Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Prince Barack Decides to be King and Banishes Rev Falstaff

I Know thee not, old man . . .

When thou dost hear I am as I have been

Approach me, and thou shalt be as thou wast,

The tutor and feeder of my riots.

Till then I banish thee, on pain of death.
. . .
(Henry IV, Part 2 5.5. 45, 60-63)

(CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama said he is "outraged" by comments his former minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, made Monday at the National Press Club and "saddened by the spectacle."

Sen. Barack Obama on Tuesday denounced comments made by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

"I have been a member of Trinity Church since 1992. I have known Rev. Wright for almost 20 years," he said at a news conference in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. "The person I saw yesterday is not the person I met 20 years ago."

Obama said he is outraged by Wright's remarks that seemed to suggest the U.S. government might be responsible for the spread of AIDS in the black community, and his equation of some American wartime efforts with terrorism.

"What particularly angered me was his suggestion somehow that my previous denunciation of his remarks were somehow political posturing," said Obama, who added that Wright had shown "little regard for me" and seemed more concerned with "taking center stage."

Obama said Wright's comments were not only "divisive and destructive," but they also "end up giving comfort to those who prey on hate.
( more here)


  1. hmmmm, a man made with so much straw even Obama can knock him down. Take that Sean Hannity!


  2. Obama Says He's Outraged by Ex-Pastors Comments

    Seeking to quell the political damage over the controversy, Senator Barack Obama described remarks made by the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. as “appalling.”

    Transcript: Obama’s Remarks | TV Watch: Pastor Speaks for Himself
    Now the Gullible just have to buy the proposition that he would have been outraged, had he heard this before.

    Patently Transparent to those who see.

  3. Ash sees, and immediately puts it through the Ash/Tes socialist reconbobulator.

  4. Wretch said,

    "I think better of Obama as a man now"
    I replied:

    I don't consider him to be a man, but a shell, 100% Artifice.

  5. Is their a more transparent shell on the planet?
    ...and a Black Transparent Shell, at that!

  6. Doug,

    He seems to be a politician like all the others - i.e. not so much transparent but rather attempting to be a mirror simply reflecting what you want him to be.

  7. Long before he became a "professional" politician, he was 100% phoney.

  8. "“What particularly angered me is his suggestion somehow that my previous denunciation of his remarks was somehow political posturing,” Mr. Obama said. “Anybody who knows me and anybody who knows what I’m about knows that I’m about trying to bridge gaps and I see the commonality in all people.” "
    Down is up,
    trust me.

  9. You might want to check out the 18yr old portagee posting on the expelled Gates of Vienna Thread, Cutler.
    Seems as far ahead of the pack as you, educationally.

  10. (Baron is going to let him start posting there.)

  11. NOW Obama’s outraged. He suddenly sees a new side to Wright after 20 long intimate years.
    What a joke.
    Go home Obama.
    You’re done.

    — Posted by Michael (
    (if only it were so)

  12. Newt on the Fair Game:


  13. Doug, unnecessary to make me blush like that (or put a target on my ass), but do you mean the person who was relating Portugese history?

  14. Bill on other Black churchs @BC:

    "It might be tinged by prosperity teachings, but not Marxist race baiting like Wright or Calypso Louie Farrakhan expound."
    Reminds me:
    I once saw Rev Ike in the flesh at a gas station.
    (He had a Rolls Royce)

  15. Hewitt points out that Barry now says until yesterday, he did not know Wright thought so highly of Farakahn.

    ...but he went to the Million Man March with Wright!

  16. So there Obama was, with 15% of the US electorate thinking he was a Muslim.

    Now he'll get tonnes of air time, to denounce his Baptist minister and reaffirm his believe in Christ.

    It'll swing those that agreed with his ideology, but objected to his "Islamic religion".

    Mr Teflon will have excaped the incoming rounds, aimed at Jerry Wright, stronger than ever.

    As Ms T says, we all know Preachers and Priests that are over the top, crazy mofos

  17. ...and T will swear they all are Marxist America Haters.
    Just like Ayers.

  18. Excellent reference, deuce, and great picture.

    Falstaff, I banish thee. (wink, wink, nod, nod)

    Young Prince, I understand thee well.

  19. Wright is currently the most powerful man in the campaign.

    He and he alone could immediately terminally torpedo a candidate.

    ...just by telling the truth.

  20. Can Wright be humble for the first time in his adult life in the face of this personal and deeply dishonest assault?

  21. I'd been married to that woman twenty years, not knowing what a bitch she was...

  22. Never had she thrown such a fit before, expressed a little discontent, that was all....

  23. Wright is currently the most powerful man in the campaign.

    He and he alone could immediately terminally torpedo a candidate.

    ...just by telling the truth.

    Yup, and even if not telling the truth, he could say, what the hell, we've been thick as thieves all along, and the bastard throws me under the bus with grandma over a misunderstanding in instructions...

  24. There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs -- partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do do not want to lose their jobs.

    Booker T. Washington

  25. "I'd been married to that woman twenty years, not knowing what a bitch she was..."


    Is that from Verdi's opera?

  26. If it is, Verdi took it from me:)
    I don't know a thing about opera, Mat. Never been to one.

  27. This is by far the craziest campaign year I have ever witnessed.

  28. "This is by far the craziest campaign year I have ever witnessed."

    This reminds me of a Bialik poem..

    Gimme a minute, I'll try to find it.

  29. 14,218 Planes In Flight

    From NASA, via Astronomy Picture of the Day.

  30. Why don't they show the Saucers?

  31. One of the 7 wonders in my world is the Airlines Safety Record.

  32. Mine too, one of the 7 wonders.

    Doug, you can only see the saucers from below, everybody knows that.

    I heard a piece of astounding and heartening news today, displacing all this political stuff.

    The gals at Conservation said a steelhead had been discovered in the little creek that flows through Troy, Idaho, a little bedroom community from Moscow. home of one cedar mill, and a high school and one tavern. This is truly amazing. They were amazed. It shows that some of the recovery efforts are working. I didn't know they even ever made it there in the past. There has been much work along streamways and along creeks, which is why I was there. I am getting some free trees planted, thanks to USDA, and you taxpayers. I have to comply with some stuff.

    The gals at Farm Services said they hadn't heard anything yet about farmers being able to break out of CRP contracts, cause the new Farm bill hasn't passed.

  33. Sorry, Bob. The various internet searches are not yielding result. Looks like that poem will have to wait for another day.

  34. déjà vu at Belmont

    "wretchard said...
    Guys, I appreciate your coments, but I have to try and keep this site rated PG or thereabouts. So I've removed all comments which contain a certain word and this is no reflection on the commenters.

    In general it's good to have debate, but I would like to appeal to commenters to keep the discussion free of personal invective and on point.

    Also it may help if we personally limited our comments to about three or four per post. I will adhere to very same rules myself. Please feel free to call me out if I violate my own understanding.

    So please: on point, sarcasm allowed but no insults, three or four comments per commenter per post. I will keep to those rules myself.

    4/29/2008 04:38:00 PM"

  35. Anyone spot the rebirth of Habu?

  36. NahnCee said...
    Perhaps if there is a consensus among a majority of posters that someone brings absolutely nothing to the party except sock puppetry and uninformed devil's advocacy, that person could be disappeared by management, which would negate the necessity for either sarcasm or name-calling. Disappearing such a person would also result in threads shrinking by 30-50%, which streamlining is generally considered to be a Good Thing in the 21st Century.
    3 guesses

  37. "sock puppetry and uninformed devil's advocacy,"
    If I had not been banished from additional posting, I would have said:
    "Well said! "

  38. Gosh, I missed the dirty word.

    What was it?

  39. We once bought 1,500 little seedlings from the govt nursery, Al-bob.
    Redwoods and Monterey Pines.
    Didn't get them all planted, but a thing of beauty, none the less.
    (they came in packs of 500)

  40. I know it wasn't one of my "retarded groupies." They're far too well behaved.

  41. As in, "Nahncee's a dildo"?

    Well. It needed to be said.

  42. "Ah have listened to the whole sermon, and if you put it in context, yal see that the excerpt is an anomaly" Jimmah Carter, rising to the defense of Wright. Didn't he just get back from treating with terrorists, the litte bastard.

    I got hundreds of seedlings from the U of Idaho one time, Doug, and planted them, worked my ass off, not one lived, not one. Moles. I followed the instructions to the letter. Couldn't figure out what happened. Finally a guy I know who farms out there and has more experience in this type of stuff, says, moles. Got to have bigger trees. These were maybe just 3, 4, 5 inches or so. Sometimes it helps to know what you are doing. I was feeding moles:) Thought I was planting trees.

    I hope these ladies know what they are doing. Since they haven't planted them as of today, I am going to call them tomorrow.

    Glad to hear yours lived.

  43. And I should add, I wish to thank you hard working taxpayers for providing me with some free trees, and government labor. Thank you.

  44. Your retarded groupies are too well behaved to use a dildo? I think not.

    How many dildos in the image of Barak Hussein Obama you do think Tes has already gone thru? Care to venture a guess, Trish?

  45. Jimmah, the voice of understanding.
    Maybe he'll get a crew together, then build Jerry that house.

    But it speaks volumns, Rev, Wright is a dead end, in the scheme of things. Those that'll have voted against him, before, still will.

    Those that support their "idea" this is Obama, still will.

  46. Too well behaved to venture the term in succession at Belmont.

  47. I'm not asking you to venture the guess at Belmont.

  48. Not worthy of the effort

    Neither edifying nor entertaining

  49. Neither edifying nor entertaining. Maybe. But highly educational as to her analytical skills.

  50. "A grim orthodoxy hardens the veins, and dulls the brain."

    Riding to T's defense, no one should be drummed because they have a different idea. She's polite. Smart. What more can a blog ask?(that's a rhetorical question, needing no response)

  51. I had not noticed a lot of orthodoxy, here ar the Bar.

    But a diverse spectrum of perspectives.

  52. Neither.

    She fought Habu tooth and nail.

    End of defense.

    I agree, Rat.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Bob,

    She prides herself on being a navy brat, what's a little thumping on dry ground?

  55. westhawk discusses how the O;ympics may turn sour on the world, the nationalistic furvor in China being what it is.

    He could well be right, or not.

  56. :) Well, I let it rest.

    Talking about things that go Thump In The Night!

  57. I instinctively recoil from movements, that includes the Olympic movement. What good is it?

  58. The Israelis got murdered in Munich. Bombs in Atlanta. The Soviet and East German cheating. The black power salutes in Mexico ( although George Forman came through like a charm). The French judge that threw the skating medal to the Russians over the Canadians. Steroids. The Greek couple scam...

    It has been down hill since the Fosby Flop except for some comic relief from Eddie "the Eagle" Edwards, The English ski jumper.

  59. Jesse Owens, Hungarians literally beating the crap out of the Soviet water polo team, Miracle on Ice.

    Some good things too.

  60. The US beating the so-called Soviet amateurs.

  61. Teofilo Stevenson was that Cuban boxers name, around the 1970's, couldn't remember his name the other night.

    Teofilo Stevenson

    Man, that guy was good. Always on defense, then wham.

  62. Chinese doping besting world records.. Chinese nationalist pride in this scientific achievement.

  63. "I think that this is a very painful, and troubling issue particularly for those of us in the black church," responds Sharpton. "I think some would want to try and tell [Obama] what would be the right thing to do."

    Ultimately, Sharpton said, "Barack Obama's not running against Jeremiah Wright. He's running against Mrs. Clinton and later, hopefully, John McCain.

    And when we choose between him and them, even if we disagree on the Rev. Wright controversy, I don't think it changes our vote on whether we think he'd be better for all Americans than his opponents."

    Sharpton on Obama

  64. Start Drilling

    Start building nuclear plants. Dr. Bill is on the nuke topic again tonight. Caller asks about solar--answer is, he says, that at current costs it's many times as much as nuclear, for what you ultimately get, though it might conceivably come down. That's why you don't see the whole country covered in solar panels.

  65. Was active duty in Panama, when the hockey team won, duece.

    It was a fabulous feeling, even if I really didn't know that much about hockey

  66. Exactly the reality, bob.

    Solar has promise, but is not commercially viable, as yet, in an centralized supply system.

    mat's solar cars still years away from becoming a sizable slice of the vehical fleet

  67. Thanks, Trish.

    It'll be good to contribute, finally.

  68. The DIAC cafeteria serves a mean caesar salad; the blind woman in the general kiosk on the main floor is the strangest cashier hire-ee I've ever come across; Dunkin Donuts isn't worth the wait before 11. And my daughter calls it The Ministry of Truth.

    I'm sincerely happy for you, cutler.

  69. The tender to build and operate the Negev solar power station at Ashelim is drawing international alternative energy companies to Israel. Sources inform ''Globes'' that Germany's Solar Millennium AG (XETRA: S2M), one of the world's top three solar energy companies, plans to participate in the $650-700 million tender.

    Solar Millennium is considering collaborating with some of the Israeli companies already participating in the tender, and recently met representatives of Israel Corp. (TASE: ILCO) to discuss a possible joint bid in the tender.

    Israel Corp. subsidiary IC Green Energy Ltd. (ICG), run by president and CEO Dr. Yom-Tov Samia, is a bidder in the tender. ICG declined to comment on the report.

    Solar Plant

  70. Carried forward from the BC, Mike H said, "the association between Wright and Obama has been too close and too long for Obama to dust him like this. It smells of collusion."

    This is the moonbattery of the Right. Obama has brought down the towering issues of Reverend Wright's racist hatred, and his decades of support for him, in a controlled implosion. In this post 4-29 era, neither Hillary nor McCain will ever able to bring up the issue again, because their thinking will come across as so 4-28.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Bobal: Riding to T's defense, no one should be drummed because they have a different idea. She's polite. Smart. What more can a blog ask?(that's a rhetorical question, needing no response)

    Thanks Bobal. I have a dream. That someday I will become an assistant barkeep at the Elephant Bar again, not in spite of my different ideas, but because I have them. And on account of my persistence.

  73. Grazie per avere tradotto la mia poesia la rondine ,io non so scrivere in inglese e lo parlo poco e male,ma questo dimostra che se c'e' la volonta'si puo' capire lo stesso e' stato un bel gesto.

    le parole che noi a volte anche cosi' innavertitamente diciamo, non sempre sono prese in considerazione ,sono solo parole, ma una parola puo' significare molto puo'cambiare gli eventi della storia puo' decidere il futuro puo' ricordare il passato, la scelta che ne faremo sara' solo la nostra o di chi ci ha consigliato a dirla quando guardo il mondo, mi accorgo sempre di piu' di tutte quelle differenze che ci accomunano gli uni agli altri forse mi potrete chiamare ingenua o stupida ma il punto di riflessione e' tale che a volte mi basta guardare con occhi diversi pe capire meglio e forse intuire cose che nemmeno io immaginavo.
    la cosa strana e' che quando ero piu' piccola ero una peste,(non che io sia diversa oggi)ogni mattina che mi svegliavo dovevo pensare bene a chi avrei dovuto fare attenzione, volevano tutti menarmi e le ho prese da tutti cosi' quando qualcuno si arrabbiava con me dicevo mettiti in fila e li succedeva una cosa strana ,dicevano per lopiu' ci rinuncio, e poi nasceva un'amicizia perche' oggi dovrebbe essere diverso?????
    cio' che piu' a volte ci accomuna ci divide e se analizziamo il contesto dove a volte succedono tante cose non e' poi cosi' diverso da contesti ben piu' seri.....
    quando ancora mi capita , vado a montare a cavallo e corro, corro, e solo li insieme a quando guardo il mare mi sento totalmente libera,non sono i soldi , non sono le star, ma le cose semplici
