant, not just the noahite covenant... now wrap your little mind around that retard...

    dr: Israel is not comparable to the US. Not by ideology or economics. Theirs is a socialist State, founded on Communistic beliefs.

    lol.... your really swinging at wide pitches... so tell me old wise one, in the early 1500's of this nation's birth was there no communal living? did not people all chip in and struggle to keep everyone safe and fed?

    you are showing the fact that you really know nothing about israel, except what you read on postcards from chomsky and obama

    dr: That they have survived is tribute to its' European immigrants and US weaponry. Israel, the last of the European colonies in the world.

    wow you are fun today...

    now let's see... if 1,000,000 jews that fled from the arab world and their descendants now live in israel and make up 35% of the jewish population does that make them a "european colony"?

    your really should take your prozac.... try learning what a european colony was... then look at israel, a refugee for jews all over the world, including those from africa that you suggest are not treated fairly...

    dr : Going the same way as South Africa.
    Which was more comparable to the US than Israel ever has been.

    true the usa was similar in the 50's to south africa, israel never had racial problems like that....

    all citizens of the state of israel have equal rights, serve in the knesset, are judges, own land, businesses, israel still has 1,000,000 arabs as citizens, whereas the arab world has pushed it's jews to live in the tiny sliver of land that it now also claims as theirs, just as you do..

    sorry dr if us jews just wont die off and be a fond memory like you'd like to have happen...

    sorry.... NOT....

    btw, again, what makes you allowed to squat in AZ?

    are you not a true occupier, a european outpost in the great sands of the sw?

  76. And here in the Idaho School System trouble brews, as we let folks walk into the country and the classrooms.
    Got to educate them, the court says.

    "We have fights all the time."

  77. The exact quote being--" We always have kids saying stuff to each other, and we have a lot of fights between kids."

    Today the local fishwrap had a big editorial saying what a neanderthal Representative Sali is for questioning the need for a Mexican consulate in Boise. If it wasn't for that crossword puzzle...

  78. In either case Israel's quest to remain Jewish strikes me as problematic."

    True, there is a demographic time bomb ticking over there, unless Israel chooses one of two unsavory options: Apartheid, or Ethnic Cleansing. On the other hand, even if the Zionist experiment only lasts 100 years and the Jews have to evacuate the land of Israel to North America for a while, this will only be a temporary setback as the Jews measure time. In 500 years the Middle East will go back to being a sparsely settled wilderness, because all the oil will be tapped out, and the sheiks will have fled to Switzerland, and the artificial construct known as "Palestine" will be long forgotten. But the Jews never change, because no other tribe on Earth so meticulously guards the continuity of their Book and their identity. At that time, the settlers will return and plant their Kibbutzes and do it all over again.

  79. That's one way to look at it, T., and you may be right. Twenty stoney stormy centuries, and the Jews returned. Could nappen again. And I think you're right, that without the Jews, Palestine would sink back towards 'fellahenism'. Jewish settlers brought jobs, which attracted the desert dwellers, I have read. Much of it was a waste land, owned by absentee Turks, the land gone back to nature.

    Hillary Clinton's To-Do List
    May 07, 2008 7:44 AM

    1. Win in West Virginia next week -- dispatch Bill asap

    2. Go on to win in Puerto Rico and Kentucky, racking up popular votes as much as humanly possible (need to have popular vote argument to make to Super-Ds)

    3. Try to pick off one of the three remaining "Obama" primaries -- Oregon, Montana or South Dakota

    4. Argue that Obama should have won Indiana; a post-game recalibration of expectations

    5. Point to ugly exit poll data from Indiana showing 50% of Clinton supporters say they will not vote for Obama in the Fall

    6. Push back on Obama "achievement" in Indiana that he lost white women by only 61%-39% -- as opposed to larger losses in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Argue: What kind of crazy worldview is this?

    7. Look for more oppo. Another minister? Ayers? When does Rev. Wright's book come out?

    8. MICHIGAN and FLORIDA ...The number 2,025 no longer exists. 2,209...2,209...2,209... Make it a civil rights issue

    9. Push the money thing - Obama outspent us significantly, and yet he cannot put us away

    10. Hard sell to superdelegates. This is going to happen and we have long memories. Stay on the fence.

    11. Pray.

  80. Where did that rating thing come from?

  81. I don't know, but I just voted 'loved it', and it got counted.

  82. I can't figure out how to get it off. I find it irritating.

  83. I'll see if I can vote again.

  84. Nope, one vote, one blogger, one time.

  85. I prefer the blunt short long hand method....hey deuce, your full of it.

  86. Whit, did they change the template? I do not see it on The BC or westhawk.

  87. I hate the thought of changing the template again.

  88. Good to see that wi"o" rejects Mr Olmert's position so forth rightly.
    An US citizen that wishes to comment upon Israeli political decisions.

    It is Mr Olmert's position, that Israel, without the two State solution will be traveling South Africa's course to disaster.

    That Hamas rejects that two state solution, all the more reason to embrace it.

    What allows US to remain in AZ, wi"o" is that we were successful in displacing the original inhabitants. Then we out bred them and out immigrated them. Though the natives are sending wave upon wave of clandestine immigrants into the disputed areas of the southwest United States.

    Neither of which attempts immigration or breeding, have succeeded with the Europeans in Israel. Indeed, now the breeding has dropped way off and more folks are emigrating from Israel than immigrating.
    This is a discussion we've had, before. I find the references, you get upset, each time.

    We do allow the indigs to vote, though. We do not deny them citizenship in their own land. A detail that those that compare the Israeli experience to the United States never dwell upon.

    In the US and Mexico, where the US occupppied conquered Mexican lands, the Mexicans became US citizens. The Israeli did not offer that consolation prize to the Palistinians.

  89. In either case Israel's quest to remain Jewish strikes me as problematic."

    True, there is a demographic time bomb ticking over there, unless Israel chooses one of two unsavory options: Apartheid, or Ethnic Cleansing.


    neither is a real choice...

    1. there is no problem WITHIN israel for israel being a jewish state....

    2. if you seem to feel the need to INCLUDE arabs of other nations SIMPLY because they live NEAR israel your argument is nonsense. Jordanians are not israelis, gazans are not part of israel, infact israel left the historic egyptian lands year ago...

    Inside of israel Jews are doing just fine, the arab birth rates have been proven to be completely an exaggeration at no time in the seeable future will the 1.25 million non-jewish citizens over take the 5.92 million jews of israel.

    If a peace settlement with the arabs that surround israel is ever reach there may be a temptation to CUT out of israel major numbers of arab villages and give them to a "palestinian" state, this is NOT ethnic cleansing, as the people will not be uprooted in any way shape or form, but rather be given their freedom to NOT be israeli citizens.

    As for your choice of jimmy carter's word "Apartheid" again, nonsense... the arab world controls 649.3/650th of the middle east, to imply that because jews control .7/650th of this area of the world and that 20% of her population is arab is Apartheid is nonsense.

    Israel is.... it aint going anywhere...

    if it was so bad, why do 1.2 million arab choose to live there and not free under their brother arab's yoke?

  90. dr: We do allow the indigs to vote, though. We do not deny them citizenship in their own land. A detail that those that compare the Israeli experience to the United States never dwell upon.

    sorry dr, you deny that israel does allow it's 1 million arabs the right to vote?

    you cannot include non-citizens that do not live within the borders of the state of israel as the same as the "indigs" of america... the Indigs of the middle east are the jews, over 1,000,000 of them.. oh they dont count?

    dr: n the US and Mexico, where the US occupppied conquered Mexican lands, the Mexicans became US citizens. The Israeli did not offer that consolation prize to the Palistinians.

    no the world offered them statehood, to which they refused and went to war...

    israel owes nothing to the warlike arabs outside her border... they are as "indig" as the jews... no more no less...

    except for the fact that escapes you, that the arabs control 649.3/650th of the middle east...

    does history only start in 1948?

  91. Deuce I dropped something in the EB mailbox.

  92. Sure do allow those living in conquered areas to be citizens and vote, in the US of A, wi"o".

    All the residents in the Gadsten Purchase area were made US citizens. Those folks born in Puerto Rico and Guam are US citizens, for example.

    As long as the Israeli occppy the West Bank and control traffic and trade in Gaza the South African analogy will be pertinent.

    So says the Israeli Prime Minister, figure that, since he is there, he'd know better than me or even you. Since we are both far away from that strip of land.

    The Israeli have put themselves between an ocean and a hard place.
    With no where to go.

    Mr Olmert sees the challenge, that you choose to ignore it, typical of those that reject the realities they do not like.

    You pine for a "Final Outcome" a "war this summer", when all that will occur is more of the same. Turning Israel into a place for Jews to be from.

    The Toronto Star has a piece that claims almost 100,000 Russians have left Israel and returned to Russia.

    Azanyan and her family fled the repressive Soviet regime at the tail end of a massive wave of emigration that saw about 1 million Soviet Jews settle in Israel by the mid-1990s. But now she is among the estimated 100,000 who have come back - the strongest sign yet of a startling revival of Jewish life in a country that has one of the worst records of Jewish persecution in history.

    "It's absolutely extraordinary how many people are returning," says Lazar, who has been Russia's chief rabbi since 2000.

    "When they left, there was no community, no Jewish life. People felt that being Jewish was an historical mistake that happened to their family. Now, they know they can live in Russia as part of a community."

    Good news for Russia, a death knell for Israel.
    Demographics always wins.

    Here, there, anywhere.

  93. One reason I've learned to speak Spanish, amigo.

    Demographics win over ideologies

    To beat the original inhabitiants, we'll have to absorb them. Changing US almost as much as them.

    That is the US mocel, one that Isreal, as "Jewish State" has to reject, or it'd no longer be a "Jewish State".

  94. Azatlan was stolen from the Mexico, CITIZENSHIP NOW!

  95. "original inhabitiants"
    ...and that would be...

    It's a pipe bomb!

  97. mat has left Israel, for greener pastures and a safer life for his family.
    You have not made the decision to move to Israel, though your mail order business could well survive the move, or not.

    Demographics, amigo, that is where the tale is told.
    Where the final outcome lies.

  98. "Though the natives are sending wave upon wave of clandestine immigrants into the disputed areas of the southwest United States"
    Interesting definition of "native."

  99. So,
    Eliot Richardson for Premere of the Americas!

  100. And all this time you figured the Black Jack Pershing's little romp into Mexico settled the matter for an eternity, doug?

    No, indeed.

  101. Well, indeed it is, doug.
    An interesting definition.

    One often heard, in the circles in which it is believed.

    The Gadsten Purchase, merely an extortion at the point of a gun, according to some.
    Not totally incorrect, either.

  102. Iowa politics:


    The session saw a new lottery ticket approved as a dedicated funding source for state and county veteran programs and an announcement from the governor’s office of significant renovations of the VA facility in Marshalltown. Some veterans who smoke also got a break from the statewide smoking ban when lawmakers included the Marshalltown home among the ban's exempted facilities.


    Property tax relief:
    Thought dead just days before the lawmakers were set to adjourn, the statewide school infrastructure local option sales tax bill rose from the ashes to receive legislative approval. Democrats said the bill will generate millions in property tax relief, while Republicans argue it is a new statewide tax that replaces one that had been locally managed.


    This session and the one before it are ones smokers will likely remember for many years to come. Last year, the legislature and Gov. Chet Culver approved and signed into law a dollar-per-pack increase to the state tobacco tax. This year, lawmakers, after much deliberation and a conference committee compromise, gave its okay to a statewide smoking ban.

    Politi al Stock Report

  103. Permiso ...
    It was the Gadsden Purchase

    1854, only 134 years ago, a blink of an eye from a historical perspective.

  104. You should give a first hand report on the Bataan Memorial Hike, 'Rat!
    My Walk Through Hell

  105. Pundits say that a "Dream Ticket" could deal with one problem – the possibility that Hillary supporters could vote for Republican John McCain come November.

    "It could cut down on those numbers if there are Hillary supporters who are moving to McCain principally because they don't want to vote for a black president," said political expert David Birdsell of Baruch College. "It won't make any difference, but if there are Hillary supporters who really believe a Clinton should be in the White House, those are votes that they might help keep."

    Exit polls Tuesday showed that a high percentage of Hillary supporters plan to vote for McCain if she doesn't get the nomination, with 32 percent of Indiana Clinton voters and 35 percent of North Carolina saying they'll switch parties.

  106. The message is: "Use what leverage you have with the Burmese government to get them to allow in outside assistance teams so they can help make an assessment and provide on-the-gound assistance to help out with what is very clearly a humanitarian disaster of immense scope," said spokesman Sean McCormack.

    In the meantime, the decision was made to funnel $3 million more to the disaster-stricken zone. Perino said the money would be allocated by a USAID disaster response team that is already positioned in Thailand.

    The Treasury Department moved to make it easier for relief agencies and religious organizations to provide assistance to cyclone victims by issuing a blanket license for them to receive financial contributions from United States. Under existing U.S. sanctions on Myanmar, such transactions normally require individual licenses.

    Myanmar Cyclone

  107. dr: As long as the Israeli occppy the West Bank and control traffic and trade in Gaza the South African analogy will be pertinent.

    israel has liberated historic jewish areas of the west bank, this is not occupation. As for the areas that are under "occupation" the usa occupied germany and japan and korea for 60 years with no movement to make them american citizens with voting rights...

    as for gaza...

    gaza shares a long border with egypt, a people who's language, culture, customs and family ties are joined at the hip.

    If you have a problem with israel sealing off the border between israel and gaza, i'd suggest you have a problem with all national borders?

    gaza aka hamas is at war with israel, they commit acts of war on a daily basis, thus israel has a right, as per the UN, as a NATION to respond. The gaza strip is not a nation and has no national rights.

    as for the south african concept, once again you ignore the fact that the arabs have 21 nations and 649.3/650th of all the lands, resources, and wealth of the area, they number in the range of 330 million while israel controls barely .7/650th of the land they sit on, and you call them a south african clone?

    the arabs have helped create israel by expelling and stealing the jewish people's lands of the middle east. to now come back and somehow thing the issue is 40 miles by 10 miles of disputed lands is stupid...

    the arab israeli conflict dates before the arab decided to take the "id" of palestinians, which up til 1948 refered to the JEWS of the middle east, the true indig peoples..

    what is a native DR?

    why does the term indig ornative ONLY apply to arabs in your book?

    me sees a bias....

    to somehow throw away the jewish presence in the historic jewish lands of the middle east seems truthfully ass backwards...

    jews have lived in jerusalem for over 3000 years...

    arabs crawled out of arabia in 640ce... hardly native to the middle east lands of Judea and Samaria

    and yet you say nothing of the 3000 years jews lived and settled thru out the middle east as if they are all teleported there from london...

  108. dr

    The Israeli have put themselves between an ocean and a hard place.
    With no where to go.

    No the world has put the jew into the land between the river and the sea...

    just read the 1948 UN statement...

    in 1948 the WORLD body (as it did in the league of nations with a much LARGER jewish country) delcared the rights of 2 peoples to have statehood.

    the jews accepted, the arab went to genocidal war against israel

    all the rest is commentary.........

  109. dr: You pine for a "Final Outcome" a "war this summer", when all that will occur is more of the same. Turning Israel into a place for Jews to be from.

    i pine? no, i predict that the 40,000 rockets hezbollah as put into place, the new comm sys that iran and syria have put into place in lebanon, the 1.2 billion iran spent on syria tank upgrands is happening for a reason...

    I just see that they are all hell bent on war...

    i just hope israel actually uses real force this time to teach them a lesson in conditioned response...

    dr: The Toronto Star has a piece that claims almost 100,000 Russians have left Israel and returned to Russia.

    thank g-d for small blessings, out of the 800,000 russians that escaped to israel at least 200,000 were simply not jews, just russians seeking to get out of russia... too bad the jewish state is not to their liking... dont let the doorknob hit them in the ass on the way out...

    but you do make a good point, there are over 800,000 israelis living outside of israel today, many are seeking a safer life, some seek better wages and some just love to live elsewhere, the real news story? jews are still moving to israel from all over the globe... non-jews are dying each week to try to get into israel, just read how many sudanese the egyptians shoot to death each month!

    no, some jews go to israel and some leave, but in the last 60 years there is no dispute among jews and israelis, israel is here to stay

  110. Mr Blair rarely gives interviews and would not be drawn on domestic politics and the performance of his party in recent local elections. He says he is committed to seeing his job through.

    The peace process launched with much fanfare by Israelis, Palestinians and the Bush Administration in Annapolis last November, is meant to deliver an agreement by the end of the year.

    There is little sign of progress. Mr. Blair's team say the coming weeks, will be make or break for its chances.

    Exclusive Interview

  111. If the West Bank has been "Liberated", let it's people participate in the electoral choices for their country.

    No, wi"o", the West Bank is occuppied. That is the US position, that is the reality.

    JERUSALEM (AFP) — Israel launched celebrations for its 60th anniversary on Wednesday after remembering its fallen in successive Middle East wars, with the premier's fate under a cloud and the nation still far from making peace with its neighbours.
    Sixty turbulent years after its creation, the Jewish state remains mired in a seemingly intractable conflict with the Palestinians, still struggling for their own state, and with neighbours still technically at war.

    Security forces were on high alert amid concerns Palestinian militants could launch attacks during the celebrations, and authorities imposed a security lockdown on the occupied West Bank.
    The occupied West Bank is a patchwork of simmering refugee camps, besieged Palestinian towns and Israeli settlements, where movement is restricted by the Israeli separation barrier and hundreds of military roadblocks.

    Does not sound like a liberated area, but a police state.

    As for the "World", in 1948. The UN represented the US and England.
    Everyone else was a vassel, needing US to reconstruct their countries.

    Let's see if the "world" would vote that way, again. The way it is constituted, today. Leave Israel's future to the UN, not a position I'd back, but I do not much care, but from the US security perspective.

    The West Bank is occuppied, Israel must step back, to paraphrase Ms Rice, speaking for US.

    JERUSALEM (AFP) — US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Sunday urged Israel to take more concrete steps to ease the lives of West Bank Palestinians on her latest trip to the region to boost peace efforts.

    "We hope to improve the opportunities around the West Bank for people to have economic opportunity in a secure environment," she said after meeting Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas in the West Bank political capital of Ramallah.

    Rice told reporters that the changes should have "a real effect on the lives of people," adding that US mediators were "trying to look not just at quantity but also at the quality of improvements."

    On her last visit to the region, Rice secured an Israeli pledge to remove some 50 of the 500-plus roadblocks across the occupied West Bank, but the Palestinians and the United Nations said the move was largely insignificant.
    "I think you are going to see improvements in the West Bank and the Israelis will also really have to do their part," she added.

    Hours later, the UN relief agency for Palestinian refugees announced it would again suspend food aid distribution in the Gaza Strip from Monday because of a lack of fuel due to the Israeli blockade of the Hamas-run territory.

  112. lib·er·ate (lb-rt)
    tr.v. lib·er·at·ed, lib·er·at·ing, lib·er·ates
    1. To set free, as from oppression, confinement, or foreign control.

    If the Israeli have liberated the West Bank and are not foreigners there, let the people particpate, as full citizens, in the Israeli State. Or let the Israeli leave.

    One course or the other.
    The US position is that the Israeli should leave.
    It is the right course, for Peace.

  113. Obama’s First 10 Executive Orders?

    Quotes from

    • Obama enacts stronger “federal hate crimes legislation” to “reinvigorate enforcement at the Department of Justice's Criminal Section.”

    • Obama creates “a fund to help people refinance their mortgages and provide comprehensive supports to innocent homeowners.”

    • Obama, following through on his pledge to “meet with the leaders of all nations, friend and foe,” signs a non-agression pact with the Hitler of Iran.

    • Obama doubles foreign aid to $50 billion to cut “poverty around the world in half by 2015.”

    • Obama removes our troops from Iraq, leaving a power vacuum filled by Iran.

    • Obama enacts socialized medicine, destroying small businesses with taxes to pay for illegal alien healthcare.

    • Obama enacts amnesty for illegal aliens.

    • Obama enacts legislation demanding carbon friendly cars, hammering the final nail in the coffin of the US car industry.

    • Barack Obama enact laws to reinforce affirmative action by funneling money to “women and minority-owned businesses.”

    • Obama repeals the Bush tax cuts.

    • Obama enacts the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to entrench the power of the homosexual lobby.

  114. "More than 70,000 Ethiopian Jews living in Israel still have major difficulties integrating, nearly 20 years after the airlift which brought many of them from Africa.
    An Israeli report says that 75% of them cannot write Hebrew, and nearly half cannot hold a simple conversation in the lauguage."

    The old generation came from an illiterate subsistence agrarian society, so if they are not well versed in reading or writing Hebrew that is to be expected. They are not well versed in reading or writing, period. It's the young adults that we need to look at, and these are doing very well.

    "mat has left Israel, for greener pastures and a safer life for his family."

    I went abroad for economic reasons. Basically, build a little capital and head back home.

  115. DR: 1. To set free, as from oppression, confinement, or foreign control.

    If the Israeli have liberated the West Bank and are not foreigners there, let the people particpate, as full citizens, in the Israeli State. Or let the Israeli leave.

    Why do you think the entire west bank should be ONE political place?

    Israel has LIBERATED from arab occupation select Jewish towns of the west bank, why should Israel give voting rights to non-israelis who LIVE OUTSIDE THOSE TOWNS when the cause of all of this is the expulsion of the 1 million jews from their historic homes (where they did not enjoy voting rights)

    somehow you again find no rights for jews in jerusalem, hebron and other jewish towns but somehow it's an all or nothing thing to somehow absorb millions of arabs into israel that would infact kill it?

    you still ignore the entire arab world, like somehow this issue is in a vacuum... it is not...

    it is not a land for peace issue.... never has been

    The US position is that the Israeli should leave.
    It is the right course, for Peace.

    lol, this is the current appeasement course of the usa, typically this means in the end, jews die... that would make the arabs and others happy, we have seen that israel giving land for peace as in lebanon and gaza leads to bloodshed...

    the issue again, is simple, if the arabs of the west bank and gaza would stop murdering there would be peace...

  116. "thank g-d for small blessings, out of the 800,000 russians that escaped to israel at least 200,000 were simply not jews, just russians seeking to get out of russia... too bad the jewish state is not to their liking... dont let the doorknob hit them in the ass on the way out.."

    My sentiment exactly.

  117. Economics, that makes perfect sense.

    Thought your parents factored into the decision, too, from what you've said, before.

    Can't build personal capital in a Socialist State, aye?

    As to the Ethiopians, that makes some sense, too. But for reports in the JPost of discrimination against them, from their fellow Israeli citizens, I'd be convinced.

    But the JPost is still there, doing business, in Israel.
    Sure they know the score.

  118. Ok WiO, that's enough indulging dRat for his cheap entertainment.

  119. None of this is any of your bizwaxs.

  120. DR: Does not sound like a liberated area, but a police state.

    the Liberated areas are not a police state, the arabs areas? are a war zone, or did you not notice the last 20 years of arming the arabs with millions of weapons and training, only to turn the very guns we give them on the israelis and themselves?

    dr: As for the "World", in 1948. The UN represented the US and England.
    Everyone else was a vassel, needing US to reconstruct their countries.

    true, but the league of nations before that set aside a much larger area for the jews too...

    as for the world? they have murdered the jews by the millions, repeatedly for centuries, so really i dont really care if the world voted tomorrow to end israel or accept it..

    dr: The West Bank is occuppied, Israel must step back, to paraphrase Ms Rice, speaking for US.

    Ms rice will be out of a job in 8 months, thank all that is holy... israel has taken land for peace risks in the past and will leave the vast majority of historic unliberated jewish lands to the squatting arabs to destroy, strip and erase all traces of jewish history from. all for peace...

    in the end it aint about land... it aint about borders it aint about palestinians

    it's about people like you and the arabs that view israel as a "european colony" and not Nation that deserves the right to be...

    ALl the checkpoints are BECAUSE of arab terror not because of israeli land grabs

    there were no israelis in the west bank of gaza before 1967 and yet there was the same violence and hatred from the arabs we see today...

    it's not borders and you know what?

    if israel was destroyed tomorrow? the arabs (who 1st attacked america before america was america) will be coming for your sorry ass....

  121. Again wi"o" misses the point.

    He dismisses his country's position and that of the Israeli Government. He dismisses the position of the dearly missed Mr Sharon, who's policy it was to disengage from the West Bank.

    Whether Israel survives as a "Jewish State" matters little. I am opposed, in principle to sectarian States. The Arab world, as you so aptly describe it, is not seeking a soverign colony in the US, North America nor Europe.

    There are Muslims that have migrated to Europe, Muslims that the Europeans do their best to appease, but that is another matter, entirely.

    If your only rejoinder to Mr Olmert's position is to say it's not "fair", well, you'll lose the debate, at the "World" body you seem so enthralled with.

    It's not 1948, any longer.
    What the "World" gives, the "World" can take away.

    Better find some new debating points. I'll stand with the Israeli Prime Minister and the US Government, on this issue.

    Free the West Bank, or let the Palistinians particpate, grant them their inalienable rights.

    As Samantha Powers said, in an Obama administration the military aid that has gone to Israel will be rerouted, as humanitarian aid to a free Palistine.

    Learn to Love it
    or Leave it.

  122. desert rat said...
    Again wi"o" misses the point.

    He dismisses his country's position and that of the Israeli Government. He dismisses the position of the dearly missed Mr Sharon, who's policy it was to disengage from the West Bank.

    I dont miss anything...

    I just state the fact that giving land to animals doesnt lead to peace... it leads to more death....

    but i the interest of appeasement, give the death cult lands but give them a warning, fuck with us? die...

    dr: Whether Israel survives as a "Jewish State" matters little.

    to you but thank all that is just your opinion matters even less than mine....

    dr: I am opposed, in principle to sectarian States. The Arab world, as you so aptly describe it, is not seeking a soverign colony in the US, North America nor Europe.

    well actually it does seek world domination....

    It's not 1948, any longer.
    What the "World" gives, the "World" can take away.

    nonsense, the world take israel away, it cant even stop iran from creating militias let alone nukes

    dr: Free the West Bank, or let the Palistinians particpate, grant them their inalienable rights.

    israel HAS freed the west bank, 1st by NOT having ANY of it from 1948-1967 and by agreeing and leaving it only to have to go back in several times...

    the way you speak in a vacuum that the poor palios are invaded for no good reason...

    DR: As Samantha Powers said, in an Obama administration the military aid that has gone to Israel will be rerouted, as humanitarian aid to a free Palistine.

    Learn to Love it
    or Leave it.

    now that takes the cake....

    do you have a clue how much money the palios have BEEN given? do you really think giving them cash will make peace?

    tell you what dr, cut back on all aid to israel,redirect it to the death cult of baal, the palios...

    what that will cause is actually more deaths of arabs than before...

    the weaker israel is or feels the more apt she has to use the power it has to strike out....

    this is why the palestinians have not been wiped out already, israel feels strong...

    btw, your ms powers? long gone

  123. It's not me, amigo.

    If it were me, we'd leave all of them to their own devices.

    But then the Israelis would get out spent, the world's oil revenues would be enough to sink that ship, without US assistance.

    Which is what the new regime in the US will be out to do.
    I do not support the Obama plan, as outlined by Ms Powers, but that is their plan.

    That is the winning Democratic candidate's position, now.

  124. Ms Powers on the future of Israel and Palistine ...

    What we don’t need is some kind of early warning mechanism there, what we need is a willingness to put something on the line in helping the situation. Putting something on the line might mean alienating a domestic constituency of tremendous political and financial import; it may more crucially mean sacrificing — or investing, I think, more than sacrificing — billions of dollars, not in servicing Israel’s military, but actually investing in the new state of Palestine, in investing the billions of dollars it would probably take ...

  125. Your Democratic Party's position

  126. "But then the Israelis would get out spent, the world's oil revenues would be enough to sink that ship, without US assistance."


    NO, dRat. There would be no Jihadi oil revenues. That's the first thing that Israel would take away. Right after it turned your jihadis into fertilizer juice under its Merkava tracks.
