Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mugabe's Chinese Death Ship Sails On.

Shall we name it the "Olympic Spirit"?

Actually it is an AP photo of the "The An Yue Jiang" anchored outside Durban harbor, South Africa, on April 17, 2008. It is a symbol of the worst in human beings. The arms and munitions in this Chinese ship are going to kill the Rhodesians who are trying to escape the tyranny of the criminal Robert Mugabe. Did I say Rhodesians? I forgot. The West sanctioned the terrible and white Ian Smith and changed Rhodesia to the wonderful Zimbabwe.

To accomplish the overthrow of Ian Smith, the left ruined the economy of Rhodesia, which at the time was a huge agricultural exporter. The West banned such exports as Rhodesian tobacco.
That was before the Chinese were to make their grand entrance to the world scene. 

Zimbabwe went on to become more corrupt than anyone thought possible under the black criminal Robert Mugabe. The unfortunate starving Zimbabweans (there's a mouthful), who are still alive, thought they got Robber Mugabe out  by voting him out of office, but not so fast. Other intervening things have happened to the world.

The West opened up China and gave them a free pass to export into all free economies, ostensibly to have them become a team player in the world economy and politics. The same was true of the hideous and pretentiously named "Olympic Movement".

The Chinese, concerned about their image and the "Olympic movement", are cleansing dissent in China. I guess they thought a few more yuan would come in handy to help defray the expenses . Sail on Olympic Spirit. On to Zimbabwe.

The Chinese ship carrying a consignment of 77 tonnes of weaponry for Zimbabwe left South African waters yesterday after a court blocked the onward overland shipment of the cargo.

South African dockers had refused to unload the arsenal of small arms, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades.

But the Durban high court in any case ruled that the shipment could not be dispatched north across the border into Zimbabwe.

Several hours later, the An Yue Jiang weighed anchor and left Durban harbour, reportedly headed for Mozambique.

The court ruling followed an application brought with the support of the South African Litigation Centre under legislation prohibiting the supply of arms to "governments that systematically violate, or oppress ... human rights and fundamental freedoms".

The director of the centre, Nicole Fritz, said: "It is hard to imagine clearer circumstances in which South African authorities were obliged to refuse to grant any conveyance permit."

Helen Zille, the leader of South Africa's opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, warned that the shipment could result in carnage of "genocidal proportions".

Pointing out that a consignment of Chinese machetes had prefaced the genocide in Rwanda, she said: "The mind boggles when one considers the damage that could be done with the consignment of arms sitting in Durban harbour."

The Congress of South African Trade Unions said the vessel "must return to China with the arms on board, as South Africa cannot be seen to be facilitating the flow of weapons into Zimbabwe at a time where there is a political dispute and a volatile situation"


  1. The Congress of South African Trade Unions said the vessel "must return to China with the arms on board, as South Africa cannot be seen to be facilitating the flow of weapons into Zimbabwe at a time where there is a political dispute and a volatile situation"

    Gosh, China don't need a boatload of weapons. Maybe they'll sail up through the Suez Canal and try to unload them in Gaza.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Free" trade, Open Borders, and Free Migration will Free us all.
    "Free at Last,
    Thank Globalism Almighty,
    We're Free at Last!
